Sex In The Public Stairwell – True Story – [MF]

Over the years I have been lucky to enjoy many real life erotic adventures. I have decided to share some of those on this subreddit, perhaps to inspire others. My experiences are 100% real. I hope you enjoy this one.

My girlfriend and I loved sex in public places and this was one of our riskiest couplings.
We had dinner at a friend’s apartment. He lived in a small four-storey building. After dinner, we decided to walk down the enclosed stairwell at the end of the hall instead of bothering to wait for the elevator. We got only halfway down when she stopped at the landing and grabbed me for a kiss. Before long we were both pulling down our jeans and feverishly groping each other’s genitals.
She turned her back to me, leaned over, presenting her now bare bottom and grabbed the stair railing. I guided myself into her vagina and we started rutting like two animals in spring heat.
At the top of each section of stairs there was a metal fire door leading to the apartment hallways and I knew that we would never be able to hear ahead of time if anyone was walking down the hall and opening the door to take the stairs. If someone opened the door just above our landing we would be caught completely in the act. But we were so hot for each other that neither one of us said anything about being cautious; we just went at it like crazy.
She had one hand holding the railing and the other between her legs rubbing frantically at her clitoris. I could tell that she was desperate to cum so I did my best to hold off until she reached her peak.
We lasted for about four or five minutes and then she orgasmed. That was it for me too. I dug my fingernails into her bare hips and exploded inside her as she was still spasming and squirming against me. All this time I was looking up at the door expecting someone to open it at any moment.
I withdrew from her and we both quickly pulled up our clothing. We rushed down the rest of the stairs and out into the night air toward our car, both of us laughing all the way. Thinking of this today still makes me smile. And I still can’t believe we got away with it without that door opening.
