First time author, first time gay story. Would love feedback. [mm]

First Morning

Tyler woke gently, stretching and opening his eyes to the orange and purple hues streaming in his window. It was dawn, hours before he would normally be awake, but he felt more than ready to start the day—a day of complete freedom, like every day would be for the next few months.

Slowly kicking the sheets off his nude 18 year-old form and absentmindedly stroking his healthy morning wood, Tyler grinned at his newfound adulthood. High school was done, college was still a summer away, and for the next month he had a beach house to enjoy along with his friends—and without any parents.

Life was good, and Tyler was ready to enjoy it.

He swung out of bed, his adolescent erection subsiding as he pulled on a pair of swim trunks and started downstairs. There was a bit of noise coming from the kitchen; Tyler grinned knowing that he wasn’t the only one looking to get an early start.

“Morning,” he said quietly as he stepped onto the cool tile of the kitchen floor. Adam was standing at the counter in his boxer briefs making a pot of coffee.

“Oh, hey Tyler,” he said, turning around, showing no sign of embarrassment in revealing the sizeable bulge that filled out the front of his cotton underwear. “I didn’t wake you, did I?”

“Nah,” said Tyler. “I wouldn’t mind a cup of that coffee, though.”

“Sure thing. I was just about to take a cup out to the hot tub, start off the morning with a soak and a joint or two.”

Adam was the newest member of the group at the beach house; he had transferred to Madison High at the end of their junior year and had quickly fallen in with Tyler and his buddies. He was also the biggest stoner of all of them, but right now Tyler had no complaints on that front.

“Sounds like a plan! You don’t mind if I join you?”

“‘Course not. Here, you carry the coffee cups.”

Adam handed two cups down from the cupboard and grabbed a box of matches. It was his parent’s beach house, and he clearly felt at home in it as he led the way out to the back deck, flipped the cover off the hot tub, and without a word of warning slipped his boxers down and stood there, his dick dangling long and heavy.

“Woah, dude!” Tyler blushed slightly and gave a small laugh. “Don’t mind me!”

He wasn’t a prude, and as a baseball player Tyler had seen plenty of free-swinging teen wang in the locker room and showers, but this was different. Instead of a room full of jocks, this was one nude guy standing just a few feet in front of him on full display…and Adam had plenty to display. Tyler turned away slightly, but couldn’t help peeking at his friend’s soft yet heavy-hanging dick.

“Hey, man,” Adam responded. “Naked is the only way to enjoy a hot tub. I mean, you can wear your swim trunks if you want, but I highly recommend letting the boys enjoy the water.” He grinned as sank slowly into the tub, letting his body get used to the water, and pulled a joint from behind his ear.

Tyler tried not to stare as his friend’s shaft slowly sank below the surface of the hot tub. He wasn’t into guys—at least, he didn’t think he was—but Adam’s total openness with his substantial teen cock was having a strange effect.

“Hey, whatever, right?” Tyler said, half-coherently, as he dropped his shorts and quickly sank into the hot tub, hoping he was fast enough that Adam hadn’t seen he was already semi-hard. If he had seen, he gave no indication, striking a match and waiting for the flare to die down before lighting the joint and taking a few puffs.

They spent the next several minutes in a comfortable silence, passing the joint back and forth and enjoying the mellow buzz and the calm early-morning air. Tyler was still getting used to the idea of being naked.

Not that he hadn’t been naked before; he loved being naked in his room, loved what he could do with himself while he was naked…but this was his first time being naked outside, being naked in front of someone outside the locker room, having someone else naked in front of him. He and his now-ex girlfriend had gone all the way twice, but both times she had insisted on the light being off and he never even had time to take his pants off all the way.

Simply hanging out in the nude was a new experience. As much as Tyler tried to subdue himself he couldn’t keep his eighteen year-old cock from rising. He mentally kicked himself for not beating out a load right when he woke up—it might have been enough to keep him from getting so hard now. Though frankly, he admitted to himself, it didn’t take much to make him hard.

At least the water kept him mostly hidden.

“Hand me a coffee cup,” Adam said, the joint between his lips as he grabbed the coffee pot off the deck and prepared to pour.

