May Grows Up pt. 2 [MF, mF, Fm, mf, inc, mast]

“Wow, did you see the size of his dick?” Sally giggled.

“Yeah,” May replied. “But how did you know about the knotholes?”

“Oh, there are always peep holes in between the male and female sides at
these places,” Sally told her. “I’ve peeked through lots of them.”

“Hey, but that means that they can peek at us too,” May suddenly realized.

“Oh yeah, I’ve been peeked at lots of times,” Sally revealed. “I usually
give them a good show when I know they’re watching.”

May couldn’t believe her ears, but the idea sounded so exciting that she
hoped she would get a chance to show herself off.

“I’ll bet that was Bunny’s dad,” Sally guessed as they walked back toward
the campsite.

They didn’t get a chance to discuss it any further for the moment though,
because Sarah emerged from the vehicle while they approached and called for
them to hurry along to help them set up camp.

They busied themselves getting folding chairs and other equipment out of
the vehicle and setting up camp before Jack returned and joined in the work.
He and Dan hung a huge hammock between two trees while the females arranged
their camp furniture around the entrance to their big camping bus while May
noticed that for some reason Dan seemed to have selected a place which was
isolated from view to hang the hammock. It was in behind trees and bushes,
visible only from the bus.

When they’d set out the campsite, Sarah remarked that she could use a hot
shower and asked the girls if they’d like to join her. Taking their clothes
and towels they walked down to the bath house as May was thinking about the
holes in the wall, sure that Sally was thinking the same thing. She decided
that she’d watch the holes to see if she could tell if anyone was watching.

They quickly undressed and went into the shower area which wasn’t divided
into stalls, just a single room. May turned on the shower and began soaping
herself while keeping an eye on the knotholes across the room and Sally was
using the shower head next to hers with Sarah was just beyond her daughter.
Sarah was a tall, well-built woman, her breasts large and firm, jutting out
proudly from her chest and her stomach was slightly rounded, having a thick
bush of jet black curls at the confluence of her solid thighs.

Sally, like her mother, was tall but slim, with firm breasts standing out
proudly, accentuated by her flat, youthful stomach. Unlike Sarah, who was a
brunette, Sally was a redhead like her father, her auburn curls matched by
a thin covering of rust colored curls between her thighs. May, being a year
younger, was not so well endowed, her titties much smaller, being about the
size of oranges, but her nipples were very large and puffy, about the size
of silver dollars which almost covered her still developing mammaries. Her
pubic hair, below a flat stomach, was almost nonexistent, being just a thin
growth of short blonde curls.

As May lathered her bosom she glanced at the peep-holes again and thought
she saw a movement behind one of the holes! Being careful not to appear to
be staring, she looked even closer. Yes! She was sure she could make out an
eye behind one of the holes! Someone was watching! She glanced at Sally who
looked at her and almost imperceptibly indicated the hole. Yep, she’d seen
it too.

May kept her front towards the holes, lathering her titties and squeezing
them, aware that her large nipples were becoming quite hard and swollen. As
she glanced at Sally she saw that her cousin was facing directly toward the
peep hole and washing her cunt, her legs slightly apart, giving the watcher
a clear look directly between her thighs. Sarah, beyond Sally, had her back
to the peep hole, dropping her soap on the floor and bending forward to get
it with her bottom pointing straight at the hole. May realized that whoever
was watching was getting a perfect view of Sarah’s fringed pussy and as she
straightened up, saw her glance toward the far wall.

Well, what about that? Aunt Sarah not only knew they were being watched,
but was showing off too. For several more minutes all three women continued
to bathe and expose themselves to their unseen watcher until, finally, they
turned off the water and went back to the dressing area. May sat on a bench,
with her knees straight toward the holes in the wall across the room. There
was movement behind a hole and so spread her legs, drying her pussy in full
view of the watcher!

When they’d dressed the trio casually gathered up their things and walked
out the door into the fresh air and sunshine.

When they were alone, May and Sally talked about what had happened in the
shower, Sally agreeing her mother had clearly been aware of the watcher and
had deliberately exposed herself to him and decided that it must have been
Bunny’s father, as both Jack and Dan were stretched out on lounge chairs at
the campsite when they got back.

After lunch the kids decided that they wanted to go swimming, but Dan and
Sarah said they would take a nap while they were out. Taking their bathing
suits they headed for the pool.

