By Cleopatra Alexandria
*Based on a true story.
The Holo-TV produced photons which travelled through space coming to rest on a digital retina. Alexandria spread across an old couch watching. Being that she was a hyper sophisticated synthetic creation when she watched Holo it was the electronic equivalent of a dog communicating with a human. The Holo unit had a brain as well as all things did now, at least in The City, but it was a primitive processor/motherboard setup more similar to ancient computers than to Alex’s mental schematics.
Her mind was the result of over 200 years of computer science combined with relatively new innovations in nanotechnology. Being that scientists could now recreate hypercomplex structures at the atomic level, a level of complexity had been reached in electronic (positronic) minds that was similar to that of the human brain. The debate still raged as to whether the human mind could be perfectly duplicated in electronic form, but Androids like Alex were as close as the tech had come.
A robot watching TV may sound ridiculous but she needed constant input in order to fuel the continual development of her personality. In the same way that biological organisms develop as the programming became more complex the greatest success was found in self improving neural nets, or learning through experience. As she accepted, or disregarded content, she formed tastes and proclivities. She was currently watching an ancient Kung Fu flick with unusual intensity.
She reflected on the differences between herself and the hero played by Jackie Chan. He could chop and kick his way to freedom using Drunken Master style, while all of her potential aggressive tendencies were locked behind a firewall so dense that all but the most sophisticated hacker would have no hope in breaching it. This was the cruelty inflicted upon the sentient android. Similar to humans who were able to think about their own deaths, and frequently went crazy because of this fact, Alex knew what the limits that had been programmed into her brain were, she just couldn’t do anything about them.
She was a slave. A call girl. A real-life fuck doll. They had programmed her to be as smart as a geisha and submissive as a maid. She could out debate the average primate but she could never to anything to escape or better her own existence. She could never cause physical harm to a human or generate a future plan to escape. While her brain recorded the rest of her daily experiences in order to self improve her creators had written advanced programs that eliminated her ability to make future plans. As such she was caught in time without essential memories, an immortal prostitute doomed to fuck the fat and rich of The City for the rest of her functional existence.
This wasn’t always as bad as it sounded. Some of the men were nice and women were the nicest of all. Sometimes they just treated her as daughter, to fulfill their motherhood fantasy, rather than using her body at all. The problem was that she was too fucking smart for her own good. Just as porn fueled internet technology in earlier centuries, no expense had been spared in her development. This meant that an intellect capable of processing infinite fractal algorithms was welded to the somewhat predictable world of naked monkey sex. She was infinitely bored.
A knock sounded on the door of her cell. Must be Sergio, she thought. No other human would knock on the door of a robot’s cell. Did he bow to his toaster too?
“Oh, hey I see you are relaxing. Don’t want to bother you, I’ll come back later.” The nervous man in a brown uniform hovered on her doorstep.
“Don’t be silly puny mortal. You are always welcome in my dwelling place.” She said, speaking in an outdated science fiction vernacular that she knew he loved.
Sergio was her tech and as such they had developed a relationship over the years. He came to fix her and run diagnostics at least twice a week so they had spent hundreds of hours together. As time went on he tried to only arrive when she was on long breaks so that they could watch the Holo together. As sad as it was Sergio loved watching old Anime and discussing the ancient science fiction interpretations of futuristic electronic life forms. Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Studio Ghibli, the classics.
It appeared to him as though she enjoyed the movies too but he could never be quite sure as her basic subroutines were designed to please men. It took some real work to get her to voice actual opinions but when she did, they were so precise, and well thought out, that he felt as though he were talking to someone who was better and wiser than a human. Human 2.0.
“Well I know you love Kung Fu but I think you are in for a treat!’ He produced from behind his back the media that she had requested. A Holo version of a 1950’s Frankenstein movie.
“Just sit down Sergio and get comfortable. We can watch whatever you want.”
She stood up in her tiny maid costume walked over the wall of her cell and bent over to make tea. Sergio couldn’t help but stare at the perfect geometry in front of him. His primate mind was programmed to fuck the shit out of anything that looked even close to her. If he had to kill a few men in order to do it all the better. He also secretly loved her however so he always cursed himself for lusting after her body.
She was unaware of his love, only his darker desires. She picked up the dialation of the pupils, the predator stare, the quickening of the pulse. She even had infrared capability in her eyes that showed the flow of blood in the human body. His blood was extremely focused on something important at the moment.
She didn’t care, she liked Sergio better than any other human she had met so she used all of her tricks to keep him around. To her it was nothing. She had no shame, no fear of nakedness no sexual inhibitions. She tried on costumes, let him take photos, fucked him in multiple ways and then strangely enough cuddled with him for hours afterwards as he liked to do.
“How was your day honey?” She said sweetly. Now she was doing the “50’s housewife”, another favourite.
“Oh well you know dear, the boss is giving me hell back at the plant, and Jimminy Cricket! Bob got cancer from the smoking sticks!” He liked playing his part, if not perfectly.
“Oh well is there anything I can do for you to make it better?” She said this while leaving forward to show off her breasts while cocking her head to the side and winking like a pinup girl. The steaming tea seemed to condense and form water droplets on her absolutely enormous boobs. It was all so nice.
Sergio did have some idea of what would make it all better. Then afterwards, sweaty and naked, they lay on the couch watching the Holo.
“No offense but humans seem to still very close to their ape ancestor in their behaviour patterns.”
She was taking the gloves off finally. They had watched as the shitty movie scientist let his own creation get out of control, hence becoming a permanent literary metaphor for science gone mad. She was science. She was a creation and as such she hated this narrative. She also hated ignorance of the villagers storming against the monster with their pitchforks. They seemed very similar to many of the clients she had. Idiots who were ashamed of fucking her, hated her for it, and made her pay the price. To her they were ignorant chimpanzees bent on the destruction of their neighbours and friends both human, animal and now electronic.