Tyler reached back to where he had set things down, trying to rise out of the water just enough to reach them but without exposing his…predicament…but they were just a few inches too far. Awkwardly twisting his body in an attempt to block Adam’s view, he quickly rose up and grabbed the cups, his boner bobbing free and clear of the water for a few seconds before he plopped back down and handed one cup over to Adam.

This time, the massive grin on Adam’s face left no question that he had seen. Tyler blushed again and looked away.

“No worries,” Adam said, pouring a cup of coffee and handing it over to Tyler, then taking the other cup for himself. “Weed always makes me horny, too.”

Tyler laughed nervously.

“Yeah. Good bud sorta puts me in the mood, ha.”

“Well, here, have some more, but remember—no cummming in the hot tub.” Adam laughed and Tyler joined, accepting the joint and taking a long drag to try and calm his raging hormones.

He inhaled deeply, letting the smoke fill his lungs, feeling his mind start to settle into a new groove. Even though his cock stayed stiff at its full seven inches, the rest of him started to relax. Tyler reached across the tub to give the end of the joint back to Adam, then leaned back, spreading his arms and legs out, and let out a sigh.

The jets weren’t on and the water was fairly clear, though there was constant movement on the surface from a mild breeze that made it difficult to see any details below the water. Confident that he wasn’t on full display, Tyler allowed himself to enjoy the feeling of the warm water caressing his sac, his mast-like cock wafting back and forth as the water moved around it, the hairs of his adolescent bush floating gently and tickling his balls and the base of his cock.

Looking across at his companion, he noticed the joint was gone. Adam held his coffee cup in one hand, but the other had moved below the surface of the water. Slow movements in Adam’s shoulder and upper arm drew Tyler’s attention downward; though he couldn’t make out the details it was obvious that his friend was slowly, almost unconsciously stroking his semi. Tyler felt his own cock twitch, growing even harder as he looked up again and met Adam’s gaze.

“Sorry, man,” Adam said, his shoulder continuing to rock slowly back and forth as he pumped his teen cock under the water. “That joint went straight to my dick, ha ha!”

“‘S cool,” Tyler said, his voice huskier than he had intended. Whether it was the weed, the new sensation of shared nudity, or just the fact that Adam had a great body and—from the glimpse Tyler had received—a massive cock, Tyler was finding himself increasingly attracted to his friend.

The weed allowed him to take his time sorting out his thoughts as he continued watching Adam slowly jerk himself off. He had never considered guys sexually before; the usual horsing around and size comparing in the locker room, of course, and that one time in sixth grade he and Ryan—Tyler’s best friend, who was still asleep inside the beach house—had showed each other their dicks amidst a fit of giggles, but that was it. He had accidentally stumbled on some gay porn in his Internet wanderings, of course, but he had always moved on quickly, not out of disgust but because he told himself he was totally disinterested.

Now he was beginning to wonder if he had been missing out. Watching the hot young stud in front of him working his cock was definitely turning Tyler on, and he couldn’t even see much of anything yet.

As Tyler got more comfortable with the fact that Adam was making him horny, his own horniness grew. So he did what was only natural for a horny eighteen year old with minimal sexual experience. Tler let his hand sink below the water. slowly circling it around the base of his dick, squeezing gently as he stroked up towards the tip, then down again. He let out a soft moan and shifted again, his legs spreading even wider.

“Yeah, man,” Adam said, staring unabashedly through the water at Tyler’s crotch. “Feels good, huh?”

“Uh huh.”

“Told you naked is the best way to be out here.”

“Totally.” Tyler tightened his grip on his cock and started stroking a bit faster, though still only toying with himself. Adam was getting more into it, too, and gave a grunt as he shifted position. He gave a small laugh.

“Sorry, bro. I’m used to being out here totally alone—one of my favorite jerk-off spots.” Adam laughed as he continued to rub his bone. “Probably shouldn’t have started teasing myself.”

“I can give you some space, if you need,” Tyler said, a little reluctantly. He stopped stroking himself and planted both hands on the deck, preparing to push himself out of the tub.

“No, it’s cool, Tyler,” Adam said. “I’ll just…hehe…save it up for later.” He kept his hand on his cock but stopped stroking, staring at Tyler and waiting for a response.

