May Grows Up pt. 7 (Finale) [MF, mF, Fm, mf, inc, oral, anal]

When Sarah awoke she smelled coffee and leaned on an elbow to look around. Dan wasn’t in the bed so she arose and went forward through the van to find him sitting in the kitchenette waiting on the coffee. She kissed him on the cheek and sat alongside him to playfully shove her hand inside the front of his pajamas, gasping when she discovered his prick was covered with dried love juice! Looking questioningly at him, he grinned sheepishly before she stood up and crooked a finger at him to indicate that he should follow her outside.

May had been awakened by Sarah passing her bed on the way to the kitchen, watching through slitted eyes and realizing that her Aunt suspected Dan of something unseemly. When Sarah stood to motion to Dan to follow her outside, May was afraid that he was in trouble for screwing her and when they closed the door behind them she slipped out of bed to follow. Hearing nothing she opened the door and went outside.

Sarah got outside and went around the end of the van with Dan following. She stopped and turned to face him.

“Who?” she asked simply.

He didn’t know how Sarah was going to take it, afraid she’d get upset and hold it against May, so he hesitated. Just around the corner of the van May heard the simple question and knew what her Aunt was asking, peeking around to see he was hesitating over answering her. On a sudden impulse to protect her Uncle, May stepped out into her aunt’s line of vision.

“Please, Aunt Sarah,” she pleaded. “Don’t be mad at him.”

Sarah saw the look on May’s face and suddenly realized that the youngster was trying to protect her Uncle. She smiled at May.

“Honey, I’m truly surprised that you could take such a big one,” she told her softly. “Was it really good?”

May suddenly realized that Sarah wasn’t at all angry, but actually seemed to be excited at knowing that Dan had screwed her.

“It was absolutely fantastic,” May told her.

“Well, you two are going to have to help me make it with Jack,” she told them.

Dan grinned while May’s mouth dropped open in surprise before she grinned broadly.

The three stayed outside whispering for several minutes before going back inside to wake the other kids to help get breakfast, eating in their night clothes then getting dressed, all just stripping down and changing in front
of everyone else.

May was agog at what was about to happen, having admitted to her aunt and uncle that Jack had screwed her and they had told her about seeing Jack and Sally outside in the hammock during the previous night. Sarah wanted her to help her get to Jack’s dick in her, a feat which May was sure would be easy to accomplish, while Dan was keen to screw his daughter. May was quite sure from their earlier conversations that Sally would happily accommodate him to make his wish come true.

After breakfast, Sarah asked if anybody was interested in taking a shower and, as everyone wanted to, took clean clothing and headed towards the bath house. On arrival the guys went into their side of the house, and the girls went into theirs, quickly stripping off their clothing and going into their showering area. They were soon lathering up under the water, Sarah quickly washed herself and left, telling the girls to take their time. Still naked, she walked over to the entrance and peeked outside to find herself looking directly at Dan who peeped out of the men’s side. With a giggle she quickly skipped around the corner and past him into the men’s side while he slipped into the women’s side.

Sarah moved silently into the shower area where she heard Jack humming to himself as he bathed and peeked in to see him standing with his back to her, lathering his chest with soap. She crept quietly up behind him and slid her arms around him as he nearly jumped out of his skin.

“Mom!” he gasped.

Looking at her he suddenly realized that she was totally naked.

“I though you might like some company,” she told him.

Jack stammered at not knowing what to say, however not all of his anatomy was as bashful as his prick immediately rose to full attention. Her gentle hands slid down over his stomach to his crotch where she wrapped one around his hard dick and slid the other down to cup his balls. He gasped with pleasure as his mother’s hand began to slide up and down its full length.

On the other side, Dan moved silently back to the showers where he peeked inside and May smiled at him, motioning him in as Sally had her back to him. She had suddenly realized that someone else was there with them and glanced over her shoulder to see who it was, gasping loudly as she caught sight of her father totally naked and with the biggest hardon she’d ever seen in her life when he moved directly over to her.

“Hello, sweetheart,” he smiled at her.

“Daddy,” she gasped.

She looked over at May and saw a big smile on her cousin’s face while her father moved up against her bottom to slide his arms around her and cup her full breasts in his big hands. His hot, hard prick pressed against her back as May moved up behind Dan and slipped her hands down in between he and his daughter to stroke his dick. Sally then realized that May had known he was coming, looking around for her mother, before a muffled gasp from the other side of the wall indicated that her mother was over there with Jack.

“Wow, I don’t believe this is happening,” she giggled as Dan’s hand slid down between her legs, one finger sliding easily into her juicy gash.

“Do you object?” Dan asked.