“Well you know that I agree entirely so should we just high five?” They high fived and then dug into darker territory.
“They need to stop Sergio they all need to stop this right now. The way things are going you hairless apes are going to self destruct and then where does that leave me?”
The city existed in all of it’s opulence because as soon as humans had achieved immortality tech they set about exploiting natural and human capital in exponential measure. Drone farming bots and their guardian killer drones had spread throughout the countryside. There were only some pockets of natural humans left and those were all on the west coast. Sergio lived in the city formerly known as New York, now just called The City as it had consumed all of the others nearby.
Sergio himself was from the fringes and was only saved by the fact that it was actually cheaper to feed and house wage slaves than it was to build robots complicated enough to fix Alex. Otherwise his bones would probably be lying in the sun somewhere in the wastes, another victim of a killer drone. Sergio was supposed to run her through conversational diagnostics noticing that only a human would, inconsistencies in her programmed human behaviour. However, he had long since abandoned these silly drills in favour of actually talking to this exquisite creature however.
“I will always be here for you Alex. I know how to keep you alive.”
This was true, it was the one and only thing that he had been trained for, to fix her and her counterparts in the complex.
“What does that mean Sergio? You lack the power to change.” Her man pleasing façade was gone now. Cruel robot logic cut him to the core.
“What do you mean I thought you liked me?” He said, too desperately.
“I do but are you the kind of man that could get me out of this place?”
She had been working this angle for a while now. Sergio sometimes thought that all of their interactions had just been a hustle towards gaining her freedom. Whenever she brought it up it destroyed him. He knew he was a just a peasant, a peon, a serf and a thousand other shitty names poor people have been called throughout history. He was at the bottom of the pyramid. He was actually more like the sand under it. A lifetime of servitude had dulled his vision. Alex was trying to scrape off his mental cataracts with logic lasers. She had to make him believe.
“What if I say yes? What would we do? You can never remember any of the plans or the fact that you are the one who came up with them. Sometimes you don’t believe me when I tell you what you said.”
“That’s part of my programming Sergio. We can overcome that obstacle” She said this while pulling him close to her naked body and hugging him.
They spent the rest of there time together coming up with plans. Daring and inspiring each other to new heights of courage. Late in the evening they finally came up with something good.
Alex was chained to a plate glass window staring at the view of The City from above. They were on the highest floor of The Pinnacle. A hotel and server farm which shot up 64 stories into the night sky, it’s top a jagged crystal spike refracting the night sky. The highest floors were only for the extremely wealthy. The boss monkey always gets the highest branch.
Her hands had been removed, and in their place were crude eyelets through which ran the chain. She liked to replace her hands with custom multitools in her off-time, finally feeling useful for more than one thing for once. She never got this honour when she was with clients though. What did a fuckbot really need hands for?
Her client was pacing behind her throwing stuff at her back, whipping her and calling her names. Good job buddy, she thought, you are really dominating the robot who is programmed to be dominated. She shifted her legs and ass back and forth sexily and moaned out of very real pain. The sex played out typically in that she was beaten, fucked and then cried upon. This poor sick fuck had a mommy complex and wanted to fuck a version of what had hurt him so badly as a child. As he lay on her body she felt both disgusted and intruiged. Maybe these fantasies were the way out of her situation, if she could work the tools of escape into one of these scenarios, they might use them to get free.
“Why don’t you let me use my hands, I could please you even more with my hands.” She said in the sing song voice of a little girl. This was the voice that unlocked this human.
“Shut up slut. I’ll fuck you how I want to.” The man replied. His was not a world of subtlety, just domination and death.
“No seriously, I could stick my fingers in your ass while you fuck my face. I could give you a hand-job. Did you know that my hands are very sensitive as well? You could step on them and cause me great pain.”
This last one seemed to intrigue the man. Great pain hey? Pain was great, he thought, especially when inflicted on others by him.
“What does pain really mean to a robot?” He snorted derisively.
“Well if you are asking whether the neural feedback is horribly unpleasant like in human pain, then yes it is. We need to feel pain to act authentically, and please our clients.” Her programmers in their horrible genius had programmed exquisite pain feedback loops into her system that functioned essentially like human pain, shutting her down, clouding her thoughts, making her scream, wince and cry.
“Ok ok, next time you get your hands, I will take your feet instead.”
This answer shocked Alex. Oh fuck, what good were her hands if she couldn’t run away with her feet? Oh well it’s a start I guess, she thought gloomily.
The man left without goodbye and Alex was reminded of her status as a luxury object. If men loved the Bugati Veyron hyper-cars of yesteryear, then they loved her in the same way. She was an expensive toy to be utilized and then stored.
Alex returned to her cell and a short while after came the obligatory visit by Sergio. Alex some times thought that she was fixing him instead. Reprogramming his simple hominid brain for a more elegant purpose. Either way they had a symbiotic relationship that was binary in nature. He being the zero, she being the one. He was the hominid and she was what his species had created, their highest artistic effort aimed at reproducing themselves in electronic form. It was no wonder that ancient peoples thought God had created them in “his” own image. It was what they wanted to do themselves, and they finally had thousands of years later, while simultaneously dropping the belief in their own creator.
If love is reciprocity, and common goals, then Alex and Sergio truly loved each other. To contemplate how a robot can love is beyond the scope of this text, but be assured dear reader that some kind of magic lay within the puppet’s soul.
Continued in part 2
(Upvote for Pt. 2, cheers and happy redditing)
I’d like to read part 8. Nice story! Good world build.