Lilith’s Tales [BDSM][violence][dub-con][non-con][occult]

Author’s Introduction: This is the first of the chapter rewrites that I planned on doing. If you’re a new reader, welcome! What I am doing is cleaning things up and writing the early chapters of Lilith’s Tales with my current skill level, as opposed to when I first started. I’ll also be combining Lilith’s Tales and Lilith’s Adventures into one book. You’ll be able to tell the difference between them by looking at the chapter title; Lilith’s Tales will be marked as Book One, and Lilith’s Adventures will be marked as Book Two. That will also be how you can tell if I’ve reworked an older chapter or not.

Be warned: Lilith’s Tales contains a ton of BDSM, non-con and dub-con, slave/master play and demonic references. You’ve been warned.


Welcome to Telestria. Long ago, this was once a vibrant world filled with magic and populated by a myriad of peoples that lived in harmony with one another. It was a wondrous place of mechanized airships and powerful casters, looked after by a small pantheon of gods in Heaven that stood as a bulwark against the powers of Hell. It wasn’t an utopia, but it was a good place to live.

That is not the case any longer.

New players emerged from within the ranks of Hell, more cunning and terrible than both Heaven and Telestria itself were prepared for. Nobody was sure where these interlopers came from or how they managed to take Hell over, but that mattered little as these new Infernal Powers made inroads into the unsuspecting world. Over the course of time, most of the major demihuman races were all but eliminated by these new demons, one by one. The elves and the dragons were the first races to die off, followed by the dwarves and gnomes. The process was startlingly simple in every case: infiltrate their religious orders, guide their leaders down paths of decadence and then finally destroy them from within. The entire process took a couple of centuries, and happened out of sight of the humans, who had thought that the elder races were merely retreating from the world due to racial bigotry.

With that out of the way, next came the assault on the gods of Telestria. It took a surprisingly short amount of time. Hell managed to supplant their worship with that of Golbanez, a fictitious god that offered humanity clarity and purpose over the relative chaos of the pantheon. It was said that he was both omnipotent and omnipresent, possessing infinite power over the other gods. He alone deserved their worship, the new clergy claimed as they wormed their way into society’s spiritual heart. Great miracles were wrought in his name, and slowly but surely the people turned to this new god. The result was that the pantheon of old was cut off from its’ primary source of power (being people of faith), and eventually withered away or fled the plane.

With older, powerful forms of magic gone and rapidly waning divine protections to stem the invasion, Hell finally began to move on the little world itself. Humanity’s dominion over the world began to shrink bit by bit, until all that could truly be considered Telestria was barely a continent. Bereft of other forms of protection, people began to turn in earnest to mages and warlocks, technomancy and the religion of Golbanez. The one remaining faction of true holiness and light, the Order of the Rose, sacrificed themselves down to the last paladin in order to erect a barrier around what remained under human control. Hell’s advance was finally halted, but the last true path to salvation was lost with their deaths. Telestria was cut off from both Heaven and the gods, and stood alone behind a barrier conjured by it’s last divine heroes as it searched desperately for a way to push back against Hell.

It’s against the backdrop of this world that Lilith has stepped onto the stage. Descended from powerful casters, she is a magical prodigy skilled in both summoning demons and creating portals. She is actively searching for a way to save Telestria, but make no mistake; she is not a good person. Goodness fled this world long ago, and the remaining inhabitants have chosen a path of fighting fire with fire. This is a dark, unforgiving world where demonic tastes and influence have bled into everything.

Lilith has a great deal of natural talent in her chosen field of study, but she must survive her first real test. And it’s at this point where we join her story…


A blasted landscape framed by a blood-red sky lay dormant, seemingly undisturbed by any living thing. This was one of the upper tiers of the Infernal Plane, home to the forces of chaos and entropy. Lesser demons typically resided here… but that didn’t make the place any less dangerous to those who were not natives. Many a warlock had met their fate here, but despite that they still came, looking for power and knowledge.