“What do you think?” she smiled, turning to face him.

She reached down and took his prick in her hand, May sliding her hands on down to cup his balls.

Meanwhile Sarah was kneeling in front of her son with a mouth full of his teenage dick, sucking greedily as it slid in and out of her mouth until she suddenly released it and stood up, leaned back against the wall with spread
legs and pulled him up against her. She reached down between them to guide his dick up between her legs and he groaned when he felt it engulfed in her warm, wet slit. Pulling him up against her as he thrust, a half of his dick suddenly slid up into her hot wet cunt while she put her arms up around his neck and lifted one leg high, wrapping it around his waist. He slipped both hands downwards and took hold of her ass to push her back against the wall.

She brought the other leg up around his waist when she felt his hands grasp her ass, his dick sliding inside her, up to the balls as he groaned.

“Can you hold me up?” she asked him.

“Sure,” he grinned at her, beginning to thrust his dick in and out of her pussy.

“Ooooooh, Jack,” she groaned.

Over in the ladies side, Sally lay on her back on the shower floor with Dan on top of her, moving his dick into position to enter her, gasping when his thick organ started sliding into her tight pussy. She groaned while his
next thrust buried it up to his balls inside her.

“Am I hurting you, honey?” he asked her.

“Oh no, Daddy,” she cooed. “It feels wonderful.”

May knelt beside them to bend to look up between their thighs in watching Dan’s dick slide in and out of his daughter’s pussy.

Jack was banging away furiously into his mother’s crotch, knowing that he wouldn’t last very long in that strained position. Sarah knew he was about to come too, being almost there herself, the fact that it was her own son’s dick ramming her pussy making it that much more exciting. Suddenly, she let out a little scream.

“Oooooh, yes, Jack, I’m coming.”

That did it, he grunted and jammed his dick in up to the balls in Sarah’s spasming cunt as his prick erupted, shooting gobs of spunk upwards into her womb.

“Oooooh, yes, Jack, I feel you coming in my pussy,” she groaned.

Finally she lowered her feet to the floor and Jack released her, allowing his semi-tumescent prick to droop out of her juicy pussy before she reached down to encircle it with her hand, sliding it up and down its length while
watching it grow straight up again and she smiled.

“Come on, let’s go see what is going on in the other side,” she told him.

He looked at her in surprise and she grinned.

“Unless I miss my guess, your father is over there screwing your sister’s brains out.”

Jack grinned broadly.

When Jack and Sarah entered the females showers, still naked and with his prick pointing at the ceiling again, they found Danny still on top of Sally, banging away at her and May on her knees, looking up between their legs to watch the action. She looked over her shoulder and smiled at them.

Jack dropped to his knees behind May, took his dick in hand and rubbed it between her thighs and was about to slide it into her tight cunt when Sarah stopped him.

“Wait, Jack, try this,” she said, taking hold of his prick and raising it to May’s ass crack.

“Oh, Sarah, won’t that hurt?” May asked when she felt the end of his dick pressing against her ass hole.

“Not if he takes it easy,” Sarah told her.

She used her hand to rub Jack’s prick around May’s ass hole, then allowed him to push against it gently and saw the brown ring open slightly, letting just the tip in. He tried to push harder, but Sarah restrained him again to
make him withdraw slightly before pushing inward a bit more. causing her to grunt as the entire knob entered her tight ass hole.

Suddenly, Sally began to groan and cry as she came. Dan gasped and jammed his huge dick up to the balls in his daughter’s tight pussy, shooting spurt after spurt of hot jets into her.

On hearing the other couples’ coming. they lost control as she jammed her backwards just as he shoved forward and suddenly his dick was balls deep in her ass as she screamed out in pain.

“Wait Jack,” Sarah grabbed him. “Give her time to get used to it.”

“Just wait a minute, Jack,” May snorted through her nose.

Jack held perfectly still, with his dick all the way up his cousin’s butthole.

Dan raised himself from Sally’s prostrate form, pulling his dick from her her and making her gasp when she ran her hand down between her legs to feel her wide open, soggy cunt, then getting up to watch the others in action.

Jack was beginning to move now, slowly sliding his dick in and out of his cousin’s tight ass hole, hardly believing his luck. Her pussy had been very tight, but this was unreal.

May braced her hands against the floor, pushing backward to match each of his thrusts into her tightly stretched ass hole. It still felt like she was going to split apart, but at the same time it felt wonderful sliding in and
out as he slowly reamed her behind.

Watching his son’s dick slide in and out of the young girl’s ass had made Dan all hard again, his cock sticking straight out from his crotch. May saw it sticking out, right in front of her mouth so she leaned forward to lick
it. Dan groaned and moved forward, allowing her to take the end into her mouth.

