Timebenders 2: Channel-Surfing, Chapter 5 [timestop nc mf]

*author’s note: Thank you to everyone who’s been responding to the chapters, and especially to those of you who went ahead and purchased the novel. As always, it’s awesome knowing that everyone is enjoying my filth! :D*

The days were a busy time for Jeremy. Not that he would ever be rushed for anything again, but he did have a lot that needed doing.
Petra’s camper was pretty far out in the forest, so he bought a used car to travel in. He would need to keep up appearances at home, at least for a while. He also covered for Petra, packing a bag and leaving a note on her nightstand vaguely talking about having to leave for a while to figure her life out. She was old enough that such a note should keep the police from accepting it as a missing persons case, should anyone report it. He left a second note somewhere her father would find it saying that she was afraid she had made a mistake and needed to be by herself for a while. As for his own home, Jeremy arranged for his parents to win some last minute cruise tickets; they would be gone at least a month, leaving him with plenty of time to figure out his next moves.
After the first day, Petra’s dad came looking. It was early morning, and Jeremy was getting ready to go to school; he opened his front door and found Mr. Stevens standing there, about to knock.
“Good morning, Mr. S,” Jeremy said, trying to sound casual. “What’s up?”
“Hey, Jeremy,” Mr. Stevens replied. “Are your parents around?”
“They’re out picking up some luggage,” he said. “They won some cruise thing.”
“Oh. Good for them.” Mr. Stevens peeked back over Jeremy’s shoulder. “So just you today, huh?”
“Is something wrong, sir?” Jeremy said, suppressing an urge to cringe at his dumb-sounding manners.
“Well, no, probably not, but I haven’t seen Petra in a day or so. I was thinking maybe you had? I know you keep an eye on… on the neighborhood.”
Jeremy shook his head. “Sorry, no,” he said. “I haven’t seen her since the other day, I was in the living room and saw her walk down the street outside. She had a bag, I thought she might be going somewhere. I kinda wanted to ask her about it, but I was in the middle of a game, and I play online so there’s not really a pause.”
Petra’s father nodded. “That sounds about right. I’m just… worried she didn’t get where she was going. Let me know if you see her, alright?”
Jeremy nodded. “I’ll-”
A sudden feeling of dizziness rolled over Jeremy, making him stop to catch a breath. He leaned on the doorframe, but it passed quickly.
“You alright?” Mr. Stevens asked.
“Yeah,” Jeremy replied, standing straight again. “Dizzy spell. Must be ‘cuz I skipped breakfast. I’ll tell you if we see anything.”
“Thanks, Jeremy. Tell your parents congrats on the cruise.”
Jeremy watched Petra’s dad through the blinds. He walked back to the front of his own yard, looked back at Jeremy’s house, and then turned around. Except the turn was instantaneous. Jeremy blinked, not certain he’d really seen it.
“Wait a minute…” he said to his empty house, walking back into the hallway.
Nothing was terribly amiss in the house. Nothing was missing or greatly disturbed. But there were a few little things. The bathroom door was an inch open; he always left it just barely ajar. A crooked picture frame on the wall had been straightened. And there were a couple faint shoeprints in the living room carpet.
There was no mistaking it. Mr. Stevens had stopped time, moved Jeremy out of the doorway, and searched his home. That explained the dizzy spell, too; if he’d been moved around between seconds, maybe there was an effect like when a car hits an unexpected speed bump.
It also meant that Mr. Stevens could still stop time.

Jeremy could barely focus on his classes. What if Petra’s dad suspected him? There’s no way he could have found the camper yet… except that wasn’t true. Given enough time – and the man had all the time in the world – it was totally possible to search everywhere, starting with every house in town and working outward. It might take years, but he could do it. Especially since Jeremy had verified that spending a day or so in stopped time didn’t cause any extra nail or hair growth; that meant that during a time stop, the man wouldn’t age, and he could search until his mind gave out if he wanted to.
Jeremy’s fingers flexed, itching to use his time gauntlet. He could feel the wires tickling his arm, calling out to him to stop the world and force a solution to his problems.
Jeremy’s musings were interrupted by his English teacher’s voice. “Jeremy!” she barked. “I’m not writing these notes for my own benefit. This will be on the final!”
“Sorry, Miss Vickers,” he said, turning his attention to the notes on the whiteboard and starting to copy them down.
