Anysha’s Denial [mf]

“Hello, Anysha.”

As is with anyone deeply engrossed in a book, to Anysha the voice seemed far away but also unusually close by. She looked up to see Professor Zharim. Her heart jumped. He was tall, with a trim beard (with a touch of gray in it) and piercing eyes, and very tan. He looked vaguely South American. She had taken him once, for discrete math, and during that time she had had the biggest crush on him….

“Oh! Hi!” Anysha couldn’t think of anything else to say. She looked at the giant book in his hands. It was about twice as thick as a textbook, and the cover was completely black except for the word “DENIAL” in bold white letters. Anysha, being a bit of a nerd, recognized the font as Helvetica.

“What are you doing in the library on a friday night?” asked Professor Zharim, shifting the book to his side.

“Oh, um, you know…studying,” Anysha answered meekly. “What is that book?”

“This is for a behavior science study I’m doing. Fascinating stuff really,” he said, opening the book and flipping the pages. “It’s about how people respond differently when they want something.”

“Huh,” said Anysha.

“I can show you with a little experiment. Do you like ice cream?”

“Of course!”

“Well, come with me then,” said the professor.

Anysha gathered her things as quickly as she could and shoved them into her bag, all thoughts of organic chemical bonds slipping quickly from her mind. Professor led the way out of the library.

A few blocks away they entered a venue creatively named The Ice Cream Shop. It was a tiny join, with just a small tiled area in front of the counter and no furniture for customers. It was known for having a door that led straight into an on campus bars, and for the hordes of drunk students that showed up every night when the bars closed.

“What kind of ice cream do you like?” asked the professor.

“Anything chocolate…ooh! I want the special!” Anysha’s eyes lit up as she noticed the quadruple chocolate mega cone in the specials list. She didn’t even know there were four kinds of chocolate, but couldn’t wait to taste them all. When she went to pay for it, Professor Zharim held up his hand. “My treat,” he told her. To the counter girl he said, “Can we have bowls, please? I hate dripping….”

They sat at a table outside and Professor Zharim set both bowls in front of himself. “And here is the experiment,” he explained. “You want the ice cream, but since I bought it I feel no shame in withholding it from you. At least…for now.”

“So I can’t have it? You just bought it to tease me?” Anysha frowned.

“You can’t have it yet,” said the professor. “Instead, spend a few minutes thinking about how much you want it.”

“But then I can have it soon, right? It’s going to melt.”

Professor Zharim smiled. “Exactly. And, we will see. Now, in the interest of full disclosure I must tell you that you are free to end this experiment at any time. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. You don’t even need a reason. You can just leave.”

Anysha shrugged. She’d done research studies at school, and they always made her signed a photocopied page full of the same ethical research bullshit. Also it was difficult to imagine what kind of hard could befall her from not eating ice cream. So she did as she told, and thought about how much she wanted her ice cream, while her old professor quickly finished his.

“So, do you still want this ice cream?”


“Yes what?”

“Yes pleeeeeeease.” By this point Anysha didn’t just want the ice cream, she was getting seriously hungry.

“Good girl. Come with me.” Without waiting for her, the professor got up and started walking.

Anysha got up and followed. She had felt something, briefly, when he had said “good girl” — but now it was gone.

They entered one of the math buildings. The last class had ended hours ago and no one ever had TA hours on Fridays. The lobby was deserted and dark. The professor led the way into a large lecture hall and closed the door behind them.

“Wait here a moment,” he said as he walked to the front. “This ice cream has hardly started to melt. I’m going to let you have it. Every single bite. But you must do everything I ask you.”


“Good girl…”

Anysha felt that same jolt again, only it was stronger this time.

“…now I want you to get down on your hands and knees and crawl from where you are, untill you reach this desk.”

Anysha blinked. Professor Zharim was staring right back at her. He wasn’t frowning but he also wasn’t smiling. She looked at the floor. Well, she’d come this far…

Anysha got down on her hands and knees and immediately her backpack slid over her head. She disentangled it from herself and pushed it up into a chair. Then she crawled forward. It had been years since she crawled, it it felt very awkward. She could feel how red her face must be–even with her dark skin. In fact her whole body was warm.

