[Mf] [nc] The guinea pig

Dr. Beecher faced the auditorium. At least 20 of his collegues were assambeled. They all wanted to witness the first test and what he had planned. Some of them envied them for the chance to do those studies. He had just finished his presentation and short introduction. He now looked at them. Letting his gaze drift over them. Their eyes were fixed on him. He had their full attention. He smirked for a moment then he started to talk again “As I outlined in my presentation, the main focus of my studies is how various stimuli can be interchanged. How one reaction can move from one stimulation to another. Simply by association.” He pressed the button on his remote. Showing a picture of a young women. She was beautiful. Long legs. Athletic. Long curly hair. Her eyes had a shine to them that could captivate you. She wore a tight sprots outfit. Ready to head out for a run. “This is Magdalena. A young woman, full of life. More important however is her condition. Strong muscles, good breathing, a strong heart. All in all that should have a long healthy life in front of her.” He pressed another button. Showing the same woman in a hosptial bed. Her limbs missong. the stumps bandaged. Her eyes were sad. She had lost some weight For the shape she was in she still looked like she was in a fairly good condition. “This is her now. She had been on vacatin overseas and caught a nasty infection. Unfortunately by the time she was back home the infection had spread and we hat to amputate her arm just after her shoulder as well as her legs just under her hips.” He turned slightly, looking at the picture. “Unfortunately she didn’t have the funds to pay for her medical costs. Her family was also not able to help and pay for her bills. In accordance with the new medical laws she became property of the hospital.” He put on a sad face. It was a tragedy, no quetion about it. At the same time it had been the jackpot for him. The perfect candiate for his experiments.

He noded to one of the male nurses, standing at the side. He went outside, returning only moments later with Magdalena. Her eyes were big, her breathing was hard. She screamed into the ball gag. Desperate to be released. Her stumps wiggling around in the futile attempt to break free. Her body was mounted on two metal dildos. Penetrating her pussy and ass. A metal rod with a strap around her waist stabalized her in an upgright position. She didn’t wear any cloths. Just a naked torso and head. Her long curly hair had been bound back. Various propbes were attached to her body. She was placed right beside him. Beneath her mount had been a bigger box where all the cables were attached. Dr. Beecher connected his laptop to the box and fired up a software that he had developed. “As described in my presentation the first step has two main targets. First the software will learn her reaction to various stimuli as well as the state she is in. The second is to to verify these measurements and setting in an effort to keep her at a certain state.” He pressed a button and the program started.

Immediately the vibrators in her ass and pussy began to hum. She let out a surprised squeal that made Dr. Breecher smile. “We start out with vibrations. Inducing sexual stimulation. It might take a while for her to actually get aroused from it, but there is only so much she can do to prevent it.” He glanced over to her. Her eyes snapped to him, pleading for him to stop this. His hand moved forward, touching the skin between her breasts. “Her skin already heats up.” He was impressed by the progress. He made a note to have a conversation with her about sexual fantasies. It seemed to him that she reacted rather fast which would indicate the need of being taken, maybe even rape fantasies. Her whimpers slowly turned into moans. Her skin was flushed and covered in a thin later of sweat. Dr. Breecher checked the monitor. She was indeed aroused. The scent of her arousal grew stronger, threatening to distract him. He glanced at his collegues. This brought his attention back to the task at hand. “What is important right now is that she does not get release. This means that right now the program will try to prevent an orgasm by introducing a different stimulation.”

Suddenly she screamed into the ball gag. The vibrations had stopped and instead a electric current was applied, inducing a good amount of pain. He could hear the gasps from the assambled men and women. “This is the first critical step. Not everyone reacts to pain in the same way. Especuilly not when highly aroused. The program measures the effectifness and calcualtes a set of new parameters for the interruption.” Agin both dildos started to vibrate. Her eyes grew big and pleaded again for him to stop. He had to admit he found this more arousing that he thought he would have. It seems he had a sadistic side. Her wails turned again into moans and eventually grunts. He watched the varius graphs. The program drove her further this time. Brining her past the point she had been before. The voltage was lower this time. It had alrady made the first adjustments. Again those beautiful screams mixed with the sound of her thrashing around in her harness. The system had decided to stop her arousal once again, preventing her from reaching an orgasm.

