Timebenders 2: Channel-Surfing, Chapter 12 [timestop nc mf]

Pyotr found sleep next to impossible. Every time he closed his eyes, he would see one of his sisters. Sera’s breasts were burned into his memory, as was the image of Annushka staring at the ceiling while he used her body for pleasure. The images swirled and crossed over in his brain until he had a vision of himself fucking Serafina, groping her breasts and hearing her moaning for him.
Giving up on sleep, Pyotr swung his legs off the bunk and got up. He was far too aware of the sound of Sera’s breathing, a steady sigh he’d heard every night of his life. Tonight was the first time he’d ever thought of it as sexy.
He stopped time to avoid making noise as he got dressed and walked out of his house. The streets were empty and silent; the only sound he could hear were his own footsteps. There weren’t even any echoes, likely because the sound wave stopped shortly after leaving him, so it was like walking in a small room, except there were no walls. The contradiction made his head hurt.
Not thinking about his destination, Pyotr walked for a long time. He turned along streets made unfamiliar by their stillness, under stars that did not twinkle. All the while, his mind turned over itself, trying to reconcile what he’d intended when he set out to master the science of time with what he had achieved and what he had done.
Was it worth it to learn the secrets of the Universe if they brought such power? Could he be trusted with it? Clearly it was a temptation. Could anyone be trusted with it? For the first time in years, Pyotr found himself considering giving up on time travel, even though he literally held proof that it was possible in his hand.
It wasn’t until he was walking up the steps that Pyotr realized where he had been walking to. He unfroze time and knocked softly on the door, not wanting to wake anyone up if they had gone to sleep.
Jeremy came to the door in a heavy red robe. “Hey buddy,” he said with a smile. “What’s up?”
“I hope this is not a bad time,” Pyotr said.
“No such thing, for us,” Jeremy replied. “I was pretty busy when you knocked, I admit, but I finished up in between the moments. Petra’s in the shower now.”
Pyotr felt himself blushing a little, connecting the dots and realizing what Jeremy and Petra had probably been up to. “That is what I wanted to talk to you about,” he said. “I am not sure I want this power anymore. I quit.”
The afterglow fell off Jeremy in an instant. He’d been feeling great tonight; he always did when he was balls-deep inside of Petra, and she was responding more than usual, which was a good sign. He was thinking of getting her on some antidepressants if she didn’t perk up soon. She hadn’t even noticed when he’d stopped time so he could finish fucking her before going to answer the door.
But this? This was a disaster. Pete couldn’t quit. He was the best chance Jeremy had at fixing things. Going back, stealing the remote sooner, teasing a younger Petra into falling for the quiet boy next door… it would all slip through his fingers if his friend gave up on his dreams.
And of course, he cared that Pete was upset as well. He was a good guy, with an innocent way of looking at the world; he just needed a good friend to help him figure things out sometimes. Like right now.
“Pete, let’s take a walk,” Jeremy said. He stopped time and got dressed, then went to let Petra know he’d be back later. She was already in the shower, scrubbing herself with a rough sponge the way she liked to. It looked painful, but some girls will do anything for nice skin. He pushed the mist and spray out of his way and took a moment to admire his Princess’s body, then wrote a note on the whiteboard inside the bathroom door for her.
Peter seemed surprised when Jeremy pulled him out of time. He supposed it made sense; not everyone could deal with seeing someone suddenly and instantly change clothing, or with being yanked out of the flow of the Universe. Not everybody had the chops to be a God.
“Come on,” he said, closing the door and walking down the steps. Pete followed close behind him and took up step next to him as they walked down the street.
The two walked in companionable silence for a while. It was a long walk to where they were going, anyway.
After a while, Pete spoke up. “I did something that I regret today,” he said, looking away.
Jeremy frowned. “I can definitely relate to that, buddy. Is anyone, you know, hurt or dead?”
“No!” Pete said hurriedly. “No. No one is hurt.”
“Anyone upset? Or suspicious?”
Jeremy shook his head. “I’m not sure what you’re worried about, then,” he said. “Nobody got hurt, so everything’s fine, isn’t it?”
“No, it is more complicated than that! I took advantage of… of this power.”
Jeremy suppressed a grin. “I see. Was a girl involved in this advantage-taking?”
“There was a girl, yes,” Pete said with a sigh.
“Reward, punishment, or just fooling around?”
“What?” His friend stopped walking and stared at him.
“Reward, punishment, or just fooling around?” Jeremy repeated. “Whatever you did to her. Was it for her own good, or to stop her being a bitch, or just for your own fun?”
Pete thought for a moment. “I suppose… a little bit of each. But mainly reward.”
Jeremy smiled. “So, you used positive reinforcement to encourage better behavior.”
