Bounty Hunter’s Day Job Ch4 (MF, Sex on the Job, Interruption)

Location Tosil

Parked at old warehouse near Melgis and Gabul intersection.

Remaining cost to ship repairs = 7,800 credits.

The girl’s chin tapped against my balls once again. Her soft purple skin bouncing against the taut flesh of my sack sent whispers of pleasure through my body. Combined with the rising tenacity in her excellent cock-sucking skills, I was enjoying a very good position. A strained breath creeped out from my mouth as her throat slid back down along my cock before it popped free from her lips. She smiled up at me with green eyes as she seemingly enjoyed hearing the audible response from her handy-work. The whole thing felt a little strange, not the blowjob part, that felt great. The strange thing was having my back against a cold alley wall while my latest passenger slowly licked her tongue up along the tip of my crown.

She could have paid her fare without problem, but the offer of a free ride for a “free ride” had easily sold her. Interestingly she’s a Quonai, one of the aliens with various body colors, head horns and interesting feet; not that I cared about any of that, it’s just that it was my first time interacting with a Quonai in such an interesting fashion.
Eventually she said she wanted to change things up. She lead me in the passenger seat and then she leaned her half naked form over my body. Large purple tits mounted with dark-purple nipples rubbed along my legs as she licked her lips hungrily. After kissing my chest, she started working again.

“My horns… play with my horns.” She whispered quickly while barely stopping her hungry mouth from working every inch of my shaft. I reached up and grabbed her purple flesh and immediately lessoned the grip when I heard a slightly pained sound come from her lips as he sucked on my cock.

She pulled back from my cock and I uttered a quick apology.

“It’s okay. Most non- Quonai don’t realize how sensitive they are. Just rubbing them would be enough. It will make me wetter than Slinska IV on a rainy day.” She said with a wicked smile. After that she slowly opened up her mouth as wide as it could before she engulfed my cock with her mouth once more. I felt her nipples harden and start pressing out against my legs. The feeling of her soft tit flesh rubbing the area around her nipples was a nice subtle sensation compared to the hungry vacuum created by her slutty throat. The pleasure from her blowjob mounted with each second.

My fingers dug into the well-worn material of my cab and her sounds became even more strained and mewling as I rubbed my strong fingers even more forcefully on her horns. The sensitive towers rising from her skull appeared to double the pleasure of having my cock in her mouth. Sometimes it looked like her entire head was vibrating when I played with her horns, it sure felt like that as she went up and down along my cock. Eventually her hands cupped my balls. It looked like she was trying hard to protect a small flame as she worked her head and neck to deliver the tip of my cock as far as possible into her warm tight throat.

Right as I was about to cum I heard something, a sharp beeping coming from the driver’s seat. “Huwahhat?” I asked loudly before I pulled back my body from the embrace of the Quonai girl. My cock popped out and it was immediately beset by the meeting of raging internal heat and the cold exterior air around the cab. I fought back the sensation and shuffled forward in between the two front seats. When my front half was wedged in between the chairs and propped up awkwardly on the center console I realized the alarm was a signal from my scanner. Someone was nearby. My fingers coiled around the small blaster hidden just under the dashboard and I did my best to quickly get back into the back seat.

Turning towards the Quonai, I looked her over. Her top was off and both her and I stank of sex. My pants were off, but the lights were still off, so it might not be as much of an issue.

“Close the door and put your top on and stay quiet.” I said quickly and uttered a curse that I didn’t take the Quonai to a safer zone to play around with.

“What is going on?” She asked after pulling the door shut, the sound was a bit loud for my taste but there was no sense worrying about it now.

“Could be nothing could be trouble. I’ll handle it.” I clicked off the safety on my blaster and then switched it into my left hand and pulled her close even as she still fumbled to button up her blouse completely. I pulled her close to me, not aggressively but not slowly either.

“I can’t close the buttons. It’s too dark.” She whispered quickly as her fingers stumbled at trying to close her top around her large purple breasts.

“Just do a few, so it doesn’t look like your tits are hanging out.” I said while my head kept swiveling around. I couldn’t see behind me and that sucked but there we were, settled into the back-left corner of my cab with me having no pants and both of our sexes growling angrily that we had stopped.