This went on for about an hour. The computer driving her just a bit further each time. Calibrating itself. Dr Breecher addressed his collegues once again. “This was already a succesful run. We have some good base numbers. Those will have to be refined more over time but we are off to a good start.” Magdalena had stopped to struggle and fight. Resignation was written all over her face. He wasn’t even sure if she was able to form a coherent thought at this time. “One of final test will be what will happen when we now force her to cum. We will to several tests as well to see what the different effects are if we grant her release eventually or deny it.” She didn’t react to his words. She was lost in her own world. Only the sensations remained. Nothing else mattered to her at this poing. He klicked the touchpad. Indicating to the program that it should end the first run. It still recorded everything and he could watch as the values went by all the previous meassurments. Her moans got louder and louder. He glanced back and forth between her and the screen. He didn’t want to miss any of the numbers but at the same time he wanted to watch her.

Suddenly all the lines spiked. Her moans had stopped. When he glanced at her he could see that her whole torse had been stiff. All muscles tightened at the same time. When they released her body shook with the aftermath of an intense orgasm. Her eyes had rolled back and she pressed out moans. Everything got recorded and the program already analyzed how far it might be able to push her without cumming. The vibrators stopped and he could not help but smile as the assambled group of people started to applaud. “Thank you all for coming. I will make sure that I keep you all up to date with the latest developments.” Glancing at the helpless woman he added “but if you excuse me now. I have a test object to take care of”. The cable from the laptop was quickly removed and she was rolled out of the room. He followed closely, watching the nurse as he transported her to his lab. He parked her in a sound proof room and hooked the box up to a port in the wall. “Thank you, I will take it from here.”

He removed the gag when the door closed. He was Immediately greeted with a sigh of relief. She tried her best to look at him, but she was exhausted. “Why?” was all she could say. “For sience. To gain more knowledge about how we work and even more important how our experiences are perceived.” She glared at him “Why me? Didn’t I suffer enough.” He just shrugged “Someone has to take the fall if we want to learn more.” He grabbed antoher ball gag. This one had a tube that went through it. “Now, we can do that the easy way and you open your mouth or I will have to force it open for you.” She Immediately clenched her teeth together. Looking at him with defiance. “I didn’t expect you to open your mouth. It would have been easier though.” He pushed a button and electrcity ran again through the two metal dildos. He slowly increased the voltage. Increasin the pain she experienced slowly until she suddenly opened her mouth to scream. He was quick. Shoving the ball between her teeth and turning the electro stimulation off again. He locked the gag in place. “This tube will give you a solution of minerals that will keep you hydrated. It also contains some nurtition to give you energy.” He flipped a switch and a pump very slowly pumped drops into her mouth. Giving her the time to swallow whenever there was enough.

His hand reached for her clit and he immediately heard those delicious moams again. She was still wet and her clit was very sensitive. “I think a little lesson is necessary to drive home what your situation is. We will do another run”. She screamed into the gag, her eyes again wide with panic. She probably didn’t think she could handle another session. “This time however we won’t stop until you pass out from the stimulation. Until your body shuts down. No orgasm for you this time.” Her screams were even more desperate now. More pleading. Her body twisted as good as she could manage. There was no hope she could free herself of course. Even if she could she wouldn’t get far without legs or arms. All she would do would be to fall on her face. He sat down at his desk. Starting the program on his laptop again. He smiled to her as he started the program again. Focusing once again on numbers and graphs. After a few hours he got up to get some coffee. As soon as she noticed she started to scream. The idea of being left alone with the machine still running was apparently not a pleasant thought.

He could see the relief on her face when he returned. “Did you miss me?” he chuckled about his own little joke. Not a particular good one. Once again he checked the numbers. It seems she got used to the punishments. The program had to increase the the volage more and more. However there was a tipping point where it suddenly reduced the volage again. It had been lower than the first shock now. However the reaction to it was rather interesting. It seemed her body immediately relaxed back to a lower level of arousal. It seems her body learned what the expactation was when it felt the electricity. It took seral hours but eventually she passed out.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/6xkoyo/mf_nc_the_guinea_pig