My new secret life

All that I tell you is true I’m 24 year old woman you could say I’m a feminist but not aggressively. I have a professional career which limits what I can do on social media and it also means I must remain professional in my private life. My career is my life and I love what I do but I have needs like any woman I don’t have the time or patience for a boyfriend but I miss sex. So I’ve come to a decision I’m going to start a secret life as a slut. I wish I could be open about it but that’s not the society we live in so for now it’s just between us.
I wanted to keep this blog as a record of all the things I do and something I can look back on to see how far I have come.
I’m sure any man here reading will want to know what I look like but the closest your going to get is a brief description, so here it goes. I’m 5″5 size 12 with nice curves and ample breasts, I’m a true redhead and I like to think I’m pretty but that’s subjective.

So now I’ve made my choice, I’m going to have sex with strangers with no intention of anything more and also to experience all the wonderful things sexuality has to offer. But how to start? Do I just go out and pick up a random off the street? Not a bad idea I thought so last night that’s what I did. I drove out a few towns away where nobody knew me and went into the first bar I came across, I was wearing I tight red dress that started a little bit too low down and finished a bit too high up and waited for the first half decent man to chat me up. About an hour into the night I was dancing at the bar after 3 or 4 glasses of wine when a very confident guy started dancing with me. Without saying a word he put his hands on my hips and started dancing very close our body’s touching. I turned around to see what he was like. He was younger than me about twenty I would say, clearly spent a lot of time in the gym. He had an annoying cocky smerk that I usually hate but right here right now he was exactly what I needed. So now we are face to face I have my arms over his shoulder allowing him the space to put his hands where ever he wanted. I could feel myself getting excited by his touch, I pulled him down to kiss me he did the take much encouragement within moments his tongue was exploring my mouth almost fighting my tounge such was the forceful nature of the man. We went to the dance floor and spent much of the night dancing touching and being as inappropriate as we dared in such a public place until at about 12 I asked if he he wanted to go to his place. My heart was pounding I needed this man this horrible dirty man that I would never before have given the time of day but now In this moment I needed him in me I needed him to take me and use me and he did. We went to his flat, a small place on a near by council estate. As soon as I got though the door he lead me to his bedroom, it was full of dirty closes and take away packets but I knew what I was here for and I was going to get it, I immediately dropped to my knees and took out his manhood, it want very long but it was thick uncut and bent up at just the right angle. Without hesitation I took it as far into my mouth as I could my hands reaching behind him in an effort to pull him in as far as I could his hands were on the back back of my head and his hips rocking back and forth fucking his cock into my mouth. After a short while I got back up pulled up my dress and slid down my knickers and lay on the bed. I fully expected him to jump I dick first but he surprised me by first going down and eating my hot and ready pussy. His arms were hooked under my knees as he drove his tounge into me then over my clit then back again he was about to come back up but I was about to cum so I pushed his head back down and told him a very stern no he went back and settled into his previous rhythm until I came, once I was done it was his turn he slid on a condom and fuck me hard and fast like he was possessed slamming into me with all he could muster. It didn’t take him long to cum but then the whole encounter took no longer than it is taking you to read this story and yet a left satisfied exactly what I had wanted. I never did ask his name.

Well that was last night and as I have more encounters I will post the details here. I hope you enjoy reading and any comments are welcome.



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