Love is a losing game pt 2 m/f anal minor kink *bad grammar and spelling sorry*

Knowing this was going to feel so good but he had to take him time as not to hurt her and she might never give him the chance to do this again, he used his lips on the back of her neck and shoulders to relax her as he pored some of the liquid from the bottle onto his hand and rubbed it between his fingers. “Put your hands on the wall” he said and he pulled her hips back. Knowing that true patience would end well for him he leaned on his shoulder and used his liquid covered fingers to trace the line of her ass crack. He barely kept himself from groaning knowing how long he had waited and wanted this moment. Again he swiped his finger only this time stopping at the point of entry and while taking a deep breath and thanking the gods above for this moment, he pushed his finger in and waited for her body to adjust. After what seemed to him like forever he began what he knew was going to be a long process and pulled his finger out and then pushed it back in. After doing this enough that he felt her body relaxing he added more of the liquid and another finger. After about 20 minutes or so of him working his fingers and waiting watch her body for the signs that she was ready and then even waiting a little bit more wanting this to be perfect. He then removed his fingers and using what felt like half of the damn bottle he pushed himself to the one place he had longing to be and asked her if she was ready. “Yes” she said as she pushed her hips back pushing just the tip of his head in.
He grabbed her hips to keep himself from just pushing every last inch of himself deep inside her. Breath he reminded himself. Take you time or you will never get to do this again. After taking a moment to concentrate and keep himself from spilling right then and there he slowly started to work his way inside her. “oh god” he softly groaned into her hair and the back of her neck as he felt that part of him going further and further inside her slowly reaching the point that he knew would eventually but all to soon send him over the edge. Once his head managed to pass the first ring he stopped knowing that taking just a moment here would cause not only her but him to go completely crazy. So her took his hands off her hips and started to slowly stroke the small of her back. Knowing that she wanted him deep inside her she pushed back against him giving him a silent sign that it was ok to move on. With the tip he could feel the second ring and knew that as soon as he got past that it was smooth sailing from then on.
So he put his arm around her waist and with the free hand he circled himself pulling the skin tight making the transaction from out side to in just a little bit smoother and proceeded to push. “hold on little girl” he whispered into her ear as he felt the two of them become one and knew by the slight movement of her body that she was now on the tips of her toes. He heard a small whimper and he knew that he was almost all the way in but that this was also the most painful part so he remove the hand that was holding himself and laid it flat over the part of her body that he just mere moments ago was pounding into submission and pressed knowing that this would help and quickly pushed the rest of the way in. Feeling like he had just ran a marathon he just stood there and held her feeling that she was the only thing holding him from drifting off into space.
Once he had time to adjust he began to pull out and push back in loving felling every inch as it moved in and out of her. Knowing that neither of them would last long, he began to pound her like her screams and moans were the difference between life and death. Feeling his balls tightening up and her body contracting around him he knew this joy ride would not last much longer, knowing that he wanted to get the most out of this he pushed her into the wall praying that she did not hit the shower knobs and at the same time not caring. “Cum for me” he growled into her ear and bit he neck knowing that would just be one more thing to cause her to fall over the edge taking him with her. Just as he knew would happen she started to verbalize with both her voice and her body how close she was to taking them both over the edge. “oooohhhhmmmyyyyyygoooooddDDDDDDDD!” she screamed as her body was hit with wave after wave of earth shattering lightening bolts and she contracted on him the wave like motions of her muscles and her body pushing him further and further towards the point of no return and then pushing him over and he grabbed her hips digging his nails in drawing blood and biting her shoulder to keep himself from competing with her in screaming their mutual release to the gods above.
“Damn” she said as soon as she was able to catch her breath. He taking a moment longer to recover could only nod his head and kiss her shoulder knowing that tomorrow she was going to be sore. Leaning hack he turned on the shower and hoped that it did not come out ice cold as it sometimes tended to do. Knowing he had to but not wanting to he pulled himself slowly out of her groaning because even that after all they had done it still felt good.
