Chapter 1 Glitch in the Matrix [MF] [Mystery] [Exhibitionism]

First time poster and first erotica written. Would love to hear what you felt when reading.

Send…….aaand done. Last email of the afternoon. I sighed heavily as I leaned back in my chair. One of the last in the office, I stared out the window at a blazing red sunset as my mind shifted into neutral. I could still feel the wheels of my brain spinning of their own accord. It would be a good 20 minutes before I returned to consciousness, the silence, glorious silence, waiting patiently as my weariness sank through my body into my feet and finally into the carpet under my desk. I always ended the day this way. I preferred to leave a clean slate and task list for the morning so I could slowly spin up instead of the normal chaos that could ensue at any moment.

I worked in a large office on the top floor downtown and often worked late. I had moved here about a year ago and not having much of a life, I had thrown myself into work, hoping to establish myself, and then I would settle down and check out the local scene, but weeks, turned into months and a year flew by without much thought to a personal life. The second floor gym and my small apartment two blocks away, were my only other haunts besides my office. It was a simple life, uncomplicated, and, so far, I had kept it that way. I stayed in shape, ate healthy, and worked hard. It was a nice life for the price. I had the occasional bought of boredom and longing but the groove felt familiar and I stuck with it.

As I sat watching the sun melt into the city horizon, oblivious to the hum of the ac vent, I was suddenly jolted back into my chair, as the ding of my phone signaled a text arriving. Digging thru the papers that shifted and ebbed like pale dunes across my desk, I searched for my phone hoping it was not another emergency to deal with. I glanced at the screen, sending a small prayer to whatever phone gods existed that it not be a disaster looking for somewhere to land…….and froze!

I stared at the brightly lit screen in boggled surprise. Not an emergency, not an angry customer or employee, but a picture graced my screen. It was of a woman, sitting at a desk. The picture was taken from under the desk and showed her lower body sitting in her office chair, her face hidden by the top of the desk. Her flowered skirt was pulled up towards her hips and a pair of white panties were revealed. That alone would have been astonishing, but the fact that the middle of her panties were obviously very very wet, the shiny spot showing dark against the soft fabric, made me gasp. Pale, smooth legs spread to each side and a hand traced it’s way up or down her thigh, I could not tell which from the static image.

I stared for a good ten seconds before giving a muffled “huh” and glancing at the number to see who had sent this erotic image. it was a local number from the area code but obviously not one from a contact in my phone as no name was revealed. I looked back at the image but nothing there identified anyone I knew. The wall behind the woman was the light eggshell color of a million offices, including ours so no help there. I spent the next several minutes in a twilight confusion, trying to puzzle out who this was, if it was a joke, or a mistake. I admit I had felt a stirring in my pants when I had first looked at the picture, and still had a warmness spreading thru my cock as I looked again at the image. Getting no closer to an answer, I decided to text back. “May be a wrong number here, but nice to see anyway :-)”. Waiting for a embarrassed reply I was surprised to see a second image come thru, this time of the panties pulled to the side, showing a beautiful, extremely wet pussy with a finger sliding up the glistening lips. My cock was stirring now, pushing against the fabric of my boxers and making me shift in my seat. I felt a buzzing in my head as my mind wondered if this was really happening. I texted back, “Guess this is not a mistake?” but after a few minutes got no response. I called the number but got no answer and no voicemail prompt. Minutes passed.

I closed my phone and stared at the unread emails on my monitor giving my mind time to think. There were several women who worked in my office, none of which had shown any interest in me other that minor office chatter. I wasn’t in a relationship and was not a flirty guy by nature. Not a classically handsome man, but not too bad on the eyes either, my past had given me reason to not seek out companionship yet, in this new place. I decided to get up from my desk and make the round of the office to see if there were any women left and see if any of them were wearing a flowery dress. i walked around the floor and met a few guys still closing things out for the day but none of the women were there. I went back to my office, but with no further information there was little I could do. I packed up as I pondered things and got ready to head home, certainly thinking heavily about what had happened There was no response still and so I left the office for the night.