“Well, Mom and Dad will be going hard at it while we are gone,” sniggered
Sally as they trudged down the road.

“Yeah,” Jack agreed. “Don’t you wish you could see them do it?”

“May saw them,” Sally told him.

Jack got very excited and wanted to know everything about it, so at their
insistence, May recounted every detail she had seen in the darkened trailer,
seeing Jack’s pants bulging as she told the story.

Sally saw it too.

“Jack,” she giggled. “You’d better cool off before we get to the pool, or
they mightn’t let you in.”

Jack just grinned and reached down and pushed his bulging lump down.

The girls went into the dressing rooms to change to their swimming suits.
When they emerged they found Jack already in the pool and followed his lead
in jumping into the water and were soon splashing and playing in the water.
There was no one else about at the time so they had the place to themselves,
chasing each other around, splashing and dunking. Both girls had teamed up
on Jack and had succeeded in dunking him twice. When he came up the second
time he’d reached for Sally, but she got away so he turned on May, grabbing
her around the waist to fall backwards and take them both underwater. When
they surfaced, laughing and blowing water, she found that he still had his
arms around her to pull her back against him where she suddenly became very
aware of a hard bulge pressing against her bottom. She realized that he had
a hardon which he pushed against her with his hips before reaching up under
the water to roughly fondle her left tit through her bathing suit.

“Jack!” she giggled with a blush, barely protesting.

Sally came back up beside them and saw his hand on May’s titty, below the

“Copping a feel, Jack?” she asked.

“Sure,” he replied, giving May’s tit another squeeze.

“Better not let your girlfriend see you doing that,” said Sally, nodding
toward the end of the pool.

Bunny had just emerged from the dressing rooms dressed in the most skimpy
bikini that May had ever seen and his hand immediately left her tit when he
swam off toward the end of the pool to Bunny.

“Too bad she showed up right then,” Sally chuckled. “I think things were
about to get really interesting. Did he have a hardon?”

“Yeah, I could feel it up against my butt,” May told her.

“Well, we’ll get some action from him, but I think we’re going to have to
share him with Bunny,” Sally observed.

They got out of the water to get Cokes from a machine and sat at a round
table by the pool watched Jack and Bunny wrestling around in the water. May
could see that he had a big hardon when he surfaced and momentarily rolled
on to his back and saw that Bunny didn’t miss the show he had given for her
either. They continued to splash and wrestle around for a while, then they
moved across to the side of the pool where the girls sat. Bunny stood right
against the wall of the pool while he pressed himself to her back and both
knew that he was rubbing his hard prick against her ass while she pretended
to be talking to them, but they could tell that she was having a hard time
concentrating on the conversation.

Finally, Sally suggested that they get out and go explore the rest of the
camp and May agreed. Jack and Bunny didn’t seem to be sorry to see them go.

They got their clothes from the dressing room where Sally suggested, with
a mischievous twinkle in her eye, that they go to the bath house to change.

On entering the bath house they checked out all the peep holes, but were
disappointed to find that the male side was unoccupied at that moment. They
then got dressed; May in a short sleeved blouse and blue jeans over her bra
and pants and Sally a sleeveless blouse and shorts over bikini pants and no
bra. They had hardly finished dressing when Sally suddenly held a finger to
her lips when they heard whispers coming through the wall as they listened.
They went into the shower room to discover that the sounds came from behind
the rear wall.

“It’s Jack and Bunny,” she whispered into May’s ear. “Let’s sneak around
and see what they are doing.”

They went out to make their way around behind the building, circling back
through the woods to come up behind the other couples hiding place. Peeking
through some foliage, they saw them against the bath house wall where Bunny
leant with her back against it and Jack to her front, kissing her with one
strap of her bra top down, her big tit in his hand, pressing and rolling it
around. He bent down and took her nipple in his mouth as he started sucking
on it and, from their vantage place, they could see the front of his swim-
suit was bulging almost at the point of bursting.

As he sucked her buxom bosom, he slid a hand down over her stomach to the
waistband of her bikini brief where he got his hand beneath it and straight
to her crotch. Even though the material of her suit covered her pussy, they
could see that he was sliding his finger around in her slit until his hand
moved even deeper down into her pants.