“You sure?” asked Tyler, still half poised to get out of the tub. His dick was bobbing up and down, his glans
only an inch below the water’s surface, his hips thrust forward as he prepared to climb out. “I don’t want to interrupt your flow.”

He hung there, suspended for a moment, both thrilled and hesitant at the prospect of openly showing off his bone, while at the same time hoping Adam would invite him to stay in the tub.

“Looks like you’ve been flowing pretty well yourself,” Adam said, his eyes fixed on Tyler’s visible erection just below the water’s surface. The two boys laughed together.

“What can I say, you’ve got some good weed,” Tyler said. He flexed the muscles at the base of his cock a few times, causing it to bob up and down even more vigorously. His bright red cockhead broke through the surface of the water a few times, a red so deep it was almost purple, and they both laughed again.

“Fuck it, sit back down. I don’t mind the company if you don’t.”

That was all the invitation Tyler needed, and he sank back into the water wearing a smile almost as big as his hardon.

“I don’t mind at all,” Tyler said. For a few seconds, everything was still, both of them having acknowledged that they were about to jack off together but neither one of them wanting to be the first to resume.

“So….” Tyler said, and let out a nervous giggle. “You really jerk off here a lot by yourself?”

“Ha ha, yeah. Start in the hot tub and finish by letting it fly over the rail onto the sand.”

“For real?”

“Yup. Can’t cum in the hot tub, or it would just keep floating around.”


The mental image of Adam standing at the railing of the deck, cock in hand, letting his teen loads fly over the wood planks and onto the sand below, was enough to help Tyler overcome the awkwardness and start stroking his bone again.

Adam started slowly rubbing himself again, too, sinking lower in the water as he did so. His legs were spread wide and he stretched out across the width of the hot tub, his feet coming to rest on either side of Tyler as he softly moaned. His eyes were fixed on Tyler’s face, and Tyler stared back wondering just how far this was going to go. He continued stroking himself, acutely aware of Adam’s new position and how close it brought them.

It also brought Adam’s body closer to the surface of the water as he half-floated; the water was now up to Adam’s neck, but he was stretched out flat and only a few inches deep in places. As his strokes increased in their vigor, he would occasionally thrust his hips toward the sky, his thick mushroom tip and an inch or two of shaft rising above the water. He would smile slyly at Tyler each time he did this, clearly showing off.

Tyler, for his part, was happy to take in the view, growing more and more turned on each time he saw his friend’s dick. There was no pretense at all; both were openly enjoying jacking themselves off while the other watched, and both were openly enjoying watching the other jack off, too.

Adam started stroking with slightly greater intensity, pushing himself up and leaving the first few inches of his cock completely above the water. His hand was still moving slow enough that Tyler would get to stare at his friend’s fat knob for a few seconds at a time before it was engulfed by Adam’s hand and a small splash of water. Tyler was mesmerized by the fleshy glans, and the opening and closing of Adam’s slit with each stroke. Increasing his own pace, he stretched out his legs as Adam had done, stretching his body across the hot tub, his own legs coming up underneath Adam’s and making contact with the smooth flesh on the back of his thighs.

“That OK, Adam?” Tyler’s voice was quiet, strained with sexual tension. His move had not only brought the two into contact, but it also put his shaft only inches away from Adam’s own. They could each feel the movement of the water created by the other’s stroking, the back-and-forth motion of two teens rubbing their dicks causing the water to play around their cocks and balls.

Adam didn’t respond to Tyler’s question—at least not with words. He groaned, pushing his hips up even further until his cock was fully exposed to the clear morning air. Tyler’s jaw dropped open at the sight of at least nine inches of teen meat rising from a thick bush of light-brown pubes. Adam’s hand hardly seemed to fit around the base of his teen tool, it was so wide.

“Damn,” Tyler breathed, involuntarily, as Adam’s cock towered directly over his own.

“Like that?” Adam asked, his speech slightly slurred by the mix of pot and testosterone flowing through him. Tyler nodded silently, the first complete admission either of them had made that this was more than simply two guys jacking off with each other—this was two guys jacking off for each other, and the door was open for more.