A smallish blue energy pattern coalesced on the ground next to some minor, dilapidated structures. It grew in intensity and power, then flashed brightly as a new visitor of womanly stepped out of it and into the open before winking out of existence. She scanned the horizon as if searching for something before turning her attention to the nearest burned out husk that passed for a building. She was a student of one of the more well known and powerful warlock colleges on Telestria, and she has come looking for the same things so many others have before her.

The woman stretched out languidly, holding her staff above her head in both hands while letting out a high-pitched squeak of a yawn before snapping it back down and into a defensive posture. She sported a black and red traveller’s robe, inscribed with minor runes in silver meant to augment her budding powers. It was obvious even under her clothing that she was a voluptuous, curvy example of womanhood. Her garments struggled to contain her wide, rounded hips and the swell of an impressive bosom that shuddered with every step she took. The most striking thing about her was her eyes, however; blood red, sharp and glowing. It served as a stark contrast to her near ivory-white skin and marked her as a prodigy in the dark arts, and offered a hint as to her true power.

The young woman went back to surveying the site. She was on her guard, and no-one familiar with her profession could blame her for it. The last few students that came here over the past few weeks had not come back. She wasn’t concerned about them for the most part, but her friend Esmeralda was slated to come out here next, should she fail. Esmeralda was not very good at being a warlock, but she was fiercely loyal. And to woman poking around in the ruins of a blasted plane, loyalty was something to be treasured, especially in her field of study. She was not about to risk a loving and devoted friend like that.

And besides, Esmeralda was more to her than just a friend. She smiled in memory at the thought of her latest ploy involving her friend. She could be tricked into… compromising situations from time to time, and the young summoner absolutely loved playing those kind of games with her. She grinned hungrily, then she shook her head and chuckled. “Get your head in the game, Lilith. You’re on the Infernal Plane, and should be focusing on staying safe. Not daydreaming about how delightful Esmeralda looks bound with her ass up and vulnerable,” Lilith muttered while making her way over to the nearest structure. She absently fingered the scroll in her pocket before giving it an affectionate pat for the ninth time that day. That was her way home, and if she lost that, she’d be in serious trouble. She reached into another pocket and double-checked for the wand of fel-fire she kept for added protection. It wasn’t much, but it was something she could turn to for self defense in a pinch. Satisfied she was prepared, she went inside to begin her survey.

She found several items of interest to her, though not all of them were related to her search. She’d managed to stumble across a wonderful crystal that promised to aid her in wand-crafting, and a scrap of parchment hinting at treasures to be found later. She also managed to scrounge up some scattered possessions of the missing students, most notably the shredded garments of one of the most popular students in her class. Torn robes and no body. Three guesses as to what happened to Delilah and her friends, and the first two don’t count, Lilith mused sourly to herself.

Lilith did a little more investigating, but the remainder of her search turned up nothing else of interest. She spun around on her heel to leave when the sound of something skittering around outside made her blood run cold. Evidently, she was not alone. Instinctively she readied her staff and moved a combat spell she had memorized to the forefront of her mind as she stepped out of the ruined shell of the building and proceeded cautiously around the corner before spotting the source of her fears.

Seven imps stood a good ways off from where she was, but had already taken notice of her. They were small, about a foot and a half to two feet in height, and had gray skin with little pointed black horns and prehensile tails. Their oversized hands and feet looked almost comical compared to their body size, but Lilith knew better than to underestimate them. She had only just learned that they were cowardly yet keenly intelligent creatures, relying on their speed and cunning to bring down larger foes.

“Hail and well met. What do you know of a handful of warlock students visiting over the last few weeks,” Lilith asked. She kept her guard up, but hazarded a small hope that talking to them might yet yield something of her fellow missing students.