“He’s got his finger up her pussy,” Sally whispered to May.

Sure enough, that is exactly where Jack’s finger was as he slid it slowly
in and out of her pussy, his hand moving about in her bikini as he fingered
her. She reciprocated by reaching down to squeeze and rub his prick through
his bathing suit before sliding her hand to the waist of his pants and was
just about to put her hand down the front when a voice began calling Bunny.
It was a woman’s voice, obviously Bunny’s mom, coming from the direction of
the conversion van. Bunny jumped up as she pulled his hand from her bikini,
quickly pulled her bra strap up and disappeared behind the bathhouse toward
the women’s entrance so that it would appear that she was coming from there
when she emerged into view.

Jack was standing there looking very forlorn as Sally giggled and grabbed
May’s hand to emerge from their hiding place.

“Too bad,” she told him. “You were just about to score.”

He jumped. “You were spying on me.”

“Aw, you know you don’t care,” Sally said coming up beside him.

He laughed. “Of all the dumb luck. Her mom would have to call her in just

“Yeah, left you with a big hardon, didn’t she,” Sally laughed at him.

She and May turned and went around the the building, leaving him standing

On arrival back at the campsite they found Dan and Sarah stretched out on
a couple of the lounge chairs. Jack came along some minutes later and Sarah
asked if they had enjoyed their day, but did not ask why they had come back

After supper they all sat around a table in front of the vehicle playing
cards until about 10 o’clock when Sarah told the kids that she and Dan were
going to a late night party at the lodge, saying that they thought we might
go to bed, since it had been a long day.

Sarah suggested to Jack that he get ready for bed in the little bathroom
in the vehicle, out of deference to May’s modesty.

“At least until she gets used to us all,” Sarah told him. “After all, she
isn’t used to our casual ways. I hope you don’t mind three of you sleeping
in one bed, but Jack will be on the other side of Sally from you.”

“I’m not as shy as Mother may have led you to believe, Sarah,” May smiled
at her aunt.

He went into the little bathroom and Dan went back into the back bedroom.
The girls quickly shed their day clothes and put on their sleep wear; Sally
wearing a babydoll pajama set and May putting on a gown and matching pants.
Jack came out of the bathroom wearing a pair of pajama trousers with no top
and the kids piled up in bed with Sally in the middle as Sarah and Dan left
for their party.

They lay quietly for some minutes until Sally finally broke the silence.

“I’m surprised you aren’t slipping out to see Bunny, Jack,” she said.

“She had to go into town with her folks to visit somebody tonight.”

“You almost got her this afternoon,” Sally grinned at him.

“Yeah, a few more minutes,” he said wistfully.

“I noticed you were pretty interested in May’s titties until Bunny showed
up at the pool,” Sally continued.

He was up on one elbow, looking across his sister at May.

“Yeah, you’ve got nice tits, May,” he told her.

Both girls laughed, Sally pointing down at Jack’s bulging pajamas.

“Why don’t you show her that and maybe she’ll show you her titties,” she

“How about it, May?” he asked. “Would you show me your tits if I show you
my dick?”

May looked at the bulging pajama pants.

“I guess so,” she replied.

He unsnapped his pants and opened them wide so that his prick popped out
into sight, sticking straight up toward his belly button, quickly stripping
his garment down off of his legs and kicking them off on to the floor.

“Wow,” breathed May, staring at his dick, seeing the veins bulging in the
shaft with the swollen purplish-red knob on the end.

He reached down and wrapped his fingers around the shaft , slowly sliding
his hand up and down along the shaft.

“Now, show me your tits,” he said.

“Sally has got to show hers, too,” May said.

“Sure,” said Sally taking hold of her pajama top and pulling it off over
her head with one smooth movement. “Now, your turn.”

May got to her knees and took the hem of her gown in her hands and pulled
it up and off over her head.

“Wow, May, they’re beautiful,” Jack said, stareing at her.

May blushed hotly.

“You’re both really beautiful,” he told them, looking at his sister. “Now
show me your pussies.”

Sally lay back on her back and slowly pushed her pants down and right off,
spread her legs and reached down to use her fingers to pull her pussy wide
open and reveal the pink folds inside. Jack’s fist was then sliding up and
down his prick with a regular rhythym, stroking up and down as he stared at
his sister’s pussy.

