Ice [mff]

The first thing he felt was forearm hair lightly disturbed, moving in pattern from maybe a sweep of her finger or nipple. This was his favorite. Body and mind separation via underwear. It was difficult to remember whether she was wearing another pair or if she had taken these off to cover his eyes. Lines of her body blocked velvet candlelight. He thought he remembered sitting at the foot of a bed, some distance behind a wooden room divider.

When was her sister due home?

She didn’t seem bothered. He waded through this fixation to focus back into her room. He allowed thoughts to follow sensation. He felt his hands clasped together and heard the scratch of his hair under her panties. He smelled and suffocated in her.

The restaurant had been a fusion place. LA was a fusion city. A palate of someone new. After an exchange of text message Luxon had triumphed. The matte aluminum lobby gave way to other diners chatting on barstools, eating on raw oak tables. She had flirted, subtle at first and, after drinks, didn’t bother suppressing her intention. Their hands had danced above the table on either side of their set silverware, fingers interlaced.

After winding conversation she let a closed fist fall into his open hand. This gesture was sweet and he had almost ignored the souvenir she let slip through her closed fingers onto his upturned palm. It was a gelatin capsule, opaque enough to reveal golden flakes.

The electricity tingling along his knuckles must be her again.

She had tied his hands with leather straps. But that was before brash colors invaded his mind. In place of his normal sight was the sharp rendering of swirling ice, which seamlessly continued upon closing his eyes, reopening them, and blinking once or twice. Were his eyes even closing?

Her touch on his thigh. The glassy vision shattered. Now the shape of her body was obvious, mounting him with low swinging hips. He could see her warmth as she placed her palms down on his shoulders. Hip bones swished and burrowed in oscillation against the warmth of his pelvis. Light sparked from his cock and filled his senses.

She groped to remove his temporary blindfold, initially hindered because of his bite on the elastic. Her fingertips snaked past his waist band and demanded his cock while their tongues courted. Saliva lubricated their aural pops of lip. His hands slowly rose up under her ass but she forcefully pressed into the kiss to deny this touch. His anticipation expressed into his cock with red blood. Their molten embrace distracted from her already naked pussy, which she coaxed around the tip of his cock and collapsed onto him. She tasted his earlobe and spoke a breathy exclamation,


His hips smacked against her in rhythm.
Her pussy was pulling the tightness in his chest down his spine into the base of his hips. He was already aware of the tension building and his stiff anxiousness beginning to break.

She startled at the sound of keys shaking outside the apartment.
“That must be Sarah”

Too stoned to protest, he fell back onto her pillow. He surrendered to the supple down filling under his neck, and let his face fall to the right. His cheek caressed the cotton while he looked toward the apartment door. She bounded over to turn the lock.