When she got to the desk, her professor pointed at a spot on the floor and said, “Kneel there.” Anysha kneeled. “Now,” he said, “take off your jacket.” He reached out a hand and took the jacket from her once she took it off. “You want this ice cream really bad, don’t you?”

“Yes!” Anysha giggled. “This is so crazy!”

“It seems like I could make do you anything to–you know what? You can have it…as soon as you take off your shirt.”

A huge electric shock when up Anysha’s spine. Somewhere in the back of her mind a tiny voice screamed something about crossing a line, but her old professor was holding the ice cream right in front of her eyes! Anysha tore her shirt off and tossed it. She folded her arms in front of her, avoiding eye contact with her professor but looking at the ice cream.

Professor Zharim got of the desk he was leaning on, and stood in front of her. She watched as he dug a bite of ice cream out of the bowl and held it out to her mouth. She took it off the spoon, a bit awkwardly, and it was the best thing she had ever tasted.

He continued feeding her, spoonful by spoonful, for more than ten minutes. Every few bites he would ask her a question about how she was feeling. Anysha didn’t want to tell him, because she was starting to feel incredibly turned on. And then she realized that there was a giant bulge in the professor’s khakis.

When the reached the last bite, the professor moved the spoon towards her mouth and then suddenly reversed course and raised it to his lips. Anysha cried out and lunged forward, one hand reaching up to the spoon and the other grabbing the bulge in his pants. She heard him moan, deeply, but he still finished the ice cream.

Anysha rubbed his dick up and down the shaft a few times, feeling its shape through the fabric. Then she got coy and started rubbing around it, and a little bit on his leg. She looked up as his face as she grabbed it again, feeling it harden in her grasp.

She undid his belt and tugged his pants and underwear down until his cock flopped out to say hello. She started stroking it lightly with one hand while cupping his balls with the other. Her mouth was only inches from it. She sucked her fingers to make them wet and kept stroking.

Then she put her lips on it. Just the head, kissing it, slowly pushing more of it past her lips until her head was starting to bob. She licked from the based of the shaft to the head, kissed it, and started bobbing her head in earnest.

She gave him the best blowjob she could, putting everything into it, just the right amount of tonque, all lips and no teeth, and hands, and remembering the balls. Like it was an audition.

He came sometime later, and Anysha made a point of swallowing it all, while looking up at him. He looked back down at her, smiling, and said “good girl.” Anysha felt another jolt in her pussy at those words.

“Well,” said Professor Zharim. “I think I should return the favor.”

Without being told, Anysha was out of her shorts and panties, and …

“Well,” said Professor Zharim. “I think I should return the favor.”

Without being told, Anysha was out of her shoes, shorts and panties. The professor grabbed her and tossed her roughly on the desk. He wasn’t coy about it at all. He went right in and licked her entire slit, finding her clit immediately. He inserted two fingers and started fucking her while his tongue made circles. Then he switched to flicking her clit with the tip, and then on and on with different techniques, listening to her breathing change.

Somewhere in the middle he pulled his head up long enough to say, “I want you do tell me when you are about to cum. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” was all Anysha could say.

Professor Zharim continued licking her for a few more minutes, but it didn’t take long. Anysha realized she had been turned on since the library and now she could sense her orgasm rushing on like a tidal wave.

“Oh god…I think I’m about to…”

Suddenly the professor stopped licking and pulled his fingers out. He slapped her pussy with one hand, and the sudden pain made her curl up. “That’s enough for now. Put your clothes on and go home.”

Anysha didn’t respond at first. She was in too much pain and shock, too wired to think straight. It was like having a word on the tip of your tongue, only to slip away. Except it was her whole body. When she looked up, the room was empty and the door open. She got dressed quickly and hurried out, nearly forgetting her bag.

