The Surf (full story) [fMMM, ghost story]

I posted the first part of my sexy story, The Surf, last week and as promised, here’s the full story. If you like this story, visit my blog for more (link in the comments below).

Josie slumped down onto her towel, letting her surfboard hit the sand with a thump. She was exhausted, but exhilarated; it had been a great surf. She didn’t bother drying off, just let the water droplets cling to her hot skin and cool her down in the fresh morning air. It was going to be a warm day, but it was still early so the heat hadn’t hit yet. But her body was pumping with the exertion and excitement of riding the last few waves. She sat on the towel in her bikini, letting the breeze touch her lightly, looking around at the incredible beach that surrounded her.

This was the first time she’d been to this place, White Beach, and none of her mates had been game to join her. They all warned her not to go, that it was too dangerous, creepy and no good for surfing anyway. Boy, were they wrong. It had been rough out there, but she knew how to look out for herself. She could spot a rip and she’d helped a few friends out of trouble a few times so she knew she could react in the heat of the moment if she got caught out there. The stories about the beach were not about rips, anyway. Or even about sharks, although there were some rumours about a guy who disappeared while surfing which was a possible shark attack a few years back, but they never found a body.

The stories about this beach were vague and superstitious, the kind of spooky tales that kids tell each other and get so worked up they forget they totally made it up and start believing their own fantasies. It was meant to be a cursed beach, maybe starting from Aboriginal times, when this was a sacred spot. There were stores of bad feelings, people going missing, ghostly voices heard by campers at night, urban myths of murder on the beach.

She could see why it would be a place of spiritual significance. It was beautiful, isolated, and there was a set of dramatic looking cliffs and old eucalypts on the hill that made eerie rustling sounds in the wind.

Cursed, and haunted, they said. There was one popular story, mostly spread in local school yards, that whatever it was that haunted the beach hated people surfing, that all surfers coming to the beach disappeared and no trace of their bodies were found. According to the story, this was because a surfer guy came to the beach to suicide and no one looked for him because no one cared about him enough to notice he was missing. He was rejected by the surfer crowd at the popular beaches in the area and had no friends or family. He was just dry bones strewn across the beach by the time he was found.

How much of this story was fabricated or exaggerated, Josie didn’t know or care. All she knew is that she hated surfing at the crowded beaches popular with all the boys, who wanted her around as eye candy on the beach, but got all territorial and guarded their masculine space against her unwanted intrusion when she tried to hit the waves. So, if she had to go a little out of her way and deal with ghosts and curses and creepy trees, she was up for it.

It had been the best surf she’d had in years. Sitting there in the silence of the morning, though, she did have a feeling like she was being watched. She couldn’t pinpoint exactly what was giving her that feeling, but she looked around and couldn’t see anyone. There was a 20 minute drive down a sandy 4wd track to get to the beach, and no houses or walking tracks anywhere near, so if there was someone, she’d have heard their vehicle for sure. So she relaxed.

She lay on the towel and let the sun get warmer as the day really got started. She had smooth, honey skin, but she thought she’d get a deeper tan– it always made her already fit, muscular curves look more defined. She even had some visible abs. Not a six pac, but little lines on the edge of her flat belly that showed her strength. Wanting to get an even tan, she pulled her bikini top off over her head, her nipples instantly hardening with exposure to the air. The fullness of her breasts had been hidden by her sporty bikini, which helped her get less attention when out sharing the waves with the guys. So when she pulled it up over them, they’d bounced out and were now feeling wonderfully free. Her bikini bottoms covered a lot of her up, too, so she pulled them off to tan the band of pale skin across her hips.

Having the secluded beach all to herself, the feeling of blood pumping from her surf, and the warm sun with a light breeze moving over her naked body awoke in her a calm arousal. She felt the sun start to get warmer as it got higher in the sky, the warmth a kind of intimacy, like all the world was holding her in an erotic embrace. She started to feel the sense of being watched again, but this time it felt good, like being watched by an attractive admirer. The soothing sounds of the waves crashing on the shore was hypnotic, and seemed to be timed with her breaths, like the ocean was trying to join with her in some kind of sensual union.

She stretched herself out on her towel, lifting her arms and letting her legs lie slightly apart so the breeze and the warmth of the sun touched the sensitive bare skin of her vulva and tickled her sensitive armpits, caressing every inch of her like an attentive lover. Gorging herself on the sensory bliss of the moment, she could feel herself getting wet with desire. Not desire for anything specific, just desire to be there, naked and open to the empty beach. The eerie trees on the hill made their whispering sound as they moved, but it didn’t bother Josie at all.

Despite, or even perhaps because of, that growing feeling of being watched, she slowly lifted her knees up to her chest, stretching her legs by pointing one foot up, then the other, then she splayed her legs out either side, spreading her labia open so that the heat of the sun hit the glistening pink folds of her sex. It felt amazing, both the sensual unfamiliarity of the sun’s warmth on her private skin, and the feeling of being exposed and powerfully vulnerable.