“And now she’ll probably be a slightly better person in some way?”
“Well… yes, perhaps.”
“And she’s not upset. In fact, I’m betting she enjoyed herself?”
Even in the low light of the streetlamps, Jeremy could tell his friend’s face was turning redder by the second. “Yes,” Pete replied after a moment. “She definitely… enjoyed herself.”
“Well then, there’s nothing to worry about! Unless you knocked her up or took her cherry.”
Pete choked in surprise. “No! No, I… am nearly certain that did not happen.”
“Well all right, buddy,” Jeremy said, slapping Pete on the back. “No victim means no crime so there’s nothing to feel bad about! Hell, you made the world a better place. I wish every day could end so well.”
“I do not know about that…”
“Hey, don’t worry about it, okay? Let me take your mind off it for a little bit. Just table the whole thing, and we can come back to it. I guarantee you’ll feel better. Yeah?”
“Yes, alright,” Pete said, “but I still am not sure I want this anymore.”
Jeremy cheered internally. “Not sure” was better than “I quit”.
“Don’t worry about it,” he said, starting to walk again. “I have just the thing to clear your head.”
Pyotr’s head didn’t feel clear, but he did feel better. A couple drinks and a game of pool tended to have that effect.
The pub was busy, but only comfortably so, rather than being crowded like some places got on a Friday night. Most of the tables were occupied by either couples or small groups, and in the back a lively game of darts was adding a friendly ambience to the background chatter.
“Okay, okay, okay,” Jeremy said, taking another sip from his drink. “So if you knew for a fact that it wouldn’t destroy the universe to make a paradox, then what would you do first in the past? No Hitler.”
“Everyone says kill Hitler. Pick something else.”
Pyotr shrugged. “Kill Goebbels?”
Jeremy laughed. “No Nazis!”
“Oh, well you should have specified this!” Pyotr replied. “In that case… mmm… Katerina the Great.”
“You’d kill her?”
“No! Always with the killing, you are! I would speak to her stablehand, and lay to rest a great historical controversy.”
“Wait, wasn’t she the one who…”
“With the stallions, yes. It is said she had a special harness.”
Jeremy laughed. “That is fucked up, my friend.”
Pyotr shrugged. “Only if it is true.”
“Okay, okay, I’ll give you that.”
“What about you, what would you change in the past?”
Jeremy looked down into his drink. “Petra’s father.”
Pyotr felt the mood in their little corner booth shift. “You have never told me of him.”
“No, I haven’t.”
“If you want to, I will always listen.”
Jeremy sighed and looked up at him. “Yeah, maybe it’s time I came clean on that one.” He signaled the waitress to bring another round. “I told you how Petra and I met, right?”
“You grew up together. It is a sweet story.”
Jeremy nodded. “She lived next door. We were always friends. But there was always something between us, keeping us from getting together.”
“What was it?”
“It was her father. He… well, I don’t know what happened when she was younger, she never talks about it, but by the time we were turning 18, he had Petra brainwashed pretty badly.”
“Brainwashed? You mean…”
“The remote, yeah. He had it before me. Getting it… once I figured out it existed, getting it was part of my plan to save her.”
“How did you find out?”
“Well, Petra wasn’t always like she is now. She used to be like a living firecracker. Bright, full of life. But I noticed things changing around the end of High School, watching her. She was preoccupied, she quit doing the things she loved like swimming and sunbathing. And she was spending all her time with him.”
“Her father.”
Jeremy nodded. “I didn’t know for sure what was going on, but one night through the window I saw… well, let’s just say that he wasn’t thinking of her as a daughter anymore.
“I couldn’t believe that Petra would do something like that. She just didn’t seem the type, and I knew her probably better than she knew herself. Something had to be going on. So I started watching.
“It took a lot of sneaking around in the bushes, but I finally found out the truth about what was happening. One night I saw her dad pull this TV remote out of his pocket and press a button, then disappear.
“Of course I didn’t know what it was at the time. The best I could come up with was that he’d teleported or gone invisible. But I kept watching, and he got more careless, and I started noticing other changes. He’d instantly move over a foot and be carrying groceries. Or he’d go out with a rake and then instantly the leaves in his backyard would be piled up. Things like that. Sooner or later, it made sense.”
“Time control.”
“Time control, yeah. I didn’t know how he did it, but I knew it had to have something to do with Petra’s behavior. She was obsessed with pleasing him, always following him around. I had to get her away from him for her own sake, and to do that… I needed to steal his power.”
“But where did he get it from?” Pyotr asked.
“I never knew. He never told anyone, not even Petra. I doubt he made it himself. I’ve always thought he must have stolen it. Anyway, I didn’t think I could get it away from him, so I tricked Petra into bringing it to me.