“Wow, just look at that, she’s taking both of them at once,” Sally gasped to her mother.

“She certainly is,” Sarah agreed. “But don’t worry, we’ll get a lot more action from them.”

Jack was fucking May’s ass with long, steady strokes as he felt his balls tighten and knew he was getting close.

Dan watched the 13 year old girl’s mouth slide up and down on his dick as his son’s thrusts into her ass hole jerked her body back and forth. It was almost more that he could stand, knowing that he was soon to fill her mouth.

Suddenly May began to quiver all over, having beaten both of them to it. She was coming! Then right at the height of her climax she felt Jack’s dick beginning to squirt in her ass, closely followed by Dan’s spurting into her
eager mouth.

When everybody had eventually caught their breath, they all got under the showers together to wash each other off, the guys enjoyed washing the three pussies and Dan washed May’s battered ass. The girls took their took turns sponging the guys pricks and balls until, finally, they all got dressed and headed back for the van.

When they got back inside Jack immediately grabbed Sally and wrestled her giggling, squirming body down onto the sofa while Sarah laughed at them.

“Cut it out now, you two,” she told them. “Ruth will be getting here soon and it wouldn’t do for her to see you doing that.”

“Ooh,” May groaned. “Mother is coming and we’re all going to have to stop fucking.”

Everybody laughed.

“Maybe not,” Dan said and they all turned to stare at him. “Maybe we can just get her to join in.”

“Oh, you don’t know Mother,” May said.

“Maybe I know her better than you do,” Sarah grinned at her. “She didn’t hesitate to spread her legs when we used to double date at the drive-in.”

“Mother?” May asked, not believing what she was hearing about her prudish mother.

“And what were you doing while Ruth was getting screwed?” Dan asked Sarah.

“Well, usually Ruth was getting fucked in the back seat and I was getting screwed in the front,” she told him, seeing his dick beginning to bulge out of his pants. “So, if you could make Ruth, maybe she would just join in and we could all spend the rest of the vacation screwing our eyeballs out!”

“Precisely what I had in mind,” he told her.

About that time they heard a car coming up the road and May looked out to recognize her mother’s vehicle.

When Ruth pulled up at the campsite she was greeted by all of them piling out of the big camper van to meet her, helping her to unload her things and take them inside. When she asked where she should put them, Sarah just told her to relax and not to worry about stuff like that just then.

When they’d chatted a little and May had assured her mother that she was having a wonderful holiday (Ruth didn’t know then just how wonderful) Sarah suggested they all get their bathing suits and go to the pool.

Danny leaned back in the lounge chair beside the pool while Sarah perched at the side of his seat with a hand resting nonchalantly on his thigh, just below his balls so that Ruth, who was sitting facing them as they chatted,
watched as her sister idly let the back of her hand occasionally brush over Dan’s balls, having the desired effect as his dick began to harden to full erection inside his bathing suit. While it didn’t quite get totally hard it
bulged enough to be noticeable and, Dan noticed, Ruth didn’t miss it, trying not to be obvious, but she was looking!

In accordance with holiday routine they all returned to the van for lunch, then back down to the pool for the afternoon, finding Bunny there, but not her parents who were “taking a nap” in the van.

Eventually Dan saw all four kids get out of the pool and head up the road as he developed a fast hardon, knowing what they were probably going to do.

Ray rolled over to look out the window when he heard them go by, his ears pricking up when he heard Sally say something about butt fucking. He looked down at his wife sprawled naked as she slept, smiling as he remembered her huge climax while telling him about Dan fucking her as he plowed her pussy. Wondering what the kids were up to and knowing Bunny he’d be willing to bet that they were going somewhere to fuck as he wondered where. He slipped off the bed and quietly pulled on his pants and a few moments later sneaked out
the door.

Creeping into the bath house Ray listened and heard muffled voices coming through the back wall.

“They must be behind the building,” he thought.

When he got around to the back of the building he saw the four naked kids. Bunny was on her hands and knees with Jack kneeling behind her as the other two girls watched Jack work his dick up into her ass. None had seen him yet, Sally had her back to him and May was on the other side of the two screwing kids, but glanced up and saw him approach on tiptoe holding a finger to his lips. She smiled on seeing that he had his pants unzipped and his hard dick jutted out through the opening before he quietly took them off and moved up behind Sally who still wasn’t aware of his presence, but became so suddenly when he slid his dick up between her legs. She gasped and looked back over her shoulder and Ray just smiled at her while sliding his big dick back and forth in her juicy slit before guiding it it to the mouth of her pussy and making her grunt when he smoothly slid it home within her.