The stretch felt great, too, and she held her legs open, letting her hips relax into the stretch. Her flexibility allowed her to hold her ankles and straighten her legs out. She was enjoying the feeling of being a sexual spectacle, even though she knew no one was looking. It felt like she was being watched, like the ocean and the sky and trees on the hill all wanted to spread her open on the beach and have her.

The stretch was feeling really good, but also, it felt like her legs were a little too strong, like they were holding the stretch a little too easily. She folded one of her legs at the knee, bringing her heel to her butt. It felt like her leg was moving through invisible resistance, like a strong current was pushing against her. She tried to push her leg all the way down and it was difficult to work against the current. She stretched it up again and felt no resistance. Like even the air wanted her open and prone. She was happy to obey the will of the atmosphere and stay exposed.

She noticed the crash of the waves seemed louder, and she realised the edge of the water was closer. Strange, as she thought she’d come at high tide in the morning. Strangely, she thought she saw a shadow move across the sand. She pushed her legs down through the strange resistance and sat up, looking around her. She was aware of how her breasts bounced as she sat up, still feeling pleasantly like she was on display.

She looked around her for the movement she had glimpsed. Then, she saw it clearly– there was a shadow on the white gold sand. A human shadow, moving towards her from the water.

Instead of fear, she was full of awe and excitement, as if she could sense that this shadow was no threat to her. The shadow didn’t move with the jagged movements of a walking human, it glided in her direction smoothly. As it was just in touching distance, she noticed another shadow emerging from the darker shades of wet sand near the waves, also moving towards her. She thought she caught a flicker of another, but before she could get a good look she felt an invisible hand on her thigh.

She’d never felt anything so erotic in her life. The cool touch of the hand moving up the inside of her naked thigh was electric, it made her limp with arousal and she lay back again, letting the hand move her leg so she was again spread out and open. She felt another hand, this time on her labia, pulling them open. Between the open lips of her pussy, she suddenly felt the same cool sensation of the hands, but it plunged deep inside her, deeper than fingers could go. She realised with exhilaration that she was being fucked.

All over her body, she could feel the cool sensation, not just of two hands, but many, caressing and grabbing her flesh. Every inch of her was being touched, and the coolness penetrating her thrusted in and out at a deliciously steady pace. She could see the shadows moving around her on the sand, so many of them that they just blended into an amorphous shape circling all around her.

Her flexible legs were being pulled apart as far as they could stretch, and cool fingers slid between her muscular butt cheeks, tickling the sensitive skin. She felt something stronger than fingers pushing up against her ass and sliding into position at her little butthole, slowly pushing more firmly and coaxing her, with its insistent pushing, to relax.

She had never felt so much pleasure at once. All of her body was singing with sweet touch and the pleasure was building in her to an intensity beyond what she’d even experienced in climax. She felt the penetrating coolness slide into her ass a little, at the same time as the thrusting continued in her pussy, sending shivers of mounting sexual tension though her.

She felt something cool and silky dragging across her face– she recognised the unmistakable texture of the skin of a cock. Opening her mouth to this invisible male presence, she felt it slide onto her tongue, fill her mouth and start pushing in and out, at the same steady pace as the thrusts in her pussy.

At the same time, she felt the intense stretch of her opening as her ass was penetrated fully. Both her ass and pussy were penetrated in unison by slowly, repetitively pounding cocks, moving in strange synchronicity with the cock in her mouth. The rhythmic movement was intensely hypnotic, enrapturing her in an incredible haze of sexual fulfilment.

The touch of invisible hands all over her body continued to send shivers of pleasure through every nerve. She didn’t feel like she was rising towards an orgasm– the whole experience was as intense as an orgasm, and she felt like it would not be possible to feel any more pleasure without completely losing herself.

The sound of the waves crashing got louder and louder as she was being fucked, and she realised that the water was getting closer, could feel it lapping at her, feeling like more of the cool touch of whatever was ravishing her body. She didn’t care to move and remained prone on the beach, legs stretched out to accept the repetitive pounding, over and over again.

She couldn’t tell if the increasing rushing sound was the ocean, or her own blood pumping in her ears, but it was growing so loud it was as overwhelming as the penetration and grasping hands. It’s hard to say where the line of consciousness was passed but at some point she lost sense of Josie and let the wave of sensory pleasure wash her completely away.

When school-kids tell the story of Josie, the surfer girl who disappeared on White Beach and left nothing but her empty bikini, her towel and her surfboard on the hot sand, they warn not to go to that haunted spot, especially to surf.

One hot summer day, trying to impress a little crowd of adolescents with her knowledge of the paranormal, Sarina warns, “Surfers don’t go to that beach, it’s cursed. The beach hates surfers and it destroys them. They disappear forever.”

Kit, a bit of a loner who doesn’t get along with the guys who surf the usual beaches, says “Maybe surfers disappear on White Beach because they love it so much they don’t want to come back. They’re all probably still there now, surfing sick waves.”

The kids all laugh at him and change the subject. But he thinks to himself, it’s worth a visit on the weekend. Maybe there will be some good waves there.



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