The walk home was not what she had expected. Having a guy kick her out just after sex normally made her feel sad and empty, but instead she felt her heart race, like she was sprinting. She went home, made a bath, and spent the next hour getting herself off over and over again to the thought of Prof Zharim’s evil ministrations.

The next morning Anysha found an email that was so strangely cold and impersonal it made her heart sink:

“Did the experiment have any lasting effects?”

Anysha knew she was a pretty girl. After last night she deserved an emoji in that letter, or at least a pronoun. She thought of the waves of pleasure she had given herself the previous night and decided to give as clinical a reply as she could:


A few hours later, she was in class and had mostly forgotten the previous night, when he sent her another email. She tried to resist reading it, but finally gave in. It read:

“Are you ready for the second part?”

She shivered at the words. But it was too weird; she didn’t want to be manipulated again. Plus, he was at least ten years older than her. She turned her phone off and dropped it in her bagHowever, she spent the rest of the lecture gazing forward, unfocused, while her main replayed the previous night over and over again, and started to imagine what he might do to her. Finally, she noticed people were leaving and closed her notebook. This would be the first time she would have to beg notes off of someone for a class she had actually attended. Standing up, she realized her panties were actually damp, and avoided eye contact with everyone around her. She pulled out her phone to text a friend but instead found herself replying to Prof Zharim:

“Yes sir.”

Sir? Sir?? What was she doing?

An email came back almost immediately with her instructions.

“At 3pm, go somewhere private and bring yourself to the very edge of an orgasm, but do not allow yourself to have one. And don’t touch yourself until then, either. Once you have denied yourself, come to my class in 405. It should be half over. Sit in the back, and do not move until the class is finished and everyone leaves.”

Anysha did was she was instructed, and 3:25pm found her in the back of another class, legs pressed together, trying to resist the urge to rub her thights against each other. It had been very difficult to resist the urge, to take her hands away before she came.

Finally everyone left. Professor Zharim smiled at her, and said, “Ready?”


“Ok come with me. We need to stop in my office first.”

Anysha followed him down the hall, through a door marked FACULTY, past some cubicles, and finally into a tiny, tiny office. There was, theoretically, a desk with a computer on it, a large office chair for the professor and a smaller chair for whoever was talking to him, but in reality most of the surfaces were covered in books and stacks of papers. Professor Zharim seemed to suddenly realize what his office must look like to an outside and shrugged, saying, “I still like to print whitepapers out to read them.” There was so little room they were very nearly touching already. The professor moved her hips around and told her to place her hands on the desk.

Anysha obeyed, nervous, but realize she wasn’t quite bent over enough for him to stick his dick in her pussy. The professor reached around and started undoing the fly of her jeans. On the other side of his door she could hear random office sounds being made by unseen staff.

“I c-can still leave, right?” she asked.

“Of course,” he said reassuringly.

Anysha relaxed her shoulders a little, and then tightened them again when her jeans reached her knees and she realized he could probably see the wet spot in her panties. But they were quickly pushed down as well, to join her jeans just above her kneecaps.

Then the professor walked around his desk and got something out of a drawer. When he placed it on his desk Anysha realized what it was: a medium black butt plug. He carefully lubed it up without saying another word, using a single glove on one hand.

Seconds later he was behind her, and she was feeling the cold, wet, rubbery tip poking around one of her most intimate areas. It felt wrong, weird and wrong, to have something trying to in back there, and then the tip found its way in, and the entire plug was going inside. The professor was no amatuer at anal. He pushed in slowly, as slowly as he needed too, for her ass to take the ever widening shaft. Then the widest part was in and her ass sucked it in the rest of the way, until the flange at the bottom was resting against her skin.

“There we go,” he said. “Pull your pants up and let’s get out of here.”

“Out?!? What?”

Professor Zharim aimed the glove at a waste bin and snapped it off his fingers. “Its a long walk to my house, darling.”

Anysha was very unprepared to be so full in such a private place. Avoiding the professor’s eye, she slid her panties up over her hips and evened out the waistband. She reached behind and felt just the edge of the plug’s flange pushing against her panties.

