Night One (Bondage) (Adultery) (Degradation)

Her dainty fingers lightly grasped at the ropes that bound her wrists above her head, hanging her from the ceiling like a piece of livestock. The rope burned, and scratched into her soft, pale flesh lit only by the softest of candlelight. “You d-don’t have to do this s-sir…” she mewled out softly between her raspy breathing, and racing heart. “I do” his voice sung out softly from behind, just inches from her head. His voice was a nice mix between a baritone, and a tenor. Not too deep, and not too high pitched.

With a grunt, she yanked at the ropes to try, in vain, to get herself out. “Trust me…you aren’t going anywhere” he hissed against her ear. His breath hot, flush against her soft, perspiring flesh. “Y-you said you j-just wanted to g-get drinks! M-my husband…h-he’ll be missing me!” she whimpered, trying her hardest to persuade him. “Don’t worry about him. I took care of it. He got a call about ten minutes ago from his boss stating that he needed to stay late to go over some extra paperwork” he said calmly as the sound of his footsteps faded into the background. “W-what is it that you w-want s-sir? I d-don’t have any money!” she mewled, big, blue eyes wide with fear, and just the slightest bit of pleasure. Her body was betraying her mind. Every single synapse was firing off, telling her to get the fuck out. To break her wrists, and bolt for the door, but his dominance, that voice, the way he spoke to her. Her body was obeying his command to stay.

“S-sir…I j-just want to go home…” she whined again before a crack of a whip snapped through the cold, silent air. Her body lurched forward as the sting set in to her pale, naked ass. “You will go home, but not tonight. I promise to send you back, and Master does not break his promise” he whispered, running his rough fingertips over the side of her neck, cupping her cheek from behind. “Mmmm so beautiful. It’s a shame your husband is a lying, cheating scumbag. To go behind such a gorgeous woman’s back…He doesn’t deserve you, but I know what you are. What you have hidden from him for so long” he hissed as another crack spliced through the air, this time, eliciting a loud cry from her throat. “Waaahhh!! M-my ass!”

“Do you think your husband is a moron? A lying cheat he may be, but an idiot he is not. He has seen you, when you think you are alone, fucking yourself with the biggest dildo you have, moaning other men’s names” he growled like a feral beast before… -CRACK!- that sound rung out again. “Nnnaaahhhhh f-fuck!! He…he paid you to do this?! D-didn’t he?” she whined, straining at those binds upon her wrists. “Mmmm no, he didn’t. This is my own doing, for I desire more than your hand in marriage” he said as he slid those fingertips up her cheek, and over the contours of her luscious lips. “W-what is it that you want?” she gasped, trembling against his touch.

There was a pause, lengthy, breaking the rhythm of that cracking whip. “Your complete, and utter devotion to me…as a filthy -CRACK- dirty -CRACK- slut! -CRACK!-” That whip struck her, again, and again, forcing more, and more moans from her throat, where before, there was only cries of agony. “I’m n-not a s-s-s-slut…” she whimpered, but the leaking juices running, and glistening down her thighs said otherwise. A powerful hand grabbed her fiery red hair, yanking her head back. “You are…and you will admit it…before I am done” he said, voice echoing in her ear as he shoved her head forward.

“Now…you can admit it now, and save yourself some very…persuasive, and arousing torture, or….we can do it the hard way…my favorite” he said, slipping his chin in the crook of her neck, waiting for a reply. “I’m…..n-not a slut…” she rasped softly. **”Very well…it will be the hard way…” he said with a light, devilish chuckle. His footsteps softly disappeared into the darkness for a moment before returning. More rope was bound around her ankles, one on each calf muscle before her legs were spread wide, and she was lifted up, both legs together, hanging her dangling from the ceiling in a pose akin to superman, only…much more perverse.

“W-wait!! I t-take it back! N-no…I am a s-slut…A t-total slut!” she gasped, struggling, fighting, but soon, a hand slapped across her face before grabbing her by the chin. “Stop! The more you struggle, the worse it will be for you. You made your choice, now deal with it” he growled, into her ear before releasing her. Her pussy was dripping. She couldn’t believe it. She wanted so badly to hate this, but every slap, every grab, every jerk, every whip smack brought her pleasure. ‘God, I am a slut…’ she thought to herself as she hung there.

Again, his footsteps retreated for a moment or two before they came back. “W-what…w-what are you going to do to me?” she asked, and her answer came in the reply of a vibrator rubbing up and down her hot, steamy slit. “Nnngghhh n-no no! N-not there!” she gasped, wiggling in her binds. “You will admit it, before I am done” he repeated before pushing the eight inch vibrator down that silky, sticky, marshmellowy smooth canal. The clit extender pressed against her stiff little button. “I wonder just how much you can endure before you cum the first time…” he said out loud, though, it was more a taunt, than just a mere comment.

“Nnngghhh f-fuck….” she huffed under her breath, hoping beyond hope that he wouldn’t hear. She was barely five foot even, and that eight incher was more than her pathetic husband could give her. She wasn’t used to it, and that sweet, honey laced snatch hugged it oh-so-very-tightly. Soon, pieces of tape here pressed over the end as he turned it up on high. “NNGGHHH N-NNNNOOOHHHHH GOD!” she groaned as she shook violently, trying to struggle. “Pathetic…” he said in clear disappointment before he took another vibrator, this one a decent six-incher. It was smooth, and already lubricated when he wiggled the tip against her asshole. “Nnff n-no….n-no more…e-especially there! P-please….” she grunted through clenched teeth.

“You made your choice…” he said before he pressed it down with force. The lubrication made the insertion fairly easy, though, it probably also had to do with the fact that she liked it up the ass too, that helped. -HUFF HUFF HUFF- she panted as it invaded her rear. “Unngghhh s-stop….f-fuck….t-too good….” she groaned, struggling lessening now. “You are a slut…” he said as he turned the knob, causing the vibrator in her ass to turn on high. “NNngghhhh oohhhh f-fuck fuck FUCK! You h-have to s-stop….I w-won’t….l-let you win!” she gasped, flexing her body as the pleasure began to overwhelm her.

He circled around her, grabbing her by the hair. “I have won…you just don’t know it yet”, and with that, he left the room, running his fingers along the cords that were attached the battery. As he left the room, he took the end of the cords, and hooked them up to a fully recharged back up battery.

“Nnngghhh w-wait!! W-where are you going?! You c-can’t….you c-can’t…..f-fucking… AANNNGGGHHHHH!!!!” her body shook violently as she came harder than she ever had before in her life. Thick, creamy white stickyness dripped out between her lips, and the vibrator, down her pale thighs, before dripping onto the floor. “Y-you…..f-fuck…..” she rasped, shaking still.

“Good Night slut” he said before his footsteps retreated away for good, followed by the slamming of a door, leaving her hanging there.

“I…..a-am a s-s-slut…” she groaned softly, feeling her next orgasm building.


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