“Once I had it, I get her away from him and started deprogramming her, but it was hard work. You’ve seen how people can be influenced by this thing. She was around it for months, maybe years.
“Meanwhile, her dad was tearing up the city looking for her. And he was still able to stop time.”
“What?” Pyotr sat up straighter. “How??”
“I don’t know. I think he somehow was using his mind. Maybe something about him let him absorb the power. I’ve tried, but it’s never happened to me.”
Pyotr filed the information away, a little annoyed to only now be hearing it after spending a week researching this power.
“Anyway,” Jeremy continued, “I had to get rid of him, make him stop looking for her. I made it look like she ran away because of him, but he didn’t stop, so I tried threatening him. I hated to do it, but all I wanted was for him to leave us alone.
“Everything I did made him more determined. I’d leave a threat, he’d ignore it and comb the city. I’d mass things up around him, he’d fix them instantly. He could stop time just by thinking about it, and I think he would wind back to the moment I changed something to reverse it. He just got madder and madder, and started acting crazy as well.
“Finally he was ranting and screaming in front of his wife and neighbors. I had to end it, to scare him into stopping. So I took him and put him in the street.”
Jeremy leaned forward as a look of shock crossed Pyotr’s face. “You have to believe me,” he said, “I didn’t think I had any other choice, and I was sure, absolutely certain, that he’d stop it in time and just appear right back where he was.”
“He did not.”
“No. It hit him, and he was… he was killed instantly. When Petra found out, she hadn’t been deprogrammed all the way, and still thought she was in love with him. It destroyed her. I’ve been taking care of her ever since.
“So yeah… if you built a proper time machine, and if going back wouldn’t destroy the universe, I’d find some better way. I don’t know, go back further and take away the remote when he first got it, expose him for abusing his daughter, something. Something that would save her from all that.”
Jeremy sighed, looking up at the ceiling fan, frozen in mid-spin. One of the nice things about being in control of time was that anytime you needed to stop and think, you could. You never had to say or do anything hastily. Many were the hours he’d spent alone in a crowd, existing between their heartbeats and planning his next move.
Still, it felt good to unburden himself. To finally be able to tell the whole truth to someone. To have someone know that he’d been responsible for a man’s death and at the same time know that it wasn’t his fault and it probably saved a young woman’s life.
“You need to relax,” Jeremy told himself. “Don’t wanna let yourself get all stressed.”
Usually, when he got to feeling this way, he would go to Petra for comfort. She understood him, and she always calmed her down, especially when he made love to her. But Petra had been even more down than usual lately, and there were plenty of distractions right here.
Plenty of distractions, and a friend to share them with.
Pyotr shook his head. “It is a sad tale, my friend,” he said. “I wish that I can help you.”
“Who knows,” Jeremy replied. “Maybe you can. For now, I think we should have a little fun. Take our minds off things.”
“What are you suggesting?”
“Just a little fun. Look around you, this place if full of people we could play tricks on.”
“Sure. Nobody gets hurt, we have a laugh. Tricks.”
Pyotr shrugged. “I suppose that is alright.”
“That’s the spirit!”
Time stopped, a sudden effect that still made Pyotr’s ears pop sometimes. “What is it to be, then? Switch some people’s drinks around, plant things in their pockets to embarrass them?”
“I was thinking more along the lines of those two over there,” Jeremy said, nodding toward a nearby booth.
“The ladies? Jeremy, I-”
“Just trust me. It’s harmless fun. See, here come their dates with the drinks. We’ll run a little experiment, see if we can get them to switch.”
“Yeah. Get them to switch partners. See if we can get someone to make a pass at someone other than who they came with.”
“I am thinking this is an excuse for you to look at their tits,” Pyotr said, shooting his friend a look.
Jeremy scoffed. “I need an excuse for that?” There was a little draft of air, and Jeremy chuckled. “There. I looked. They’re both awesome, although I think our waitress might be a little better.”
Pyotr laughed. It felt good to laugh. The drinks, the pub, the realization that he was not the only one who struggled with the power, had all relaxed him and helped him put his earlier worries out of mind. “Very well,” he said. “What is your plan?”
“I thought we might take turns. See who can pull it off the fastest. I’ll take the redhead. You take the brunette.”
Pyotr eyed the women critically. The redhead was a pale, thin girl with small but perky breasts, freckles, and a toothy smile that fit her face better than it should have. The brunette was taller, with high cheekbones and dark, wavy hair past her shoulders. She was wearing a dark red dress that showed off her generous cleavage. On most women, she would have been overdressed, but she made it work.
“Deal,” he said. “We will give these people a fun time.”
