Cupid and Psyche Act One: Chapter Two [FF], [Femdom], [BDSM], [Hypnosis]

#Chapter Two: A First Class Suite and a Dentist’s Office.

The door led into a dimly lit, narrow maze-like hallway, scarcely wide enough for Hope and Raven to walk side by side with each other. The walls that surrounded them were composed of tough, dark gray bricks. They looked as if they’d been sleek and modern several years ago, but had decayed due to a lack of maintenance. The lamps from the ceiling gave off a dark red light that helped to offset the dungeon vibes it was giving Raven, but only slightly.

As if able to read her mind, Hope turned to Raven with a slight smile on her red lips. “Don’t worry, I promise you the room I’ve secured for us will be far more comfortable than this.” At this remark, Raven realized that she was definitely flirting, or at least teasing right now. Were they supposed to…get into character now or something? Not wanting to embarrass herself, she simply nodded.

The only sounds that could be heard as Hope lead her client deeper into the building were the clicks of her heels hitting the floor. Eventually, they turned a corner and walked into a hallway that stretched a couple hundred feet down the a wall. The walls on either side of this hallway were covered in numbered doors. Left side had odd numbers. Right side had even numbers.

“Looks like we’re here.” Hope mewed in that same high-pitched voice as she led Raven across the hallway into room ‍‍seven. As they did, Raven could’ve sworn she heard some kind of slapping noise coming from room five.

Room seven looked like an awkward combination between a first class suite, and a dentist’s office. There was a couch right in the middle of the room, facing a coffee table with a bottle of wine and two glasses on it. In the far corner, there was another wooden door, this one unmarked. To the left of the couch was a very expensive and lavish looking bed with sheets that were equal parts red and black. On the other side of the room, well, that was where most of Raven’s attention was right now.

Sitting on the opposite end of the room as the bed was a red and black armchair that was flat and sprawled out like a dentist’s chair or an airplane seat folded back. Next to the chair stood a desk holding a very complicated looking computer setup. Raven couldn’t help but grow slightly aroused as she noticed a pair of headphones sitting in the setup.

The sound of the door being shut and locked behind her snapped her out of the little trance she was in. She then turned around to spot Hope looking more devious than she had seen her tonight.

“So,” she said as she slinked over to Raven, wrapping her arms around the neck of her soon to be plaything. “I’m sure you’ve figured out where your seat is.”

Raven nodded, her nipples becoming harder. She wasn’t sure what to do except nod. “Should I…uh…sh-should I…uh…take off my…”

“Unnecessary.” Hope injectected, releasing Raven and nudging her over to the seat. “That will all be taken care of soon enough. Just take a seat. Relax while I make some final preparations.”

Mumbling something incomprehensible in reply, Raven shuffled over to the seat and laid down on it. It was a lot more comfortable than she’d imagined, though it did put her back at an uncomfortably odd angle. Hope walked over to the computer and started to type at a very rapid pace, inputting some kind of command sequence. “Now Raven,” she spoke aloud as she continued to type the numbers and symbols into the computer. “Like I said earlier, today is simply a test run. You asked for a number of mental changes to be imposed on you, and left the specifics of those changes very vague, most likely inviting me to fill in the blanks.”

Raven cringed a bit. That all did seem very juvenile when it was laid out like that. She started mumbling something, but before she could spit out a full explanation, Hope interrupted her. “Worry not, my client. Part of my job is helping you discover the aspects and niches of your own desires. I’d be more than happy to come up with some suggestions to give you myself.” She then paused her typing and looked up at Raven with the expression of an annoyed mother; annoyed by her child, but knowing in the back of her mind that they still had a lot to be taught. “Just remember, by being a customer here, you’ve paid money to emulate a certain kind of relationship. All relationships require effort from all parties involved, and this one is no exception. In order for you to gain the most out of this, you’re going to need to put some more effort in, understand?”

Raven enthusiastically nodded. “Yes, Ma’am. Uh…” Freudian slip much? “Thank you for being so understanding. I will put more effort into this starting now.”

Instantly the seriousness faded out of Hope, and she returned to her mischievous, flirtatious self. “Ooh, Ma’am. I like the sound of that.” Seemingly done with what she’d typed on the laptop, Hope picked up the pair of wireless headphones laid out on the table next to her. She then slinked over to where Raven was sitting. She returned to her serious tone as she spoke next. “Now Raven, keep in mind that this is a trial to gauge how you react to hypnosis, and how comfortable of a subject you are. You certainly have some idea of what it’s like, judging by the details of your file, but hypnosis is a different experience for everyone. Other people’s testimonies on it are not to be trusted and neither are your expectations of it. Today I’m going to subject you to the lightest possible hypnotic suggestions that I can, just so you’ll know what it’s like to have your will bent. Okay?”

Raven nodded, her eyes like snow globes. “Okay, y-yeah. That’s okay. Go ahead.”

Once again, a motherly aspect of Hope’s personality revealed itself, as she smirked and shook her head. “Not even going to ask what the suggestions will be? Raven, you’re too trusting.” Before she could open her mouth to defend herself, Hope continued. “We’re at the most basic level of the program, so no surprise suggestions. All I’m going to do now is temporarily remove your ability to lie to me or withhold information from me. It will also feel very pleasurable whenever you tell me the truth. A simple set of commands. Does that sound okay to you?”

Raven simply nodded and took the headphones from Hope, putting them on. As Hope waltzed back to the laptop, she gave her final piece of advice. “Also, I’m going to implant a safe word. If at any time you are uncomfortable with what I’m doing to you, say the word ‘Red Light Flashes,’ and all the hypnosis will instantly dissipate. Sometimes if I feel some playing needs to stop, I will make you say the safe word. any commands I give you that affect or impede your speech will never stop you from being able to say that phrase. Remember all this.”

Raven nodded, and tried to commit this information to memory while leaning back into the chair with the headphones on her ears. They were surprisingly comfortable. “Got it. ‘Red Light Flashes.’ Safeword.”

Hope smiled, her hand hovering over a switch labeled ‘Initiate Inputted Sequence.’ “Well, it looks like we’re ready to proceed. Are you ready? This is your last chance to back out. After I press this button, you cease to be my client, and, for a limited time, you become my little mindless plaything, that I can toy with in whichever way pleases me most. Are you ready for this, Raven?”

She gulped, but nodded. “Yes. I’m sure. I trust you. Go ahead.”

Hope couldn’t help but chuckle as she flicked the switch. “Sweet dreams.”



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