The imps tittered evilly, and whispered amongst themselves before turning as one to her and advancing on her slowly. A surge of adrenalin shot through her body as she instinctively fell back a step, snapping her staff up into a defensive posture. Pack hunters, she thought darkly. She had a good idea of what had happened to the students now, and she didn’t care for that insight in the slightest.

“We had our fun with them before taking them to our mistress, Dolandeth,” the lead one grinned ferally. “Just as we plan to do with you, neophyte.”

“Do tell,” Lilith hissed. “You might find me a little more difficult than that.” She uttered the trigger word for her combat spell in a guttural, low voice while pointing an index finger in their direction. A split second later, lightning bolts shot from her outstretched fingertip and raced towards the group of imps. Quite a few managed to barely dodge the bolts, but three of the ones in the rear of the pack were not so lucky. The acrid smell of burning flesh filled the air as they collapsed to the ground with a gut wrenching scream, writhing in their death throes.

“You’re going to pay for that, warlock bitch,” the leader threatened with bared fangs as it ducked around back behind one of its’ fellows.

Lilith snarled wordlessly as she pointed her staff at that nearest imp, then focused her mind with another incantation. Black flames enveloped it’s red crystal head moments before she completed the spell, sending a beam of black energy streaking toward her intended target with impossible speed…

And then missing the imp by mere inches as it dodged frantically to the side.

“Little sorceress needs to work on her aim, doesn’t she,” the little creature cackled as it leapt savagely at Lilith. She barely had time to take a step back in horror before it landed on her arm, knocking her staff out of her hand and sending it clattering several feet away from her and well out of reach. Cursing herself, she tried desperately to reach for the wand hidden in her robes with her free hand, only to have that one savagely restrained by a second imp as it pounced on her.

“Looks like you’re caught, neophyte,” the first imp giggled triumphantly. Both demons darted about behind her and worked together to pin her arms behind her back. They chanted in unison as reddish bands of energy formed around both Lilith’s wrists and then fused to each other, effectively creating a set of manacles that locked them firmly in place when the two imps completed their spell. Yet another energy band erupted out of the manacles like a snake striking its’ prey, looking very much like some sort of leash.

“Miserable little shits! I’ll -” Lilith spat, only to have her threat cut short as a third demon clambered up her body and forced a conjured ball gag unexpectedly into her mouth.

“No more talking, and no more spells,” her latest assailant growled. Lilith’s stared at it hatefully while trying to force the gag out of her mouth to no avail as the imp secured it in place. Her situation was dire, and getting worse by the second. With no way to make gestures or utter incantations for her spells…

I might be in just a bit of trouble, Lilith fretted.

The last imp had reached her by now, circling around her while chanting low and in a gravelly voice as the other three tore into her clothing and stripped it off of her body. Fabric flew everywhere as they worked feverishly. The one doing the chanting grinned as it finished casting its’ spell, silvered spikes and a hammer materializing out of thin air into its’ hands. With unconcealed glee, it set about to hammer those spikes into the ground; two behind her, and one in front of her. “Done,” it smiled.

By now, Lilith was completely nude. She was indeed a stunning, full-figured woman, with a tattoo of a scorpion that started at her left shoulder and coiled around her left breast, while another of a winged pentagram was on her belly. Both stood out prominently against her pale, almost porcelain like skin. Jeweled ruby posts in both her nipples flashed in the ambient light as she fought against her assailants with everything she had, though it mattered not in the slightest as the imps forced her down to her knees. The little demon doing the casting was at it again, and soon magical bonds like the ones binding her wrists winked into existence around her ankles, complete with their own leashes. Two of the imps each grabbed one, pulling them taut and securing them to the spikes behind her while forcing her legs wide apart.

Yet another imp took hold of the leash to Lilith’s wrists, darting underneath her and then pulling on it from in front of her, forcing her slowly to start leaning backwards. She struggled the whole way down, but she couldn’t fight both her own weight and the creature’s pull as she finally collapsed onto her back with her arms bound tightly behind her. With her position set, the imp secured the leash at her wrists to the spike in front. Her bindings tying her down firmly in place, the result was that she was tied in a type of “rocked back” position. It was all she could do to wiggle around impotently.