Leah didn’t want to go to her sister Chryssi’s wedding. She definitely didn’t want to be the maid of honor. It wasn’t that she didn’t love Chryssi; she did. They’d grown up in England together and never really fought. She just hated weddings, ever since she’d caught her own fiancé – husband, technically, for all of an hour – fucking a bridesmaid at their reception. She wasn’t a huge fan of Don, Chryssi’s fiancé, either. She couldn’t really say why, there was just something about him that set her on edge.
She’d told Chryssi as much over the phone. She would much rather send a huge gift and stay home, or maybe go out and buy another cat. But Chryssi had insisted.
“I can’t have my big day without my big sister,” she’d wheedled. “You’re closer to me than anybody. And besides, I think you’ll like the best man.”
“It’s bad enough that you’re marrying a Yank,” Leah had complained, “Now you want me to come all the way to America to meet another one?”
“I want you to come to America to be at my wedding. The fact that you’ll be sharing a dance with a handsome, single man is just a bonus. I want my big sister by my side. Besides, my accent will come back if you’re around, and you know guys here think we sound cultured and refined.”
“It’s just, I’ve got a lot on the go at work right now, and it’s awfully short notice-”
“I dropped everything to go to your wedding.”
Leah hadn’t been able to reply to that. It wasn’t until she heard her knuckles crack that she realized she was squeezing the phone, trying to crush it in her fist.
“Leah?” Chryssi asked. “Leah, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have-”
“No, you bloody well shouldn’t,” Leah replied, “but done is done and whether I like it or not, you’re fucking right. Now don’t bring that up again and I’ll be on the first flight I can.”
“Yay! I love you, sis!”
“Yeah, yeah, I love you too.”
Truth be told, it hadn’t been that bad so far. She still didn’t particularly like Don; something about his perfect teeth and plastered-on grin made her want to kick him in the face. But she supposed that was an occupational hazard for a news presenter. And his best man, Brian, was not similarly afflicted.
Brian was a tall man, just muscular enough that it was obvious he took care of himself without obsessing over it. His dark blonde hair reminded Leah of a racehorse she’d met once as a little girl. She’d read in the paper weeks later that the horse had died, and now the thought suddenly made her feel very sad.
She smiled and participated in the small talk, not really paying much attention. It was a skill honed over many years of polite society. Instead, she watched the others.
Chryssi sat between her and the wall. She’d known that Leah wouldn’t be comfortable sitting with Brian yet, and taken the seat without a word. She really was a good sister, and she seemed very happy; Leah was pretty sure the arm she had on the table hadn’t moved since they’d first sat down and she’d grabbed Don’s hand.
Don was a little less off-putting in person, but that was probably because he was so very short. She had only seen him on webchats with her sister before, and now she kept having to stop herself giggling at the image of him delivering the news while sitting on a telephone book.
Then there was Brian. He shook her hand when they met, or rather grabbed it for a polite moment while making eye contact, and had complimented her dress, but beyond that he’d been respectfully distant, which was nice. He’d even managed to keep his eyes off her tits for most of the night.
She was about 80% sure she was going to fuck him in the near future.
Nothing serious, of course. Just a couple bodies colliding and then drifting away. After all, it had been a year and a half since Ian and the fastest annulment in the history of marriage, and sometimes a girl just wanted to get fucked by somebody.
The waitress brought a plate of chips around and set it on the table. Leah reached across to grab some and immediately felt the thump of one of her tits hitting the table.
She pulled back with a little gasp of shock, slapping an arm across her chest. Thankfully the dress had stayed in place, but it seemed the bra she’d worn underneath had snapped or something because she couldn’t feel the cups anymore.
“You alright, sis?” Chryssi asked.
“Yeah, yeah, just a wardrobe malfunction, as they say. ‘Scuse me.”
Crossing her arms, Leah crossed the pub to the ladies’ washroom. There was no danger of her dress falling, thanks to its straps and the tight zip up the back, but she was pretty sure she’d slipped both cups of her bra somehow because she couldn’t feel the damned thing at all.
Unfortunately, things got even weirder when she got to the Ladies’. She stood in front of the mirror and sighed; her condition was quite visible through the tight fabric of her dress. Even worse, pulling out the front and peering inside, she couldn’t see the bra at all!
“Bloody hell,” Leah cursed, patting herself down. Maybe the shoulder straps had snapped and the thing slid down around her waist or something. It would be just her luck; she might look great in the right bodice, but Leah often envied her sister’s little faerie tits. These great big boulders of hers were good for attracting men, and not much else.
Well, there was nothing else for it. She stepped into a stall, closed the door, and reached back to undo her zipper. Maybe if she could find the thing, she could do a quick repair or something.
