Girls Night In – Part One [M][F]

Two weeks had passed since that dreadful, wonderful, night at the pub, Melody’s large and curvy bottom was back to its original smooth creamy complexion. Keeping it a secret from Steve had been a real effort but lots of lights off fucking had done the trick.

‘They won’t call me’ Melody said under her breath, trying hard to convince herself as she did the washing up while Steve was watching T.V.

She’d even seen Sue in the supermarket, while shopping with Steve, and there had been no mention of the happenings in the pub. Just a nod and quick hello, nothing out of the ordinary.

‘No’ she went on to herself ‘they had their fun and that would be an end to it’ somehow though her thoughts rang hollow.

She had thought about the experience almost constantly, it had filled her dreams and her day dreams for the last two weeks or more. To be so humiliated by Sue and the other girls went way further than any game or scenario she had taken part in before. Even when Steve had allowed the dirty old men from next door to watch her come while bound to a table it didn’t seem half as bad as the ambush that Sue had devised. And all the photos that had taken. Who had them? Who had seen them? What were they doing or going to do with them? Closing her eyes, she could see the faces of the other girls as they watched and photographed her debase herself. Without conscious thought her hand, still wet from the dishes, dipped to her crotch, lifting the hem of her full skirt to allow her fingers to gently rub the lacy panties covering her quim.

The phone rang. startling Melody back into the present. “I’ll get it” cried Melody rushing out to the hall. Her usual singsong greeting died as she recognised Meg’s voice.

“Hello darling, you didn’t think we’d forgotten about you – did you?”

“Oh no, you can’t be serious, I’ll get you money, anything, just leave me alone” Melody whispered in to the receiver.

“Steve’s there then” Meg laughed realising that Melody was keeping her voice down “Sally and I will be expecting you at my house at 4.30 on Friday, that gives you three days to get ready”

“But, but I can’t just go out for the evening. Steve will want to know where I’ve gone” exclaimed Melody, still in hushed tones.

“An evening! You’ve forgotten our little pact. We said for the whole weekend, that means Friday to Monday in my book. Don’t worry about Steve, tell him you’re going around to Sue’s. Bob’s away. Tell him you had such a great time with her at the pub that she wants you to give her a hand with some dress making and craft. If Steve phones, she’ll cover for you. It’s what mates do.”

“But I can’t” hissed a very nervous Melody “Please let me off”

“Let you off, let you off. Not on your bike” laughed Meg “Sally and I have been looking forward to having our own personal slave slut for the weekend. We have all kinds of treats planned, now tell me how you are looking forward to another spanking and letting us play with your fanny”

“No, I won’t” Melody firmly replied

‘Ok then, check your email and call me back!’ The line went dead.

Melody grabbed her phone and opened her email account expecting to see an email from Meg but instead found one from Opening it she found no message just half a dozen attachments. She clicked on the first one which opened to reveal a poster of her fucking the beer pump with her full name, address and contact details plastered across the bottom. The next was similar but the picture was from behind and showed a smiling Melody looking back over her shoulder as she sank a wine bottle into her arse.

She grabbed the phone and pushed dial.

Her heart beating like a drum, she heard Meg answer and gabbled into the hand piece ‘Yes I do want to be spanked and show you my body’. There I’ve said it and I guess I’ll see you Friday.’

There was a pause before Meg, her voice triumphant replied ‘good girl, I will text you the address, and don’t you dare be late’ and with that she put the phone down.

It took no time convincing Steve of her reason for being away for the weekend, he said he had things to do round the house and was happy that she was going out to have some fun. Melody suspected he fancied a weekend watching porn and editing movies of her ready to show Bob when he was next came around for an evening’s fun. Wistfully the thought crossed her mind that if she’d told him the whole truth he would have asked for copies of the photos to go in Volume 9 of the Big Red Book!