Once done, all the imps stepped back to survey their handiwork for a moment before chanting in unison. Lilith could feel her restraints tighten even further, pulling her whole body taut and anchoring her in place. She struggled uselessly, her hips bouncing up and down while her breasts shook and jiggled with her her panicked efforts.

“Look at her fight! This is going to be so much fun,” the first imp crooned as it strolled up to her. It reached out and toyed with one of Lilith’s nipple piercings with a single taloned finger. “And such pretty jewelry, too.” It laughed and twisted the piercing slightly, making her gasp through the ball gag. “We have such plans for you, but first we need to do one last thing.”

The imps chanted as one, and Lilith’s heart skipped a beat as she felt the arcane energies she had stored for her spells dissipate from her mind. They’re draining my spells, she thought frantically. Now she was truly scared, and she knew her chances for survival were dwindling rapidly. Their chanting stopped, and she felt the last of her spells she had memorized fade from her mind. Desperately, she looked over at her staff. It was only a few feet from her, but given the way she was tied up, it may as well have been miles away.

But, she wasn’t quite beaten yet. She still had one option, but it’d require patience and more than just a little luck. She closed her eyes and grimaced in determination. I’ll have to wait until they’re at their weakest, and hope they get complacent, but it’s better than nothing right about now. She shifted in her position, then fought against her bonds again. I’ve got to try, anyway…

“You’re powerless now, little warlock. I think we can get rid of that gag, seeing as how we have better uses for that mouth of yours,” one of the imps smirked evilly as it removed the ball gag.

Lilith sputtered for a moment, then scowled up at her captors. “Let me go, NOW,” she demanded with more confidence in her voice than she actually had.

The imps laughed at her as one of them strolled over to her left side and perched itself over her breast. Lilith stared at it murderously as it reached out for her other nipple post. “You’re in no position to demand anything. You’re just another stupid novice warlock who’s bitten off more than she can chew,” it taunted.

“What’s more, there’s nothing you can do about it, either,” the imp playing with her right nipple piercing nodded in agreement. Both demons twisted and pulled at the posts, tormenting her sensitive nipples and forcing a sharp gasp from her lips.

Lilith turned her head to the side and shut her eyes tightly. “S-stop! How dare you – AHN~! How dare you t-touch me like that,” she protested. Both imps laughed her off and intensified their efforts, twisting and tweaking as they cupped her breasts with their other hand. Lilith cried out and bit her lip as they fondled her mercilessly.

“This one likes having her tits handled roughly,” the one on her left laughed. It let go of the post and leaned forward, a long serpentine tongue rolling out of its’ mouth and licking and caressing her nipple while it continued to fondle her breast with both hands. Lilith squirmed and bucked, trying to pull away from their touch with no success.

A third positioned itself between her open legs, placing a hand on each thigh. The unexpected caress shocked Lilith, and she raised her head to glare at the imp. “Don’t you dare,” she screamed while shaking her hips violently.

“Dare do what? This,” it shot back and spread her pussy open. She shuddered and tried to pull away from the imp, but it was no use. It laughed at the futile gesture, and held her open as it took in the view of her moistening pussy. Juices dripped from her snatch as she Seeing her clit, it smiled as it casted a small cantrip. The spell took over holding Lilith’s sex open, and the imp reached forward to stroke her clit.

“N-no! Stop that right now! Don’t t-touch me like that,” Lilith gritted her teeth and moaned while straining at her bonds. She gasped as the two at her breasts continued to stroke, tease and twist on her nipples and their piercings nonstop. “Stop, s-stop right now! Don’t… AH! Don’t do that!”

