The private session. [fM] [str8] [creampie] Pt. 3 of my previous posts here.

All the way home you couldn’t stop thinking about what Zach had said to you and the note on his card.

It was pretty obvious he really enjoyed your session. He must have been trying his hardest to remain professional. After all you’re sure the massage clinic would take a dim view of the therapists doing anything sexual with the clientele. You wondered just what it would be like in a “private” session though. Where would it be? At his home? Could he come to yours? No that wouldn’t work. Would he insist on a hotel room? The questions just kept swirling around in your mind. By the time you made it home the insides of your thighs were slick once again. Without any panties on to capture any of the moisture it had begun to run down towards your knees and made quiet squishy noises as you walked to the bedroom. You closed the door, pulled up your skirt and slid your fingers inside yourself, “one more orgasm” you tell yourself as you begin playing once again.

After pleasuring yourself you strip down and head to the washroom for a shower, the soapy warm water running over you, washing away the wetness from your legs and waxed pussy. As you are drying off you notice how smooth your skin feels. A side effect of the oil he had used on your body no doubt. Once you are completely dry you wrap the towel around your chest and begin drying your long black hair the blow dryer droning away as the water evaporates away from your scalp. Next you brush your hair out until you’re happy with it. You’re exhausted from the events of the day, and the warm shower pushed you over the edge, when you return to your room you drop the towel at your feet, crawl under the covers and fall asleep.

Hours later when you awake you feel completely refreshed. You get up, put on some baggy sweat pants and a hoodie and go into the kitchen to find something to eat. There’s some leftover pizza from the night before, and a can of cola, which you grab and head to the living room. You flop yourself down on the couch and flip on the TV to see what’s on. It’s all crap though, so you fire up Netflix and put on a movie. As you’re sitting there watching your show, eating your pizza and drinking your cola something dawns on you. You can’t remember what you did with Zach’s card!

What if your mom finds it? How are you going to explain the note on the back? Frantically you rush back into your room and begin searching. You empty out your little purse, the contents clattering to the floor, but it’s not there. You begin scouring the rest of your room it’s not in the pile of your clothes or on your dresser. You’re beginning to panic, searching everywhere, when you see it. Or what you think is it. The outline of a business card hiding in the dim light under your bed. You reach for it, stretching your arm as far as you can, and your fingers touch it. They scrabble to get a better purchase and finally they get a hold on it. You pull your arm back out from under the bed and inspect your prize. You grab your phone, create a new contact for “Zach” and enter the number. Then you tuck the card away, deep in your under ware drawer, where no one will find it.

The next day you can’t stop thinking about when to call Zach. It’s possessed your mind, but what if you call too early, or too late. What do you say? You just don’t know. Finally on your lunch break you can wait no longer. You walk over to a secluded spot and dial his number. It rings a few times then you hear his voice “Hi this is Zach. I’m either busy with a client right now, or am unable to come to the phone. Please leave a detailed message and I will get back to you as soon…” Voicemail, damn you hang up. This was one scenario you didn’t think of. Oh well, “I’ll try him again later” you tell yourself as you put your phone away and go find some lunch.

Half way through your meal your phone starts ringing. His name is on the call display. You pause, then push the answer button and quietly say “hello?”

“Hi, this is Zach, I received a call from this number earlier, but didn’t get a message.” He says in a tone of voice that sounds a bit annoyed.

“Uhm, hi, this is “……..” you gave me your card the other day.” You stumble out.

“Oh! Hello “…….”! I’m so glad to hear from you. I wasn’t too sure if I was going to.” His voice taking on a more excited tone than when he first called, this immediately puts you more at ease. You get up from the table and move to a place where no one can hear what you are saying.

“I’d really like to try out one of your private sessions I think. How does that work?” You question.

“Well, I have a small room set up at my home. Or I have a portable table that I can take anywhere you like.”

You can’t very well have him come to your place. And meeting him at a hotel or something is kind of out of your budget, so there’s really only one option left. “Alright, umm, can we do it at your place? And how much does it cost?” you respond after a lengthy pause.

“Yes my place is fine, I’m only available in the evening however, and the cost is fifty dollars per hour for the first hour then thirty after that for the next if you would like two hours which is the longest session I offer. Also, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t mention this to the clinic they do not like us poaching clients.”

“Wow, that’s way cheaper than the clinic! Two hours would be great” You say excitedly. “When are you available next?”

“Anytime after six o’clock, today, next Wednesday or any week day after that are open I think. I would have to check my calendar to be sure.”

Today! That’s almost too soon, but next Wednesday is too far away. “Today would be great. Can you text me your address at this number?” You reply, slightly giddy with excitement.

“Yes of course, I’ll send it to you right away. See you around six then.” He says and hangs up. Moments later you see his text message come in. His address isn’t that far from your place, you should be able to walk there in less than twenty minutes. You sit back down to your lunch, but can’t eat anymore, you’re so excited, and nervous that your stomach is doing flips.