Miss Vickers seemed satisfied with that and turned around to write some more boring bullshit about Shakespeare on the board. Jeremy stifled a groan and looked up at the clock. It seemed he wasn’t the only person present who could make time stand still.
Not that the view was all that bad. Miss Vickers was blonde and slender, with a really bad case of resting bitch face, but turned like this he couldn’t help admire the way her pencil skirt clung tightly to her ass cheeks. She had to go on tiptoe to write high up and bend down to write low, and in both positions Jeremy had always enjoyed an idle fascination with watching her.
She wasn’t the only one, either. Jeremy’s seat was toward the back. Not in the back itself, where all the “bad kids” liked to sit, but near enough that he could sneak glances at many of his female classmates. Usually he’d be looking in Petra’s direction, but of course she was absent today, so he let his eyes wander over some of the other girls present.
It was kind of incredible, the variety of girls sitting around him, unaware of his gaze… or of his power. He realized suddenly that he could do anything to any one of them, without them suspecting a thing.
Miss Vickers was looking in his direction again. Considering the fact he got straight A grades, it really made no sense that she was always such a bitch to him. Jeremy stopped time, copied down all the notes on the board, and then started it again, holding his binder up to prove that he was following along. The teacher didn’t seem pleased, but at least she didn’t have any excuse to single him out again.
Jeremy decided to put off exploring the student body for the moment. Stopping time again, he stood and sauntered to the front of the class. “Miss Vickers,” he said, grinning, “I have an idea for an extra credit activity.”
He stepped right up to her, looking right in her eyes. She was no taller than he was, and suddenly she seemed far less imposing. “First, I’ll need a little look at what you’re working with,” he told her. He started unbuttoning her blouse, whistling a tune to himself.
Miss V wasn’t working with much up top. There wasn’t even cleavage, just a little gap between her breasts where they were held up by a white, surprisingly elaborate bra. He thumbed the frill of lace that rested against her skin and chuckled. “I wonder who this is for,” he said, leaving the blouse open and unzipping the side of her skirt.
Her panties matched as well: white, lacey, and almost transparent in places. They were completely covered by a pair of hose. Jeremy sighed; he’d been hoping for some sexy thigh-highs. That would have stayed out of his way. Still, he could work with this. He just had to lift her into the air and roll off the hose first. Next, the panties came down, revealing a patch of fine, well-trimmed blonde hair.
Jeremy considered touching her, teasing and arousing her, but decided not to do anything just yet. He stuffed the lacey panties in his pocket and rolled the hose back up Miss Vickers’ legs, then re-buttoned her shirt and returned her skirt. When he was done, it looked like nothing had been done at all.Returning to his desk, Jeremy started time once more. Miss Vickers shivered, probably mistaking Jeremy’s touch for a chill, and continued writing on the board. When she was finished, she walked over to her own desk and sat down.
The moment her ass hit the chair, she clearly knew something wasn’t right. Her eyes widened and her cheeks went red while one of her hands cautiously moved down, probably feeling the side of her hip to look for her missing panties.
Jeremy smirked, looking down at his notes to hide the expression. With the pantyhose on, there was no way his teacher’s panties could have fallen off. The only way for her not to be wearing any, outside of magic or a time-manipulating student, was if she hadn’t put them on in the first place.
“Students,” she said, slowly standing up, “I’m going to step out for a minute. Copy these notes and read the next chapter’s review. No talking.”
Jeremy had to stifle a laugh as he watched her hurriedly walking out of the classroom. He was tempted to follow her, maybe steal her bra and return the panties so she thought she was going crazy. But then he’d have to go back and forth to start time from his desk, in case anyone saw him disappear.
Deciding to leave Miss Vickers alone for the moment, Jeremy opened his textbook and started reading. He didn’t want to spend too much energy on something as petty as teasing his English teacher. Besides, the longer he was at school, the longer he had to wait to see the only girl who really mattered to him.
Of course, several students had decided to ignore the silence order and start talking. That had always annoyed Jeremy; why did they think the rules didn’t apply to them? The only person who was more than a student now was him, anyway.
His ranting train of thought was interrupted by a familiar name being spoken. “Where’s Petra today?” someone asked of someone else. Jeremy cocked his head slightly, listening in.
“I don’t know,” came the reply. It was Katie, one of Petra’s friends. She was talking to another girl, one of the popular clique who liked to keep track of everything anyone did in case there was someone who hadn’t been teased enough. “She’s not answering her texts.”