The imp at her pussy laughed cruelly and cast yet another spell. A reddish aura infused his cock, making it grow to several times its’ original size. “Time to really make you ours now, neophyte,” he hissed and placed the tip of its’ head right up against her snatch. He paused for effect, then slid it up and down her slit and wiggled it against her.

Lilith’s eyes grew wide with shock as she stared in disbelief at the imp’s massive cock. “No, no! You can’t,” she pleaded.

“Don’t tell me what I can’t do, neophyte,” the imp growled in response. He paused a moment, then pushed ever so slightly into her, spreading her lips apart as the head sunk into her her dripping pussy.

Lilith arched her back and cried out in shock. “Gods, no! PLEASE DON’T FUCK ME!”, she screamed.

“A warlock pleading to the gods for help, and in one of the Infernal Planes, no less. How pathetic!” All the imps laughed at the joke as the one at her pussy continued to push into her slowly, inch by oversized inch. Lilith threw back her head and cried out in as much pleasure as fear.

“Let’s give her cause to regret that,” the imp at her pussy offered, a delighted grin spreading across its’ face as it whipped its’ tail around and rested the pointed tip directly underneath Lilith’s snatch. It slowly wriggled the tail’s tip down between her ass cheeks, taking it’s time before finally coming to rest poised over her asshole.

Lilith gasped and clenched her rim as tightly as she could, desperate to keep the thing out of her any way she could. It twitched with the effort to deny the imp’s prodding tail out. “No, please! Not there, please!”

The imp smiled wider at her plea. “Yes, there. This is going to happen, no matter what you want.” At that, it plunged its’ cock into her the rest of the way with a wet squelch. Lilith inhaled sharply through her teeth at being penetrated so suddenly and lost her focus for a quick moment. That was all the imp needed as it thrust its’ tail deep into her ass.

“NOOOooooooo….” Lilith cried out as both her holes were filled. The imp simultaneously pumped her pussy with its’ cock while wiggling its tail around in her ass. The two imps at her breasts intensified their efforts, licking, sucking and nibbling on her nipples the whole while. She was powerless against their efforts, struggling uselessly against her bonds and wiggling for all she was worth while trying to avoid their touches. “N-no, no, please! Stop! <GASP>, stop I said! I… I said, <aahhh!> no! Uhhh, stop!” So lost was she in her struggles and growing orgasm, she almost didn’t notice the last imp circling around to her head. She turned her head with a start to stare at the oversized cock it held in its’ hands.
“Open up, now,” it commanded. Lilith said nothing, instead closing her eyes and clamping her jaw tightly shut in defiance. The imp set the head of its’ penis on her lips, tapping it against them gently. “Open,” it repeated.

“Mmmmmmnnnn,” she shook her head in refusal and clenched her teeth as she turned her head away from it.

“I… said… open up.” The imp slapped its’ cock on her cheek, splattering a bit of precum across her face. Her eyes shot open as she seethed in red hot rage at the insult, only to have it happen again to her.

You miserable little… Lilith fumed as the demon repeatedly slapped her face with its’ cock. She was furious, and she wanted nothing more than to scour them all from existence for their insolence. And yet, at the same time, she could feel her will beginning to weaken as a powerful orgasm continued to build deep inside her. She could feel her vagina being stretched to the limit with demon cock as it plowed into her over and over. Her eyes crossed at the sensation of the imp’s tail writhing around in her ass, and she could barely suppress the moan of pleasure as her large, supple breasts were massaged and fondled.

Is this how it ends for me? Am I beaten before I even begin to truly learn, Lilith asked herself hopelessly. She thought of her friend Esmeralda, and the promise she made to her before leaving. She could see her friend as she sat on the bed, her brown skin shining with sweat as she sat partially swaddled in white silk. She remembered the grateful smile Esmeralda had flashed her before wrapping her up in a huge hug. Thanks, Lilith… yer the best, she’d said, her impossibly deep green eyes shining brightly. Just make sure you come back for me, okay? Life would be borin’ without you!

