*This is the continuation of a story I wrote 8 months ago; [read it here](/r/sexystories/comments/5rthmc/my_girlfriends_husband_mm_anal_slight_subdom/).*
*I’ve been sitting on this for a while. Comments and criticism welcome!*
I drifted through the rest of the day trying to wrap my head around what had happened with Mark, and how it might change the relationship I had with Shani. Even after a shower to clean off the cum, I still felt Mark’s presence as the familiar soreness between my cheeks that came with a good fucking. More than once, I found myself clenching my hole and feeling the tingling ache spread through me. It had been quick, perfunctory and to a certain degree without much passion, but Mark had left me wanting more– much more! Now I found myself in the embarrassing situation of having to face my girlfriend after letting her husband fuck me, and hoping that she wouldn’t hate me for breaking down the barrier she had set between the two men in her life. As much as it was Mark’s fault for inciting the sudden bout of assfucking, I doubted that Shani would take my side over his. Thus, I got only a scant few minutes of work done in the time until Shani got home; the rest was spent waiting and worrying.
By the time I heard Shani’s key in the lock, I had managed to work myself into quite a state of nervousness, and I was already halfway through mentally packing my bags when she stepped into the kitchen, a smug grin on her face. She was carrying a plastic bag with groceries, which she set upon the counter before turning to face my beet red face. I knew that Mark had sent her the picture of my leaking, distended asshole, and there was nothing I could really say to defend myself from her judgment. Instead, I kept silent.
“You’ve been busy.” Shani smirked and stepped up to me. Not knowing what to say, I said nothing. Even so, my cheeks burned with shame and remorse; it had felt good at the time, but now, a few minutes of passion might cost me my home and relationship. Stupid, stupid, stupid…
“Shani, I–”
“So, Mark finally managed to seduce you, hmn?”
Shani laughed at my shocked expression and wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me into a hug and a soft kiss. I balked, struggling feebly as I tried to comprehend what she had just said. *Finally?* Was this some kind of joke?
“Relax!” With her hands locked behind the small of my back, Shani held me in place until I stopped struggling and surrendered to her embrace. I felt confused, dazed, but when she began to explain, it slowly faded into a kind of relieved clarity.
“I’ve been daring him to get you in the sack for weeks! I was sure you would enjoy the feel of a real guy a lot more than you do my strap-on– and I know how much you love *that*!” She reached down and smacked my ass, grinning up at me with those dark, dark eyes. “He kept insisting that you’d turn him down and get all upset, and he didn’t want to do that to you. I guess he finally figured out how to go about it, huh?”
I looked at her, a confused look on my face. “So.. you *knew*? That he was going to try and fuck me?”
Shani laughed and let go of me.
“Of course I knew! Who do you think suggested it?”
I didn’t have an answer to that. In fact, standing there watching her unpack her groceries while discussing my recent tryst with her husband felt downright surreal. I had expected her to be pissed, but here she was, happy as a clam. No, more than that: She was smug. Smug that I had fallen for her little ruse, smug that she had led me from a finger in the butt to being fucked and bred by another man. Had that been her plan all along? Or was it simply a happy coincidence? With Shani, things rarely turned out to be coincidence.
“Did you cum?”
Her question tore me out of my reverie, and I shook my head. “No. I mean, yes, afterwards. But not during.”
She pursed her lips. “Mh. Shame. Guess Mark needs more practice in how to please a guy.”
“I, uh–” I shifted my weight slightly, feeling wholly out of my depth. “I didn’t think it was going to happen again.”
“But you want it to.” Shani smirked at me. It was a statement of fact, not a question. I nodded all the same.
“Good! Tonight?”
I hesitated. Fact was, with the amount of worrying I had done, I was actually severely behind on my work, and wasting a whole evening pursuing Shani’s latest obsession would mean twice as much work tomorrow. On the other hand…
“Okay. Tonight.”
Shani smiled and winked at me. Something in her eyes made my stomach flutter, and when she turned back to her groceries, I lingered in the doorway for a bit, faintly hoping that she would come over and help me relieve the sudden tension that had grown in my pants. But she didn’t, and I couldn’t bring myself to ask. Tonight. I had to wait until tonight.
The wait was rough, though. And rougher still when Mark came home, lean and fit as ever, and threw his arms around Shani to give her a kiss while grinning over at me. For the first time in a long time, I felt like a third wheel to them as they kissed, their hands roaming each other’s bodies like a pair of newly in love teenagers. Not because they were kissing in front of me– that had happened before, and is part and parcel of the lifestyle. But because, for the first time, they clearly had a secret on me. When their lips parted and they both looked over at me, I felt like prey being ogled by two fierce predators, a piece of meat ripe for the taking. No doubt Shani was already plotting the best way for me to pleasure the two of them, and Mark… well, Mark just seemed happy to be in on the joke.