The dress was so tight, she didn’t imagine where a whole bra could hide, especially one her size, but she shimmied out of it anyway and hung it by the straps on the little hook on the back of the door. Of course, standing around in just her pants in a toilet wasn’t going to help her nipple problem; she could already feel the cool air making them stiffen. She gave them a quick rub, hoping to keep a little warm, and lifted her tits out of the way to look down at herself.
Nothing. Just flesh, a little pair of knickers, and the low heeled shoes she was wearing. “Fuck,” she breathed, realizing that her bra was probably on the floor somewhere between here and the table she’d come from.
She really had no option but to get dressed and go back out there. Sighing, Leah shimmied back into the dress and zipped herself in, hefting herself into as good a fit as she could manage and hoping it wouldn’t be too noticeable.
All the way back to the table, she looked around at the floor, but there was no sign of her rogue brassiere. Thankfully, the lights were dimmer over the booths than in the loo, so maybe things would be alright, as long as she leaned forward a bit.
“There you are!” Chryssi exclaimed. “What took you so long?”
“Oh, don’t worry about it.” Leah sat and scooted over. “Just a loose thread.”
“If you say so,” Chryssi said with a shrug.
“I can hook you up with my tailor,” Don said.
Leah smiled in thanks and waved away the suggestion. “It’s nothing’ really, I-”
Don looked curiously at her. His pecs looked more boldly at her. “You alright?” he asked.
Leah blinked, and then Don’s clothes were back. Which was only natural because they’d never been gone. That was silly.
“I’m fine, really,” she said, reaching for her shoulder and subtly adjusting the bra strap that was biting into her shoulder.
For a long moment, she almost screamed.
Jeremy laughed and slapped Peter on the back. “Well timed! That was awesome.”
Pete shook his head. “I still am unsure about this. She did not seem to be having fun. I think I upset her.”
Jeremy shrugged. “She’ll get over it.” He walked over to the table, pulling Leah off the seat and leaving her sitting on air, then sliding in next to Chryssi. “Oh course, if you really want to get the juices flowing, you gotta be a little more direct.”
Chryssi’s yellow dress seemed almost out of place in the dim light of the bar. It was the sort of thing you’d wear to run through a field in Switzerland. But with skin as white as hers, anything darker would have made her look like a vampire. Not that the vamp look wasn’t hot, Jeremy noted as he unbuttoned the front of the dress and slid it off her shoulders, but not everyone wanted to scare old people.
There were freckles on the pale skin of Chryssi’s breasts, matching the ones across the bridge of her nose. Jeremy traced a finger from one to another, connecting the dots and taking a moment to admire her perky little tits, so firm that she apparently didn’t feel a need to wear a bra. Redheads were great; they had a pure look to them that appealed to the eye, and stereotypes encouraged them to be crazy in all the fun ways.
Leaning down, Jeremy took one of her pale pink nipples in his lips. He sucked it slow and hard, dragging as much titflesh into his mouth as he could before moving to the other one. His fingers meanwhile slid up the inside of her thigh, slipping down under her panties and rubbing her pussy. He took his time, although since that time was compressed it didn’t matter how fast he was; he wanted to enjoy this for himself, and maybe show Pete how to have a good time.
Chryssi sighed internally at her sister. Leah may have been gorgeous, but she was really retarded when it came to men. She’d developed early physically, but never quite seemed to grow into her body mentally. Growing up, it was a constant cringefest watching her miss obvious passes from hot guys, while Chryssi’s less eye-catching figure kept her in her sister’s shadow.
Things weren’t that much different now, it seemed. Hooking Leah up with Brian had been Don’s idea; Brian’s wife had left him a year before, and he was only now starting to consider dating again. He was handsome, intelligent, and polite, the perfect non-threatening date to distract Leah from her obsession with disliking Don.
Sure, there were reasons not to like Don. There were reasons not to like anybody. But being a little vain and maybe occasionally condescending was no reason to describe someone as “just wrong” or to say they gave you “the willies.”
Hopefully, by the time the wedding rolled around, the only willy Leah would be getting was Brian’s.
Leah seemed to be a little preoccupied with subtly adjusting her boobs. Wondering if he’d noticed the fidgeting and jiggling, Chryssi looked at Brian and came.
It was so sudden that she didn’t even notice at first. Her gaze hit his face, and suddenly her body was on fire. Machine-gun waves of pleasure shot from her pussy straight into her brain, filling every space in her perceptions save for the two little nuggets of awareness that her nipples were getting in on the fun as well.
She gasped and slapped a hand down on the table, doubling over in her seat. Her thighs snapped shut so hard she thought she might have sheared her panties in half, until she started feeling the damp squish of them against her skin. She bit her cheek until she tasted blood; her vision obscured first with blackout darkness and then a curtain of red as blood returned to her head and her hair cascaded over her face. Somehow, Chryssi weathered the storm of sensation until it finally started to clear.