Oh, I’m coming back, my darling Emerald. Lilith steeled herself just as the first wave of her climax slammed into her. Her world became a haze of pleasure as she came, but she wasn’t on the Infernal Plane anymore. She was back home, in her comfortable bed with her best friend in her arms. She could, even now, see those green eyes looking up at her with joy and a touch of impish delight. I made a promise, my friend… and I am going to keep it!

“Well well, look who came,” the imp fucking her mercilessly crowed victoriously as he continued to thrust into her. “Don’t think that’s going to change anything though, stupid warlock. Our fun is just beginning.”

Lilith turned back to the demon slapping her face with its’ cock, and opened her mouth before gingerly licking the tip of its’ cock. The imp closed its’ eyes in ecstasy, and slid further into her mouth before she had a chance to get ready. “Seems she’s given up and accepted her fate, brothers.”

Lilith smiled in spite of almost gagging on the demon’s penis. Not in the slightest, you little shit, she swore. Have your fun, but I’m not giving up… and when I get out of this, you’re going to suffer in ways you’ve never thought possible!


It seemed like an eternity had passed by to Lilith, but at long last the imps had tired themselves out. They had multiple go-arounds between them, and each was now utterly spent. So was she, for that matter. She felt so very weak, but she also sensed that an opportunity was coming, and soon.

They lay all around her, resting a bit before getting ready to collect up their prize and head home. “She is going to make for an excellent pet,” one sighed as it lounged on the ground, still panting heavily.

“I suspect she’ll last for about a month before Dolandeth breaks her beyond salvaging. It’s a good thing we got to play with her a bit. Maybe we should hold off just a bit before taking her to The Lady of Pain,” another piped up.

“What, are you stupid?! You’d even think about denying Dolandeth her due. As much fun as this summoner was, she’s not worth that kind of risk. Let’s rest a bit before binding her for transport back to the mistresses’ realm.”

Lilith did not dare move, or even breathe. She had pretended to pass out from their advances, but the time for waiting was over. This was her moment, and she knew it. You either make move now, or you die here in this plane, she resolved. She screwed up her courage, and then suddenly shouted a single arcane word; the one meant to trigger the spell encoded in her tattoo on her abdomen.


The tattoo burned with arcane fire, though it didn’t hurt Lilith in the slightest. A moment later, a bright flash of light enveloped a small area around her and the imps. They screamed in pain as it blinded and dazzled their eyes, while Lilith’s bonds dissolved as the light washed over them. She was free!

“My eyes!!! What is happening, brothers”, one imp yelled. All were disoriented, screaming and trying to figure out what happened. “Find her and subdue her!”

Lilith scrambled to her feet and made a mad dash over to her staff, ignoring the pain from a sudden cramping in her leg. She had been bound for so long, and her muscles were rebelling against the sudden movement. She fell down at her staff, then used it as a means to prop herself up. Her window of opportunity was closing fast already! Not enough time for a spell, even if I had one ready, she thought desperately.

“I can see again! She has her staff, but not to worry. She has no spell casting ability,” one of the imps bellowed. The others were already beginning to get their bearings, but it didn’t matter now.

Lilith smiled a disturbingly sweet smile as the answer came to her in a flash. “I don’t need to cast a spell,” she said in a sing-song voice. With that, she swung the staff in a vicious arc down at the ground, shattering its’ crystal head into a thousand pieces. Energies that had been bound to the staff flared and popped as magic was released, building into a detonation. Laughing triumphantly, she then threw the staff into the center of the imps and hit the ground, covering her head as best she could.

The imp who had recovered its’ vision first turned ashen. “NOOOO,” it screamed and tried to run. The others hadn’t even a chance to react as the staff exploded in black and blue flame, tearing chunks out of the ground and searing the air around them. Lilith cried out as stones from the blast rained down, cutting her. She lay still for a few moments, waiting for the rain of rock to subside before struggling to her feet. She staggered forward a few steps, and then looked at the carnage she’d just wrought.