Jeremy flinched. He had hidden Petra’s phone in the camper with her, and the battery was in his backpack. He would have to remember to send some fake replies later on.
“She’s probably off getting banged by some college guy,” another girl said. “I heard she was at the movies with an older man.”
Jeremy felt his cheeks flush with anger. He wasn’t sure whether he was mad at the girl for disparaging his princess, or at Petra because it was probably true. He’d lived next to her for years, watched her grow up, and been in love with her even before she got hot. It was so unfair.
He twitched his hand, setting off the time-pause, and turned around to look at where the voices were coming from. Six girls had surrounded Katie’s desk, and they were all leaning in like vultures. Petra was as smart as she was beautiful, so it wasn’t a surprise that these bitches wanted to rip a piece off of her.
They were all wearing skirts. Almost asking for it. Jeremy walked around the group in a circle, lifting each girl’s skirt in the back and tucking it into the waistband of her panties. He tried to touch them as little as possible.
He started time again and turned around in his desk to watch the fallout. For a few seconds, nothing happened. Then one of the boys, sitting nearby, noticed the show and snapped a picture with his phone. “Hey!” one of the girls said, turning around. The others noticed her exposed ass right away, and within a couple seconds they all realized they were giving the same show.
It was total chaos. The girls hurried to untuck their skirts; one of them fell over onto one of the boys, while another accidentally pulled her panties down and mooned the class before she had regained her decency. Jeremy laughed into his hand.
Things quieted down soon after, and the girls returned to their seats. One of the girls, sitting next to Jeremy, gave him a glare that could melt glass; apparently she didn’t appreciate his laughing at her. Not that others weren’t laughing as well, but of course, Jeremy wasn’t allowed to enjoy anything in this school. Bitch.
Miss Vickers returned and continued the lesson, lecturing about some dry classical literature nonsense. Jeremy hardly heard her. He was too busy watching her for any sign of what was going on under her skirt.
Finally, curiosity got the better of him. He stopped time, walked to the front of the room, and checked for himself. Rolling up her skirt, he was amused to find that Miss Vickers had put on another pair of panties.
“We can’t have that,” he said, once again removing his teacher’s pantyhose and stealing her emergency underwear. He blew a little puff of hot air over her pussy before returning the hose to her, just to make sure she noticed right away.
Turning around, Jeremy returned to his desk, but a tingle on the back of his neck made him stop before he sat down. He felt like he was being watched. Looking around, he found that the girl next to him was still glaring in his direction out of the corner of her eye, with a disgusted look on her face.
She was blonde, wore a lot of makeup, and wore a tight, low-cut sweater. It was probably just barely within the school rules for how much skin she was showing. Jeremy sat on the edge of his desk and looked at her critically.
Leaning in, he rolled up her sweater slowly. He had to stretch it to get it over the curve of her chest, but he managed. She had a pretty great body; a little thick in the middle, but not fat, and with really large boobs that looked almost spherical.
Jeremy carefully removed her bra, whistling appreciatively at the sight of her bared breasts. The bra wasn’t padded at all; in fact, it looked like she only wore it to cover her nipples.
He hid the girl’s bra in her own backpack, then put her shirt back in place. Returning to his desk, Jeremy started time and turned his head to meet her glare. He smiled at her, amused by the way the thin sweater now left nothing to the imagination.
He thought about doing the same thing to some of the other girls, but it was a tedious process. Instead, he just went around the room unhooking and unfastening every bra present. With a couple of girls he took a peek underneath, to satisfy curiosity.
When he came to Suzie’s desk, he hesitated a moment. He remembered the last time he’d seen her: crying by herself in the bathroom after he’d played with her. But this was just a bra, he thought, so he went ahead and unhooked it anyway.
Katie was wearing a sports bra, and there was nothing to unclasp. But then, he did feel a little bad about how worried she was about her friend. Hopefully Petra would be cured of her brainwashing soon, and he could let her come back to school. Peeking over her shoulder, he could see that Katie was texting Petra again, begging her to report in.
The thought of how upset Katie was, and how unhappy Petra surely was, was almost enough to spoil Jeremy’s enjoyment when he started time. Still, he couldn’t help but smile as one by one most of the girls shifted and squirmed, noticing their unfastened bras and trying to fix the issue. A quiet murmur rolled through the classroom, and Miss Vickers warned everyone to pay attention.
