[MF][FF] Taken by the Invaders, part 3

Maria gasped beneath Odhan as he slid inside of her, sweat dripping off his bronzed flesh, their shared tent dimply lit by a few candles. Maria herself was drenched in sweat as well. She looked up at him, at his wild green cat’s eyes, his tiny smirk, and then, gasping, looked the length of her body, between her legs, to see him sliding in and out of her, slowly. Just seeing that, seeing his length, and feeling it, as it slowly filled her up, nearly sent her over the edge, and she threw her head back and cried out in pleasure, knowing that the other people in the camp could hear her, not caring.

This had been her life for the past week. The Dragon-men had not moved their camp since capturing her. Odhan would go out to hunt, during the day, and come back and make love to her at night, fucking her on and off for hours. Maria tried to tell herself that she was being used, that this was against her will, that she was a slave captured by murderers, but it was getting harder to deny that she loved the feel of his sweaty, muscled flesh on top of her, the feel of his cock sliding into her, pressing into her deep, the orgasms that made her mind go blank and her body shake.

Maria’s days during that week had been relatively boring. Odhan gave her the run of the camp, but after some initial exploring, Maria had decided she needed to stay in the tent all day. When she walked outside the tent, she was liable to see some of the women from the village fucking the Dragon-men, giving themselves up to them, and she still couldn’t deal with that. She was full of conflicting feelings. Yes, she might enjoy her own treatment at the hands of Odhan, but….maybe something was wrong with her. The women should not so enjoy being fucked by these barbarians. The last time she had been out of the tent during the day, she had seen a woman from her village who had been married – a woman whose husband had almost certainly been butchered by these killers – willingly giving herself up to these Dragon-men. Who knows? The one fucking her might have even been the one that had killed her husband. The thought of this had filled Maria with a sick rage, a deep discomfort, and she hadn’t left the tent since. It wasn’t fair, she thought. She had never been particularly fond of any of the boys in her village – they had usually seemed childish, or foolish to her. And most of the men had been dour, quiet, stoic types, the sort of weathered weariness that a life of farming gives you. But they had still died trying to stop the Dragon-men, died trying to save the women from them. It wasn’t fair that they had all died, and – at least it seemed to Maria – already been forgotten.

And so since then she had stayed inside the tent during the day. Odhan had a collection of trinkets in the tent, lots of fancy jewelry wrought in styles that Maria had never seen before, and many, many weapons. He seemed to have a particular fondness for statues carved in a creamy white stone, though he later told her it wasn’t actually stone, but rather the bone of a massive animal. Many of the statues he had were of animals Maria had never seen before, and some of them were statues of gods and goddesses she had never heard of.

When she had grown bored of examining Odhan’s war trophies, she had tried to find something to read. Odhan had a few books, but none of them were in a script or language Maria knew; when she asked Odhan, he admitted that he could only read scraps of them as well, and that he had no books in her tongue. He had shown her a book in a tongue, he claimed, he had never heard of ANYONE knowing, and said the person who bartered it to him claimed it was a book of sorcery. Maria had tried looking through the book, but gotten tired of looking at page after page of strange symbols.

So, to her shame, the past few days she had spent merely lounging in bed, waiting for Odhan to come back and fuck her, fantasizing about it, growing wet and masturbating while waiting for him.

Odhan picked up the speed of his thrusts, slamming deep into her, and Maria’s hips lifted as her body began to tremble in orgasm. As she did, Odhan nipped her neck with his sharp teeth and whispered her name into her ear, and pressed himself into her as deep as he could go. Maria found herself wailing, her mind sailing through a blank fog, as pleasure surged through her body. She clutched at the furs that made up the bed as she convulsed, unable to control her body. Such were her spasms that she shifted the hides, revealing the dirt floor, and she found herself scrambling about in the dust, trying to bring her hips under control as they lifted into the air, her sweat mingling with the dirt, caking her in dust. When the pleasure faded she found herself covered in dirt, panting loudly, hips still twitching in the aftershock.

Odhan was looking at her with a mix of surprise and amusement. “I’ve never known anyone who came with such force, little one,” he said, laughing, as he adjusted the hides to once again cover the dirt floor of the tent. Maria hid her face from his mocking smile. She didn’t want to admit to herself, couldn’t bear admitting to him just how much pleasure he made her feel. “Come, let us go bathe in the stream.”

Maria tried to get up, but found her legs still wobbling, weak from her orgasm. Odhan swept her up in his arms, like she weighed nothing. Her heart fluttered and she buried her face in his chest, not wanting him to see her expression.