“Now, show him yours,” Sally told May.

She lay back and reached down to take hold of her panties.

“Let me do it,” Jack said.

He crawled over his prone sister, his prick swaying and bobbling while he
moved and kneeling beside May as he took hold of the waistband of her pants
to slowly draw them down. He gasped as her young pussy came into view, then
pulled them all the way down her slender legs and off over her feet and sat
back on his heels, looking down at his pretty cousin’s pussy. He stretched
out on his side between them, propping himself up on one elbow, looking at
May before Sally raised herself to look down at his dick.

“Why don’t you jack off for us?” she suggested.

“OK, if both of you will finger yourselves for me,” he said.

“Sure, we’ll do that, won’t we, May?” Sally agreed.

“Yeah, I guess so,” May said. “You go first,” she suggested to Sally.

“OK,” Sally agreed.

She flopped down on her back and spread her legs while the other two kids
got up so they could see as she began stroking her pussy with her fingertip.
Slowly she let the tip of her finger delve down into her slit to tickle her
hard clitoris, then used her fingers to pull her cunt wide open to show the
juicy pink interior. Using a forefinger of one hand to rub her clitty, she
slid the other down to slide the fingertip down into her cunt, stroking and
fingering, became more and more excited at playing with herself while they
watched. Suddenly she became very red in the face and climaxed, arching her
back and shoving her finger all the way up into her pussy until she finally
lay back, breathing hard.

“Now, you do it, Jack,” said May.

“You first,” he said.

“No, you do it, then I’ll do it,” she told him.

He slid off of the bed and stood at the foot facing them as they lay upon
their stomachs and watched as his hand slide up and down his hot, hard dick.
Faster and faster he pumped his prick until he’d nearly jacked himself into
an erotic frenzy. The girls watched with mounting excitement as they waited
for the seminal eruption, not having long to wait as he suddenly thrust his
hips forward, his dick sticking through his grasping fist. It was almost as
if his dick had exploded, a huge glob of white viscous stuff squirting from
the eye and landing on the bed and Jack groaning as another warm spurt shot
out to land just short of the first hit. Spurt after spurt shot out, flying
through the air and finally becoming a mere dribble and stopping.

Sally jumped off of the bed to get a towel and hand it to him to wipe his
hand and dick off before mopping up the puddled come from the bed.

“Now, May, its your turn,” he said.

May lay back on the bed and spread her legs wide as Jack stood at the end
of the bed looking right up between her slim thighs as Sally lay beside her
watching intently.

She slid her hands down between her legs and slowly pulled her pussy open
for them to see, feeling very excited knowing that her cunt was already wet
and blushing, partly from embarassment, partly from excitementas she rubbed
her clitty. Slowly sliding her fingertip over the protruding little nubble,
she began to slide the other hand down farther into her slit to let the tip
of her finger swirl around in the tight entrance to her cunt before sliding
her middle finger up into her hole. When it was about half way in she began
to slide it in and out, fingering herself while she continued to tickle and
rub her clit with the finger of the other hand. Looking down along her body
she saw Jack stooping to look directly up between her legs before he got up
and she realized that his dick was rock hard again. Suddenly, he crawled on
to the bed between her legs.

He slowly slid his hands up the smooth insides of May’s thighs and, when
he reached her crotch, used his fingers to hold her vulvar lips fully apart
while he watched her fingers at work on her pussy.

“Why don’t you do it for her?” Sally asked him.

In response he slid a finger up to where May’s busy digit was sliding in
and out of her pussy. She pulled her finger out while he gently and slowly
pushed his own finger up into her hole, making her gasp on feeling it going
all the way up inside her cunt. No one else had ever before had a finger up
there inside her and having Jack doing it to her was much better than doing
it herself. He began to slide his finger in and out of her pussy, using the
tip of the forefinger of his other hand to rub her clit and gently roll the
little button back and forth. She began to feel the rising excitement which
she knew meant that she was about to come, suddenly gasping for breath, she
thrust her hips upwards toward the titillating finger and started to jerk
and gyrate in abandonment. She was coming, harder and stronger than she had
ever come before.

Finally she lay still and he pulled his finger out of her juicy pussy and
looked down at her.

“May, you are beautiful,” he told her.

She smiled at him and, looking down, saw that his dick was still sticking
up, as hard as it could be.

