Deep Delve: The Orcess’ First Pussy-Licking [MF, fantasy, monster girl, virgin, oral, breast play]

“Don’t you dare, Tobias!” the blond Orc told her human companion, voice caught between outrage and laughter. She leaned forward on a large leather-bound book, which in turn rested atop the raised ledge of the ancient stone rooftop. The material of her loose belted sarong was bunched up around her waist.

Tobias of Winterbourne smiled wickedly as he lifted his dagger. The blade pulled her loincloth taut, wedging the material deep between the gigantic twin globes of her muscular rear, before it began cutting through. With a deft flick of his wrist, the gusset of her undergarment fluttered back down, severed neatly in two.

Topaz gasped in shock, then even louder as Tobias’ rough hands caressed the expansive green fields of her buttocks. It did not take long for his fingertips to flute lightly over her exposed, golden-furred slit. Her cut undergarment was quickly forgotten.

The female Orc measured six foot four in height, three inches taller than the human male. While Tobias was in very good shape for a traveling diplomat just turned thirty three, Topaz was considerably more brawny and massive, outweighing him by some thirty pounds.

Tobias would swear that almost all that extra weight resided in the deep feminine curves of her ass and chest. Despite Topaz spending most of her life as a scholar, she was built along the same muscular barbarian-goddess lines as most Orc women. In fact, she was probably slightly thicker, given that she had been generously fed most of her life by her adoptive human parents.

Topaz canted her hips back and forth unconsciously at the Envoy’s touch, very pleased as she looked back over her shoulder to see how mesmerized he was by her body. “Why don’t I read you a few passages,” she suggested, cheeks growing cherry red at his teasing. “I think my new translation is more faithful to Eticharis’ intended passion.”

Tobias winced even as his fingers traced along her dampening nether lips. “Eticharis still writes wretched verse, if you ask me. He was a much better historian than poet. You only like his poems because most are erotic.”

The Orcess stuck her tongue out between the two small tusks protruding from her bottom lip. “And you only think he’s bad because we still don’t know how many of the words in Late Xaddal’rian were actually pronounced. Or precisely what rhythm they used when they talked. As you know, understanding spoken language isn’t just about different words, its about the different cadence which people… ummmmmnhh, which people…” She grunted as she pressed her dripping gates more forcefully back onto his questing fingers. “Hnnnnhhhh… Gods, do you have any idea how distracting that is?”

The human smirked as he slipped a single finger in to the first knuckle. “I have some little idea, yes.”

Topaz snapped her head up and moaned, her thick topknot of curly golden hair undulating in a small wave down her back. Still feeling impish, however, she conspicuously cleared her throat and read from the open book before her.

“*Her blush mayberry wine,*

*Twin moons waking manly vigor.*

*Epicaste shimmered and stretched,*

*Earthy hills of immortal softness.*

“*Divine flesh eclipses his,*

*Bodies rasping with silky friction.*

*Her kiss sweet lilacs,*

*Her caress swirls of honeyed fire.*”

“Go on,” Tobias said, slipping his finger in even deeper. Despite Topaz’s greater size, the Orc’s vagina felt amazingly snug around his finger.

The young woman’s body trembled, especially as the human began using his free hand to heft and squeeze her soft jade ass. “So… hmmmmrmmmm… Are you liking it?”

“I admit some phrases make more sense in your version,” he said casually. “But what I’m liking most is how wet it’s making you.”

Topaz tried to feign indignation, but that was difficult when wantonly pushing her cunt back onto his hand. Still, she persisted and read more aloud.

“*Lusty waves crashing*,

*Her body ecstasy’s harbor.*

*Epicaste strums his lyre,*

*Playing a heated symphony.*”

She murfled in consternation. “It gets a little fuzzier here about what Eticharis was referring to… impaling flower petals, the taste of salty wine…”

“I think that’s pretty obvious,” the male said.

“It is?”

“Sure. He meant this.” Topaz looked back just in time to see Tobias duck his head low behind her, so she couldn’t see any of him over the curves of her ass save a few wisps of his dark brown hair.

Her eyes rimmed wide as she realized what was about to happen. “W-wait! I’ve never… No one has ever…” And then, for the first time in her twenty-one years of life, Topaz felt a hot tongue snake over her naked pussy.

“Ahhh…!” the Orcess cried out. She was so used to feeling only hands down there–her own or someone else’s–that for the first few breaths she didn’t know quite what to make of it. Then it became clear just how feverishly hot and slippery Tobias’ tongue felt tracing the contours of her sensitive vulva. Unfiltered pleasure poured into her trembling body.

The human grabbed twin handfuls of her olive moons and gently pulled them apart, enough to reveal the inner pink behind the darker jade of her outer pussy lips. He pressed his lips tightly against her sex and speared his tongue in as far as it could go.