Panting, Chryssi pushed back her hair and sat up again. Everyone at the table was staring at her, along with a few other tables and some of the wait staff. “Sorry,” she said, wiping sweat from her brow. “Just… just a cramp. I’ll be okay.”
After some reassurances, the others seemed to accept that she would be alright. Another round of drinks arrived, and everyone seemed to forget about Chryssi’s outburst. Her phone buzzed and she dug it out of her purse to check her messages.
There was a new message from Leah. Chryssi glanced over and noticed that her sister had her own phone sitting in her lap. She opened the message.
“That was no cramp.”
Chryssi felt herself blushing. She quickly sent back a response. “I’m fine, leave it.”
“I know that smell. Bunkbeds sucked growing up. Especially when you got new boy band posters.”
Chryssi kicked Leah’s foot under the table. “I don’t smell,” she texted back.
“Everyone’s smells. What’s going on?”
Chryssi was about to type a reply when a little squeal got her attention. She glanced at Leah and felt herself blushing again. Her sister was bent slightly forward, both hands tight gripping her thighs and digging in her fingernails. She was biting down on her lip and breathing raggedly, just barely avoiding notice while Don told a story about his hairdresser. Most disturbingly, her nipples were pretty visible through her dress, which presumably meant that her bra had… what? Disintegrated?
When she settled down, Leah turned to meet her sister’s gaze. She had a fearful look that Chryssi knew was echoed on her own face.
What was happening to them?
“Jeremy, I am thinking we should call off this ‘fun’. Look at them, they are very upset.”
Jeremy scoffed. “Whatever dude, they just need to cum some more and they’ll be begging for it. Last time I did this the girl went off to the bathroom and kept on saying the guy’s name over and over so she’d keep cumming.”
“Perhaps,” Pyotr said, plucking the phone out of Leah’s hand. “But this girl is not that girl. These messages show she is scared, she thinks she is having some sort of seizures.”
Jeremy took a swig from Chryssi’s glass and shrugged. “Might as well make it a good one, then,” he said, plucking from her seat Leah and shoving her in the air toward Pyotr. “Catch.”
Pyotr stumbled forward desperately before he remembered that gravity would have no effect on the girl. “What are you doing now?” he asked.
“What does it look like?” Jeremy said, pulling the dress up and over Chryssi’s head, unceremoniously stripping her down to her panties. “I’m gonna show her a good time.”
Pyotr held Leah in his arms as if she was going to fall, staring dumbstruck as Jeremy lifted Chryssi onto the padded booth seat. She was on her hands and knees, looking toward Pyotr.
Jeremy pulled her panties to the left and started moving his hand behind her. “She’s soaked, you should see this,” Jeremy said. “Looks tight, too. How’s yours?”
Pyotr was about to answer, but stopped when he noticed Jeremy’s movements had changed. He was holding Chryssi’s hips and thrusting slowly back and forth with his pelvis. He was fucking her, right there in the booth.
“What’s the matter, Pete?” Jeremy asked. “You like her, don’t you? If she’s not your type I can find another-”
“Jeremy, this is wrong. You are using her, and she will not enjoy it.”
Jeremy kept pumping into her as he replied. “Wanna bet on that one?”
Before he could reply, Pyotr found himself sitting on a chair. His stomach turned over, which made sense if Jeremy had moved him outside of time. In front of him, some of the tables had been moved to open an area on the floor. Chryssi lay on her back with her head toward him, and Jeremy was on top of her, thrusting rhythmically into her. Her arms and legs were wrapped around him, and she was moaning.
“Ohh fuck, Jeremy, fuck me,” she cried, digging her nails into his shoulderblades. “I’m cumming again, don’t stop!”
Jeremy drove down into her faster, slapping his hips on hers loudly again and again. “You see?” he said, looking up at Pyotr with a victorious grin. “The slut loves every minute of it.”
“Oh yes,” Chryssi cried, “I’m your slut, give it to me!”
Jeremy groaned and drove down violently into Chryssi, bouncing her entire body with the force of his thrusts. Finally, with a full-body shiver, he slammed against her a final time and stayed there. Chryssi moaned and cried in pleasure while Jeremy came into her, holding him like a lover and pulling him in deeper with her ankles.
“That’s a good girl,” Jeremy said, kissing her forehead and stroking her hair back from her face. “Let me go now, baby, and I promise I’ll be right back.”
“Yes sir,” Chryssi said, panting on the floor while Jeremy lifted himself up off of her. Her breathing stopped dead and Jeremy zipped up his pants, stepping away from her ravaged and time-frozen form.
Pyotr shook his head in disbelief. “How did you do that?”