He then grabbed her, turned her around, put her under the stream of hot water letting it run down her ass length hair and off to the tiled floor beneath their feet. He ran his fingers through her hair and could not help himself, he nibbled on her bottom lip loving the little sounds she made as he did so. God he loved her body. He then grabbed the soap and bent down to wash up her legs feeling the nice flow of her muscles under her skin as he washed away the sweat and the grime from their earlier love making both loving and hating it at the same time. Hating to wash away the signs of their earlier joy and loving that he is able to do this for her and is able to spend this time just for her knowing that she is enjoying this just as much. He loved watching the bubbles as they ran down the peaks and valleys of her body and then as they swirled down the drain both admiring and envying them for their ability to dance freely down her body. Then once he knew that her body was as pure as the day she came into the world he started to wash her hair. Slowly massaging the roots and working the shampoo into a rich lather loving that she seemed to have lost the ability to keep her eyes open. Knowing that he should stop he could not seem to stop kissing her wanting to feel her tongue as it danced the timeless dance with his not caring that he was getting soap in his eyes.
Leaning back he enjoyed the look of lust in her eyes being slightly amazed that she still had it in her for even a little bit more but at the same time knowing that he had to have just one last taste before dragging her off to his bed for the night. His eyes never leaving hers, his hands fallowing the line of water as it flowed down her body, and he slowly put his mouth on just the spot that he loved so much. Slowly he ran his hands up the back of her legs until he reached the bottom curve of her ass cheeks and then used them to pull her forward opening her even more to his lips and tongue. “Oh god” she cried out under her breath not caring and not knowing if he could hear her and at this moment could really care less knowing that her body was telling him all that he needed to know. Tasting not only her but also the warm water that he could see in his mind and know that only seconds before was flowing over the peaks of her breast made him only all the more entranced as he licked and sucked her most tender area. Finding the little nub that he knew would send her over the edge, knowing that he could cause her to scream he took that nub between his teeth, gently he nibbled and played with her with the tip of his tongue, all the while roughly massaging her ass, and watching the knowing dance that would lead to her screaming her release. Feeling her fingers as she ran them through his hair softly pushing him closer letting him know that what he was doing was right and that she was close. “please” he must be hearing things “please” she begged and true to what she asked he sucked a little bit more knowing now that what he was doing was driving her crazy just as her words alone where driving him. “Please so close” she whispered as her body rocked and rolled to the rhythm of the impending orgasm. “OH GOD” she screamed at the top of her lungs as she used her hands in his hair to hold him in place as not to cause her to lose the high wave of pleasure that she was now riding. Holding his hair did nothing to stop him from moving his tongue sending little lighting bolts up her body causing the wave washed over her over her body.
Just as the wave ended her legs became rubbery and she slid down the wall and sat on the floor with her own version of the Cheshire cat, that only left her face long enough to reach forward, to meet his lips and to suck the taste of herself off of his dancing tongue. Coming up for air they just then noticed that the shower was still on and laughed at that as he reached up and turned the knobs to turn off the water. “Stay here” he said as he kissed her lips and walked out of the room. Sighing she laid back against the shower wall and just smiled to herself at how well this turned out and kicking herself for not doing this earlier. “What the?” she said as she was hit in the face by a warm fluffy towel and she looked over to see him standing in the door way with his own towel wrapped around his waist. “dry off and come to bed” he said as he watched her stand and use the towel to dry of first her hair, then her face, across each of her breasts, down her stomach, and then down her legs, each and every inch wonderful in its own way, every inch agony because it is missing his touch. “Come to bed” he said as he grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the bathroom and onto the bed to sleep for the night knowing that both of their bodies needed the sleep to recover. “I’ve missed you” he mumbled as he drifted off to sleep with her in his arms. Smiling she curled herself up and into his warmth and smiled as she saw the all too familiar tattoo on his arm. Yes she had in fact seized the day in her own little way.
