YouTuber Sexcapades: Nerdy Nummies part 1 [MF]

This is a work of fiction brought out by my fantasy of meeting and having intercourse with the YouTube star Rosanna Pansino. None of the following is truth and should be treated as such.

Now let’s get goin’!


Walking down the street in a residential neighborhood in Los Angeles, map in hand and my dead phone weighing down my pocket like a fifty pound weight, I sighed and lifted my glasses before rubbing my eyes. “It’s official dude. You are lost.”

Looking around at the houses around me, I considered going up to one of them and asking for directions, or even letting me use their phone to get an Uber. I picked a house to walk up to when, like all my plans, things went sideways.

Hearing a scream, I spun around and saw a young girl trying to catch her dog, who was walking into the road.

A road that just so happened to have a car driving way too fast coming up on the dogs location.

Dropping my bag and map, I ran as fast as I could. I could see the car coming out of the corner of my eye and pushed my legs harder, running faster and faster. I quickly got to the dog, who was now in the middle of the lane, and picked it up in my arms. Hearing a horn blaring, I see the car trying to stop but I know it won’t stop in time.

“This better work!” I start running toward the car and, thanks to my shameless amount of video game time, jumped onto the hood of the car before jumping as high as I could and tucking my legs under me. Seeing the car pass under me safely, I feel gravity start to bring me back down to earth. I straighten my legs out and fall into a roll just as I hit the pavement, being careful to keep the dog in my arms and out of harm’s way as I stop by the curb.

Opening my eyes, only now realizing they were closed, I groaned as I sat up, one arm still holding the dog while my other went towards my head. Rubbing the sore spot, I looked up at the woman who was chasing after the dog in the first place.

She was short, between four and five feet at least and a little over five feet at most. She had long brown hair that almost touched her shoulder blades, along with matching brown eyes with long lashes. She had nice legs, shown off by her denim shorts that hugged her curves nicely. Her breasts were proportionate to her stature, maybe a bit bigger than normal for someone her size. She was also very petite, maybe weighing 100 pounds while wet.

Giving her a dazed smile, I hold up the dog towards her. “I believe this little one belongs to you.”

Seeing her pick up the dog and making sure she wasn’t hurt, I could tell it was a French bull dog. Seeing the dog lick her owners face and the woman smile and cry happily, I could tell she would have been devastated if I hadn’t made it in time. She turned to me and knelt down to give me a hug, surprising me greatly while I lightly pat her back.

“Thank you so much! I can’t believe you did that! Thank you for saving my little Cookie!” She gave me a grateful kiss on the cheek, causing me to blush slightly and look away while scratching the back of my head.

“It’s no big deal. I’m just glad I could help. My name is Jake by the way, Jake Tyler. But most people call me JT. What’s your name?” I introduced myself and asked her name at the same time, sticking my hand out for her to shake.

She gave me a tearful grin and shook my hand. “It’s nice to meet you JT. My name is Rosanna, but I usually go by Ro.”

Smiling as we separated our hands, I slowly tried to stand up while stretching slightly to make sure I hadn’t gotten hurt too bad. Hearing Ro gasp, I looked at her in confusion as she grabbed her phone and called someone. “Jordan, I’m a block away from the house, come quick! Someone helped me save Cookie from getting hurt but he got hurt too! Okay I’ll see you soon!”

Looking even more confused, I looked down and noticed a slowly growing stain on my shirt. Carefully lifting it up, I saw blood covering my left side and a few pieces of broken glass sticking out, along with a decent sized gash going along my ribs. Blinking a few times as the pain started to register, along with the blood loss, I quickly fell on my ass onto the sidewalk beside Ro.

Shaking the cobwebs from my mind, I took a deep breath and lifted my shirt again to take a better look. Seeing that the glass was a decent size, just big enough I could remove them with my fingers, I slowly started taking them out while biting my shirt. Groaning in pain with each movement and each piece of glass removed, I noticed Ro looking at me in shock while somehow still keeping a hold of Cookie.

Taking out the last piece of glass, I let out my breath as a car, presumably her friend Jordan, screeched to a stop beside us. The guy jumped out of his car and, seeing the amount of blood, didn’t waste any time in helping me into the back seat of the car, Ro already having grabbed my stuff and put it in the trunk. I felt my head be lifted and placed on something soft and warm, along with a weight settling down on my lap.

Opening my eyes again, I saw Ro looking down at me with a worried look on her face. I gave her a smile, telling her without words that I’d be alright. She smiled a little back before taking my ruined shirt from my hands and applying pressure to my side herself to help stop the bleeding.

Closing my eyes as I rested, I lifted my hand onto Cookie’s head in my lap, feeling her lick my fingers before I started petting her.

As I slowly drifted between awake and asleep, I couldn’t help but give a weak laugh at my predicament.

“And here I was worried about my time in L.A. being boring.”


Okay so here is the first chapter of my YouTuber Sexcapades stories with the first chapter of the Rosanna Pansino arc.

If you like the story, or have some constructive criticism please leave a comment or send me a message.

I know there wasn’t a lot of sexy happenings yet, but I plan on this being at least 5 chapters per YouTuber that I do. As for other YouTubers that I plan on using for my story, here’s the list:

Brizzy Voices
Jenna Ezarik

Sadly that’s all I got considering I only have a few female youtube people that I follow. I hope to hear from you all soon! Allons-y!
