Asian Take-Out, Part II (Finale) [Mf]

I can’t say I was completely surprised when Gigi was a little cool the next day when I picked her up for work. I knew she probably didn’t see herself as the type of girl who would suck off a married man in a movie theater. After the excitement of the evening wore off, I imagined she would feel pretty bad.

I waved and she smiled at me before her conscious took over, resulting in a comically cute “serious face.” I kept my expression neutral as she approached looking like she was about to punch a bully. After she opened the door, she withdrew from the hand I extended to help her in the car. “So now you’re a gentleman, huh?” she sneered.

I snorted at her retort, which only made the serious face turn into an angry one. “Just drive. I need to find someone else to take me around.”

I was getting ready to hit the gas and then I stopped. We wouldn’t have a better chance to talk about this. “Look, Gigi, we got caught up in the moment. I wasn’t expecting this to happen. I sure wasn’t trying to seduce you or something. But I’m not upset it happened. I really enjoyed our evening and I loved how it ended. You were so sexy and beautiful. I thought about it all night.”

“Alex–what about your wife? Don’t you feel terrible for breaking your promise to her?”

“Honestly, I’m not sure how much longer that’s going to last anyway. I’m not going to let my marriage keep me from something wonderful like last night.”

“You don’t think I’m a whore now?”

The tears were on the edge of her eyelids. “No, sweetie. I don’t. I know you just really wanted me to be happy in that moment and you were wonderful.”

Sobbing gave way to laughing. “God, I never thought I’d do something like that. But it was so hot and fun! I just didn’t know how to face you today.”

I took her hand. “It’s going to be okay. Let’s take it easy tonight. We still have a couple days together. We’ll keep it low-key and you can have the night to yourself. Then we can decide what to do tomorrow.”

“I like that idea–that gives me some time to shop. I want to dress up for you before you undress me. But I want to savor it tonight.”

With my mind so focused on the next day, time flew by. We got through the workday without any conflict and I arranged to have a couple of the other Filipino girls at work join us for dinner at a hipster burger joint. Gigi seemed to have a great time–my sides were hurting by the end of the night from all the laughter.

As promised, I dropped her off at the hotel right afterwards. She rubbed my cheek before getting out of the car. “I like this sweet side, but don’t be so nice tomorrow night. I’ll see you in the morning.” Gigi blew a kiss to me and then shut the door. She walked away with a little more of a strut than normal and then she laughed as she turned around and saw me watching. She wagged her finger before disappearing into the hotel.

The next day she took my breath away when I pulled up to pick her up. Her hair was pulled back and she had like a miniature version of Jackie O sunglasses on. Her pick sundress complemented her skin tone perfectly. Her black, four-inch heels but the cherry on her sophisticated makeover.

“Hello, driver,” she said with a vaguely British accent before bursting into laughter.

“Wow–you are stunning.”

“I hope you don’t mind me adding a few inches to my height.”

I gave her a big smile. “Not at all, you really picked out a great outfit.”

“I’m glad you like it, Alex. I want to be so happy today that I don’t even think about tomorrow.”

“Then we won’t mention it again…” With that, we began our last day together.

I had arranged the schedule so we could get out a little early. It was Friday and I wanted to enjoy as much time with her as possible. Unfortunately, that created an opportunity I didn’t expect and we both learned this day was not going to quite go as planned shortly after we arrived at the office.

My boss, Sandra, was socially awkward and not very pleasant to be around, but she liked to make what she thought were these grand gestures to be friendly. She pulled us aside and explained that we were going to go on a ride with her and her husband on their sailboat this evening, followed by a dockside dinner.

Gigi hid her disappointment well and accepted the offer. Sandra said, “I was so glad to see you two had an open schedule this afternoon so I just set this up. I hope you didn’t have any plans.” I followed Gigi’s lead, “No, of course not. I was just going to show her the beach anyway, so this will be perfect.”

We had to get ready for our training session, but Gigi pulled me into a side room on our way there. “I can’t believe this. I bought this amazing outfit for our dinner. And now it’s ruined.” We had to be careful with people at work looking in, but I put a friendly hand on her shoulder. “It’s not going to be ruined. I promise you we’ll have a great night together after we get through these activities.”

We did our best not to let dreading the evening ruin our thoughts of that night.

I really don’t think Sandra read anything into our interaction because she was so bad at reading people, but I really had to admire the way the universe was messing with us when Sandra insisted on driving Gigi to the dock since I’d be driving her home.

When we arrived after the short drive, Sandra’s husband, Kyle, was preparing the sailboat. We did our introductions and I was relieved to see that Kyle was just a normal guy. In fact, he picked up on something between Gigi and I fairly early on and gave me a sly smile when she turned away.

Other than not being alone, the sailing trip was not bad at all. It was a beautiful September day and the colors of the sky were amazing as the sun began its descent. Hidden behind the rigging, Gigi stole a quick hungry glance at me and gave my cock a squeeze through my pants as we moved along the water. I stayed down wind from her so I could breath in the wonderful combination of her floral perfume and the scents of the sea. The slight buzz from those smells and the pleasure from a young woman squeezing your cock is a potent mix. I began to feel a little lightheaded.