More was not long in coming, either. Adam gave his massive bone a few more strokes, then took his hand away and let it stand proudly on its own, moving slightly in the water, his bush wafting in the breeze. He placed both of his arms behind him on the deck and pushed a few more inches towards Tyler, his balls making first contact with Tyler’s shaft before he sank down a bit, rubbing his own rod against his buddy’s somewhat smaller bone.

Tyler was shocked by the sudden dick-to-dick contact, and surprised at the amount of heat he could feel radiating from Adam’s pulsing flesh despite the surrounding heat of the hot tub. He made no effort to move away, relishing the feeling of pressure on his own manhood and mentally thrilled by the naughtiness of touching another dick—the first he had ever touched aside from his own. Adam rocked his hips gently up and down, slowly stroking the underside of his dick along Tyler’s tip, causing both to moan.

They locked eyes as Adam continued his slow up-and-down thrusting, gentle yet fully in charge. His enormous cock was capable of rubbing the full length of Tyler’s dick at the same time, and almost seemed to engulf it with the heat it gave off. The feel of the veiny, silky skin sliding and tugging on Tyler’s own was the most erotic experience Tyler had ever felt, no question, and he sighed deeply as his horniness made everything but Adam’s piercing stare and fantastic flesh pole fade into the background.

“Touch it,” Adam half-requested, half-commanded, and Tyler wasted no time in complying. He let go of his own cock and grabbed the tool standing stiff in front of him, marveling at the girth and the strange soft-hard feeling of another man’s cock. He gave it a squeeze right at the base, and Adam moaned loudly as a thick drop of precum appeared at the slit. Using his free hand, Tyler pressed a finger up against the very tip of Adam’s cockhead, swirling the clear, natural lube around, amazed at his own bravery but too horny now to let anything hold him back.

“Fuck yeah, man,” Adam said, closing his eyes as Tyler’s fingers cupped his mushroom tip. Tyler grinned stupidly at his buddy, enjoying the pleasure he was providing and also finding himself more and more enraptured by his first ever someone-else’s cock.

Only his second-ever someone-else’s genitalia, he thought to himself. Other than Amanda, the ex-grilfriend that nonetheless had stayed part of his close circle of friends, Adam was now the only person he had ever fooled around with. Stack up the numbers, and you could make the case that Tyler was gay as easily as you could say he was straight.

“Am I bi?” Tyler thought to himself as he began stroking Adam’s heavy cock in earnest. “Do I even fucking care right now?” He didn’t know the answer to the first question, but the answer to the second was a resounding “no”—he didn’t give a shit what this was called, he was enjoying the hell out of it, his only regret that he hadn’t discovered the pleasures of another cock sooner.

Tyler allowed himself to float up, pulling himself slightly with Adam’s rod, lining his cock up with his friends and pressing them both together. The two moaned in unison as their flesh collided, and Tyler stretch his hand as wide as he could to get a half grip around them both. Stroking was difficult, and he could only manage to move a few inches back and forth, but the pulsing of their cocks as blood pumped into them was plenty of stimulation for the moment.

“Christ, dude,” Adam moaned, feeling Tyler’s hand and cock against his own. That’s…unhnh!”

Another huge drop of precum spilled from between the miniature lips of his piss slit, seeming to sizzle on the sensitive, taut skin of his spongy glans as it ran down onto Tyler’s cockhead. The smaller boy moaned, watching Adam’s juices leaking onto his tool, tightening his grip and keeping the stream of boy juice flowing. It was fascinating, watching and feeling Adam’s thick sausage ripple from base to tip as it pumped the viscous pre-spunk from his balls along the entire veiny length of his shaft, pausing briefly each time before the mouth of his mushroom opened and another flood of boyish slipperiness was released.

Using the palm of his hand, Tyler rubbed Adam’s primal lube all over both of their cocks, making circles around their heads while continuing to softly stroke them at the base.

“Damn, that feels good,” Adam said.

He brought his hand to their shafts, his longer fingers wrapping around both just a touch further than Tyler’s grip. Tyler breathed in sharply at the touch, his entire cock now engulfed in flesh—his own hand pressed against his bush and wrapped around the first few inches of his shaft, Adam’s large hand covering the remaining inches and his glans, and Adam’s monster cock pressed against the full length.