With her jeans back on, they left Professor Zharim’s office. Every step pushed the plug in one direction of the other. One part of her brain was certain that the plug was 99% sure the plug was not visible through the jean fabric, while another part of her brain, the one chiefly concerned with the inferno between her legs, was absolutely certain that the plug would be obvious to anyone behind her. Even if they were a mile away.

They passed someone in the hall. An older lady. She glanced at Professor Zharim and smiled a greeting. She knew. She had to know, Anysha was certain of that. She dropped her gaze and focused on the floor until they were out of the back office area.

There were two girls chatting in the lobby of the building, and one of them flicked here eyes in their general direction as Anysha and the professor rounded the corner. They weren’t in on it, but they must have realized it the moment they saw Anysha walking. She was putting one foot in front of the other, but it felt so weird. It must be obvious.

Outside, no one seemed to pay any attention to them until they walked by the same ice cream cafe where this all started and a boy roughy her age stared at her breasts. He probably knew. After they passed, Anysha glanced behind and caught him staring at her ass. She was so startled she let out a small “eep!”

Some day in the distant future, while she and her friends were comparing scars after long and fruitful lives, she might–drunkenly–admit that she had tried putting something up her butt. Once. On her own, she would tell them. But here were all these people who knew she was actually walking around with one! And a professor had put it in her! After all kinds of-

“You need to relax.” The Professor’s words cut into her thoughts. “If you don’t, you’ll be so turned on that I won’t even be able to touch you without setting you off.” Setting her off! That meant orgasm!

Suddenly, Anysha realized that an orgasm was the thing she wanted most in the world, and that this whole time, that piece of rubbing getting pushed around in her asshole had been turning her on more and more. She also realized her panties were wet. Very wet.

She barely noticed the outside of the house. Suddenly they were standing inside it. It was enormous.

“I was in industry for a while,” the professor said as an explanation. “I figure if I don’t get tenure, I can always rent this place out.”

He led her into the kitchen, opened the fridge, and took out an extra large metal bowl, the kind one would use to toss salads. It was filled, over the top, with chocolate ice creams. Anysha noticed there were multiple kinds, because they were distinctive shade. There were also a number of toppings, like whipped cream and various other things that she didn’t really notice.

“And now you have a choice, my dear Anysha,” said the professor. “You can eat as much of this ice cream as you want, OR you can have an orgasm.”

“ORGASM!” yelled Anysha.

“Are you sure? If you do you won’t be able to-”

“I don’t care, I want the orgasm.”

Suddenly the professor grabbed her and pushed her back against the fridge. Pausing to undo only the button of her fly, he shoved his hand inside her pants, all the way until he was grasping her mound.

“You want it that bad, huh?”


“The ice cream is still there on the table. You don’t care if it melts?”

“Yes. No. I don’t care. I just want to cum. Please-”

Professor Zharim covered her mouth with his free hand. His ministrations downstairs were growing more deliberate. Anysha’s eyes were closed, she was breathing louding through her nose. All of her muscles down there were beginning to tighten. She was going to be close to an orgam soon. Then he pulled a finger straight across her entrance, dipping in slightly. Then–he pulled his hand out and stepped back.

“Go in the living room,” he pointed, “and take off all your clothes. Leave the butt plug inside you.”

Anysha ran to the living room and stripped as fast as she could, tossing her clothes in a pile, with her soaked panties on top. She was now standing in an open space, completely naked. The cool air felt as weird on her skin as the plug did in her ass. She was desperate to have something in her pussy as well. Fingers. A dildo. Even the professor’s dick without a condom. Even a stranger’s dick.

The professor entered the room a few seconds after she had finished undressing. “Hands at your sides!” he barked. She moved them away from where they were instinctively loitering near her slit. The professor grabbed her neck with one hand, and squeezed the sides, but not enough to cut off her air. “Start playing with yourself,” he told her. “But you must warn med when you are close to cumming.”