And for my own sake, I was dying to get to the good stuff. Which I am sure Shani knew, and used to her advantage. At least, she spent a long time on dinner, and then insisted on cleaning the kitchen thoroughly before joining Mark and me in the living room. In the meantime, he and I sat side by side, gazing at the TV while occasionally shooting each other curious glances. I’d never really appreciated Mark before, other than as a decent friend and the husband of my girlfriend, but now, knowing what was about to go down, I found it hard to sit still next to him. Thoughts of leaning over and taking his cock in my mouth kept popping into my head, even though I’d never felt that urge before in my life. Shani had made me suck her strap-on a few times, mostly as a domination thing, and it had never really done much for me other than help her get in the mood. But now, I felt dizzy with the possibilities of what I could do with Mark. What he could do to me.
But just as I had decided to try and make a move, Shani appeared. She had removed her shirt, so that both Mark and I could get a nice, full view of her chest, and in one hand she held her harness, with Hector the dildo jutting from the iron O-ring. I felt a trill of excitement down my spine.
“Mark, bedroom.” She grinned and jerked her head to gesture for him to get up and go. “And Henry– go get ready.”
I nodded and got up, and while the two of them retreated to the bedroom and shut the door, I hurried to the bathroom and began to strip down. A fifteen minute routine of douching, showering and checking myself for unwanted hair followed, during which time I kept imagining what Mark and Shani were planning, and trying to ignore my throbbing cock that refused to go down. I was, for lack of a better word, extremely horny, and when I finally stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself, I could not hide the tent I was sporting as I walked to the bedroom door.
It had barely been twelve hours since I had been in there last, and I felt a pang of lust at the memory of Mark unceremoniously pounding my ass. This time, the lights had been turned down, and Shani had lit a handful of candles around the room, creating a nice, cozy ambiance. I had probably expected to find the two of them going at it, but to my surprise I found Mark lying idly on the bed, naked and flaccid with his eyes glued to his phone, while Shani was standing by the dresser, tightening a black leather corset that I had only seen her wear twice before. Beneath it, Hector jutted aggressively from between her thighs, and when I peered in through the open the door, Shani turned to me and beamed. Her eyes fluttered down to the obvious hard-on in my towel, and she giggled.
“Lose the towel.”
I did as she asked, and she walked up to me, dildo swaying dangerously with every step, and put a hand on my chest. Her lips were red, full, and I felt a drop of pre-cum spill from my cock merely from looking at them. Her eyes bored into mine as she smirked.
“Are you ready to get fucked?”
What could I say? I nodded, whereupon she took me by the hand and led me to the bed. Mark had put away his phone, and he smiled encouragingly at me as we approached. I did my best to return the smile, but all I could really focus on was the uncertainty of what was going to happen. Shani put one hand between my shoulder blades and pushed me forward, and pretty soon I was on all fours at the edge of the bed, with Shani’s hands roaming gingerly over my exposed ass. I felt extremely vulnerable as I stood there, trying to ignore the odd, nervous sensation in the pit of my stomach. Shani’s fingers dipped in between the cheeks, and I felt a fingertip brush against my tight knot, which made me shiver slightly. Mark was simply watching, his eyes flicking from me to her and back, but his cock remained flaccid. Was this all just Shani’s idea? I’d never been much of a exhibitionist before, and it felt strange to have her slowly paw at my ass while another person watched. Not uncomfortable, just… strange.
I soon forgot about that particular hang-up, however, as the familiar crack of the lube bottle rang through the room. With one hand, Shani pried my cheeks apart while the other one sought out my hole, and before I had time to react she had pushed two lubed-up fingers into me. I gasped, and my eyes jerked up to meet Mark’s gaze. He smirked at me, and made a face as if to say, “buckle up!”
Shani’s fingers began to delve deeper into me, and pretty soon I felt her twisting and bending them in search of my prostate. I did my best to guide her, letting my moans flow freely as I shut my eyes and tried to ignore everything but the sensation of her fingering me. When she finally found it, she began to attack it like it owed her money, and I had to repeatedly pull away slightly as she ground her fingertips against my p-spot. It wasn’t that it hurt; rather, the sensation was so overwhelming that I could barely stand it, and every time I jerked forward, I heard her giggle and hum approvingly behind me. She was enjoying this, a tiny spot of sexual torture. And I was enjoying it too, God help me. It took most of my willpower to not reach down and stroke myself off.
