Alone with Ashley, Day 3 [ff]

*God I love French toast*

I love it so much I made extra, you know, for later when I get a craving for more gooey, egg-saturated bread, pan fried to a golden brown, then slathered with loads of butter and syrup so sweet it makes your teeth hurt. I just wish we had bacon to go with it, but we never have it around so I had to settle for breakfast sausage that I just popped in the micro.

I sat at the kitchen table, poured myself some orange juice, and then began inhaling my breakfast. After yesterday morning, the rest of the day passed in a haze and I basically forgot to eat (not that I couldn’t stand to lose a few pounds) and I was starving. I thought about Alex, who wasn’t yet awake. We hadn’t spoken since, well…what was that? We didn’t “do it” exactly, but we got each other off, and holy crap, it felt *so good*! I’d never felt so comfortable with anyone before and the way he let me guide him was so, I don’t know…generous? He didn’t push (except for that brief moment) and feeling him touch me was so much more electric than it ever was with Mark. And watching his face when I jerked him off was such a turn on! Oh my god that was amazing!

But after we were done I thought of what people would say if they found out. Like our parents would probably send one of us away or who knows what. It would just be bad. And I hadn’t spoken to Alex about it at all: Was he ok? Was it too weird? Would everything just be awkward now? There was also Mark. I hadn’t heard from him since the party and as much as he was a jerk and I really didn’t want to be with him anymore, it still hurt.

The flush of the upstairs toilet followed by the heavy thumps on the stairs signaled Alex was up. He bounded into the kitchen in his sweats and t-shirt, disheveled as always. He plopped down at the table and stared at my food.

“French toast! Where’s mine?” he asked.

I gave him my best ‘are you kidding me’ face. “Sorry, these are mine. Make your own, dork!”

“But I gave you my pancakes yesterday!”

He had a point, so I pushed a couple pieces onto another plate and slid it across the table to him. Was he going to say anything about yesterday? I felt my heart start to pound in anticipation of an uncomfortable conversation.

“So, um…,” I began hesitantly, “should we t-“

Alex interrupted with a mouth full of French toast, “So yesterday, um…that was pretty…,” Alex paused, searching for a word, “…fun, huh? I mean, it was kinda crazy. Right?”

I blushed and pushed a piece of sausage around my plate. I couldn’t believe we were actually talking about this! “Yeah, it was. And thanks for the things you said about me and the Mark stuff.”

“No problem,” he said and smiled at me. He put his fork down and his face turned serious. “Um, you’re not going to tell anyone about this, right?”

I responded quickly, “No!”

“Good. Me neither,” he said as he returned to gorging on his breakfast.

So many questions ran through my mind that I wanted to ask: Would we do it again? How far would we go? Do I even want to do it again or go further with him? And if we do, how does this work? He wasn’t like a normal boyfriend where you hang out and things just sort of happen. Or is that exactly how it would work? My mind raced at the possibilities, but I couldn’t bring myself to ask.

We sat there, silently eating our breakfast when I finally spoke. “Simone, Jessica and Michelle are coming later. We’re probably going to have a sleepover.”

“A sleepover?” Alex asked, his eyebrows raised, “What are you, twelve?”

I threw a sausage at Mark and laughed. “You’re a moron. Seniors have sleepovers too. Just make yourself scarce.”

“You couldn’t pay me enough money to be anywhere near you guys. Have fun painting your nails and talking about boys,” he replied throwing the sausage back. I felt some of that sexy playfulness again and a warrmth washed through my body, but quickly faded when Alex vanished from the table. He left so quickly, if he were a cartoon, there would have been an Alex-shaped cloud left behind

“You could have cleaned up your spot, asshole!” I jokingly yelled after him. I popped a piece of sausage in my mouth and texted Simone.


Alex was right. The four of us *did* paint our nails and talk about boys. But we also raided the liquor cabinet and did shots of tequila and watched horror movies and ate a box of Oreos, so he wasn’t exactly right. Our sleeping bags were spread out across the floor of the den and we lolled about in our decidedly unsexy sweats. Eventually, the talk turned toward what happened between Mark and me and I had to recount the embarrassing incident, obviously leaving out anything that happened after I got home.

Moments later, Alex sauntered into through the room, dressed pretty much the same as I’d seen him that morning.. “Just getting my charger,” he announced as my friends’ eyes tracked his every move.

“Could you take your sorry ass elsewhere?” I asked dismissively, but with a smile. This elicited a chorus of sarcastic protests from the girls:

“No! Stay! We’ll paint your nails!”