Resting on her elbows on the raised lip of the roof, she used her forearms to squeeze her prodigious tits together in her belted shift right over her book of ancient poetry. “Oh, Tobias…” she gasped out in a gravelly, melty voice. “That’s driving me crazy.”

“We’re just getting started,” the diplomat said with a light chuckle. He peppered many teasing kisses on her vagina, sucking gently on the loose, puffy outer flesh each time. Planting his lips squarely over her clitoral hood, he nudged aside the small fleshy protection and lapped at the small button directly with feather-light strokes.

The big Orc growled for breath, her fists clutching tightly at the roof’s parapet. She bumped her hips back at the male, ferally desperate for more.

Never moving his tongue from her taut little button, Tobias slipped a finger back into her drenched passage, all the way up to the last knuckle.

Topaz’s inner walls clenched hard at the digit penetrating her. That and the heated licks on her clitoris quickly plummeted her over the edge, as a powerful, body-wracking orgasm seizing her. The Orc’s head snapped up, moaning primally into the clear morning sky as she rode out the heated ripples of raw, delirious pleasure.

The young woman’s large body slowly untensed after a while, leaving her shivering. “I–I never knew it could feel like that…” she gasped out.

The Envoy kissed lightly at her sex and gave her buttock a playful slap. “So you liked your first pussy licking?”

“Very much.” She impishly wiggled her rear. “But I’ll, um, need more than one sample to make an informed opinion. We should explore this subject more in depth…”

The diplomat laughed. “If you want more, all you have to do is ask. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of licking your puss–”

“Topaz!” A voice called up from two stories below. “There you are, dear!”

“Daddy!” the Orcess gasped. “Wh-what are you doing here?”

– – –

“Oh, just out for my morning constitutional,” the older man said. Master Scholar Rahhu of Myrdem was a human well into his seventies, with rich dusky skin, a long wispy gray beard, and an almost completely bald pate. He was bent slightly from arthritis in various joints, and never went anywhere without his well-worn walking stick. “Have to keep the old joints moving if I want to keep them working.”

“Of course,” Topaz said carefully, noting that Rahhu wasn’t reacting at all to the male behind her. Apparently her father couldn’t see Tobias yet, not surprising given the couple’s height off the ground, the angle, and her body blocking the human diplomat. And she wanted it to stay that way. Her father had hated every single one of the small handful of her past suitors, though none of them had lasted long. She could also imagine how very awkward and embarrassing it would be trying to explain why there was a man twelve years her senior currently nestled between her legs.

Tobias hadn’t moved from squatting behind her, despite having stopped his ministrations upon hearing Master Rahhu’s voice. He listened quietly, perhaps fearing that if he moved, he might inadvertently give himself away.

“Daddy, this is pretty deep in the ruins for you,” the Orcess said. The ancient wrecked city was built into a broad mountain valley, with many of its dilapidated districts and neighborhoods stretching up one steep foothill or another. The stone building Tobias and herself were on was perched halfway up one such hill. Topaz enjoyed studying here because of the expansive view it usually provided her of the vast ruins. “Are you sure you should be out this far by yourself, especially on foot?”

Master Rahhu flicked his hand dismissively in the air. “Oh, pah. I’m old, not crippled. Not too much, anyway. Plus you said a few times you use rooftops out this way for private study, and I was curious to see if I could find one. Not that I can blame you for wanting real solitude. It’s a great way to truly commit to your studies.”

Among other things, she added silently, trying not to glance back at the male whose nose hovered not two inches from her naked pussy.

Topaz’s father indicated the open book on the parapet. “So what are you working on? Anything good?”

“Just translating poems by the historian Eticharis.”

The older man brightened. “Eticharis? Oh yes, I remember reading him. Quite a good poet in his native language, if I recall, even if he did have a bit of a dirty mind.”

“Oh, I agree, Eticharis is a poet to admire.” She chanced a glance back and feigned a scratch at her bulbous nose to conceal sticking her tongue out at Tobias. Tobias seemed miffed at that, but said nothing.

The master scholar below sat on the remains of a collapsed wall, grateful to have an excuse to catch his breath. “Might as well rest a few minutes. So, what passages have you translated so far?”

“Just the series Eticharis wrote about his supposed affair with the love goddess Epicaste. I never thought the current translations did his work justice, so I was trying my own hand at it. The original shows that Eticharis wanted to take her as a wife, despite Epicaste making it clear that he was only a momentary diversion for her.”

The Master Scholar chuckled. “It was common practice among the Xaddal’rian scholars, men and women both, to write of doomed love affairs. Why, the modern historian Gaullauksus was of the opinion that…”

“Yeep!” Topaz cried out.

The father peered up more closely. “Are you all right Topaz?”

