My Discipline – Part 2 [M/f] [Spanking] [Humiliation]

I masturbated many times to the thought of my spanking and to other girls getting spanked in porn. As the bruises from my spanking faded, so did the sharp memories of every sensation and detail about my first spanking. The hormones in my 15 year old brain began to take over and I was craving another spanking. It had been three weeks since I first felt my dad’s belt across my ass, and despite me recent good behaviour I felt compelled to break the rules and get punished again.

That Friday night I went to the high school football game. It finished in plenty of time for me to make it home before curfew. When I started my walk home however, I went right instead of left. It was the long way home. After about 15 minutes into walking the long way I was past the point of no return. Even if I turned back and took the short way, I’d still be late. I did this so I wouldn’t chicken out. Despite how horny it made me to reminisce about my spanking, it still hurt like hell. I had been noticeably sore for several days after. So my rational self wanted to avoid the pain, but by hormones and arousal overrode my rational self because of how intense my post-spanking orgasm had been. I felt like a junkie seeking a fix.

I got home 20 minutes past curfew. Mom waited up and only said “you’re late, and you’re grounded”. I nodded and went up to bed. The next morning mom made pancakes like she normally did on Saturdays. We sat down to breakfast. I built up the courage and said “mom, I was supposed to go to the mall with Julie later. Can I…….just……have a book punishment instead?”. That was the term that stuck and they were known in my family as ‘book punishments’ going forward. The only thing that was for sure about a book punishment was that I would be red at the end of it. Either red from the swats, red from embarrassment, or both. Mom said “If that’s what you want. I think ten with a ruler over your undies is fair. Come to the living room after you wash the breakfast dishes”. Timmy smiled knowing he was going to see me punished again. I didn’t know it, but mom and dad had discussed my discipline a lot lately. They had worked it out that she would be the one to decide which punishment from the book was an appropriate alternative to the grounding, and that dad would be the one to give the punishment. Neither one had any issues with the techniques in the book so long as I agreed to it. They also thought having Timmy witness it wasn’t a bad idea either. He rarely got grounded, but maybe this would keep him from spiralling out of control like I did.

After the dishes were washed I came into the living room. Dad asked “ready?”. I answered with a “yes sir”. He said “ok. Pants down then and get over the arm of the chair. I’ll get the ruler”. I had on black and red flannel PJ pants and a yellow tee shirt from last years summer volleyball camp. Mom was reading the paper at the other end of the couch, and Timmy was watching tv. I could feel myself becoming the new center of attention though. I hooked my thumbs into the waistband of my pants and pushed them down past my thighs where they dropped quickly around my ankles. I had on yellow cotton bikini cut panties with a little yellow duckie embroidered on the right hip. I quickly got over the arm of the couch and stared at the cushion. I heard dad come in. I knew Timmy had a front row seat of my underwear clad bottom.

Dad said “here we go”, and I felt the first swat with the wooden ruler hit my ass. I heard myself let out a tiny squeak as I felt the impact. Unlike the belt, which had a stinging crack, the ruler had a painful thud. I bit my lip to keep from making a noise as he landed several more up and down my upturned bottom. It hurt, but I kept my composure. All the way until the end. Swat number ten hit harder than the others and unexpectedly on my thighs. I yelped. Mom said “ok Heather, how about you go in the corner for ten minutes and cool off. Hands on your head. No rubbing your bottom”. I said “yes ma’am”. I reached down for my pants but she said “as you are young lady”. I nodded and shuffled over to the corner. I had dark pink stripes that were visible on the pale skin not covered by my panties. The ten minutes seemed to take forever. Partly because I knew I was on display, but mostly because I was so horny I needed to masturbate.