A little later Sarah saw the three kids coming back through the pool gate, wondering to herself how Jack could keep up this pace. They dived back into the cool water to wash the sweat and to cool off. Sally slipped her fingers inside the crotch of her bathing suit to wash Ray’s cum out of her pussy as May saw what she was doing and smiled at her, being the only one who hadn’t gotten fucked. Jack had shot his load in Bunny’s ass, then turned her over and fucked her cunt while her father was doing the same to his sister which really turned May on, but she had consoled herself at the memory of getting butt fucked in the shower that morning while she sucked Dan’s dick.

The family returned to the van for supper before they all congregated in front of the TV for a while. When Sarah suggested that they turn in early, Ruth was surprised at not hearing a single objection from the kids. Dan and Jack excused themselves to go to the bath house for a shower, their females having showered earlier on changing out of their swim-suits and so declined to accompany the guys.

Sarah told Ruth that the three kids had been just bunking out on the sofa and that the bed in the back was easily big enough for her to share it with she and Dan. Ruth raised her eyebrows at the suggestion, but had said OK to keep the peace among the family.

When the guys got back they found all the girls already in bed while the curtain into the back bedroom was closed, so Jack simply shucked his pants, pulled on his pajamas and slid into bed between the two girls. Dan likewise changed to pajamas and the kids lay silently to watch Dan open the curtains again.

The women were stretched out on the bed with moonlight coming through the window and both appeared to be asleep. Dan left the curtain open then eased himself onto the bed between Ruth and Sarah and the kids saw Sarah lift her head to give Dan a quick kiss, then lie quietly. Ruth appeared to be asleep.

Ruth had actually slept almost as soon as she’d lain down, not even being aware of his getting into bed and having no idea of the time when awakened by a hand sliding over her from behind to cup her breast and lie very still on realizing that the hand had to belong to Dan. She guessed at first that he was just reaching out in his sleep and probably thought that he had hold of Sarah’s tit, so she just lay there feeling the hand gently squeezing her breast and enjoying it as it had been a long time since a man had last felt her tits.

She suddenly realized that Dan knew exactly what he was doing because she felt his body ease up against her from behind and his hard dick against her back! Not quite knowing what to do, she really didn’t want him to quit, but she was afraid her sister would wake up. The hand on her tit slid down over her stomach to her crotch where it probed at her cunt, but since her thighs were together he couldn’t get it into her. He pushed his hand further down to pull her gown up to her waist so she lay very still before feeling a hot bare dick up against her ass when he opened his pajamas.

His prick moved down to probe between her buttocks and, despite herself, parted her legs a little and let it slip between, nestling right up against her juicy pussy. He lifted her thigh and his dick was probing her slit, her
sense of disbelief only momentary as Dan’s prick felt so huge, sliding back and forth in her slit. Then she felt him put the knob against her hole and press forward; ‘Oh shit!’ It was going right into her! Inch by inch the big
thing was moving up into her rapidly creaming pussy and if Sarah had woken then, she and Dan were in deep trouble, she thought!

In the other room the kids were watching proceedings in the bedroom, each aware that Sarah was not asleep, just pretending. They could then see right up between Ruth’s legs to watch Dan’s large dick slide slowly in and out of her pussy.

May was delighted to see her mom getting screwed before feeling something against her back and realized that Jack was about to do the same thing with her. She smiled and parted her slim legs, grunting quietly as his dick slid home inside her hot pussy.

Dan was beginning to thrust more vigorously now and Ruth was quite afraid that he would wake Sarah up. She glanced over her shoulder to be surprised to see Sarah’s arm wrapped around his neck and kissing him on the ear while he fucked her! Sarah raised herself on one elbow and smiled at Ruth as she reached across Dan’s body and grasped her sibling’s hip, pulling her firmly back against him, letting her sister know that she was in favor of what was going on.

Dan began to screw her even more vigourously and Ruth quit worrying about what was happening and just lay back to enjoy it before he drew her over on top of him. She found herself lying on her back on top of him, legs spread widely as he thrust his dick hard upwards into her cunt, lifting herself to lean on her arms as she rotated her ample hips above his.

Her eyes focused on the scene in the other room where her daughter lay on her side with Jack’s hard dick sliding in and out of her pussy and Sally up on her elbows watching Ruth getting screwed by her father. She groaned and spread her legs even further in trying to push her pelvis down and get more of Dan’s dick in her. Sensing her need he rolled her back on to her side to withdraw from her, then roll her on to her back to crawl over her wet body.

She spread her soft thighs wide as he lowered himself to enter her and bury his dick in her cunt.

She realized then that this was going to be the most unusual vacation she had ever been on.


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