
The circumstances that led me here were bleak. I had a history of being odd, or quirky as I’ve heard time and again. I just couldn’t seem to clique with my fellow man. I’d run away many times to circus after circus of disjointed but affectionate people, but each time I settled in, the expectations I burdened upon my new loves were too intense for them to bear. Each time, I could see the attention sway, and the affection drain away.

“But this time will be different.” I tell myself each time I land somewhere. I’d lower my expectations, scaffold up my feelings, and dive head-first into what seemed to be a promising swim of love and affection. And each time, she would drain away.

Here’s how the last one ended.

She was packed. All of her belongings were in boxes, and ready to be shipped. Her luggage was by the door, and she was dressed for the public. She wore a white silk blouse with a gold necklace, and a green, medium-length skirt made of tweed. Her feet were adorned with my favorite shoes. Those “fuck-me” pumps, as we laughingly called them, made her calves round and voluptuous. When she walked in them, her ass would sway to and fro, inviting me to stare.

She kissed me gently on the cheek, and apologetically sauntered to the door. She was about to leave when I pulled her arm.

I held her tight from behind, she relented into me. Her hair smelled of honeysuckle. She turned her head to me… She was crying. Her face was perfect but crowded with sadness. She reached her hands back to frame my face, and I felt her jettisons of emotion as each cry escaped her. I began to cry with her.

After a moment of mutual emotion, our lips touched. Her breath was sweet and warm, her skin soft as ever. Our hands became intertwined, and our pulses began to race. Our tongues finally met with a certain anticipation, darting and tasting, sharing the air. We began breathing aloud in symphony.

She turned toward me gracefully, our lips staying together. Subtle moans of passion and contentment were becoming more audible. Her hands went to my back, and mine to hers. She squeezed my hair in that gentle way I like, and pulled me closer into her. I could feel my mind shrinking, becoming unilateral in thought… Animalistic.

I gently pulled her silky top to bare her stomach. She loved how my hands made her feel… Safe, loved, used. I touched her there and felt her tremble. Still passionately suckling each other’s lips, I began to move my hand around her mid-section, caressing and fondling her as I had done so many times before. But this time it was different. She was anew in my mind somehow. Maybe how she accepted my touches was different. But the thought quickly dissipated as my palm reached her breast. It was soft and firm, and it swelled and retracted with each passionate breath. Her pinkness was filling and growing.

I used my free hand to gently pull her head aside, and I tickled her neck with my kiss. I moved about as a graceful skater on her neck, moving my tongue near her sensitive lobe. Her back stiffened as I pursed my lips and gently inhaled from her ear, and stiffened more as I withdrew air again. All signs of her perfume was consumed now, and my tongue was deep into her skin.

Her waist was always one of my favorite spots to touch. She was fit and curvy, and my hands felt like motorcycle daredevils when I moved them about her. My free hand was there now, caressing and squeezing in the strong, loving manner it was intended, but I was driven by pure greed. I was greedy for her. Her satisfaction.

I unsnapped her skirt, and it slipped down only a few inches. Her hips were resisting, pushing back on the fabric. I opened my palm and slid it between the skirt and her buttocks, and the skirt fell to the ground.

I had moved my lips to her throat, and around to her other ear. Her head was moving and rolling with my kisses, her long hair hanging down and touching my hand on her breast. At each twist of her head, I could feel her hair whisping over my skin.

I didn’t want our touch to stop. I moved to her side and picked her up. Her legs dangled over my arm, and she lay comfortably in my chest. Her skirt briefly held onto her shoe heel, and then glided softly to the ground. Our lip met once again.

I carried her upstairs. Her arm around my neck, our lips still trading impulses. I took her into the room we had spent so many nights together. The room felt different somehow; all of the items were in their places, but it had a different flavor.

I leaned over the bed, still holding her strongly, still kissing. As I placed her on the bed, her legs wrapped around my lower back. We stayed there for a while, enjoying each other’s caresses and kisses. It was one of those passionate “forever” moments.

Soon, our pelvises started to touch and churn. She could feel my manhood, strong and firm, rubbing her through her freshly-wet panties. Our embrace stopped, and as I began unbuckling her complicated shoe, she pulled on my belt.

I could smell the freshness of her foot. It was as smooth and well-manicured as ever. Her sparkly toes were ones to behold. Each one was in perfect symmetry with it’s sisters. I began to kiss her foot – tentatively at first, since she had always been self-conscious about them, but this time she didn’t seem to be bothered by that. As I kissed and poked at each toe crevice, I muddled with her other shoe buckle. It was awkward at first, but the shoe was off quickly and I was back on task. She had me unzipped by now, and was stroking my stomach with her long fingers. Her nail would sometimes make a scratching touch, and I my stomach would jerk and twitter. I had both of her feet in my hands now. I placed them side-by-side, and hungrily kissed at all of the shadows.

She pulled my pants out of the way, and my manhood jutted out eagerly into the air. With her feet in my hands, she pushed her legs toward me. I pushed back, and her pelvis rose from the bed. I could see her gash come toward me, her panties, so beautifully draped over her, being devoured by my eyes. I let go of one foot and then the other as I propped her raised buttocks onto my hands. I was pulsing now, and so very hungry for her.