Finally my corner time was over and as soon as I got to my room my bottoms came off and I looked at my bare bottom in the mirror. I began to rub a finger up and down my slit. I was really wet from the ruler spanking I just got. I rubbed little circles around my little hole. I was close already. Then it only took 15 to 20 seconds of rubbing my clit until my whole body shook in a powerful orgasm. I laid down and took a nap. Later, when I was in the kitchen making a snack, mom came in. Dad and Timmy were running errands. She asked “how are you feeling”. I said “sore, but nothing I can’t handle”. She said “you know, we have gone easy on you so far. The book punishments get quite intense.” I said “I know. I’m sorry about being late”. he said “your grandpa used a milder form of these kind of punishments on your aunt and I. Let me tell you, modesty was the last thing he cared about when we were in trouble. But if you can’t start following the rules Heather, we aren’t going to go easy any more. Following rules is a life skill that is important that you learn. It’s why dad and I are putting so much effort into this with you. If you don’t shape up you are going to be either the most grounded 15 year old ever or you are going to be sore and embarrassed. Do you understand?”. I said “I know mom. I haven’t been very responsible. I understand what’s going to happen. I’ll try harder”. Then she changed the subject.

The next couple weeks were fine until one random Sunday. Mom and dad took us to breakfast. Then later we went to a nature preserve. The weather was beautiful. I was excited to wear my new romper. It was purple with a lime green zig zag pattern. My friend Ashley and I were so excited when we found them on sale. She got the pink one that was just like it. I had my long dark brown wavy hair pulled up into a pony tail. That evening we got ice cream. When we got home though mom was pretty mad. I guess a vaguely remember her asking me to take the trash out before breakfast, and I think dad reminded me before we went to the park. I had intended to do it after dinner, but I forgot. Now mom was saying “you are so irresponsible. You are grounded for a week”. I said “I was supposed to go to Cindy’s after school tomorrow. Can’t I just……well… know….have a book punishment?”. Mom pulls the book out and flips to a flagged page. She said “how does 25 strokes with a stick as long as your arm and as thick as your pinky finger over you underwear sound?” I said “fair”.

Timmy’s eyes got wide as he heard what I just agreed to. She said “no time like the present. Let’s do it now. Get those shorts down”. I said “mom, its a romper the shorts don’t come down. They are attached.” She said “then get that thing off”. I said “but mom I….I didn’t wear a bra today”. I had very modest A cups and some days I didn’t wear a bra, like today. Mom said “you chose not to take out the garbage, and you chose not to wear a bra. Neither of those is my problem. Do you want the grounding instead?” I said “no ma’am”. Then I slowly unzipped my romper with shakey hands. I pulled it over my shoulders and down my body. I had on a pair of plain white cotton panties. I instinctively held my arms over my chest. Mom guided me to the back door. It was pitch black outside. She said “go out there and get a stick. Long as your arm thick as your pinky”. I said “but I’m not wearing” and she interrupted saying “you chose the punishment so go get this stick. It’s dark out anyway.” I felt Timmy trying to see my boobies and decided being in the dark wouldn’t be so bad. I went out and raced across the lawn to the tree line. I’m sure the neighbours would have thought this was quite the show if they had seen, a 15 year old girl in nothing but panties running around outside. It took me three or four minutes, but I found one that met the specifications. I realized this was really going to hurt. I went back inside and gave it to dad.

Mom said “palms flat on the step” as she set a little step stool in the middle of the kitchen. Timmy opened a bag of chips like he just bought concessions for the show. I got into position. I felt how exposed my breasts were. The cool night air had made my nipples were like little pencil erasers. It was more embarrassing than I expected, but the humiliation put my hormones into overdrive. I felt myself getting wet.

Dad came up behind me and without a word swung the stick through the air. It sounded like it was singing right before it made a CRACK across my ass. The next several came fast and I could barely make out the next one from the searing pain from the previous one. This was way more intense than my last spanking. He went all up and down my thighs and ass, and I couldn’t help but cry. My face got wet with tears, but it was still drier than between my legs. Finally, when I was a blubbering mess he stopped and said “ok. That’s 25”. Mom said “let’s skip corner time. Take the trash out then you can head to bed”. I didn’t even care that Timmy was seeing my boobies. I got the trash bag and went back outside in the dark to the trash can. I was a broken girl, for the night at least. I went back in and went up to my room. I had to lay on my stomach in my bed because it hurt so bad. But that didn’t stop my from rubbing my pussy thinking about how exposed I was while I got my ass beat. I came hard and went to sleep. I was only a little over a month away from turning 16, and here I was getting a spanking like a little girl wearing nothing but underpants.