The cool air washing over her skin as he carried her out of the tent felt divine, like a sweet relief. The night was silent, wrapping around her like a blanket, making her feel at peace. Odhan carried her out to a small stream that lay perhaps fifty feet from their tent – Maria wondered, was it the same stream that had swept through what had once been her village? – and he placed her down in an area where the stream gathered into a small pool. The water was cool, but not unpleasantly so. Maria sat silently as Odhan sloughed the dirt and sweat from her skin. For once, his touch was not filling her with lust. She only felt quietly comfortable, as his hands traveled up and down her body, washing her clean.

When he had finished, he got down in the pool beside her, sighing as the water seeped cool relief into his muscles. “You may wash me now,” he said to Maria.

Normally, Maria would have protested. This time, she silently obeyed. She had found herself calling him ‘master’ on a few occasions – usually when he was making love to her – and she felt like she should hate it, hate the idea of serving him. He hadn’t exactly given her many orders, but she usually made it a point to disobey any request he might make. Though he hadn’t really made many requests of her, either. And she had never denied him when he wanted to fuck her. She had tried, the first night he had captured her, but now….she had always been looking forward to his lovemaking too much to deny him.

She ran her hands over the broadness of his back, wondering at how hard his muscles were, washing away dirt and sweat. He had a few scars, long, knotted rakes across his flesh. Maria wondered what had given them to him. She knew his flesh was so strong that a blade didn’t pierce it. Though, she supposed, that was when SHE had swung one at him. Perhaps a strong man with a strong blade could pierce his skin. He couldn’t be invincible, after all.

When she snapped out of her reverie, she realized that she had wrapped her arms around his broad chest and was resting her head on his back, listening to the steady drum of his heartbeat. It felt very nice, the feel of her soft body against his hard roughness.

“They tell me that you do not leave the tent,” Odhan said, his voice rumbling through his frame.

Maria kept her mouth shut. She was not about to tell all her worries to him. She listened to his breathing, slowly roaring in and out. “What am I to you?” she asked, suddenly.

“My slave.”

“Yes…but….am I just your…your…pleasure-slave?” Maria bit off the words.

Odhan turned around to look at her with amusement. “Are you asking for work?”

“There’s nothing to do in that damned tent all day,” Maria snapped.

“You could LEAVE the tent.” Maria remained silent, and then glared at him as he playfully splashed water at her. “Well, what are you good at? What did you do back at your village?”

“I did all sorts of things. I sewed, knitted quilts, watched the children, helped with the orchard harvest…I danced…”

“People paid you for dancing?”

Maria blushed a bit. “Sometimes, we would get travelers from lands where women were…more modest? They would pay money just to see me swing my hips in a short summer dress.” Maria gestured down at herself. “Obviously we didn’t just go around NAKED like you savages, though. I was also a fairly good reader and writer.”

Odhan ran a hand through his wild black hair and gazed into the distance thoughtfully. “I suppose that you could mend things from time to time. But there are no children for you to watch, and we forage and hunt outside of the hold.” He smiled. “I would like to see you dance sometime, though. Reading and writing, though. Hmmm.”

Maria yawned, suddenly. The cool water had eased the dull, pleasurable ache she always had after Odhan had fucked her, and she found herself suddenly very comfortable and tired. Odhan swept her up into his arms once again, and she offered no protest, despite the fact that she could walk now, and carried her back to his tent. She fell asleep in his arms on the way there, listening to his heartbeat, enjoying the warmth of his body.


Maria awoke the next morning to an empty bed, Odhan having already left. It was a bit odd. Usually she woke up in time to see him off for the hunt in the morning. She got up and stretched when he pushed his way through the tent flaps. He was equipped oddly for his hunt, a sword strapped to his side, carrying his war-spear – normally he carried his bow.

“The chieftain has called for another raid,” Odhan said idly, glancing with appreciation at her stretched, nude form. He knelt to his collection of daggers and began slipping hidden ones here and there into secret pockets in his armor.

Another raid, Maria thought. Another village burned to the ground. More dead men and captured women. But that wasn’t what she was really thinking about. She was thinking about the savage scars that criscrossed Odhan’s back and chest. She was thinking about him with a sword through his chest, bleeding out onto the ground, never coming back.

“Be careful,” she blurted, before she knew what she was saying.

Odhan rose, his back to her. Maria found herself thinking that he looked grand in his armor, though it was simple. He turned to her and smiled. “You know, usually, on the morning of a raid, the men spend their time fucking their slaves in case they don’t come back.”

Maria felt her knees go weak.