Soon enough I saw the people who had triggered my alarm. I had hoped it might be some stupid kids, that I could have dealt with. A simple shot over their heads would have sent them scurrying and kept the area clear long enough to finish. Besides nosy street punks I’d hoped for some Bloodaxe gangsters. At least those guys I could have bribed, no the situation was much worse and not helped when a second figure in soft green and metal colored armor moved forward towards my hover taxi.

The first Jade guard in the patrol moved forward slowly. My eyes looked down from his emotionless helmet down to his blaster. The soldier of the Jade Empire had his fingers tensed around the grip and the under barrel. I’ve tangoed with his kind before, had I been suited up I could have smoked twenty of them and then finished off the horny Quonai. In this situation my position wasn’t nearly as strong. If they were looking for me, this was going to get ugly fast. I actually prayed to the universe that they weren’t looking for me or my passenger. The odds of me surviving a shootout, with a small blaster, half naked in a sitting target were shittier than a Balugar’s dungeon.
He tapped his barrel against the passenger window like the well-trained thug he was. I slowly waved my right hand at him, making sure to show him my main hand and that it wasn’t armed. After that I slowly opened up the window. Each breath after those glowing green lenses appeared in my vision was forged with equal parts apprehension and hope that they’d be gone soon.

“Evening sir. Something I can help you out with?”

The guard and his silver and dark green helmet simply looked me over. When he noticed the Quonai he’s blank green eye lenses scanned her as well.

“Produce your licenses citizens.” The voice that came from the bird-like helmet was corroded by a speaker system. I actually have one similar to those used by Jade guards on my own helmet. Now on the receiving end of a voice modulated by such a device, I realized I had invested in a good piece of equipment. The man’s voice alone would have been intimidating if I was just a regular taxi driver. Lucky for me, I’m not.

“Of course, sir, just give me one sec…” I suddenly felt the hard edge of two cards being nudged against my right hand. Turning back towards the girl, I noticed in the darkness that she had my ID and her own in between her toes. My eyes looked at her for a moment before she jabbed me once again. I made a note to remember checking out just how flexible she was when we weren’t staring down a cadre of blasters. I grabbed the ID cards and quickly but not too quickly handed the cards over to the Jade guard. Outside I heard more steps. There was more than just the two, and they were moving around the outside of my cab.

“Anything I can help with?” I asked, while making sure to add a nervous edge to my voice. My fingers locked around my blaster were sweating now, I was already looking for exactly where to fire my first shot if the situation untangled.

The guard didn’t say anything. I wondered if he had a name in mind he was looking for or if his helmet could scan the ID cards and verify information with the Empire’s records. A weight of uncertainty dropped on my head. I realized I was about to see if that fake ID was worth the credits I had invested into it after setting up shop on Tosil. Finally, after one more grueling minute, he handed us back our IDs.

“Apologies citizen. There is a suspect out here wanted for questioning. We believed you might be an extraction team. You need to move your vehicle to a more suitable location.” The guard said, there was no room for an argument and I wasn’t planning to make one.

“Of course. Thanks sir.” The guard moved away and the instant his back was turned I dropped my blaster and pulled on my pants. After that I ambled my way back to the driver’s seat. It was a uncomfortable transition given I was still hard as Itanium. Still, a little discomfort was worth it over getting out of the back seats, opening up the front door and getting into the front seat. I felt like anything might set the guards off. Whoever they were looking to ‘question’ definitely had them on edge. I’ve rarely seen them in such a serious mode, but when I have seen them like that I’ve known to avoid them, or at least shoot a lot and put them down quickly. The Jade Empire doesn’t train them to be nice when its time for action.

I blasted us away from the area and ended up heading to my place. Once the hover taxi settled back down I got out of the front seat and was about to say something when the Quonai jumped on top of my body. I crashed back down onto the hard-cold ground. She wiggled her body against mine as she held on tight.

“I was so worried I was in trouble or worse. I had family who lived on Mandor. I thought they might be hunting a Quonai and drag me in for questioning.” I looked up and was sad to see the fear in her eyes. I had healthy respect for the guards capability for violence, but the fear running through the girl’s eyes wasn’t matched by my own. Then again, I’ve killed around twenty of them during missions, kind of makes them lose as much power as they once had.

“I’m glad they didn’t, but I didn’t do anything. No need to thank me.” I replied to her while she dragged my hands up and put them on her hips.

After that she nuzzled her lips against my neck and chin with erratic energy coursing through her.