The walk to my apartment was quick on a normal day but tonight I seemed to slow down and notice details that normally flew right by me. The street lamps glistening off a woman’s hair, the smell of bread from the local bakery, The electric gleam of a neon sign off a puddle. The text had lit a spark in me. I lived alone and I wondered all night about the image. I spent quite a bit of time staring at it. It was so tantalizingly anonymous. I fell asleep excited and buzzed from the days events.

The next day brought the same onslaught of work that usually carried me and the office thru the hours as if on a raging tide. The industry I was in was fast paced and I often felt the hours slip away as my mind was occupied with a million details. As the day wore down I again turned to the list for the next day, wondering and waiting for the text chime to go off, but it never did. Disappointed, I finished up my work and left. The next week brought the same results and I convinced myself it was a mistake and the woman had figured it out and had gone silent in embarrassment. A few more days and it dulled to a distant memory and I soon forgot about it.

A month passed with no incident. Then one morning as I was riding the elevator up to our office, my phone dinged again, and, once more, the roaring in my ears came back as I saw a new image, this time of the woman in the elevator I was on, the distinctive wall pattern in the background. her blue dress pulled up, hiding her face and her hands rubbing herself thru her ,again, wet white panties, the dark wet slit her finger rode down bringing my cock alive. Could it be someone in the office after all? I started going thru them in my mind as I looked at the image again. The woman was obviously in shape with pale skin, but that could match any number of women in our office. I would have to watch for a blue dress. My phone dinged again and this time it was a text. “Check the phone box”. I looked up at the door for the emergency phone and reached out opening it. There draped over the handset, were the white cotton panties, a wet slit staring back at me! Laughing out loud now at the absurd erotic nature of these events, I picked up the panties and my nose became aware of the scented pheromones that now filled the elevator. How could she know I would be here? How could she know I would be alone? Who was this mistress!?!. I lifted the panties to my nose and breathed in the fresh but musky scent and realized the panties were still warm! She had been on the elevator right before me! As the door chime rang, I pocketed the panties and quickly got out, briskly walking around the office looking strangely and, I am sure, a little pervertedly at the women but none had on a blue dress and they all looked either bemused or irritated that I was ogling them. Embarrassed, my mind racing I went to my office and closed the door. Dumbfounded!

As I sat at my desk, my mind scrambling, I looked down and, once again, my world came crashing to a stop! There, on the floor beneath my desk, was the blue dress! Whoever the mystery woman was had come into my office, changed and left, right before I got here! I picked up the dress and brought it to my face, feeling the silken fabric against my cheek, the warm perfume scent of it filling my head and making it damn near unbearable to sit still. My face grew warm as lust rose up in me. Who was this infuriatingly ethereal woman, whose erotic tricks tortured me? Had I not had the evidence in my hand, I would have thought myself delusional, perhaps coming down with something. My hands moved down to the hardness in my pants, and for a brief moment, I thought I would have to release my swollen cock and begin stroking it right there. With a quick tug, I brought myself back under control, wondering just how and when this mystery would play out. My mind was on fire, work a distant whisper as my mind was boiling with wild lustfull notions with no face to attach them to. I had no idea who this mystery woman was. I had not the first notion of what color her eyes were, whether her hair was long or short, whether she was smiling as she was taking her pictures. Nothing, and yet here I sat at my desk with a fire burning in my fully erect cock and crazy, heady thoughts overlaying the view out my window. I pictured her against the glass, hands raised as I held them against the glass above her head, my hand on her hot little snatch, her blue dress pulled up and our mouths exploring as she moaned her breath into me. I pictured swinging her around, her hands both reaching to steady herself against the glass as I bent her over with a strong hand, the other pulling the clasp on my dress pants and unzipping. My cock felt fantastically heavy and free from the prison of my pants pointing at the image of her ass cheeks spread open, her wet slit exposed and ready………I snapped back to reality, realizing I was stroking my dick thru my pants and beginning to feel the point of no return approaching. I sat there a good ten minutes reciting every football players name I knew as I fought the images out my head. Once things were back under control I walked to the bathroom to splash cold water on my face. This was going to be a long day.