Odhan shrugged. “I am not so worried about not coming back. I don’t think I have to worry about dying when raiding the smallfolk. Instead, I spent my morning bartering to get you this.” He tossed a thick book to her, heavy enough to knock her off balance when she caught it. She fell onto the bed with the book in her hands. “A book, for you. You have seen my collection, yes? All these knicknacks and things? I have decided I want to know where, exactly, they come from. I want to know about the lands that created them. I want to see maps that are more complete than the scraps and fragments that we have. I will bring you books about the land, and your job will be to put together maps, and scraps of history, and find evidence for where these things come from, and try to create more complete maps.”

Maria looked at the book in her hands. “A History of the Mercen Empire,” it read. Maria had never even heard about the Mercen Empire. “I….thank you, master,” she said, and then winced when she realized what she had called him. “But…I really know nothing about-”

Odhan waved his hands dismissively. “I have bought you one book to get you started. I will bring you more. I don’t have time to listen to excuses.” He balanced his spear against the tent entrance, then glanced about the tent, as if double-checking to make sure he hadn’t forgotten anything. He paced back and forth, wondering, and then snapped his fingers. “I should let you know. You will probably not see them, because you don’t leave the tent anyway, but a band of Dragon-women is visiting the camp today.”

Maria found herself dumbfounded, although she didn’t know why, to imagine that there might be Dragon-women. She supposed that, of course, there must be. If there were Dragon-men, there must be Dragon-women. She wondered what they might be like.

“Do not cross them. Avoid talking to them at all, if you can. Our women can be much, much crueler than the men, in some ways.” And suddenly Odhan swept across the tent to grab Maria and pull her into an embrace. He kissed her, kissed her deep, and Maria felt her knees going weak as his fingers toyed with her pussy, felt her breath quicken as his tongue invaded her mouth. When he broke the kiss, she was panting, heavily, and could feel the need building up in herself. “Raiding brings out the fire in me,” he whispered into her ear, sending shivers down her spine, causing her to squirm and squeeze her thighs together, as she hung limp in his embrace. “When I come back, I’m going to fuck you until you can’t even remember your name.”

Maria panted, feeling herself growing wet at the thought. Her mind was already fogging over, clouding with lust, her skin tingled where his touched hers. Her hips were beginning to rock against his hand, still toying with her pussy. “….you have time,” she said, finally. “Just…take me, quick, before you have to go.”

Odhan laughed. “No time, I’m afraid, little one.” But yet he slipped a finger inside her, curling, already knowing all her sensitive spots. Maria collapsed in his arms, her entire weight now entirely supported by him, as the pleasure took all the strength out of her legs.

“Please….master. Please.”

“Please what?”

Maria cried out as another finger entered her, the heat rising through her whole body. “Fuck me,” she mumbled. “Please, fuck me master-”

“Sorry, but I told you I have no time. Goodbye!” Odhan dumped her unceremoniously on the bed, suddenly, picking up his spear and balancing it across his shoulders.

Maria moaned as her body trembled, a deep, deep hunger built up inside her. “You….ass,” she gasped, “You just wanted to hear me b-beg.”

Odhan flashed her a quick, sharp grin, and then disappeared out of the tent.

Maria’s hands traveled down her body to her trembling hips, and she slipped two fingers into her swollen pussy, spreading her legs wide, sweat dripping down her body. Loud moans escaped from her as she imagined Odhan returning tonight, covered in sweat, pushing her down onto the hides, pushing her face down into the bed as he took her from behind, pounding her, slipping deep inside her, so hard, so fast-

Maria came with a yell, her hips shooting into the air, thighs and pussy squeezing down on the cock she desperately wished were there.

Five minutes later, she sat cross-legged on the hides, munching on an apple, thoughtfully leafing through the book Odhan had given her.

Though it was written in her language, it seemed a bit unfamiliar to her. All the books she had read so far had been stories about the gods, or heroes – folk tales, short, and with a lesson in them, usually. This book was stiff, in its language, obsessed with dates and facts, or so it seemed to her, and so LONG. It used a dating system that she was unfamilar with – for Maria, it was the year 3083, but the book spoke of the year 5905 as the founding of Mercen – but she found herself nevertheless intrigued. And when the book included a sketch of early Mercen pottery, Maria was delighted when it featured a representation of an animal she had seen regularly featured in Odhan’s knicknacks – it looked like some sort of horse with a very, very long neck. She began going through the knicknacks, plucking out ones that might potentially have come from this empire, glad that she finally had something to do.


Maria had been engrossed in this for a few hours, and so absorbed in her efforts, that she didn’t notice at first when someone quietly stole into the tent, even as small a space as it was. She was sitting cross-legged on the bed, book in her lap, examining a statuette closely, trying to decide whether to put it in her “Possible Mercen artifact” pile. There was a lot in the pile already – basically, everything that she thought might possibly have a connection to something in the book – and now she wasn’t really considering the merits of this individual statue, but whether or not that was actually the best approach.