Without warning he lowered himself on to her as she felt his hard stomach
against hers, his chest pressed against her rubbery tits. She felt his lips
contact her lips, his tongue coming in between her lips and his dick coming
up between her thighs with the end sliding right into her juicy slit.

“No, Jack,” she gasped suddenly, pushing against him.

He began thrusting his hips in trying to find her pussy opening with the
end of his dick.

“No,” she said again, almost in a panic.

Sally grabbed her brother by the shoulders in trying to pull him off her.

“Jack, stop it,” Sally was telling him.

Seeming to come to his senses, he suddenly got up to roll off his cousin
and looked over at her, the disappointment showing in his eyes.

“Jack, I’ve never done it,” May told him.

“Neither have I,” Sally said. “You can’t do it to her if she doesn’t want

“I know it,” he said. “May, I’m sorry. All of a sudden, I just wanted so
badly to fuck you.”

“I know,” she replied. “I want to do it too, but I’m scared. Maybe we’ll
do it some other time.”

“Wow, I hope you’ll let me watch if you do,” Sally enthused.

“Let me do it to you,” Jack said, half playfully and half seriously.

“Uh-uh,” she demured. “You’ve tried before, and I’ve told you that I feel
funny about letting my brother fuck me. Besides, I’m a little scared too.”

“Well, let me finger you,” he said sliding his hand up between her legs.

Sally giggled and rolled on to her back to spread her thighs so he could
get to her crotch as May raised herself on one elbow to look over his body
to watch his finger slide in and out of Sally’s cunt. Looking down, she saw
his prick sticking straight out before his lower belly so she reached down
to boldly grasp it and slide her hand up and down along the hard shaft.

Sally raised her head to look down and see what was going on.

“Oh, yeah, you do him while he does me,” she told May.

May continued to slowly jack on his dick, delighting in the feel of it in
her hand, amazed at how the outer skin slid up and down on the shaft as she
pumped. When her hand went all the way out to the end, she marvelled at the
velvetty smoothness of his big purple knob with juice seeping from the slit
in the tip which then ran down under her hand to lubricate the shaft as it
slipped back and forth in her fist.

Looking over at Sally, May saw that she was getting quite red in the face,
huffing and puffing through her nostrils with Jack’s finger sliding in and
out of her pussy to pump a pool of love juice as he thrust his dick through
May’s pumping fist. He was contributing as much to the jacking off as she.

Suddenly Sally let out a little shreik and grabbed his hand and shoved on
it, driving his finger all the way up inside her pussy and holding it there:
she was coming.

Jack was right with her and, with a sudden thrust that nearly jerked his
dick out of May’s hand, he began shooting off as spurt after spurt of white
semen splattered against Sally’s hip while their cousin continued to slide
her hand up and down the slippery shaft. Finally it quit spurting and May
looked down at the juice running down all over her hand, amazed at how warm
and viscous it was.

He withdrew his finger from Sally’s pussy to reach for the towel when May
released his dick and watched him wipe the come off of Sally’s hip and then
wipe himself dry, then turning toward her, took her hand and dried it too.
He grinned at her and she smiled back.

“Hey, we better get our clothes back on,” Sally said. “Mom and Dad may be
back any time.”

Realizing that they were all lying there naked and that the parents might
walk in the door at any time, they quickly scrambled back into their night
clothes. They turned on their TV set and lay watching with Jack between May
and Sally, the girls nestled up to him until they fell asleep, which wasn’t
long in the satisfied state which they found themselves in.

When Dan and Sarah came in, they found them snoring peacefully with the TV
still going. She went over and turned it off, then stopped and looked down
at the sleeping teenagers. Her eyebrows went up, a puzzled look on her face
as she realized that Jack was sleeping between the two girls and, while she
stepped around the foot of the bed she noticed the towel lying on the floor.
On picking it up she noticed that it was stiff in places, examined it while
a broad smile wreathed her face as she recognized the feel of dried come on
the cloth. She stood a few moments to look down at the kids, wondering just
how far they’d gone with their sexual exploration and somewhat surprised at
her reaction. Jack might have screwed his cousin and she suddenly realized
that if he had, he had done it in front of his sister or that he might even
have screwed Sally too. She was surprised at how excited that concept made
her feel.