“You can hang out in my sleeping bag with me!”

“Do you have a girlfriend?”

Alex blushed crimson at the sudden attention and stammered, “Uh, maybe next time?” before beating a hasty retreat.

Michelle turned to me. “*That’s* little Alex? Holy shit he grew up!”

Jessica chimed in as well. “Omigod he’s cute!”

“I’d suck his dick,” piped in Simone, always one to push the envelope in any conversation. “Like every day if I lived here.” She gave me a mischievous smile.

*Holy shit she knows! She can’t know!*

I panicked for a second, blood rushing from my face, unsure what to say. “Ew, that’s my brother you guys are talking about! He’s a big dork you know. Probably never even been touched by a girl.”

Jessica again. “Serious? He’s never had a girlfriend?”

“Not that I know of.”

Michelle continued the line of questioning. “What’s his type? ”

“How should I know? We don’t talk about that stuff,” I answered. I was starting to get annoyed and a small part of me wondered if I was being jealous. “Can we talk about something other than my dorky brother?”

Simone suddenly stood up and pulled her hoodie off over her head. She was wearing a tank top, which revealed significant cleavage, her ample breasts filling out her top. Her silky black hair pooled around her shoulders. “I’m gonna go find out!” she announced as Michelle and Jessica cheered her on.

I quickly jumped up to stop her. “No, I’ll go!” I quickly realized I sounded a little too eager to talk to my brother about what he liked in a girl before I added, “He’s pretty shy around girls. I’ll talk to him.”

My jealousy surprised me. Did I like Alex more than I would admit? Or was I just being possessive of him? I left the den and dashed up to Alex’s room. His door was open, so I knocked and entered. He was laying on his bed, reading some science magazine. “What’s up?” he asked as I sat on his bed.

“So,” I began, shaking my head in exasperation, “my friends want to know what your type is.”

“My type?” he replied, “My type of what? Blood type?”

“No you idiot!” I said as I playfully swatted his leg. “What kind of girl do you like?”

“Well, um, your type I guess,” he said, a cute grin plastered on his face.

Now it was my turn to blush. I tilted my head to the side and protested coquettishly. “I can’t tell them that! Like what attracts you to a girl?”

“I dunno, I kinda like all types. Like it’s not really a particular look, though cute and nice and so on are obviously important, but the things that get me are the little things. Like the way a girl tosses her hair, or bites her lip when she’s concentrating, or if she wears glasses, or if she can pull off a baseball cap or when she wears her boyfriend’s clothes. That’s the kind of stuff I like. Does that make sense?”

A sense of relief washed over me after he finished. He liked me. And tomboy nerds apparently. I kissed him on the cheek, gave him a quick thanks, and dashed back downstairs, giggling inside like a middle schooler. I sat back down in our circle and relayed the information, which resulted in both laughs and “awws” of endearment.

*Tomboy nerd, huh?*


“Ash? Hey Ash? You awake?” It was Simone whispering from a foot away in the dark.

“Yeah, what’s up?” I was unable to fall asleep so I laid there in my sleeping bag for hours pondering my earlier reaction and going over my brief conversation with Alex. My fingers had run up and down my body like spiders, gently touching myself as I imagined his fingers on me, but I was fearful of going too far and getting caught. Jessica and Michelle were sound asleep, their gentle breathing barely audible in the darkness.

“What did Alex mean by ‘your type?’ And what did you mean by ‘I can’t tell them that’?”

My blood froze. She had heard my conversation with Alex! But how much? My mind raced trying to find a way out. Do I lie? Make up a story? Tell the truth?

“Oh, he was just giving me shit,” I lied, hoping that would put an end to it.

But it didn’t. “I don’t think so. I saw his face when he said it.”

Shit. I was trapped. Simone was my oldest friend. She could keep a secret.

I let out an exhausted sigh. “Okay, but you can’t tell anyone! Ever! Promise?!” I hissed.

“Come on Ash. We’ve told each other everything since we were five. Fine, I promise.”

Despite every brain cell screaming not to do it, I pulled up close to her and told her everything that had happened between me and Alex. From my fight with Mark all the way to yesterday morning, even throwing in some of our sibling history.

When I finished, Simone was silent. I couldn’t see her face but I imagined she was thinking the worst about me. She was sure to tell Michelle and Jessica and who knows who else. I was done and tears streamed down my face in the darkness.

“Holy fuck, Ash,” she began, “that’s fucking hot!”