Melody was early and it was only four fifteen as she mounted the steps of the large Victorian house where Meg lived. Before she could ring the bell, it was opened by Sally “My you are an eager little slut, aren’t you? You had better come on in.” Noticing the bag Melody was carrying she laughed “You didn’t have to bring anything, we have all you need, and much more”

She led her through the house and upstairs to one of the large bedrooms. “You’ll find some clothes in the wardrobe, change into them. You can put your own things in that bin bag on the floor, you won’t need them for a while. When you’ve done come straight down to the lounge”

Resignedly Melody took her clothes off and placed them in the bag as instructed. Opening the wardrobe, she expected to see clothes she would recognise, she was disappointed. Hanging over two coat hangers were a pair of stockings, a suspender belt, corset and a bra, all made of shiny black latex rubber. Standing on the floor beneath them were a pair of black patent shoes, with five inch heels.

As she finished putting the clothes on she stood back to look in the mirror and could hardly believe her eyes. She looked like one of the women in the magazines Steve read when he thought she wasn’t looking. The rubber clung to her and the corset pushed her tits up so far that the bra was full to bursting. As she moved she swayed on the heels and it took a few minutes of practice before she was confident to attempt the stairs.

“What have they got in mind for me dressed up like this?” she wondered, a shiver of fear and anticipation shooting up her spine.

The two women were sitting facing the door as Melody entered. “Very nice” said Meg taking a photo “that will do nicely”

They stood up and circled the rubber clad woman, running their hands over her body and squeezing her flesh where it was not covered in the black sheathing

Running the palm of her hand over Melody’s lower stomach Meg said “I expect your hair is growing back on your gorgeous pussy my little play thing, we’ll have to remedy that later. I like my fanny to be smooth and accessible”

When they had finished their examination, they took her into the kitchen. There were piles of dirty crockery everywhere.

“You can get that lot cleared away and then you can cook us some dinner. Pasta and chilli, and it had better be on the table by 5.30 or you’ll be for it” and with that the two women returned to the lounge.

Looking at the clock she realised that there was no time to be wasted and immediately set to clearing up. As she finished the first bowl of dishes she realised that she hadn’t said anything since arriving, not a word to try and get out of the weekend!

Despite her best efforts, dinner was served at ten to six. As she laid the dishes in front of the girls Meg got up and took her by the ear “Ouch, that hurts” cried Melody as she was propelled across the room to an armchair and pushed over the arm. Before she could rise Meg’s, strong arm pushed her down into the soft fabric. “I’ll teach you to be disobedient young lady” she snapped and landed a firm slap across Melody’s up turned bottom.

Melody struggled, but to avail, Meg was too strong, and experienced, to let her wriggle free. As the blows rained down on her unprotected arse she realised why there had been no pants with the costume.

By the time twenty hard spanks had been landed Melody was sobbing in to the cushions, not so much because of the pain that was flooding through her lower body, but more because of the humiliation of the situation.

Releasing her Meg pulled her up and stood her in a corner, hands on her head, so that they could feast their eyes on her red bottom as they ate their meal.

As she stood there she was horrified to feel that her fanny was wet, not damp, WET! She’d got exited being spanked by another woman. She hoped they wouldn’t notice, she didn’t want them to think she was a dyke like them.

Finishing their meal, the two women led Melody back to the kitchen and seating themselves at the table instructed her to clean up the mess she had made. As she stood at the sink scrubbing the pots and dishes she could feel their eyes on her back.

She jumped as something stroked over her bottom and legs and turning she saw a riding crop with an ivory horse head handle in Meg’s hand. “Sorry did I make you jump slut” smiled Meg “now get back to your work, if you don’t want to feel my crop around your big bottom” and saying that she landed a light whack with the crop across Melody’s upper leg.

The pain this ‘gentle’ stroke caused was enough to convince her to redouble her efforts, even though the crop was again being used to trace patterns over her bottom and legs, Meg occasionally flicked the leather loop at the end to remind her of its other uses.

As the washing up was finished Sally picked up the dishes and scrutinised them closely, “this one’s still got muck on it, and this doesn’t look as though it has even been touched. I’ll have to teach you how to clean dishes properly I can see. Step back from the sink, lean forward and grab the taps” she barked.