Jeremy glanced at the girl next to him. She was writing in her notebook, and apparently hadn’t noticed her own missing garment, and her boobs jiggled in a hypnotic way as she rubbed her eraser across the page.
Jeremy stopped time again between strokes of the eraser and reached over, pulling her sweater down and under one of her breasts. When he started it again, he made sure to be “coincidentally” looking in her direction as her bare breast “fell out”. She made a surprised little yelp and hurriedly stuffed herself back into her sweater, then froze as she realized her bra was missing.
Jeremy chuckled, and the girl glared at him. Angela was her name, Jeremy remembered. She used to be a pretty nice person, before she started dating jocks.
“Fuck you, loser,” Angela whispered. “Enjoy it cuz it’s the only one you’ll probably ever see!”
“Angela, is there a problem?” Miss Vickers snapped.
“N-no,” Angela replied. “It’s-”
Jeremy stopped time while the teacher was staring at Angela. He stood and looked back and forth between them. There was only so much he could do to someone who was being looked directly at. But he could at least satisfy his own need to see Angela punished for her bitchiness. Heck, the more he thought about her the more he could think of examples of her being a terrible person to him or someone else.
“Close enough,” he said, unzipping his pants and pulling Angela toward him. Their desks were close enough that he was able to turn her, bend her forward in her chair, and slide her mouth down around his dick.
Angela’s warm, wet mouth easily took the first half of his length. Jeremy shuddered at the feeling and thrill of sliding his cock along the girl’s tongue, holding her head and pulling her up and back down again.
There was some resistance when he tried to push back further, so Jeremy stood up and tilted Angela’s head back. Lined up like that, he could see the straight path down her throat. He thrust into her face, pulling her down harder.
There was resistance again, but it was less like a wall and more like a hole that was a snug fit. Even in stopped time, some things could only stretch so far. It made him wonder what else he might be able to do with a girl.
Jeremy held Angela’s head in his hands and started pumping his hips in and out. Something inside her was rubbing at his shaft and catching on the head each time he pulled back, and it felt incredible. He moved one hand to the back of Angela’s head to keep her in place, using the other to reach into her sweater and grab a handful of tit flesh.
He looked around at the class while he fucked Angela’s throat. There were probably fifteen girls in the room, plus the teacher, and almost all of them had done something at some point to deserve some return abuse. He imagined all the things he could do to them in the moment he’d stolen, all the fun he could have, and grinned.
He was still grinning when he came, hips thrusting erratically into Angela’s face over and over again. He held her down hard, moaning loudly while his cum shot down her throat.
When he was finally finished, Jeremy held her there, relaxing and catching his breath while he began to soften in her mouth. He pulled out his phone, getting a picture of his first ever deep-throat blowjob, then pulled slowly out of her. He’d pulled her tits out of the sweater again, so he used them to clean the slimy cum and spit off himself, squeezing his dick between them and rubbing back and forth a little, then took another picture to remember it by. After all, he thought, you don’t get to mess up tits that nice every day. Or at least, most people don’t.
When he was satisfied he’d seen enough, Jeremy pulled Angela’s sweater back up into place, pressing it in against the mess on her skin and adjusting her until she looked natural again. Then he closed her mouth and returned her to her fully upright and locked position, facing the teacher.
When he started time again, Jeremy had to dig his nails into his palms to keep himself from laughing. Angela was cut off in the middle of what she’d been saying by a sudden gag reflex. She choked and coughed for a few seconds, covering her mouth with her hand, and wretched up some of the deposit that Jeremy had left inside of her.
Miss Vickers changed tone immediately, becoming concerned with what appeared to be a vomiting student in her class. She sent Angela out to the school nurse, then glared down the murmurs of the class and returned to her lesson.
Jeremy, basking in the euphoria of his orgasm, almost forgot to take down the rest of the notes. The class flew by quickly, and so did the rest of the day; Jeremy spent the time mostly ignoring the other students, listing in his mind all the things he wanted to try out with his new power.
At some point, he switched over to listing the things that he could do to Petra’s father. If he was going to free Petra from his clutches, he’d need to scare him off. The problem, he thought, was finding something that he could do to a man with the same powers that couldn’t be undone and wouldn’t result in Jeremy being discovered.
The solution, of course, was simple. The target wasn’t Jake Stevens at all. The target was everyone around him.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/7652dp/timebenders_2_channelsurfing_chapter_5_timestop


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