“So…so good,” Tyler moaned, his hips thrusting gently. Better than…” he trailed off.

“Better than what, dude?” Adam sighed, stroking in time with Tyler and helping to spread his slick juices around their tools.

“Better than Amanda’s handjobs,” Tyler grinned. Adam gave a soft chuckle that caught in his throat slightly.

“Fuck yeah, dude. Chicks don’t have as much practice.”

Tyler closed his eyes and let Adam take charge, setting a faster pace for their mutual stroking and starting to rock his hips back and forth, the friction between their two cocks deliciously new. The weed was hitting full force, and he abandoned himself to the fog of mindless sexual pleasure, free from all judgment and consideration. He felt Adam shifting, pulling his cock away, but his hand stayed in place around Tyler’s—gripped it tighter, in fact, and began stroking faster.

“Move up to the deck.” Adam’s voice was barely above a whisper, thick with hormones and his impending orgasm. Tyler silently complied, lifting himself out of the tub and sitting on the edge of the deck, spreading his legs in the water while Adam moved closer and continued stroking him. Looking down, he locked eyes with his friend as Adam slowly moved his face closer to Tyler’s cock.

“Ever been blown by another dude?” Adam asked. Tyler slowly shook his head no. He’d never been blown by anyone, in fact—t was something Amanda had refused to do. He spread his legs and rocked his hips forward, his own slit now leaking, inches from Adam’s full, thick lips. Eyes still locked on each other, Adam slowly stuck his tongue out and touched it to Tyler’s cockhead, letting the drop run down and onto his taste buds before opening wider and swallowing the first four inches of Tyler’s prick.

Tyler’s eyes rolled to the back of his head and he grunted as Adam backed off, swirled his tongue around Tyler’s crown again, then dropped back down, this time burying his nose in Tyler’s pubes. His mouth was hot, wet, and eager, swallowing Tyler’s seven straining inches of teen dick like it was his first meal after a weeks of starvation.

“Holy fuck, dude,” Tyler said, amazed at his friend’s skill. “You…you’ve done this before.”

Adam slowly slid of Tyler’s cock, sucking the whole way, letting the tip loose from his lips with an obscenely wet popping sound. He resumed stroking, while he looked past Tyler’s cock into his eyes.

“Had a buddy at my old school I used to mess around with,” Adam said. “Been wondering how to bring it up, but it never seemed like the right time…”

“I…uh…I never…” Tyler stammered. He couldn’t quite finish his sentence, so he fished around with his foot underwater until it made contact with Adam’s heavy bone. He stroked up and done, even curling his toes under Adam’s balls and tickling his taint. He was rewarded with an extra squeeze on his dick and a moan from Adam’s throat.

“Do you want to?”

When Tyler nodded silently again, Adam smiled. He plunged back onto Tyler’s dick, deepthroating him in one smooth move, pulling on his smooth sac and swallowing repeatedly to massage the full length of Tyler’s inexperienced manhood. Then, just as quickly, he backed away and moved to the other side of the hot tub, pushing himself out of the water and spreading his legs.

“Now’s your chance,” he said.

Tyler moved slowly, his mind addled by cannabis and lust. He stepped back into the tub then dove beneath the water, his pale, round ass winking briefly at his companion before he righted himself and surfaced immediately in front of Adam’s still-leaking tool. It seemed even bigger up close, and though the chlorinated hot tub had washed them both entirely clean he could smell the man-boy pheromones rolling off of Adam’s crotch.

The flesh was darker than the surrounding skin, similar in shade to Adam’s tanned arms and abs and standing out in contrast from the pale skin of Adam’s hips and thighs. Tyler slid his hands up the tops of those thighs as he contemplated the pound or two of cockflesh in front of him, wondering where to begin before the overpowering scent drew him to the base of Adam’s cock. He nuzzled the space where Adam’s sac and cock met, inhaling deeply before kissing, then gently nibbling, the slightly-yielding skin there.

A moan from his friend encouraged him, and Tyler continued nipping at the wide foundation of Adam’s towering cock. He licked slowly up the shaft, stopping just shy of the head, and then one at a time took each of Adam’s lime-sized balls into his mouth and sucked, his teeth resting gently on the thin skin of Adam’s sac.