“What, convince her? It was actually pretty easy. Most girls are sluttier than they think they are.” He nodded to Pyotr’s left, where Leah was sitting, staring blankly toward her sister’s naked body. “According to Chryssi, your girl there is bad with dating and doesn’t get nearly enough attention. I think it sounds like she needs a good, deep dicking.”
Pyotr frowned. “She is not my girl! And that does not make me think it is okay to do this without her permission.”
“I respect that.” Jeremy walked behind the bar and took a couple coolers out of a fridge, then returned and handed one to Pyotr. “Have a drink, and we can talk about it.”
“All right!” Pyotr said, draining the last drops of his drink. “I will grant you that the argument has merit. But it is still murder to pull the lever.
“Even though you’re saving five people?”
“I did not say it was not a just murder. It is a tragedy, but a murder still.”
“Right! So while touching her is molestation, it is a just molestation. And you said you would pull the lever, didn’t you?”
“I did.”
“The lever is Leah’s panties.”
Pyotr tried to drink from his bottle and was disappointed to find it empty. He shoved it into the little cloud of similarly empty bottles behind the booth where he and Jeremy were sitting. “So you are saying that if I make her feel good, even if she is unhappy about it, that good is still good, and doing good is… good.”
“Now you got it! That’s what I do. I spread good!”
“Ah, ah, you do more than that.”
Jeremy raised his hands in surrender. “True. I spread mischief, too. Which makes life more exciting, which is…?”
“Good!” Jeremy slapped his hand on the table. “Now c’mon, let’s make that girl feel good.”
“You know,” Pyotr said, pushing slowly out of the booth, “in Science it is frowned upon to have relations with test subjects.”
“In Science, you can’t ever observe anything without changing it.”
“Well on the quantum level, sure.”
“In life, you can’t time-freeze a girl without making her cum.”
“My friend, that is a good rule,” Pyotr said, reaching for Leah where she hung in the air, still in a seated position. He pulled her to him and brushed the hair back from her face. “She is beautiful. And you say she is single?”
“Thinking of giving her a call?”
“Perhaps.” Pyotr grinned, fumbling with the zipper on the back of Leah’s dress.
He’d already seen Leah’s breasts before, while stealing her bra, and again a second time when he made her cum at the table, but Pyotr still had to take a breath and admire them as the dress slid down. Her bra, which already lay under one of the tables, proudly declared itself a 36DD, but even without it she did not sag. Her nipples were so perfect they could have been on the cover of Nipples Magazine, were there such a thing. Pyotr chuckled at the idea of a magazine by nipples for nipples, leaning in and pressing his face between Leah’s generous breasts.
Soft, wet sounds told him that Jeremy had woken Chryssi up; looking back over his shoulder, he could see the back of her head bobbing up and down in Jeremy’s lap while his friend gave him a thumbs-up.
Pyotr rolled his eyes and returned to the very important business of removing Leah’s dress. It was practically painted on her form, and he was unable to get it down over her pleasantly wide hips without tearing the seams. Instead, he lifted it up over her head like a shirt.
“Pardon me,” he said, smoothing down Leah’s hair and lowering her arms. “Much better, yes?”
Leah stood – well, hovered – in nothing but a small pair of panties. They were dark red and looked like silk. A darker spot in the front reinforced Pyotr’s belief that, were she able to honestly answer, she would have approved of his actions. He lifted her and drew her in close, but he had to press his nose against the fabric before he could inhale her scent. It made sense, since the air wouldn’t be moving, and for a moment he wondered how it was possible to take a nap in the frozen world without suffocating.
He had only touched outside Leah’s underwear before, so he was sure to pay attention to the view as he slid them down and off her hips, revealing a dark strip of short hair and a glistening wet sex beneath it. His fingers trailed along the soft, warm skin of her legs, dragging the little garment down until she was free of it.
Standing again, Pyotr pressed his face between Leah’s thighs. He held her round, firm ass in both hands to keep her still while he licked and sucked at her.
He found himself remembering doing the same thing with Annushka before, but now instead of guilt he felt excitement. The taste was similar but different in ways he could not articulate, and the feeling of stronger, larger thighs against his cheeks gave the act a different aspect.
Reaching up with one hand, Pyotr cupped and squeezed Leah’s breast. He was careful not to be too rough and hurt her, but nor could he be gentle anymore; her body was wonderful, and every instinct he had was demanding he Take and Use and Have.
Pyotr held Leah’s waist and brought her down again until he could suckle at one of her nipples. His fingers moved between her legs, stroking her pussy and gently opening its outer lips. Moving her legs around his waist, he felt the moist warmth of her entrance touching the tip of his now rock-hard cock, although he didn’t really remember taking his clothing off. Dismissing the observation, he gripped Leah by the hips and entered her with a decisive thrust.