“If I had been alone it could have been worse. I… I guess I just wanted to say thanks. On the bright side…” The worry in her voice and movement started to subside and she moved a purple hand up to remove one of her mismatched buttons. More of her cleavage soon followed before she unhooked the last button on her top while her hips continued grinding against my lap. Our bodies warmed up again as we both laid there on the hard ground of my garage.

“It seems like you’re still quite hard. I… I didn’t think most people could stay so calm under two kinds of pressure hehe.” I almost laughed at that. On more than one occasion, my cock not quieting down had gotten me into trouble. Luckily this wasn’t one of those evenings. Soon enough my pants were off and the only thing she had on was her open top as she bounced up and down on my big hard cock.

“Yes… fuwahh… you… I… I realize I don’t know your name driver.”

“Nrghnn… Jad…” I growled out. Probably wasn’t the smartest idea giving her part of the truth but right then I was too busy enjoying the incredible tightness of her warm vessel. Each time her body slid back down to meet my hips made her pussy quiver and constrain all along my length.

“Jad… I’m Neliana… I… owahh.. very glad to meet you.” Nelia said as she continued using her planted feet to bounce her incredible lower half up and down on my hard member. Soon enough I angled my head up and grabbed one of her large heaving breasts with my fingers. As I pulled the meat of her flesh forward my mouth quickly latched onto her nipples. She moaned out as I sucked on her breasts, but I made sure to never stop driving my cock upwards.

Every moment that my member drilled deep inside of her walls made Neliana’s purple body tremble. Her luscious breasts and dark-purple nipples tasted so good in my mouth that sometimes it was a struggle remembering to pull up and take a breath.

“Jad… I… I’m gonna cum. Just keep thrusting. I… I wanna feel it all inside my pussy… I want your human cum inside my naughty pussy.” Neliana begged me in between moans that were equal parts animal pants and notes of extreme pleasure. As I made it towards the finishing line I actually pushed the naked Quonai back onto her back and really started hammering her tight drooling pussy. Her juices spilled out all over my balls as I punctuated her womb with the tip of my thick length. Eventually the lovely girl reached her hands and legs up and coiled them around my sweat-covered body. She urged me on with her loving embrace right up till the point that she started screaming. Her strained call of joy blasted my ears while her pussy pulsed and then quickly started becoming tighter and tighter around my flesh inside her walls. The silken warmth wrapped around my cock and milked it with a specific purpose. Neliana’s cunny was so tight that I barely got off five more thrusts before I started spilling my cum inside the naked Quonai’s pussy.

“Jaduaaahhh!!!” Neliana cried out as I started filling up the space inside her twitching vagina with my thick white cum. My cock continued twitching inside of her as I rubbed and squeezed her breasts. She winced slightly as I pinched her nipple.

“Be gentle. I love my boobs being played with but they’re sensitive.” She said in between exasperated gasps as my cock finally started ending its release directly into her welcoming lower lips. Her green eyes looked up at me and one hand caressed my cheek and she pulled me in for a quick kiss. “Jad… can I stay here tonight?”

For a moment I thought of not only how messed up the rest of my place was but also about the weapons I had stored, many of them illegal. I barely knew Neliana and decided to err on the side of caution. “I’m repainting my room, but I have a comfortable couch I’ve been sleeping on.” She smiled and nodded and after getting a little cleaned up we fell asleep on my couch, it wasn’t that comfortable but either she held her comments or was too spent to really care.

In the morning Neliana left early with a quick farewell. I offered to drop her off somewhere but she politely refused and said she knew a nice breakfast place nearby. After she left, I got cleaned up with a hot shower. After dressing and moving some of my credits earned from yesterday into a payment account, I stopped over at my ‘office’. The label was for a room with a simple desk, simple chair and several advanced wall safes. I pressed in the code on the one to the right of the desk. With an audible click and whirring the panels slid open and showed off my small arms. For a few minutes I just looked over the weapons, debating what I might take to stow in my taxi’s glovebox. The idea of being on the wrong end of a squad of Jade guards with just the compact pistol didn’t sound good to me. For the time being I didn’t take a blaster but I did grab a finger blade. After I put it in my back pocket, I closed up the safe and then headed to my garage to get back to work. It ended up that banging Neliana and the ensuing situation cost me plenty of fares, not that I minded too much. One thing was for sure, Tisol’s nightlife was proving much more enjoyable than I had anticipated.


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