Sandra took Gigi aside for a talk after we’d been apart too long and Kyle settled in beside me. “She’s leaving tomorrow, right?” I nodded. “Okay–I’ll do what I can to speed dinner along.” He gave a playful punch to my shoulder. “I wish just once that a woman that pretty looked at me the way she looks at you.”

I won’t bore you with the dinner details. It was fine, but my mind was not on the present. Gigi tried some covert touches, but the glass-top table afforded little privacy. As promised, Kyle did his best to move us through the courses as quickly as could be expected.

We said our goodbyes and then got in my car. Gigi sighed and then looked at me. “I need you inside me. Now. Drive!”

I raced back to the hotel and we burst through the door to her room. The door hadn’t even shut itself before I had lifted her up against the wall by her waist. She turned her head, wrapped her arms around my neck, and we had the sweetest deep kiss. She pulled at my short hair near the end. As she pulled back, she told me, “No more time for kissy-kissy.”

I picked her up and threw her on the bed. She was so tiny that was not as impressive as it sounded. She still enjoyed it, grinning as she let down her hair and unzipped her dress. I pulled it off her and had to stop at moment as I saw just how small she was. Almost fragile.

“I know I look like I’ll break, but I won’t. I want you to take what you need from me. Use my body to please you.” With that she got on all fours to show off her modest curves and bend to put her ass in the air.

Instinctively, I gave her ass a spank, but I failed to adjust for her frame and she let out a yelp. “Oh, God. Do that again!” I obliged and enjoyed seeing the handmarks form on her little ass.

I started to position myself behind her on the bed, but she turned over. “I want to feel your weight on me. At least at first. Will you pound me from on top? Please, sir?”

I smiled. “Of course. I’d be glad to stretch out that little Asian pussy as I watch your face and feel you squirm in pain.” I threw my clothes off and she caressed my chest and arms. She ran her fingers through my chest hair and then pulled them a little. “These little sexy things I’ll not get to have again…” I lost her for a moment before she returned. “Yes, back to the present. Off with the bra and panties.”

She revealed the long pencil eraser nipples I hoped to see and I leaned in to suck them. She groaned and pulled my head into her breast while I nibbled on her. I reached down after she pulled her panties off and found a small landing strip leading to a tiny slit.

I paused for a moment as I reactively reached down to grab my fairly large cock. “Are you sure, Geeg?” She reached back and slapped my ass. “Shove that fat white cock in my little hole, you pussy.” Her big grinned just turned me on more.

I was gentle at first, though. I pushed the head in slowly and it was met by a very wet pussy. I closed my eyes because the tightness was so fucking wonderful around my erect cock. I didn’t open them again until my shaft was halfway in and I saw the pained ecstasy my dick was causing her. It made me a little harder and she let out a little groan.

“Should I stop here?” She shook her head no. “All the way, coward. To the balls. Don’t worry about me. Pretend I’m a $10 whore you picked up in a Manila bar. Just don’t make me do the fucking accent, but I will if that’s what it takes to get you to fuck me like you should.”

I decided to stop being nice and began thrusting into her. She got wetter and wetter, which helped me push deeper and soon I did have my shaft fully inside. She motioned for me to lean down and she kissed me. Then she pulled back and slapped me. “Now pound me like you bought this.”

I pulled back and then pushed with power. She screamed softly and her head hit the headboard. “Knock me the fuck out, you asshole!” I thrust into her again and again, establishing a rhythmic pounding that caused my cock that was too big for her little pussy to stretch her out to accommodate me. Before long, she had her legs spread out and my balls were bouncing against her tiny ass cheeks as her juices covered my thighs.

“Oh, baby, you’ve hurt me so good. I need you to fill me up now. Give me that hot white cum. Give it to your little Asian girl. You’ll never fuck a girl this tiny again. Savor it for all the times you’ll jerk off about me as you get older. Every time you spurt into your hand, you’ll think about this moment. Make me never feel satisfied by another man.”

I’m pounding her now. Holding her head for leverage as I brutalize her tiny cunt. Finally, I sound like an animal as I grunt and lose the ability to say anything resembling words as the cum spurts into her. I keep pounding as the spurts come. I want every drop as deep inside her as possible. She’s crying now, moaning, and pulling me in. I slow down as the spurts stop. I leave my cock in her, keeping all the cum inside that pussy.

I lift her up as I turn to the side. We’re facing each other, unable to speak, just staring. I’m still inside her. I don’t want to leave her. So I don’t. I pull her into my arms, my cock still inside her. Still hard at this point.

We fall asleep still connected, my cum still sealed in her.

Everything else is so mundane and not worth detailing. But you want to know.

She left the next morning. I went back to my wife. We continue to work together.

She got married to a Filipino guy–a professor.

I did see her again when I went to the Philippines for work a few years later. She told me she still thought of me, but she could never be with me again.

I wasn’t surprised, but I still got drunk the night she told me that.

In the morning, I jerked off to the memory of our one night together.

Just like she said I would.