The rest of the day flies by. At five thirty you tell your mom you’re going to the mall with some friends and won’t be back till at least nine. She reminds you to be careful and gives you a light peck on the cheek on the way out the door.

You’ve dressed warmly for the walk to Zachs address. Your Converse shoes, warm socks, a pair of blue jeans over your plain white cheeky undies. Up top you decided to wear your black bra, but only because the matching black sweater scratches at your nipples if you don’t. All wrapped up in a long warm coat and a soft woolen beanie.

When you finally arrive at his townhouse it’s almost dark. You knock on the door and wait patiently until you can hear footsteps thumping down a set of stairs. Then the door unlocks and opens wide to an entryway with him in it. He’s wearing nearly the same outfit as the other day, minus the running shoes, and you drink him in with your big blue eyes. He’s got a huge smile on his face as he invites you in out of the cold and offers to take your coat.

“Please, do come in. Leave your shoes here if you don’t mind.” He says as he points to a shoe rack with one hand and hangs your coat on a hook with the other. “I’ve been expecting you, follow me and I will show you to the massage room.” He continues as he walks up the half flight of stairs to the main floor. Once you’ve taken off your shoes and put them on the rack you smile up at him and follow along.

The Massage room is on the third floor and you quickly look around the place as he leads you there. It’s a pretty normal looking townhouse, some pictures on the wall, neutral paint, beige carpet. When he opens one of the doors upstairs there’s a small room, maybe only a bit smaller than the one at the clinic, with a massage table dominating the middle. A small white dresser sits in one corner, a bottle of oil, a small lamp and a Bluetooth speaker on it. A wooden chair sits in the other. There’s a window at the other end of the room looking out onto the street below, but the curtains are drawn and you can’t see out of it.

The table has a nice clean sheet on it and another folded open for you to climb under. “Please make yourself comfortable, I’ll be just outside let me know when I can come in.” He says and quietly closes the door behind him.

The butterflies in your stomach are doing summersaults as you quietly take off your socks, pants, sweater, bra and finally your panties. You place them neatly in a pile on the wooden chair then climb onto the table. The room is nice and warm, and you had thought about it enough over the day, so you decide that you won’t bother putting the sheet over top of yourself. Once your face is placed in the ring at the end of the table, and you’ve steadied your nerves, you call out for Zach to come in.

The door creaks open slowly and you can hear him catch his breath a bit when he realizes you’re completely naked on his table. “Well, this is a nice surprise.” He says slowly as he rounds the table and goes for the bottle of oil on the dresser. You hear the cap pop open and his hands rubbing together as he moves back to your head, and then his hands are on you once again.

Starting at your shoulders his fingers working into the muscles on your shoulder blades then in towards your spine and down your back. All the way over your bum and down into the crease at the bottom of each cheek. Spreading the oil all over you before returning his hands to your shoulders. Again he works at your shoulders, then wraps his fingers around your ribs and pushes down once more, thumbs swirling along the muscles on each side. To your hips, and onto your bum once more, grabbing the cheeks and squeezing as they drive the tension from the muscle. Your back arches away from the table as he works.

Already your nipples are hard as stone, and the feel of his fingers has once again started to make you wet. Once he’s repeated his routine his attention switches to your neck. Working his powerful fingers gently into the base of your skull and down then out towards the backs of your ears. It is heaven, and you let out a low moan to let him know how good it feels. Then each arm ending with the tip of each finger just like before.

As he moves along the side of the table towards your legs he brushes your hand with his pants. This time you reach out to feel him and he pauses. You wrap your fingers around his throbbing member through his pants. It feels thick, warm and you wonder what it would feel like inside you. You giggle a bit and release your grasp. Slowly he moves down the table and begins with your right leg. The oil bottle clicks again as he applies more to his hands and begins working it into your thigh. His fingers pressing into the muscle as he moves up towards your bum. The fingers on the inside of your leg sliding up next to your pussy and slowly rubbing the outside of your folds while his thumb stops just short of your anus and slides back over your muscle.

You can hear him breathing harder as he works. Then he’s moving down your calf, pulling the muscle and kneading it with his thumbs down to your ankles, over your feet and out your toes. When he switches sides to begin on your other leg you shudder a little and raise your hips as his fingers once more begin to work their way closer to the wet folds between your legs. His touch is so gentle, and it feels so good, you begin to wiggle your bum and let out low moaning sounds. When he moves down to work on your calf you ache for his fingers to return to your pussy. After he’s done with the last toe he moves back to the edge of the table and quietly says “flip”.

You slowly turn yourself over looking up at him in the dim light, smiling down at you, and it makes you blush a bit and you instinctively move your hand to cover up your private parts. He lightly grabs your wrist and places your hand back down on the table. You take a deep breath, force a smile and close your eyes while he moves back to the top of your head. He applies a bit more oil to his hands and begins at the top of your shoulders, then over your chest, pinching your erect nipples just a bit between his thumb and forefinger as he rubs you. Then his hands continue on, down your ribs, over your belly and back up again. Repeating the motions over and over. His warm breath on your chest as he stretches out to reach the base of your hips.