After a few minutes, Shani suddenly pulled her fingers back, and I heard the bottle again. I knew what was coming this time, and did my best to get into position for her. I knew the best way to arch my back, and was satisfied to feel the head of Hector poking against my sphincter, just the way I knew would work. This was the way it always went, what with Shani having no actual sensation in the appendage. I had to make sure it was positioned correctly, so she only had to worry about getting the thrusting right. At this point, I had almost forgotten Mark, until I felt him shift on the bed. I opened my eyes while simultaneously bracing myself against Hector’s incessant pressure against my asshole, and saw Mark climbing to his knees, semi-hard cock in hand.
I opened my mouth as he approached, and all at once, I felt Shani’s thick rubber cock slide into me, amply helped by the slick lube coating it, and Mark’s cock pushing in between my lips, coating my tongue with a few drops of salty pre-cum. I moaned loudly, and felt Shani’s hands grip hold of my hips as she pushed deeper inside, apparently fully expecting my ass to accommodate her toy from the get-go. The girl had never had much patience. The forced stimulation of my hole and prostate naturally made me open my mouth wide, and I felt Mark slide an extra inch into my mouth, until his swelling crown was taking up the majority of my oral cavity. Now suddenly caught between a cock and a hard place, I did my best to mind where my teeth were as Shani rocked me forward.
Mark’s hand came down to cradle the back of my head, and I looked down at the base of his cock, the way his shaft sloped up beneath my nose and into my mouth, and the bush of short, coarse pubes adorning his groin. With nothing in particular to look at, I decided to close my eyes and instead let the sensations carry me forward; I focused on running my tongue against the underside of Mark’s cock, and felt him jerk slightly in response. This was so much better than when Shani had made me do it; the toy had been just an inert piece of rubber, unresponsive, uncaring. Mark, on the other hand, felt every motion of my tongue on his cock, and his hand on my head clenched slightly as I began to suck on him in earnest, every movement helped along by Shani’s hips bucking against my ass.
“Fuck,” I heard Mark hiss from above me, and from behind, Shani giggled.
“Does he like it?”
“M-hmm..” Mark’s baritone hummed teasingly, his fingers playing through my long hair. I felt Shani pull back, teasing the head of her dildo against my hole, and then a hard spank send a wave of pleasure and pain through me.
“Good!” Shani gripped hold of me again and pumped back in, spearing me on Hector while Mark cradled my bobbing head. I moaned something incomprehensible and felt a sliver of drool run down my chin.
“Keep sucking, baby.” Shani’s husky voice from somewhere behind me, her thrusts making my cock bounce and slap against my naked stomach, leaving a wet spot of pre-cum on my skin. “Get him nice and hard so he can fuck you. You want that, don’t you?”
I moaned and nodded, and heard both of them laugh above me. Clearly, Shani was enjoying herself, and I could hear from Mark’s breathing that I was at least doing something right. I was still nowhere near close to taking all of him in my mouth, but the more I sucked, the harder he grew, and the sensation of sucking cock grew more vivid as the head rose to its full mushroom size. Until this day, I had never considered sucking another man’s cock before. Now, I felt giddy as he began to move his hips slowly in sync with my movements, trying to match Shani’s gleeful pace.
I’d never really appreciated before how hard it is to breathe while sucking cock, and Shani’s incessant thrusts into me did a lot to limit my breathing to little more than rapid, shallow moans. As such, I was grateful when Mark never did more than guide his cock back and forth between my lips a little; had he tried to push further into my mouth, I might have choked on him. Not that that wasn’t Shani’s intent, I am sure; even as she bucked her hips and tried to grind her rubber cock against my prostate, she kept up a stream of soft dirty talk, praising how good my ass looked and how she loved seeing me like this. Mark said little, but his hands kept me anchored on his cock, while my head bobbed back and forth in sync with Shani’s movements.
It was, in a word, heaven. I felt dizzy, but the constant pleasure of the lubed-up dildo massaging my hole and prostate never failed to make me moan, and Shani seemed even more conscious of trying to make me squirm than usual. And it was working, in part because she knew every inch of me inside and out, and in part because Mark’s cock left me without any capacity to brace myself against what Shani was doing to me. Normally, I’d lean forward and let her work her magic, and adjust myself slightly when she went too far or too deep. Now, I had nowhere to go but down on Mark’s cock, and he way he held me up, his deep, guttural groans of pleasure above me resonating in my ears, I was constantly trying to balance the sensation of my mouth against the sensation of my ass.