As she complied Melody realised that her bottom was now pushed out roundly, clearly Sally wasn’t going to teach her by example. Her legs were slightly apart and Meg continued to trace the leather tip of the crop over her bottom and was now able to push it up hard against her quim.

“I’m so sorry I’ll do them again” pleaded Melody

Suddenly she felt her vagina being penetrated, Meg had turned the crop round and has using the horse’s head to work on Melody’s quim. She was an expert and Melody felt herself pushing her body away from the edge of the sink and parting her legs wider so that Meg could reach into her easier.

“You like that do you?” Enquired Meg easing the head further up the girl’s fanny and simultaneously rubbing against the hard nub of her clitoris. Withdrawing it, covered in creamy juices, she added. “Tell me how much you like it”

Melody’s knees sagged and despite herself found herself complying “Yes I do like it, please push it up harder, please make me come. I’ll do anything, just make me come. Ooh I love it.”

“What about those dirty dishes? Have you been a bad girl Melody?” Sally asked, in her best school teacher manner.

“Yes, I have” gasped Melody as Meg eased the crop back against the sensitive lips of her quim.

“What do you deserve then”

“I should be punished” cooed Melody, and she meant it. Meg’s touch was re-awakening memories of the spankings she’d been given by the girls in the pub.

“Yes, I think ten strokes with the crop should remind you to be more careful with the dishes in future” responded Meg “You’d better hold on to her hands Sally, we don’t want her jumping all over the place.”

Swiftly Melody’s hands were clamped on to the taps by Sally, who suddenly reached forward and kissed her full on the mouth.

She recoiled, shocked and surprised, but before she could say anything Sally moved closer and kissed her again, this time more firmly. Melody felt the other girls tongue forcing its way between her teeth and exploring her mouth. Releasing her grip, Sally’s hand reached Melody’s rubber clad tits and squeezed them hard feeling for the nipples. Melody groaned felt her own tongue toying with Sally’s, moving her hands to Sally’s neck, waves of confused pleasure washed over her. As quickly as she had started, Sally stopped and taking the girls hand placed them back on the cold steel of the hot and cold taps. “She won’t move, will you my baby” said Sally, satisfied by Melody’s acknowledging shake of the head.

The first sting of pain was like nothing she had ever felt, even the cane in the pub had not hurt as much. It was all she could do not to let go of the taps, but some strange compulsion made her retain her grip.

After six agonising applications Megs passed the crop to Sally and moved close to Melody’s face so that she could watch the girl’s reaction to the crop landing on her arse.

Any hope that Melody held that Sally would use less force was quickly removed and she felt her feet leave the floor and dance around as the first of Sally’s blows fell on her bottom. Sally waited until she was still again before her second blow fell, a process repeated prior to the ninth and tenth stripe being added to her tortured arse.

With tears of pain running down her face Melody followed, as commanded, the girls back into the lounge where they bent her over the back of a settee and rubbed lotion into her stinging bottom. They left her in this position and she could hear one of them putting something on the stove and lighting the gas, after which they both went upstairs.

When they at last returned, and told her to stand up they had removed their outer clothes and both stood regarding her in only stockings and panties. ‘Hot work’ laughed Meg and moved Melody to the centre of the room and pushing her down on her back with her legs open. Looping rope around each of Melody’s ankles Sally tied them to each end of a long pole, spreading her legs so wide that her hips ached and she resembled a ballet dancer doing the splits. Finally, she placed each end of the pole, on two low stools. The final act was to snap her wrists into a pair of handcuffs and place them over her head.

Meg returned carrying a pot of steaming water and placed it by her side. “What, what are you going to do to me” shrieked Melody….

“Just remove the down from between your legs, it won’t hurt…. much”

Before she could complain further Melody found herself looking straight up at the Sally’s fanny and arse who was standing with one foot on each side of her head. Transfixed Melody watched as Sally’s knickers and broad bottom slowly descended towards her face. As she got to within six inches Melody could smell the strong musky scent of the other girl’s fanny. Now on her knees Sally looked back at Melody’s face from between her legs “now you’re going to serve me!” With that she lowered her panty clad cunt onto Melody’s face and started to gyrate gently over her nose and mouth.

