Public Spaces Part II [MFF]

I walked back to Jake in a daze.

“You OK?” He asked?

“Something weird just happened.” I said. “Did you see that girl?”

“The one who followed you to the ladies?” Damn he’s observant.

“Well she kinda grabbed me and kissed me” I said. Better to get it over with.

“Kinda?” His brow furrowed.

“Yeah it wasn’t my idea but I kinda kissed her back” I said ashamedly. I realized we were having to shout to talk so I suggested we leave the noisy bar. Jake paid the tab and we went.

“I’m not mad” Jake said when we get outside. “But I didn’t think you like girls.”

Jake and I had discussed bringing in other people in our search for kink but it was a non-starter. I’m wasn’t in to girls and he flat out refuses to share me with another guy. Guy-girl-girl he’s OK with BTW. I think is a total double standard. “Take it up with the supreme court” is how Jake responds to that argument.

After Jake’s revelation that he wasn’t mad we walked in silence for a bit. I finally worked up the courage to talk some more.

“So she gave me her number” I held out the paper. “I want to text her”

Jake sighed. “I’m worried. Having another person might be fun but it’s risky.”

“I know but I really want this.” I said “What if we make a deal right now that if you feel weird we nope out of there right away?”

“I guess” He didn’t sound convinced

“We’ll try it just this once and if you don’t like it I’ll never bring it up again” I said the same thing about pegging and we’re still doing that sometimes so I figure it’s worth a shot.

“OK.” He relented, “Text her”

I got out my phone and sent a text.

-This is the girl you just stole a kiss from.

-We are DTF. When?


–1001 Green Terrace blvd apt 102

-On our way

I showed Jake the phone and we turned around. The address was a five minute walk from the bar. Jake didn’t talk at all but he held my hand. It was a nice apartment building. We found her place and I knocked. She opened the door and gestured for us to come in. The entryway had a little bench shoe cubby which she guestures to helpfully. We take off our shoes and leave them in the cubby.

“I’m” I start to introduce myself but she cut me off

“I don’t want to know your names” She said to me confidantly, “This is just sex, aftwerwards you go home and I don’t see you again unless I contact you first. understood?” We both noded.

“I’m in charge here” She gestured to the sparsely decorated living room. “We do things my way or not at all” We nodded again.

She turned to Jake, “You don’t talk and this is the last time I’m going to talk to you” Jake looked incensed but nodded flexing his muscular shoulders as he did. The girl looked unfazed.

“Have you done this before” The girl asked. We shook our heads.

“How long have you been married?” She asked me.

“12 years” I said not sure where she was going

“Do you have other partners?” She was interrogating me.

“Just him” I said remembering not to use Jake’s name

“What about him?” She asked pointing a thumb back at Jake

“No” I say. She looked to Jake and he noded seriously.

“Do you get tested?” She asked.

“We did back when were were just dating” I said.

“I’m single. I have multiple partners. I get tested in between each.” She said.

Satisfied that everyone understood the situation she stripped off her dress. I’m 5’9″ and Jake is 6’1″, this girl couldn’t have been more than 5 feet but her presence standing there naked took up the whole room. On one wall stood a long table with big pillar candles on it. She strutted to a switch and turned off the overhead light. The room was now dimly lit by sconces on the wall and the flickering candle light. My eyes took a second to adjust.

She was dark. Her makeup, dark hair and dark skin were part of it but there was more than that. The light just kind of slid off her. The muscles in her legs and arms were well defined but still feminine. Her stomach was flat and I could see her abbs under the dark skin. She had bigger boobs than me and her nipples were big dark circles where mine are little pink buttons. I could see jake looking at her approvingly. I could also see his semi-hard cock under the soft cotton shorts.

She stepped up to me and ran her hands through my short red hair. “I’ve never had a readhead” she said as she leaned in to kiss me. Her lips were fuller and softer than Jake’s but she kissed me with the same intensity. She took over my mouth like she was trying to occupy territory. I let her have me. She kissed down my jaw and nibbled my ear. She kissed my neck and then bit me. I gasped and goosebumps ran all up and down my body. She undid my boostier and freed my little boobs. She covered them both with her hands and then kissed me again. As we kissed she closed her hands down and pinched my nipples hard.

“Not so rough” I said into her mouth.

Her grip on my nipples softened and she rolled them between her thumb and forefinger. I moaned and my knees felt week. She helped me sit down on the huge Persian rug that covered the whole room. It was thick and soft and not at all uncomfortable. She took my shoes off and then took them and the bustier to one of two carved wooden chairs that were sitting against the wall she picked up the other chair and sat it in front of Jake without looking at him. He got the message and sat down. She came back to me and sat down. She traced her hand lazily up my leg under my skirt. She stopped when she got to my butt and cupped a cheek. She kissed me again. Then she coaxed me up onto my knees with her hand on my butt. She pulled my skirt down to my knees and I crawled forward out of it. She placed the skirt neatly on the chair and returned to my side. She pulled on the plug in my ass and then pushed. Push and pull she fucked me with the plug. Then she pulled it all the way out. I felt a warm trickle of cum and lube run down my leg. She scooped up the concoction with her hand and brought a finger up to her mouth. She sucked the cum off her finger and then gave me a wicked smile. She lay back rubbed the remainder in to her breasts. I crawled over to her and she sat up on her elbows. I started to lick Jake’s cum off her breasts. She tossed her head side to side and let out a long low hum of pleasure. She brought her knees up and then spread her legs. She grabbed my hair and led my face down to her pussy. I licked her up and down. She was so wet and her pussylips were so soft and full. I made out with her pussy like a teenager at prom. It felt so good sliding against my lips. No wonder Jake likes doing this. She still had a fistful of my hair and she used to pull my face away. I sat up and she took my right hand. She sucked first one then two fingers. She pulled them all the way back into her throat. When she let me go my fingers were slick with her spit. She pushed my hand down and pushed my fingers into her pussy. She fucked herself with my hand. I sucked her nipples as she slammed my fingers into her tight hole. She started bucking and moaning and then her pussy grabbed my fingers. Her eyes squeezed shut tight and her mouth made a big silent O. Then she let me go and lay back. She rocked back and forth and hummed to herself contentedly.

“That was nice” she said to me sitting up.

I smiled at her and she rubbed her thumb across my chin, I still had her juices on my face. She stood and then helped me up. She led me over to Jake who was still sitting in his chair. She stood behind me and whispered into my ear.

“Tell him to stand up” she commanded.

“Stand up” I said and Jake complied.

“Strip him” I did as I was told. I put his clothes on the chair and came back.

She pushed my shoulder and I knelt down in front of Jake.


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