It was too much. Shivering, I felt myself go more and more tense in between them, and Shani’s delighted giggles rose an octave as my moans grew in intensity. I was ready to cum– more than ready. I was aching for it.
“Your turn.”
Shani’s voice drifted through the haze of my lust-addled mind, and for a moment I didn’t understand. Did she want me to fuck her now? But then Mark pulled out of my mouth, leaving a string of spit to bridge us for a second before it broke and collapsed down my chin, and the meaning became clear. His turn to fuck me. From fake cock to real cock. While Shani did… what? Watched? That seemed unlike her.
I gasped as the girl put one hand on my ass and slowly pulled the dildo out of me; it was always weird to go from being filled to being empty, but weirder still was feeling her hand on my back as she moved around, gently keeping me from getting up as another body slid behind me. Mark’s hand came down and touched my ass, and I felt a shiver of excitement going through me. Shani was good with her cock, knew how to thrust and angle and grind against me. But Mark had the appeal of flesh, of a real cock, and of being able to sense what he was doing. It was a different experience, but it was hard to say which one I prefered. Apples and oranges, as far as assfucking went.
“No.” Shani’s voice, while her body weighed down the right side of the bed. “Let’s flip him over.”
It had become clear that I had very little say in the way my body was being directed, but I did not mind one bit; it was a weird experience to be treated as little more than a sex toy, but at the same time, I could feel that they were both doing what they could to make it enjoyable for me, too. This was not just their show; in fact, it felt more like a performance for my sake, a dance of moving, moaning bodies to show me the pleasures that I had been missing out on. Mark snorted a laugh.
“Sure. Grab a pillow and put it beneath yourself, Henry. ‘ll be easier like that.”
I looked up, still slightly in a daze, and grabbed a pillow while slowly shifting out of my position on all fours. Rolling onto my back, I lifted myself up and placed the pillow at the small of my back to raise up my hips, while casting my eyes from Mark to Shani and back. His smile was crooked, slightly cocky, and his shaft glistened with my spit. Shani was looking radiant in the warm glow of the candles, with her beautiful breasts and taut, feline body highlighting the incongruous rubber toy strapped to her groin. I smiled at her, and felt a tingle of excitement as Mark stepped closer and took a hold of my ankles.
“You’ll want some more lube,” Shani said with a slight frown, but Mark just shrugged and grinned down at me. His hold on me was pushing my ass further into the air, until he could simply lean in and dip the tip of his cock against my hole.
“It’s fine. You can take it, can’t you, Henry?”
I had been loosened up considerably by Hector’s girth, and with the residual lube and my own spit on Mark’s cock, I felt confident. I nodded, and Mark’s grin widened.
“There you go!”
The pressure on my sphincter increased, and then he slid inside, his knees dipping forward to carry him from tip to base in one, fell swoop. I groaned, my eyes wide in surprise, and felt my cock pulse in response. Shani had been right, of course; a little more lube would have made the experience a lot smoother, but something about feeling Mark’s cock pull at my hole as he began to slowly thrust into me was absolutely, maddeningly sexy; it was raw and primal, an impossible-to-escape sense of being *filled* and being *fucked*, that only the touch of skin on skin could produce. I whimpered softly, pleasure radiating out from the sensation of his length plunging into me, and Mark groaned with satisfaction.
I won’t lie; at this stage, I was more interested in Mark fucking me than anything Shani could do to me, and with my erection bouncing off my stomach in sync with Mark’s hips, I simply closed my eyes and tried to relax into Mark’s body. He was holding my ankles up to his shoulders, and as soon as he felt confident to pick up the pace, he began to slam his hips into my upturned ass, which in turn made me moan even louder. I wanted to reach down and touch my cock, certain that my orgasm wasn’t far off, but something about the intense pleasure in my ass made me hold off on it. I had to savor it, bask in the sensation, even if there was certainly going to be more of this in the future. Truth be told, I had no regard for the future at that point, or for anything else for that matter. Shani could have left for all I knew; the world might have ended. All that mattered was the sensation.
“Aw, look at him!” Shani’s voice, playful and teasing, as her weight shifted the mattress beneath us. “He loves your cock, babe!”
Mark laughed. “Yeah, he does. Maybe even more than you”
Shani snorted amusedly. “Oh, really? So he’s *your* boyfriend now?”