At first Melody thought she’d suffocate as the cotton pants sank onto her face, but she found that she could gasp for breath as Sally moved her bottom around. After a few minutes, Sally got up and removed her pants before resuming her position. Now Melody found her nose and then her mouth embedded in Sally’s soft sticky fanny as Sally opened herself with her fingers before sinking back over the firmly closed mouth of the struggling girl beneath her.

At that moment, Meg pulled back Melody’s fanny flaps and slowly placed a long slender finger into her. Melody gasped and opened her mouth, just what Sally had been waiting for. Able to breath only through her nose, Melody now had most of her mouth full of Sally’s pussy.

Removing her fingers Meg reached over to the pan and took out a foil package using a set of tongs, then with a pair of scissors she cut the foil open and removed a strip of waxed fabric which she swiftly applied to Melody’s fanny.

The heat, although only momentary, made Melody jump, much to Sally’s enjoyment. Quickly Meg applied further strips, each one patted down and moved around in little circles so that the wax got hold of every single hair, until Melody’s whole fanny area was covered

The fanny of the tethered girl now effectively out of action, Meg turned her attention to Melody’s tits and unclipping the bra eased each one in turn from it’s safe hiding place.

As Meg sucked the first of her large nipples into her mouth Melody started to lick at the soft flesh in her mouth. She could feel the skin of her pussy beginning to grow tight but she was not entirely sure what they had done to her, nor what was to come. At that moment in time she didn’t much care either – as the clever Meg was causing such sensations of passion using her tongue on her hardening rosebud nipple.

Meg moved back to look at the hard nipple she had just raised to a state of throbbing excitement, before moving on to the other of Melody’s tits.

With a cry of delight Sally came, grinding her fanny into Melody’s face before pushing herself off and turning back to kiss her again firmly on the lips “Thank you my darling, you are quite good at that, maybe a six out of ten, but you’ll be giving ten out of ten by the end of the weekend”

“What have you done to my pussy” Melody asked, trying to reach down to feel between her legs. Strong hands stopped her.

“I said we wanted you nice and smooth, so we are waxing you” replied Meg

“But that will hurt so…….” Melody squealed.

“Well that is part of the reason for doing it isn’t it now” smiled Meg “hold onto her hands Sally”

Sally pulled on the cuffs securing Melody’s wrists and hauled her arms back up over her head, kneeling on them before pushing a thick cushion under Melody’s head so that she was forced to look at her own fanny down the length of her body.

“Scream all you want my dear” smiled Meg and took the corner of the first wax strip and ripped it off. The pain was intense, as each hair was pulled out by its roots as the fabric was forced way from the skin, Melody clamped her teeth together rather than give them the satisfaction she knew they wanted.

Seeing this Meg took the second strip and ripped it off. There was no way that the girl could avoid letting out a long high pitched wail, surely the skin must have been removed as well.

By the time the last waxed cloth had been removed Melody was a limp rag and lay there when Sally released her grip to join Meg to look at, and feel how smooth Melody’s fanny was.

“Lovely and smooth isn’t it Sally,” Meg said as they both rubbed baby lotion into the folds of Melody’s fanny causing her to jump at the coldness of the liquid “it will be even more fun to play with now, won’t it” “I think she’s a bit tired now, shouldn’t we get her ready for bed?” Asked Sally with an evil look in her eyes.

Helping Melody upstairs they ran a bath for her and stripped her of her rubber finery before placing her in the hot foamy water, each taking it in turn to lather her body and slip their fingers up her fanny and bottom.

Now that the pain of the waxing had passed Melody was becoming a willing participant in these bath time frolics and, giggling, reached out to soap the other girl’s tits as they came within reach.

“Oh, no you don’t” cried Meg “not tonight it’s way past your bed time. Little girls should have been tucked up ages ago”

Still dripping, Melody was led into what was clearly Meg’s bedroom, the centre piece of which was an old fashioned high off the ground brass bed.