“Shit, dude,” Adam grunted. “Such a tease…”

Tyler laughed.

“Am I doing OK?”

“Man, it feels awesome. But I need to cum so bad…you ready for the main event?”

He had no idea how he was going to do this or whether or not he could handle it, but Tyler was too far gone to let those details hold him back. Without a word, he moved up and wrapped his lips around Adam’s mushroom tip, lapping up some of the copious precum waiting for him there and rolling it around on his tongue, savoring the clean, tangy taste. Trying to get his mouth fully around Adam’s knob proved a challenge; Tyler stretched his jaws wide and felt Adam enter him. Overeager, he plunged down further and choked with barely an inch of Adam’s shaft inside his mouth.

Sputtering and gagging, he tried to back off, but Adam’s strong hands gripped the back of his head and held him in place.

“Shhh, relax, man. Breath through your nose and swallow. It’ll help relax your throat.”

Tyler struggled to regain control of himself, his nostrils flaring as he desperately sucked in air, his mouth plugged with his friend’s young meat. He swallowed as instructed, and slowly felt his throat relaxing. As it did, Adam pushed him down another few inches, slowly working Tyler’s throat down around his cock. Adam’s grunting filled Tyler’s ears just as his scent filled Tyler’s nostrils and his dick filled Tyler’s mouth; all of Tyler’s senses were completely overwhelmed by his sudden and unadulterated love for cock.

The pressure of Adam’s enormous cockhead deep in his throat went from uncomfortable to pleasurable in an instant; Tyler enjoyed being filled and enjoyed being in control. Every time he swallowed, his muscles constricting around his friend’s rock-hard flesh, he could feel that flesh pulse and hear a moan of pleasure from Adam.

Wrapping his arms under and around Adam’s spread thighs, Tyler tried to pull him even deeper into his mouth, greedily sucking at Adam’s meat as is mouth stretched wider than he thought possible. The hairs teasing his tongue and tickling his nose just made him hotter for his young friend, and he realized how badly he wanted to taste Adam’s cum.

His throat continuing to massage Adam’s cock, Tyler brought his hands up and tweaked Adam’s large, hard, and hairless nipples. then rubbed along the smooth expanse of his chest and abs, feeling every inch of his friend as his oral ministrations coaxed him closer to orgasm. Adam’s breathing was getting heavier, and he was beginning to rock quickly back and forth. Tyler kept up with his motions, not allowing Adam’s cock to slip even a fraction of an inch out of his throat.

“Dude…I’m gonna…” was all Adam managed to gasp out before the floodgates open. It wasn’t the enormous blast of semen that nearly made Tyler choke again, so much as the unexpected and enormous swelling of the cock in his throat as it pumped blast after glorious blast of hot teen spunk into his gut. It was too much for Tyler to swallow, and as Adam’s cum rose up Tyler’s throat to his tongue and mouth the slightly-sweet, slightly-salty, unmistakable taste of man made Tyler swoon. He nearly collapsed into Adam’s crotch, his lips still locked around the base of Adam’s dick, as the last few spasms of an intense teen orgasm washed their way down Adam’s body and through the flared crown of his mushroom tip, bathing Tyler’s innards in boy cum.

Tyler was so lost in the moment that Adam had to push him off, gently, as his still-engorged prick grew too sensitive for the tight quarters of Tyler’s oral passage. As Adam’s pulled his still-leaking cockhead from Tyler’s lips, the new young cocksucker swirled his tongue around once more, collecting as much cum as he could and eliciting another moan from Adam.

Tyler looked up dreamily at his friend; Adam, in return, grabbed Tyler’s hair and pulled his head back, then leaned in for a deep kiss, his tongue exploring Tyler’s mouth and tasting his own spunk there. Tyler willingly shared the load, savoring Adam’s manly kisses and enjoying the mouthful of tongue he received almost as much as the mouthful of cock he had just relinquished.

As their lips parted, a string of Adam’s cum still stretching between them, a voice spoke up from just a few feet away.

“Looks like you boys are having some fun. Mind if I join?”



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