I felt her body move above me, and opened my eyes to see her straddling my face, the bobbing shaft of her dildo hovering above my collar. Her sex, puffy and glistening with lust, was mere inches from my face, and I could smell her arousal from my position between her legs. Suddenly, the idea of her tight cunt sliding down over my cock seemed like the best idea in the world, but before I had a chance to say anything, she lowered herself down and pressed her pussy to my mouth, practically suffocating me with her ass. Obediently, I opened my mouth and embraced her wetness against my tongue.
Mark’s muffled voice carried faintly somewhere beyond the confines of Shani’s smooth thighs. “Maybe! Jesus Christ, you’re hot!”
Shani’s weight shifted slightly, and I felt Mark’s body press against my upper thighs as he, too, leaned in. I could feel the sticky length of Shani’s dildo push against my chest, and hear the faint, wet sounds as they made out above me, but Mark’s hips did not stop thrusting, and soon Shani began to grind her hips against my mouth, taking from me what I was too insensate to give her freely.
Slender hands came up to grab my knees, and then they were both pulling my legs up to give Mark the opportunity to hammer into me. And he did, with enough force that it felt like I was being spanked every time he buried himself inside me. I was gasping and moaning against Shani’s pussy, my cock aching for release but with my hands trapped by her legs as she pinned me down. I could hear Mark grunt above me, and Shani’s growing moans as she ground herself against my face, smearing wetness across my cheeks and chin in an effort to get herself off. Everything was sensation, every nerve in my body firing with pleasure–
And then I felt Shani tremble against me, and her moans grew an octave as they rose to a crescendo. It was perhaps the most intense orgasm of hers that I had ever witnessed, and I did my best to lap at her sex as she convulsed on top of me. And then, before she even had time to go slack on top of me, Mark’s pace increased to a furious frenzy, and he hammered five or six painfully hard strokes into me before pushing himself to the hilt with a loud grunt, and I felt him, too, convulse within me, the head of his cock throbbing against my prostate as he came.
And just like that, it was over. After a few seconds of sloppily sliding in and out of my used hole, Mark withdrew and slumped away from me, and Shani let go of my legs, which had grown somewhat tired after the prolonged fucking. I felt wound-up and tense like a spring, but I nonetheless kissed and nuzzled against her wet sex as the last pangs of orgasm shot like erratic quakes through her. I could feel Mark’s cum slowly trickling out of me, and my own cock was sticky with the pre-cum that had leaked from the tip and smeared against my belly.
I was fully prepared to finish myself off, although the prospect seemed a bit lackluster after such an intense bout of fucking. The fact that both Mark and Shani had come stung a little; it would not have taken much to get me off. Still, it had been an amazing experience, caught up between two voracious people who just wanted to *fuck*, instead of make love. That was Shani to a tee, and it made sense that Mark would be that way, too. I sometimes enjoyed the slower, more sensual sex, but right now I was just aching for a chance to relieve the pressure.
As such, it came as a surprise when Shani leaned forward, and rather than climb off simply laid herself against me. This position naturally caused her rubber cock to press up against my chest, caught between our bodies, but I didn’t have time to complain as I felt a hand reach around to my ass, and a pair of silky soft lips wrap around my cock. I gasped, eyes opening wide to look at the swell of her gorgeous ass, and then two fingers pressed into my hole, pushing the oozing cum back inside while her mouth dipped down to engulf the entirety of my length.
That was all it took. Before she had even made it back up to my crown, I felt the surge of cum well up from the deepest depths of my being, and with the sensation of two fingers slipping deep inside me, I let go of every last drop of cum I had left in me. I felt my whole body buck slightly, and the force of my eruption was almost painful as it shot out of me and into Shani’s warm, waiting mouth.
Somewhere in the distance, I heard her moan, and the sound of Mark’s chuckling laughter off to the side. I didn’t care. Thrashing spasmodically beneath her body, I finally felt the last of my orgasm ebb away, and with it, every vestige of energy in my body. When it became clear that I had nothing more to give, Shani climbed off me, giggled and crawled up to plant a sticky kiss on my cheek.
“You’re a little slut, Henry, you know that?”
I grinned and nodded, and angled my lips up to meet hers.
“Yeah.. I guess I am.”
Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/768bhe/my_girlfriends_husband_pt_2_mmf_threesome_pegging
I loved the original and love this.
I wish there were more stories like it or a subreddit for stories /captions etc where a straight guy gets convinced to play with another guy, but I don’t have any clue where to find it or what that fetish is called.