Draping a plastic sheet with ‘Super Ted’ emblazoned upon it, over the bed they made lie face down on it……..

She heard Meg leave and then return.

“Before naughty little girls are put to bed we must make sure that they’re nice and clean, inside……. and out!” Melody heard Meg tell Sally, before feeling the girl’s hands pulling the cheeks of her bottom apart and inserting something cold and slippery into her anus.

“What are you doing” she cried craning her neck to see what had been pushed inside her. To her horror, Meg was holding a long length of hose with a funnel on one end and a pump ball in the middle. She recognised it straight away.

“Enema” she shrieked and tried to rise, only to be pushed back down again forcefully.

Strong cords were used to tie her rests and ankles to the corners of the bed and a bolster pillow was pushed under the plastic sheet raising her bottom up higher in to the air.

“Why couldn’t I have pushed the nozzle into her bottom” whined Sally.

“Oh, go on then do it again” sighed Meg

Sally eagerly pulled the nozzle out with a sharp tug and examined it, “Isn’t it clever how it is thin in the middle so that she won’t be able to push it out” she said as she again worked the plastic ball end back into Melody’s anus. Melody could hear soapy water being poured into the funnel but it was only when Meg began to squeeze the pump ball that the liquid began to flow in to her back passage.

“Please stop, don’t put any more inside me, I’ll never hold it in. Please thrash me again, do anything, just stop pumping…. I beg you.” Melody pleaded

On and on Meg pumped until Melody really did think she would burst, she could feel her stomach distending. “Get the stopper ready” Meg called and quickly removed the nozzle and pushed a larger blank stopper back in its place, just as water began to trickle out of Melody’s bottom.

“Oh, it hurts so much” cried Melody “Please let me release it, please let me go to the toilet”

They left her to plead and squirm for a good half an hour before untying her and helping her to hobble to the toilet.

Reaching between Melody’s legs Meg pulled the stopper out and immediately soapy water gushed into the pan at such a rate that some of it spilled out onto the floor.

Leading her back into the main room Melody was pushed onto the bed face up to allow the others to apply lotion to her fanny and bottom before dusting her down with baby powder. “There we don’t want nappy rash, do we”

To her horror, Melody was then wrapped in a large towelling nappy which was fastened with a pin.

“Why are you doing this to me. I said I’ll let you spank me, I’ll do anything but why are you doing this.” She implored

“You have been a very naughty girl and until you can act your age you’ll be treated like the baby you are” said Meg “now take your medicine and be quiet” with that Sally pushed a table spoon of castor oil in to her mouth, quickly followed by another and another.

“That’s horrid” gagged Melody and willingly took the large glass of water Sally offered, drinking it down in one long gulp, and then taking a second.

“Right – time for bed” said Sally placing a ball of silk in Melody’s mouth and securing it with wide adhesive tape. “Under the bed with you”

The poor woman soon found herself spread eagled on her back beneath Meg’s bed with her wrists and ankles tied to bed leg. “Don’t worry we’ll be back later” said Sally as she turned the light off and shut the door.

It must have been a few hours later, and Melody had fallen asleep, when she was awoken by the light being turned on and the sound of Meg and Sally in the bed above her. They were clearly making love and Melody could hear the muffled sound of the vibrator Meg was using on Sally, they seemed to go on for hours until finally Meg let out a cry and the springs above Melody’s head gave a final creek.

Melody thought that they had forgotten she was there until Meg’s now flushed face came in to view as she leant over the side of the bed.

“Yes, she’s awake” she called to Sally whose head and shoulders soon appeared over the other side of the large bed.

“Couldn’t you sleep pet…. did mummy wake you with her groaning?” Cooed Meg, reaching out and fondling Melody’s nearest nipple.

The rough handling of her flesh soon had Melody in a state of pleasurable confusion, which increased as Sally started to do the same to her other breast. The two of them mauled and tweaked the ripe flesh for several minutes until the tips of Melody’s nipples were as hard as rock.