A crater lay open where the staff had once been. Rocks dug out by the blast and imp body parts were strewn about haphazardly. The one imp that had seen what was coming had been thrown several dozen feet by the blast, and lay bleeding and unconscious on the ground. Lilith stumbled over to where the blast had tossed what remained of her clothing and began searching. “Please be intact,” she whispered. Her heart thrilled as she found the small scroll in one of the pockets. The recall scroll was still intact. She could go home! Still searching, she found her wand. “Not much, but it’ll do for self-defense,” she mused.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a weak and hacking cough. She looked up, and saw the surviving imp. Battered and bleeding, it lay there motionless. A feral grin crossed Lilith’s face as she got up and limped over to where it lay. “Time to go, but first I must collect up something…”


Lilith sat in her study and leisurely sipped her cup of tea. Her wounds from the blast had been bandaged, and she was wearing her favorite gown and robe. She was comfortable and safe again, a true gift when she considered where she could’ve been right now. She winced as she shifted in her seat, her leg voicing its’ displeasure at being forced to move. It would take a week or so before she fully recovered, but recover she would.

The loss of the staff would cost her. Her instructor would most assuredly punish her for it, the lech. The thought of him leering over her about it and making his usual awkward advances made her ill, and it would set her finances back a bit. But the alternative was worse. She eased to her feet as Pericles ran to her and began to beg for a treat. She smiled and offered the ferret a choice morsel, and then turned to limp out of the room. “Enjoy that, Per-Per. Your mommy almost wasn’t able to give it to you,” she purred.

Her demeanor soured noticeably at that last thought. She had been reckless. Stupid. It was only by luck that she came out on top in that encounter. The fact that she had to rely on random chance like that rankled her. She set down her cup of tea on an end table and frowned. “Never again. You are too smart and talented to have to do that, Lilith,” she murmured to herself. She turned and headed to her research room, her demeanor improving as she approached the door. “Still, I did learn a great deal about the Infernal Planes. I gained invaluable information that will serve me well.” She stopped at the entrance to the room, talking to herself. “More preparation, and allies, are needed for my next foray there. There’s so much to be had there. Risk, but within reason,” she smiled and pushed the door open to enter her little study.

The imp she had brought back lay restrained in the center of the room. It was bound spread-eagle with mithral bindings on top of a large pedestal, slanted slightly with its head higher than the rest of its’ body. Runes arranged around an imprisoning circle surrounded the pedestal. The demon was prevented from both physically and magically leaving, and it tugged at its’ bindings. At Lilith’s approach, it sneered.

“You’ve made a mistake. My name is -”

“Unimportant,” Lilith cut it off with a wave of her hand. “I know who your mistress is, and I know that she won’t bother to reclaim a mere imp. Especially one as stupid as you.”

The imp grimaced bitterly, it’s’ pride wounded. “We subdued you, ‘mighty one.'”

“And yet I still escaped you.” she smiled as she taunted the creature. She reached out and lightly touched the imp’s chest. “As I said, stupid to say the least. But, I can turn that stupidity to my advantage.”

The imp shifted in its’ bonds, clearly intimidated. “I… I can serve you. I can be your familiar.”

“I don’t need a familiar,” Lilith cooed. “Your kind sickens me, and I’d sooner swallow poison than willinging work with the likes of you.” She strode over to a desk on the far wall, and took out a silvered box. She brought it over to the pedestal, set it down and opened it. “But, you do have some use to me. You’re going to help me satisfy a curiosity I’ve had about your kind.”

“And what would that be, ‘mistress,’” the imp swallowed hard.

Lilith reached into the box and pulled out a beautifully ornate scalpel. “Why, anatomy and physiology.” The imp’s eyes widened in horror as Lilith smiled that same disturbingly sweet smile. She leaned forward and the smile morphed into a vicious, predatory grin.

“I have so much to learn from you. Shall we begin?”


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