I moved my nose and mouth about her soaked panties. I could smell the aroma of her insides, and could taste the air around her wetness. I sucked and licked on her through her panty for a second, and then moved it aside with my nose and chin. As I moved in for my kiss, the aroma got stronger and then filled my senses.

My tongue touched her labia, and she jerked. I touched the other side, and again – jerk. I moved my face to the left, and then to the right, coaxing her open more and more. The flesh smell was rapturous. Her clit was bulbous, and I could see it grow with each heartbeat. It was crisp and defined, and each curve was in beautiful contrast with its neighbor.

I twiddled her clit slow, then fast, then slow again. Around, through, below, flicking and licking. Her body was moving with my mouth, each motion amplifying the other’s. Her ass was still propped up by my hands, and her legs were air-born, flailing slowly about my head.

I moved my thumbs between her cheeks and tugged them gently apart. I could see her beautiful eye, it’s torid wrinkles calling to me. I blew a gentle wind on her, causing her to twitch and flex. As she did, her eye would expand, then contract back into it’s home. Finally I gave one long, hard blow, and she protruded out toward me, I gave a firm lick, and the flesh began to show from inside. I tugged a bit more with my thumbs, and she relaxed, opening her more. I could see the dark pink inside, between the beckoning wrinkles.

I stiffened my tongue to a point, and forced it into her. She moaned and then relaxed again, and I pushed in more. She reached her hand up to fill the gap of her abandoned vagina. She pulled apart, and I could see her wetness collecting there. Her fingers dipped into the nectar, and she swirled around, occasionally running her fingers around each side of her clit.

We stayed like this for several minutes… My tongue getting each flavor and scent from her ass, her hand making her wetter and wetter. After a time, her legs relaxed, and her hand stopped. I knew she was tiring, so I gave one final deep lick and lowered her back down to the mattress.

Her pussy was a secreting heavily now. The juice was clinging to the sides, top, overlapping her labia in stringy lines. I wanted so badly to clean her up. But before I could indulge, she whispered to me gently, “Please fuck me? I want your cock to be inside me!”

I shook my pants off my feet, my manhood at attention, and perforated her with the tip. Apart it went, resistantly sliding in an inch. She moaned from her gut as I pushed the next inch in. Out, back in where I left off, each thrust getting more of her slick juice on me, each push going in further.

I stopped at around half way. I knew that she liked the initial penetration, so I pulled out all the way, then slowly and gently back in half way. I did this again and again, each time leaving us with anticipation of the next. Faster we went, our sweat building, our breaths quickening, our grunts and moans becoming more barbaric.

Then finally, with no warning or forethought, I plunged all the way into her. Her moans became yells of ecstasy and surprise. I machined away at her with greedy thrusts, hoping for her satisfaction, our satisfaction. I was fucking her. I was fucking her so good and hard. My cock was deep in her. I had complied with her wishes.

I was smashing into her, she was taking me. I collected myself after the first few strokes and soaked up some of her juice with my thumb, and ravishingly sucked it down. It was like honey. It was her body, into my body. It was her love into mine. Still gunning away, I dipped my thumb again.

I rolled her onto her side. Her right leg between mine, her left knee bent, she lay there, taking my deep thrusts, barely moving. Her moans were evident, but only slight. I rubbed her anus with my freshly-wetted thumb, and slid the tip into her. “Uhhhh” she moaned.

I moved my thumb about gently, slowly inching it deeper into her. It went in past my nail, then knuckle, where it settled in and seemed to fit perfectly. Fucking and fucking, I began to pull my thumb in and out. No friction, just her ass as a tight sleeve on my thumb. A bit more, in and out, and suddenly there’s a slip. Her ass started to lubricate around my thumb, and the movement became independent again.

Once again her leg raised off the bed. Her holes were in ecstasy, and she felt vulnerable. She began to moan louder, and then started to swear. “FUCK! YOU GODDAMN COCK! FUCK ME!”. Again I complied. She twisted her body around, placing her knees under her and her hands grasped the covers. She pushed the covers away from her, making her pussy and ass fill more with my tools.

I was thrusting deeper with my thumb, and her ass was slippery. Her vagina was dripping onto the covers while she violently jammed her hips at me. “I’M GONNA COME ON YOU!” She screamed.

She began to drip faster. The white secretions were running down my manhood. My thumb was soaked, my cock was an outrageous beast inside her. The ambivalence was gone, and there was nothing in the world but our sex. “Aaauu” she called louder, “AAAUUU” again, and “AAUAUAAUU”. I pounded her and pounded, then pulled my thumb partway out. “GAAAAAAD” and my thumb out a bit more… her eyes rolled back and then closed… a few more thrusts, than then “AAAAAAUUUUUUUUUU- UUUUUUUUU” out came the thumb.

Her flow was so strong, and I was soaked by her splashes. She flopped to the bed on her stomach, let out one more moan muffled by the blanket, and then let herself go limp. I climbed near her, laid an arm over her and went to sleep.

I awoke some time later, to find myself alone. Startled, I sat up. I noticed that her shoes were not where I had thrown them. My heart sank as I started down the stairs. No skirt, and alas, no luggage.

The door knocked about 20 minutes later. I was hopeful as I ran to answer. When I opened, a small man with most of his teeth said to me, “I’m here to pick up the boxes.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticstories/comments/7bw6t7/hopeful