She implored them with her eyes to release her legs so that she could pull her thighs together and give herself some much-needed relief, but to no avail. The two women were not intent on bringing her pleasure. Pain was their intention.

“Look how hard I’ve made this nipple, I bet yours isn’t this hard” Sally challenged holding the breast towards Meg to compare. ‘can we play with her some more before we go to sleep’ she begged.

The two women’s head disappeared as they clambered back onto the bed. Melody could hear whispering followed by a squeal of delight from Sally and then someone rummaging through a drawer. She waited, petrified about what they might be planning for her.

Then the women reappeared and resumed their work on her nipples and tits. They didn’t rush, but instead mauled the flesh of her 42DD breasts skilfully, working her long nipples into rock hard stubs. She closed her eyes, groaning into the gag, as the sensations flooded her breasts and sex. So, caught up in the feelings and passion of what they were doing to her, she didn’t notice the women slip vicious looking clamps over her hardened nipples. In one coordinated action they tightened them, crushing the sensitive flesh between their serrated jaws. Melody’s eyes flew open in surprise and pain as the last turn of the thumb screw brought the two halves of each clamp to almost touching. The look on Meg’s face was pure sadistic pleasure.

‘sting a bit does it my dear?’ she said, twisting the screw to make sure it was fully home ‘well this won’t help I am afraid, but it will make me smile’

Taking thin cords, she put a loop around each nipple clamp and threaded the other ends through the metal springs of the bed and pulled. Melody’s boobs stretched as the cord tightened and foolishly she arched her back to reduce the pain. At that moment, Sally stood on the bed directly over where Melody lay and the springs sagged closer to the tortured woman. Meg seized the moment and tied the cords off.

The two women got back into bed and left Melody in agony beneath them. Unable to keep her back arched she was forced to relax which further stretched her distended tits. Biting into the gag she wept, her tits hurt so much, and after feeling so good.

‘Fancy a shag Sally?’ Meg laughed and moments later Melody heard Sally grunt as Meg sank a lubricated strap on dildo into her eager fanny. The slow rhythm of Meg’s fucking made the bed move back and forth pulling the cords attached to Melody’s nipples. Shaking her head from side to side in agony Melody begged into the gag for them to stop.

‘Are you enjoying this too darling Mel? Meg called, clearly aware of the additional torment the two of them were exacting on the tied woman. ‘Sally’s loving it’ she laughed.

It seemed like hours to Melody before the bed’s motion changed as Meg extracted every ounce of satisfaction from Sally’s fanny and finally the two women slumped into each other’s arms.

“There that’s better, you get some sleep now Melody, it’s going to be a busy day tomorrow” Sally laughed as the light was turned off.

Melody hunched her shoulders and wriggled as best she could to try and dislodge the implements of her torture, but they were too well applied, each set of metal serrated jaws biting into her soft aureoles, and she finally had to admit defeat and lay back to try and get some sleep. After a while her breasts became more used to the pain as the blood to her nipples was restricted and a point came when she could hardly feel them at all. But then one of the women in the bed would shift position and the cords would yank her poor nipples, waking her and causing her to moan or scream into the gag.

Waking to the excruciating tug of the nipple clamps she realised that she needed to pee, not just wanted but really needed to pee and more.

“Of course, the castor oil, and the big glasses of water so kindly offered to wash it down” she thought to herself.

An hour past and with every minute the pain increased in her bladder. She tensed the muscles of her stomach, trying to control the natural call of nature. Slow steady breathing kept it under control until Sally or Meg turned over and both nipples were yanked upwards and the dam burst! She felt the warm sensation as her urine flooded into the towelling nappy. On and on it came until she was lying in a soaking rag rather than the dry nappy she’d so hated earlier.

She couldn’t hold back a sob of humiliation as she slipped into sleep and could have sworn that she could hear a soft laugh of triumph from the bed above.

“What else can they possibly do to me tomorrow?” she thought as the waves of sleep took her to temporary safety………

to be continued…