Topaz suppressed a heavy shiver at feeling Tobias’ hot tongue slide up the full length of her exposed cunt. She heard her lover’s low chuckle, and knew he was quietly getting revenge for her earlier smugness.

“Yes, I’m fine!” she said hastily, kicking lightly at the human behind her. “I think I was bitten by a bug.”

“Do you want help? I can identify…”

“N-no! The, uh, the stairs in here are pretty uneven and have some heavy rubble on them. It would be too much with your arthritis and all. I’m fine, really.”

The older man leaned on his walking stick. “I’m afraid you are probably right. I don’t do as well on inclines as I used to.”

The young woman nodded, feigning a mask of interest. Tobias playfully nibbled around her fleshy bum, then returned to lap at her sex again. She couldn’t believe he was so rotten as to do something so dirty and scandalous with her own father not even forty feet away!

And yet, that little bit of danger somehow made everything feel twice as naughty and intense as before. Tobias’ tongue felt so amazingly slithery, working at all her most responsive spots. She was torn between discouraging him and begging him for more.

“…and remember when for a while my shoulder actually squeaked like two boards rubbing together?” Master Rahhu was saying. “Old injury from my army days. I told you that story, right? Have to say, despite having to spend all those months aboard ship, I am glad we made the move from Raelen to here for the warm weather alone. It’s done wonders for my joints. Wouldn’t you agree I’m getting along better here than in Raelen with its damp, snowy winters, Topaz?”

“Oooooh… Oh! Um, of course, Daddy.” The Orcess struggled to retain her stony expression. Tobias picked up his pace, mouth working her sex like she was lathered in and out with the sweetest of honey. Her big muscular body quavered and she almost moaned aloud again before she caught herself.

“Master Jathir and I got to talking over some pints the other day. We both keep hoping that in all the vast volumes of Delve’s libraries, someone would stumble upon an a real cure for arthritis. Why, Jathir even went on to theorize that whole necromancy thing with animating skeletons may have come about from some poor old wizard’s effort to make his bones work smoothly…”

The master scholar’s adopted daughter kept nodding absently as she barely listened. Tobias slowly, agonizingly, slipped first one finger, then two, into her soaked green flower, sawing them gently in and out until they were fully buried in her.

The Envoy plied his tongue once again on her clitoral hood. Not directly on her clit, thank the Holy Murders, or else she would have orgasmed right then and there in front her own father. The diplomat seemed much more interested in teasing, just parking his tongue on her wet flesh and letting her own breathing shift it slightly back and forth.

The Orc’s attempts to suppress her groans became progressively more pathetic as she got more distracted. Eventually she had to disguise one behind a loud squealing cough. The older man down below stopped his monologue, looking up at her more closely. “Are you sure you are all right, Topaz? You are looking flushed.”

“I-I am?” Her mind raced furiously. “It is just, um, rather hot up here. Direct sunlight and all.”

“Well, that can’t be good for you or the books you’re translating, dear. Those tomes may have been preserved by the magic of the city, but that only is in effect when they are actually within an enclosed–”

His words were cut off by a distant ringing bell. He canted his head to listen more closely as it sounded again. “Ah, the caravan from the Oakwatch Outpost must have finally arrived. I have rubbings of hieroglyphics from Master Icial that are supposed to be arriving with it. I’m afraid I should go. I’ll see you at home, dear.”

“See you Daddy!” She managed to mumble out in some semblance of a normal voice, waving good-bye.

As soon as her father had turned the corner and was out of sight, Topaz lowered herself and the book of ancient poems off the ledge and onto the roof surface, trying to use the pages to muffle the screaming moan she was finally able to loose.

Tobias chuckled. “So, you like what I’m doing?”

Her muscular rear trembled hard. “You bastard,” she gasped out, her inner pussy walls narrowing snugly on his fingers. “Sh-shut up and make me cum…!”

Tobias snickered and pressed his tongue back on her. This time, however, he nudged her fleshy hood aside and tickled her clit directly, licking at the nubbin with downy-light strokes. The pair of fingers buried in her cozy quim churned back and forth faster than ever, bottoming out to the knuckle every time.

Topaz howled into the book, her erupting climax blasting waves of tingling rapture through every nerve in her body. Her inner vaginal walls contracted again and again on those exquisite intruders, her climax lasting a hundred triphammering heartbeats and more.

Afterward, Tobias was just pulling away and wiping the moisture from his lips when the Orc bonked him sharply over the head with her book.

– – –

“You asshole! I can’t believe you did that!” Topaz spat, having regained her feet to tower over him. “Do you have any idea how mortified I would have been if my father had caught us!”

“But he didn’t,” Tobias said with a jaunty smile even as he rubbed his head. “And admit it, you liked the thrill of it. I’ve never seen you more turned on.”