Soon work took over and with the typical rush quitting time came. I left on time tonight, walking briskly to the bus stop. As the doors opened, I found a seat near the front, placing my briefcase over my lap. The drive home went by with me staring out the window, my mind racing and a glazed look in my eyes. Hearing the bell for my stop, I rose and heard the ding from my phone just as I stood to disembark. As I took the last step onto the sidewalk, the rushing of the bus doors closing behind me and the hot exhaust filling my nose with the smell of the city, I opened my phone. The image was of the mystery girl, deep in shadows, sitting on a bus seat. Her legs spread out long in front of her as she was obviously sitting sideways in the seat, the seats oposite her empty. Her red dress was piled atop her flat stomach, her navel visible and one hand buried in her crotch, her fingers arched as she rubbed her clit through her panties. Ding. My phone signaling another text which flashed across my screen. This one showed the view towards the front of the bus, a figure standing by their seat about to get off. Holding a briefcase. My briefcase. My head snapped up as the bus unleashed a hot whoof, as it down shifted to turn the corner. There. In the rear window shadows. Just a slight hint of red as the bus disappeared around the corner. I ran down the street the hot night wind buffeting me as I saw the bus turning the next corner and came to the realization that catching it was not going to happen.

I walked back to my building, my head a whirlwind of confused emotions, sheer glee, and lust coursing, like adrenaline thru my veins. I don’t even recall having unlocked the door to my apartment but as I showered my cock was hard as nails, looking up at me as if to say, ” Can you believe this shit?” Drying off, I flopped unto my bed. Opening my briefcase, I pulled the blue dress and panties out and held them to my face. The warmth I felt was from the hot stuffiness of the bus but I imagined it from her body. Closing my eyes, one hand reaching down for my stiffness. I pictured her on the bus, trying not to moan as she got herself off. My hands working slowly, sliding along my length, I brought the panties up to my nose and breathed deeply. I could smell her scent, coppery and damp in my throat. My hands rhythm speeding now as my dick came to full attention, pointing straight up, head engorged, veiny and hard as marble. I lost myself in the scent of her, a shared secret, a whispered moan, as I worked my cock, the ever slowly tightening, the herald of no return, starting it’s dull roar in my ear as my hand dropped the panties unto my face, the dim light in the room now filtered thru her scent as my fingers found one of my nipples, pinching hard and slowly running circles around it as my other hand writhed around my cock, churning, electric with every stroke, my stomach taught, the coil now winding, tighter and tighter as I moaned into her panties. I pictured her against me, our bodies pressed together, her breasts, hot against me, my face buried in her neck. Suddenly, I felt the pulsing, my fingers on my nipples rolling out a beat as my cock swole, it’s red heavy length seeming to grow yet bigger as I felt the burn start low in my groin, a small glow that quickly flashed into a red hot flame, as my body began bucking, my cock, pulsing, leaking pretty cum over it’s head, first once, twice, then I was there. My dick jumped as the first rope of come strang itself across my stomach, mind lost within her as again and again I convulsed, come erupting, pulsing with pleasure as the pressure slowly bled off, my ass hard against the bed, as with one final pump, I was spent, my entire body going limp as aftershocks washed over me, my hand still at my nipple, the slow decline into complete relaxation. I pulled her panties off and just breathed at the ceiling, my breath slowly working it’s way back to normal, my pulse taking longer between beats. I went over every detail of her from the past weeks, too groggy now to connect any dots. With huge effort I rose and cleaned up. When I finally hit the pillow I fell asleep before my eyes could even close, her mystery following me down into the darkness.

…To be continued…