*Wait, what?*

Simone pulled even closer to me and turned on her phone so we could see each other. She reached out and gently wiped away my tears with the backs of her fingers. “So. Do you want to fuck him?” she whispered, her eyes wide with interest.

I wiped my remaining tears away. “I don’t know. I mean, fooling around was so amazing and it’s really nice because we’re so close and can really trust each other. I just don’t think I’m ready to take it that far. Like, if he asked, I don’t know what I’d say.”

Simone nodded in affirmation as I said this. “He turns you on though, right?”

“Oh definitely!” I admitted sotto voce.

Simone’s voice then changed, her voice dropping to a barely audible whisper. “Tell me.”

So I told her about how his fingers felt against my skin, and how his kisses were like butterflies brushing across my face and down my neck. I told her how his fingers felt spreading my wetness between my lips and how he sucked on my breasts, his tongue playing with my nipples until they were hard like pebbles. I described how his touch caused me to shake and shiver all over.

Then I paused. Simone’s breathing had become heavier and I heard a light rustle from within her sleeping bag.



“Are you masturbating?”

A pause. “Yeah. This is making me horny as fuck. Are you?”

I had to admit that as I was describing everything, my one hand had been tugging at my boobs while my other was sliding between my slippery lips and circling my clit. I was horny too.

“Yeah,” I replied, though she couldn’t see the smile plastered on my face. “Remember when we used to play on my bed?”

I felt Simone roll herself right up against me in the dark, her warm breath flowing across my face. “I remember,” she said. I heard the zipper of her sleeping bag slide down, then her hand fumbling in the dark for my zipper. I turned on my phone so we could see, the blue glow lighting our faces from the side as we lay side by side, our sleeping bags open and intertwined to form a single space. I knew what was coming and didn’t care; my body was nearly vibrating with lust, for Alex, for Simone, for anyone at that moment. We stared into each other’s eyes as we silently fondled ourselves below our underwear, the delicate sounds our fingers made turning us on even more. Simone pulled her tank top off, her luscious breasts spilling out between us, then she reached down and pulled her underwear off, though I couldn’t see that far in the dark. I did the same, exposing my perky breasts. I slipped my fingers into my waistband, hesitated, then pulled them off too. Still holding my gaze, Simone reached down between my legs, finding my wetness.

“Ohhh,” I moaned, then let out a little fearful laugh, desperate to keep our activities quiet. I pressed up against her, my perky breasts smashing against hers, and my hand slid down her belly until I felt her leg lift, allowing me access to her warm, inviting lips. I slipped my fingers between them, already wet, my middle finger curling up and inside.

“Oh fuck, Ash,” she whispered as my finger entered her. Keeping my hand pressed against her, she moved up and on top of me, one leg between my two, which were now spread to accept her thigh. She recaptured my gaze as we began to grind against each other.

Suddenly, a noise from over by the other two froze us in mid thrust as our eyes searched the darkness. A snort, the resumption of slow breathing, and we relaxed, the two of us covering each others’ mouths as we began to giggle with relief. Once we had recovered, I leaned up and kissed one of Simone’s breasts.

“I wish I had your boobs,” I muttered aloud as they swayed above me.

Simone shifted and placed one gently against my mouth. “It’s all yours,” she said and moaned again as I slipped the nipple into my mouth. Her salty taste was heavenly and I pulled them both against my face as my tongue and lips licked and kissed with abandon.

The pace of our pleasure increased and I grabbed her butt and forced her against me as I pressed my mound against her thigh. My pussy was dripping and I could feel heat traveling from my vulva up through my chest and down my legs.

“Promise me,” Simone purred as her eyes fluttered and her body began to quiver, “you’ll tell me everything.” I could feel her wetness spreading across my leg and her boobs swung against my face as she continued, “I want to know all about his cock and the things you do and what it feels like the first time he fucks your brains out!”

“I promise!” I accidentally yelped, my own body thrashing against hers as I pulled her quaking body against mine, her head buried next to my head in my pillow. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” I whispered harshly as I mashed my tingling clit against her weight, waves of orgasmic lust washing over me from my head to my curling toes.

We lay there for a minute, catching our breath. Simone slid off me and rolled back into her sleeping bag, her hand reaching out for mine. “Remember, you promised,” she whispered as she began to drift off.

As I listened to Simone fall into slumber, I wondered if that was a promise I could keep.



  1. I was busy when you informed me of this parts completion but holy fuck I can’t wait. You rock OP.

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