“Now this is interesting,” came a quiet female voice from the front of the tent. “I never knew Odhan to keep slaves.”

Maria whipped around, nearly dropping the statuette in the process. There, at the front of the tent, was a woman. She could not be anything other than a Dragon-Woman. She stood not nearly as tall as the Dragon-men, but still a good two feet taller than Maria. Where the Dragon-men were exceptionally masculine, this Dragon-woman was faintly feminine. She was tall, lithe, with narrow hips and small breasts, but a surprisingly soft, innocent face. Maria found herself wondering how old, exactly, she was. Her hair was blond – so blond, in fact, as to almost be white – and unbraided, kept almost as wild as the Dragon-men kept theirs. She was very pale, and wore only a long white loincloth, cut thin to reveal her thighs and hips.

“Or maybe you’re not a slave,” she continued, musingly, as she stepped forward into the tent. “Maybe you’re a smallfolk thief, hoping to steal some trinkets before she makes her escape, something to buy her some clothes in the nearest town.”

Maria felt a chill go down her spine. “No,” she said quickly. “No, I am Odhan’s slave.”

“And what does he have you doing for him?”

“I read. I help him sort out all his trophies and trinkets -”

The Dragon-woman rolled her eyes and snorted. “And you get fucked by him. Don’t try to hide it from me. You’ve got the glow of a girl who’s been well-fucked recently.”

Maria blushed, embarrassed, but then found herself remembering Odhan’s words about how Dragon-women could be crueler than the men. And why would this woman be in his tent? Was this a Dragon-woman who fancied Odhan? Was there a possibility for jealousy here? Maria’s survival instincts kicked in. She had no desire to experience Dragon-woman cruelty. “That could have been anyone who fucked me,” she said.

“You’re a poor liar. I can smell him, and you, all over this tent. Get up.”

Maria, shaking, got to her feet. The Dragon-woman circled her, looking her up and down. Maria could feel her eyes linger on her ass and breasts. Suddenly, the Dragon-woman reached out and pinched one of Maria’s nipples, and Maria gasped as a jolt of pleasure shot through her.

“So sensitive,” said the Dragon woman. She took Maria’s breasts in her hands, squeezing them, and then slid her hands down her body, her touch tingling as they trailed down to squeeze Maria’s ass. Maria stifled a moan as the Dragon-woman squeezed and roughly spread her ass, feeling her pussy lips peeling apart. “And ample curves, as well. Not huge, no. Is that what he likes about you?”

“I-I don’t know,” Maria whispered, trying to squeeze her thighs together. The Dragon-woman roughly forced them apart and ran a finger across her slit. Maria whimpered, knowing she was wet.

The Dragon-woman smiled at her, then pulled her pussy apart, wide, and slid two fingers inside of her.

Maria gasped and fell forward, into the Dragon-woman’s arms, moaning. She had known a woman’s touch before – she and her friend Brea had played together sometimes back in their village – but it had always been gentle petting. This was rough, as the Dragon-woman began fingering her rapidly. Maria could feel he thighs quickly run wet with her juices. The pleasure built up quickly, as Maria’s breath hitched in her throat and she panted into the chest of the Dragon-woman. Suddenly, the Dragon-woman adjusted her hand, so that her thumb could toy with Maria’s clit, and Maria came, groaning, shivering, collapsing backwards onto the bed.

The Dragon-woman did not relent, however. She got down on the bed with Maria, and roughly adjusted her, like she was a doll, so that her ass was in the air and her fact was in the hides. Maria clutched at the hides as the Dragon-woman began fingering her again, as roughly as last time, this time with three fingers. She could hear the sounds of her wetness as she moaned, muffled, into the furs. Her back arched as she felt the fingers curl inside her, and she pounded her fist as she felt the wetness running down her thighs. She found herself rocking backward, pressing her hips down onto the fingers, wishing there was more, wishing they could go deeper, moaning and shaking as she came again. She collapsed onto the bed, breathing hard, giving a tiny whimper as the fingers left her still-twitching pussy. The Dragon-woman pushed her fingers into Maria’s mouth, and Maria sucked on them, tasting her own juices.

“I think I see now why Odhan likes you,” said the Dragon-woman, once Maria’s moans of pleasure had died down. She rose, elegantly, and walked towards the entrance of the tent. “I will be back tonight, to play with you and him.”

“Wait,” Maria gasped, still recovering from her orgasm. “Who are you?”

The Dragon-woman paused at the tent-flaps. “Odhan’s future wife,” she said simply.

And then she was gone.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/69pg0b/mfff_taken_by_the_invaders_part_3

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