Anysha’s heart sank in side. He was going to deny hear at least one more time. Of that, she was certain. But at least, every step she took in this sadistic process brought her closer to that sweet release. Anysha jumped in wholeheartely, and started rubbing her clit in circles. Her other hand reached down and slid two fingers inside herself.

“Are you close?” he asked.


“Good girl. When you are about to cum, I want you to start counting down from 10, so that you will orgasm just after 1.”

“Oh–10, 9, 8, 7, 6….” Anysha realized her orgasm was coming on too fast, and sped up. “5-”

“Stop!” The professor yanked her hands away.

Anysha cried and nearly fell over, but the professor was still holding her up by her neck. With his free hand he undid his fly and pulled his dick out. Then he grabbed her right hand and put it on his dick. The intention was clear. Anysha started stroking it, doing the best job she possibly could do. Maybe if he came, he would allow her to cum too.

“You can play with yourself with your other hand–slowly. And start counting down when you are about to cum.

Anysha started rubbing her clit again, hungrily, and immediately her stroking hand faltered.

“Don’t stop with my cock!” barked the professor.

Anysha worked herself into a rhythm, so that she could stroke both his cock and her clit at the same time, without neglecting either.

Soon she was close to that orgasm again. “Ten,” she started.

“Stop!” said the professor. He let go of her neck and grabbed both of her wrists to still her hands. “Following me to the bedroom,” he commanded.

Then he turned his back to her and led the way. Halfway there, Anysha suddenly realized that if she was quick enough, she might be able to get herself off. She stopped and started rubbing her self furiously.

Professor Zharim whirled aroun. “No!” he shouted. He ran, grabbed her by the air and one arm, and propelled her through the door to the bedroom, until she landed on the bed. Then his body was on top of hers. It hurt and made it hard to breathe, but she didn’t give a shit if it meant that his dick would be inside her.

Unfortunately, he had other ideas. Keeping his weight on her to pin her down, he stretched each of her limbs out to a corner of the bed where a cuff was waiting. When he was done, she was on her back, her body stretched out in the shape of an X, with her wrists cuffed to the corners at the head of the bed and her ankles to each corner at the bottom.

“Please…” she begged. She just wanted to cum.

“Please what?”

“Please can I cum? Sir? Master? Please? Pleeeeeease?” she said anything that popped into her head.

“Wow your pussy lips are swollen,” observed the professor, caressing one. Anysha’s body jerked at the touch. “Show me how bad you want it,” he said.


His dick was in her mouth. She did her best to give the best head that she possible could from that position, but it was difficult, and bobbing her head so much made her neck hurt. Then he pulled out before he came. That was a bad sign.

He left the room and returned with a vibrating wand. He switched it on and placed the bulbous tip against her pussy.

“Woooooh!” Anysha writhed an arched her back. She wanted it. She wanted everything about it. If she could have she would have stuck the entire want inside her, but instead she settled for pushing her hips off the bed as much as possible, trying to grind into it.

The professor was not at all nice about it. Every time she strained too much the professor pulled the wand away, and left her there for seconds. Eventually she was so turned on that she was certain only a few seconds of that sweet bliss were all she needed to go rocketing over the edge.

“Well, as fun as this is, I did promise that you could cum,” started the professor.

“Oh please!” yelled Anysha just as the wand eluded the thrust of her hips one more time.

“Stop moving so much! I’m going to count down from ten, and when I hit one, you may cum. Lets try a lower setting though, so you down blow early…”

The pitch of the wand’s sound decreased a few notes, down to more of a humm, and when it was back on her pussy Anysha was, at first, not sure that it would make her cum. But then the professor started counting down from 10, and by 7, she was back on the train to orgasm.


She could hear the gurgling sound made by the wand vibrating her pussy juice.


Her back leg muscles tightened.


Her pussy tightened. He was actually going to do it!




Yes! Yes! Wait, NOO! The professor pulled the wand away and switched it off. Her pussy was bare. The professor leaned down to her face.


Anysha whimpered.

