WP Clothe with expiration dates [Ff]

**[WP] The clothing industry has created a new invention. Clothes now have expiration dates, on the day the clothing slowly breaks down into nothing.**

Michelle held back a sigh as she looked down at the poor excuse that would have to pass for groceries, a 5 pound bag of pasta to last her all the way till her next paycheck, and an instant cup of noodles her celebrations next week. She emptied out the content of her purse on the till and found herself with a total of 5 cents left over. A whole 5 cents for every other thing she needed for the next 2 weeks, what a way cup noodles would be for her to celebrate her twenty fifth birthday next week.

She picked up her bag and headed for home, pulling her thin jacket closer around her in the cold autum wind. It had been a real steal too, a good summer jacket for a fraction of the price it would have cost new, and it wasn’t even all that worn out yet. But a summer jacket is a summer jacket and she could feel the autumn winds biting through it as she pulled it closer. She would have to head back to the second hand store the next time she got paid to look for another jacket, but the utilities bill was coming in next month, so she might have to bite her time till she had that squared away.

She was still considering her financial future when she felt the wind go through her jeans and chill her to the bone like they weren’t even there. With a shiver she looked down and saw a hole through the fabric right on her thigh.

“Oh come on, when did that happen?” She muttered annoyed as she stopped and pulled at the fabric, only for it to crumble away between her fingers. “What?” She said confused as she looked at the denim dust blowing away on the wind and she watched the hole grow larger at an alarming rate.

“Oh no, not now.” She whimpered as she picked up the pace and tried to hold the bag so it blocked some of the wind that was tearing at her jeans. “I can’t afford this right now.” She whimpered as more and more of the denim dust started blowing away behind her and she felt the cold chill fill her. With every step she took more and more of her jeans seemed to crumble to nothing and she wasn’t even halfway home before the last strands of denim holding up what remained of her jeans crumbled away and it was all over.

They literally fell off of her, the fabric around her waist vanishing and the remains collapsing into a dusty crumbling pile of denim around her feet. She could feel the cold wind against her bare legs and her thin well worn panties as she pulled her jacket down as best she could to cover herself and ran. She could feel the eyes on her with every passing car as someone behind her yelled something after her but she didn’t want to hear it, not now. She was barely watching where she was going, her eyes filled with bitter tears and her cheeks flaming red as she raced down 3 blocks. Even running she could feel the cold in her bones and the gawking eyes of people looking at her panties as she ran past, in desperation she reached to unzip her jacket to tie it around her waist to at least give her some decency .

As she unzipped it a blast of wind hit her and a cloud of dust erupted from inside her jacket. She looked down in horror at the remains of her shirt vanishing into the air and for a brief moment managed to wonder what she was going to do in the middle of the city in nothing but her underwear and a summer jacket. That was when she realized she wasn’t holding her bag any more.

“No.” She cried, tears filling her eyes as she turned around hoping to find the plastic back right besides her but it was nowhere to be seen. The sidewalk was hard and cold against her knees as she dropped to it and cried, her jacket pulled tight around her chest again to not expose her white stained bra and what it held to the world. She had to go back, she needed to get back up, to get her food or she was going to have to go dumpster diving again and she had promised herself never to do that again. But getting back on her feet seemed impossible, the jacket wouldn’t cover her properly when she stood upright, she would have to walk back past all those eyes again in her panties and she couldn’t do that, she just couldn’t do that.

The world was spinning around her as she balled her eyes out, clutching at her jacket, holding it tighter hoping beyond hope for it to cover her and warm her back up. And then, it seemingly did.

“Come on.” A soft voice said just above her. “The ground is pretty cold this time of year.” The voice said softly as a soft but firm hand took her by the shoulder and started pulling her up. She tried to pull away but the hand held firm. “I know, I know.” The voice said gently as it pulled her up and something warm wrapped around her. “There, that’s better isn’t it?”

Michelle blinked the tears out of her eyes and looked at a pretty motherly face that smiled back to her. She was in her mid thirties if Michelle were to guess and dressed in new clothes, but far too lightly for this time of year, she wasn’t even wearing jacket. “You are coming home with me so we can get some warmth in you.” The woman smiled as she pulled the warm coat tighter around Michelle and buttoned it.

“I-“ Michelle began but the woman just shook her head with a smile and pulled the girl into a warm hug.