“I don’t care! Asshole!” She batted at him again, albeit far less vehemently this time. His grin was contagious, as she inevitably found herself wearing one of her own.

“Well, it’s what you get for subjecting me to Eticharis’ wretched poetry.”

“Philistine!” She tossed the book at him. As the human ducked, Topaz grabbed him around the torso, and with easy Orc strength, lifted him off his feet. Then she tossed them both onto the roof, taking the brunt of the impact easily as she rolled them both over.

Tobias laughed, well recognizing her favorite erotic game, and struggled to escape her grip. Soon they were both grappling and wrestling all over the abandoned building’s roof, alternately trying to escape various holds and pin the other down. Topaz knew it was her chaos-loving Orc heritage driving this peculiar little fetish, but she loved it just the same.

The fact that the considerably larger and more muscular Orc could easily win any serious wrestling match was never in question. Tobias inevitably ended up under the Orcess, both of his arms pressed against the stone roof. She straddled his hips so he had no leverage to throw her off. “I win,” she exulted breathlessly, pressing her chest down against his, both enjoying the feel of his heaving body against her dangling tits.

“If you say so,” he panted. He swiveled his hips and thrust up between her legs. His groin, sporting a noticeable bulge since he had started licking her, lined up almost perfectly with the slit of her exposed blond-furred mound.

The Orcess pressed back against him instinctively, murring in pleasure. She bit her lip against an even louder cry as the head of his cock nudged shallowly the entrance of her naked cunt, the two separated by only a thin layer of cloth. It was the first time in her life she had ever felt a male organ against her sex. She was amazed at how much heat she could feel radiating from it even with the clothing in the way.

“I guess we both won, actually” the young woman chuckled as she leaned back. With a gentle swivel of her hips, she pushed the human’s fleshy log back down against his flat tummy with her pussy. She began sliding her sex up and down along its length, completely soaking over his trousers with her copious juices. Her jade cheeks turned crimson with increasing sexual flush.

Tobias reached up and pulled the upper hem of her open-necked shift down, exposing her thick honeydew breasts. He hefted one in each hand, using his thumbs to tweak at the thick nipples. “Seasons, these are some real beauties,” he said.

Topaz leaned forward on her brawny arms, swinging her tits lower so he could better access them. She swayed more stridently stroking over his feverish pole, her hips moving as if she were riding a galloping horse. “Are–are you okay with just this?” she asked.

He nodded. “If you’re not ready to go further, that’s perfectly fine. You feel amazing like this.”

Her eyes narrowed as her smile broadened, very pleased at his answer. Tobias leaned up and took one of her big rubbery nipples in his mouth, sucking it stridently. Topaz yowled like a wild beast.

She had masturbated this way with pillows between her legs innumerable times. The fact that this time she was doing it on a handsome older man’s cock, and that it was driving him equally as crazy, only multiplied her escalating lust. She felt another orgasm building quickly, and judging by Tobias’s own grunting and trembling, he was getting close as well.

On the next stroke, her clitoris slid fluidly up the drenched material, and hit the slight ridge of Tobias’s cockhead in just the right way. An intense climax seized her, making her shiver hard for a heartbeat, then go still as intense waves of pleasure rippled through her.

Tobias was close behind. She had noticed before that seeing and feeling his partner cum was a powerful trigger for him, and this time was no exception. She was just coming down from her own orgasm when his began. He released her nipple from his lips so he could gasp for air, crying out in ecstasy.

The Orcess gasped in shock and wonder as she could feel his fleshy tube throb and twitch powerfully under her, unleashing load after load of hot semen into his leggings. Every heavy spurt reverberate through her puffy pussy lips.

They rolled over onto their sides afterward, facing each other and nuzzling close. They used the various books around them as pillows. Their relaxed post-coital talk went from how much she had adored her first pussy licking, to how she might try to explain her cut loincloth to her mother, to once again arguing about whether Eticharis was a good poet or not.

And, or course, finding a new rooftop for their liaisons that her father would hopefully be unable to find.


1 comment

  1. Excerpted from the Fantasy Erotica Ebook **DEEP DELVE** by Paul Lucas


    *Tobias of Winterbourne continues his epic multi-year journey to many new and exotic lands, acting as a diplomatic envoy and ambassador for his king.*

    *Topaz is a young Orc woman raised by human scholars in the ruined city of Delve on the remote Western Continent. Big, gawky, and inexperienced, but loving poetry and ancient languages, she despaired at ever finding the love and romance she longed for.*

    *The dashing diplomatic Envoy from the king visits the small colony of intellectuals. Topaz becomes swept up in a passionate, steamy sexual affair with the worldly older man even as a research expedition unleashes an ancient, forgotten magical force that endangers lives and freedom.*

    *Can Topaz and the Envoy survive when a goddess awakens?*

    *BOOK SIX of the FANTASY ENVOY series.*



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