***Continues in Comments***

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/7hcu9i/timebenders_2_channelsurfing_chapter_12_timestop


  1. ***Continued from above***

    “My man!” Jeremy whooped. Chryssi moaned loudly as Pyotr started pumping in and out of her sister’s pussy. Looking over his shoulder, Pyotr realized Jeremy was matching his movements, fucking Chryssi from behind so she could watch her sister being penetrated. He drove in faster, letting Chryssi’s cries drive him onward and grinding deeper inside of Leah’s hot, tight pussy.
    Leah started to loosen up around him, and Pyotr found that his trick of pressing on her pelvis was less successful than it had been with Anna’s smaller body, so he spun her around on the tip of his cock until she was bent over and thrust inside once again. Holding her ass, squeezing it tight around his shaft, he pushed Leah down over a table and fucked her hard and fast. Chryssi continued to moan in time to the thrusts, and the synchronized slapping of hips on asses filled the room.
    It occurred to Pyotr that, had it not been for the accident with Anna, this would be his first time. And Anna didn’t really count, did she? He groaned with pleasure, wondering what Leah would think if she knew she was his first woman.
    Leah suddenly tightened around Pyotr’s cock, causing him to gasp in surprise. She moaned and grabbed at the table, pushing back into his thrusting hips on reflex while her body flooded her with all the sensations of his use of her. Before he could even properly register what was going on, Pyotr was slamming deep inside her and cumming with her, feeling himself pulse as he filled her, until their combined juices were dripping on the floor between her legs.
    “Wh-wha-?” Leah said, then froze stiff once more. Jeremy chuckled, standing behind him now while Chryssi knelt and sucked his cock. He touched her forehead and she leaned back, jerking him fast and looking up at him until he started shooting cum all over her breasts. Pyotr looked away from them, disengaging himself carefully from Leah’s body and stumbling over to sit in a nearby chair. The low lights and shadows of the pub closed in around him, making him feel a sudden desire to run outside and away from this place. Instead, he sat with his head in his hands, trying to understand what had happened to him. When did he cross the line from scientist to tourist? Was there even a line there anymore?
    And why didn’t he feel bad about it?
    Leah closed and locked her hotel room door, then went straight to her shower. She still was having trouble understanding her weird hallucinations at dinner, but had decided it was probably some sort of flu. Chryssi had been acting really weird too, kind of distant and confused, as if she was looking for someone who wasn’t there and not sure why she was where she was. Brian had suggested they both get some rest and offered to drive Leah home, but she’d opted for a cab instead.
    She dropped her clothes at the bathroom door, walking straight into the tub and turning the water on. Steam billowed out and she sighed in relief, scrubbing the sweat and confusion from her skin. She felt sore, like she’d been working out, and there was a throbbing between her legs that she’d decided was all in her head, a feeling like she’d been interrupted in the middle of some really athletic sex and not been able to finish.
    Well, that at least was one thing she could deal with. Leah pulled the shower head off its hook, moving the hot spray down across her tits and stomach until it was aimed on and around her pussy. She moaned, sliding down the tile wall until she was sitting in her bathtub with her legs spread wide open and water splashing between them.
    Her soft moans echoed on the tile, but knowing she had the place to herself, Leah didn’t suppress them. She let her voice rise with her pleasure, moving her free hand down to rub back and forth over her clit, flicking the shower head to a massage setting and keeping it aimed down at her slit.
    She cried out when she came, back arching and legs shaking, finding a release she didn’t know she’d been denied and laying back on the hard surface of the bathtub in relief. She turned the water to a gentler spray and let it wash everything away, closing her eyes and dozing for a minute.
    Some time later, clean and refreshed, Leah emerged into the hotel room. She was wrapped in her softest bathrobe and had her hair up under a towel, which she secretly thought of as the official uniform of single girls who are watching Netflix. She headed for the bed and almost screamed in shock when she saw her sister Chryssi there.
    Chryssi was wearing pale blue lingerie, a bra-panty-stocking set that looked like it came out of a Victoria’s secret catalogue. It was lacey and semi-transparent; it worked for Chryssi’s pale skin, but Leah knew that the same set on her would leave nothing to the imagination.
    “Chryssi?” Leah said, stepping toward her. “What are you doing here?”
    “He thought it would be easier if you saw me first,” she replied. “He says after he saw his friend make you cum, he knew he had to have you for yourself, too.”
    “What? Who did?”
    The glass door on the other side of the room slid open, and a young man walked in, smiling at her. “Hi, Leah,” he said. “I’m Jeremy, and you and I are about to get to know one another very, very well.”

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