This story is from the late 90s. It didn’t happen to me but to a female colleague. It was way back when, so we weren’t in the internet biz, but installing security systems.
The colleague in question was a nice, recently divorced young lady in her early thirties. She had a nice face, good figure and shoulder length blonde hair. We’ll call this lady Louise. I’ll try to tell her story to the best of my recollection.
Louise went to a job at an innercity terrace house. She was greeted at the door by an attractive woman in her forties. The woman was casually dressed in a t-shirt and jeans. She had short dark hair, no makeup and was barefoot. To Louise she seemed just like a regular inner city, kind of cool, lady. They exchanged pleasantries and Louise went about her work. After finishing, Louise went to have the job signed off by the client. She found the woman sitting at a table with two plates of lunch prepared and two glasses of wine. The woman’s name was Debbie, she asked Louise if she’d like to join her for lunch. As lunch was already made it would have been rude of Louise to say no.The two ladies chatted over lunch and got to know each other.
Now back in the nineties the idea of ladies experimenting with lesbianism was not as common as it is now. It hadn’t entered Louise’s head at this stage that Debbie may have had an interest in her beyond a professional or friendship level. Louise was now starting to enjoy the conversation and was becoming more and more animated.
Gesturing with her arms, she bumped a full glass of red wine which spilt it’s contents all over her chambray shirt. Debbie insisted that Louise take off the shirt to allow her to wash it. Before Louise new what happened the shirt hsd been unbuttoned, slipped off your shoulders and was on it’s way down to the laundry. Louise sat back down at the kitchen table and waited for Debbie to return. When she came back the two women started talking again. Louise quickly forgot that she was sitting there dressed only in a bra and work pants.
She was not sure why, but Louise started to talk about her divorce. She was light-headed from the wine and started to get tears in her eyes. Debbie stood and embraced Louise. She then loosened her embrace, stood and ran her fingers down Louise’s arm. She took Louise’s hand in her fingertips and walked her out of the room.
The pair were soon in the bedroom. Debbie sat Louise on the edge of the bed whilst she removed her jeans and stood for a moment in her t-shirt and undies. She then put a hand on Louise’s shoulder and gently lay her back onto the bed. Louise’s emotional state and the glass of wine meant that she just lay back and complied. Debbie slowly took off Louise’s work socks. She then unbuttoned Louise’s pants and slid them off in one smooth movement. Debbie then took Louise by the back of her knees and dragged her till her bottom was at the edge of the bed. She smiled at Louise and begin to softly kiss her belly and hips, just above the elastic of her undies.
Louise couldn’t believe what was happening but decided to just let the situation take its course. Debbie then slid Louise’s undies slowly down her thighs, over her knees then onto the floor. She lifted Louise’s ankles out of the undies and parted her legs. Debbie paused with her head near Louise’s now moist pussy and demurely commented how much she loved her sweet scent.
Louise was loving the attention and the pleasure she was now feeling. Debbie placed her mouth over Louise’s pussy. While she circled Louise’s clitoris with her tongue, she gazed up at Louise, gauging her pleasure. Louise moaned softly, parting her legs further to allow Debbie to keep licking and softly biting her pussy with a level of expertise she hadn’t experienced before. Debbie stood up and gestured for Louise to sit up. She then undid Louise’s bra and removed it. Debbie took of her remaining clothes and they both took a moment to admire each other’s body.
Louise looked at Debbie’s beatiful female features with an appreciation she’d never had before. She couldn’t wait for what was going to happen next. Debbie climbed onto the bed and asked Louise to lay on her back. Debbie then slid her legs and pelvis in between Louise’s legs. Louise had never heard of this position, and had never even thought too much about how two women would have sex but she liked where this was going.
Debbie pushed her vagina into Louise. The two women quickly found a rhythm, rocking their pelvis’ in a slow, deliberate motion. Louise orgasmed once then another soon followed. The women untangled themselves and lay for awhile in silence. Poor Louise glanced at a clock and suddenly realised that she was late for her next job. She quickly dressed and left without saying too much more to Debbie.
As far as I know, Louise never sought out sapphic pleasures again but the way she told the story it was pretty clear she loved her little taste.