“I won’t take no for an answer.” She smiled as she stroked Michelle’s hair, picked up the plastic bag and led her down the sidewalk in a warm embrace. “It was a good thing you dropped your bag or I wouldn’t have chased after you.” She said upbeat as they walked, rustling the bag she was carrying in her other hand. “It’s a hard time of year to have money trouble.” She said gently, one arm still around Michelle and holding her close. “I’ve been there myself.” She said with a smile down to Michelle who looked back up at her. “And I won’t let anyone go cold or hungry if I can help it.” She declared. “I’m Ryota.” She said with a smile. “What’s your name?”

“M-“ Michelle began, clearing her throat before trying again. “Michelle.”

“Pretty name.” Ryota smiled down to her. “Almost as pretty as you.” She chuckled as she gave Michelle a small squeeze and buzzed them in at a small apartment complex. “Now lets get out of this wind.” Ryota smiled as she led Michelle inside and they headed up to the second floor apartment. “Home sweet home.” She smiled as she opened the door and let Michelle into the small apartment first.

It was cramped, with only a small kitchen, a smaller bathroom and a couch that pulled out into a bed, but it was warm and homely. “You keep that coat on for now, hun.” Ryota said as she sat Michelle down on the couch and headed over to the closet. “I think I have some clothes that will fit you.” She said as she found a pear of sweat pants and a shirt. “Its not high fashion I’m afraid but they are a few years out from their expiration date so they should do you some good.” She said as she handed the clothes to Michelle who just sat on the couch.

“Now, how about I make us girls a cup of coffee while you get changed? Or do you prefer tea?” She asked tilting her head a bit and Michelle finally managed to shake some of the daze she was trapped in.

“Coffee is good.” She said as she began trying to pull the shirt on without taking off the coat.

“Good, because my tea isn’t.” Ryota said with a hearty laugh as she got to work. “You can take the coat off to get changed, hun.” Ryota smiled over her shoulder as she watched Michelle struggle. “Its just us girls here.”

“Right.” Michelle said flustered as she undid the heavy coat and pulled it off alongside her jacket and whatever dust was left of her shirt. She let out a small whimper as she looked at the small pile of dust on the couch that had been her last good shirt. How was she going to make it through the winter without even a proper shirt to her name? She could feel the tears starting to well up in her eyes again as Ryota’s arm curled itself reassuringly around her shoulders.

“We’ll figure something out, hun.” She said in a soothing voice. “Don’t you worry, we’ll figure something out.” She said as she gently stroked Michelle’s hair and the younger girl lost herself. Her whimpers turned to sobs and before long she was full on crying, holding on to this kind stranger for dear life as she cried her troubles out and the woman just rocked her back and forth with warm words of comfort.

The coffee had finished brewing by the time Michelle’s crying had ebbed out and she just rested against Ryota’s chest. “There there.” Ryota said gently as she pulled up Michelle’s face and looked into her eyes. “You are going to be alright, a wonderful girl like you. You are going to bounce right back.” She said surely her deep brown eyes looking deep into Michelle’s blue.

She wasn’t sure if it was the warmth of her eyes, the comfort of her words, the steady beat of her heart, the kindness of this stranger, or some combination of all of it that made her do it, but Michelle leaned forward and placed her lips against Ryota’s. For a moment Michelle was filled with fear again, of rejection, of having screwed up the only good thing to happen to her in years, but Ryota didn’t pull away from the kiss and the warmth of her eyes didn’t cool.

The older woman kissed her back softly, still holding Michelle in her arms as they kissed, soft warm kisses. The acceptance in those deep brown eyes almost made Michelle tear up again but the soft caresses against her back and the warm lips against her own kept her grounded until Ryota finally pulled away from the kiss after a long minute.

“I don’t usually kiss on the first date.” Ryota said with a soft smile as she pulled Michelle into a warm hug before letting go of her again. “Put on some clothes, hun.” She said gesturing to the clothes Michelle had never managed to get on. “How about I pour us some coffee and we warm ourselves up with that and we just talk, see how we can get you back on your feet.” She said and put a soft hand on Michelle’s thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze. “And if I’m still interesting when you are warm and comfortable, I’ll be happy to talk about us too.” She said as she leaned forward and placed a small kiss on Michelle’s lips before she got up and started pouring them the coffee.

By the time Michelle had pulled the clothes on, and Ryota turned around with two cups of coffee, Michelle already knew she was in love. And as Michelle would later tell their children, she could always tell what Ryota felt by looking into her eyes, and even on that first day she saw love shining back out at her.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/74u5x2/wp_clothe_with_expiration_dates_ff

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