He works his fingers into your neck, and jaw, and out to your ears, then pulls the tension from your spine and holds for half a minute. He stands up, moves on down the table to your left side and begins on the top of side your leg. His hands starting at your knee and working their way up your leg, inching ever closer to your hips, and your bald mound. When they finally reach the top of your leg and touch your soaking lips it’s too much and you let out another soft moan as he rubs gently against you. He is focusing his efforts on your hips and leg muscles but never brakes contact with your private region. Then he’s gone again back down your shin, over your ankle and out to your toes.

When he moves to the other side and starts at your knee once more the anticipation is palpable. You’re so wet, and horny, and dying for him to touch you there you can barely contain yourself. When at last he does make it up to your pussy you exhale sharply. Then his finger slides between your folds, probing, and slips inside you just to the second knuckle, and back out again. You let out a big smile and say “that feels so good, please do it again.” Immediately you feel his finger at your opening once more, entering you, making little swirling motions as it sinks deep inside. His thumb resting on your clit, making small circles as you gasp and moan.

In no time you can feel yourself beginning to climax, you gyrate under him as his finger and thumb work against you. The waves of pleasure building with every pass of his thumb on your clit. And then they hit, you arch your back completely off the table and let out a scream, his fingers slow to a stop and you ride them as the orgasm powers through your body and releases the flood of endorphins you’ve been seeking.

When at last you settle back down on the table Zach slowly pulls his finger from inside of you. He moves to the head of the table, bends over and kisses you on the lips. It’s light, and you immediately return the kiss, your lips burning with desire as his touch yours. You reach over and begin pulling his shirt up. It’s a button down though, and you can’t get it up very far before it stops. He breaks off your kiss, stands and unbuttons his shirt, then returns to you. His hands kneading your small breasts while you kiss.

He pulls away once more, looks into your eyes and says “God I want to make love to you.” You bite your lip and nod back at him. He steps away, removes his pants to reveal a pair of black boxers beneath, then drops those as well to reveal his erect penis and yanks off his socks. You reach out and grab him by the cock, you were right, it is quite girthy, but not much more than six inches long you’d guess. You stroke it a few times and then he moves over to the dresser, opens the bottom drawer, and produces a condom. He tears open the package, slides it over himself and crawls up on the table between your waiting legs.

He kneels, grabs your legs and pulls you towards him, then holds his cock and rubs it on your waiting pussy. “Oh my god, this is happening” is all you can think to yourself as his head begins to penetrate your opening. It feels huge, but you’re so wet that the head slides inside you smoothly, he goes very slowly, slipping every inch of himself deep inside you until his hips touch you and he can go no more. Then he pulls back just as slowly, almost to the tip, and back inside of you again.

“Oh my god, you are tight!” he says as he begins to slowly pump himself in and out of you. The feeling of being repeatedly filled by his cock is amazing, and easily beats any toy you’ve used on yourself before. Then he shifts position so that he’s over top of you, arms extended, and begins to fuck you a little harder. It feels intense, and you instinctively grab your legs and hold them back while he begins pounding you into the table, little squeaks of joy erupting from you at the bottom of each stroke.

He fucks you like this for quite a few minutes, his big body pounding down on your tiny frame, and something changes. His cock feels hotter, and smoother, like a new level of sensation that wasn’t there before.

He stops quickly. “Fuck, it broke.” He says as he pulls out of you.

“What, what broke?” You ask bewildered, the absence of him inside you is shocking.

“The condom,” he says and points at it, “I will get another one. Don’t worry, I’m clean, I get tested regularly just in case. Do you?” He asks.

You shake your head no. You’ve never had a reason to get tested before. “But I’m sure I’m clean. Trust me.” You smile. That seems to be enough for him. He shrugs, goes over to the dresser and gets another condom out of the drawer. He tears open the package and puts it on, edges over to the side of the table and looks at you.

“You on top?” He asks “I could use a break, and I would love to watch you ride me.” You scoot over a bit and he pops himself up on the table beside you and lays down, pats his lap and motions for you to climb on top of him.

You straddle him, one hand on his chest, the other guiding him back to your waiting pussy. Once you’ve got the head inside you place both hands on his chest and let yourself sink down onto him. It feels great to have him inside you once more, filling you up and stretching out your little hole.

You begin to rock your hips back and forth, your smooth pussy rubbing against his trimmed pubes. His cock moving inside you and rubbing against something that feels oh so good.

Your rocking intensifies and you begin to bounce up and down on his shaft. He reaches up and grabs at your breasts, tweaks each nipple, then wraps his hands around your waist and starts lifting you up and slamming you down on him.

It is wonderful and you are really enjoying the experience. But something is missing. You want to feel the heat of him inside you like before. You’re so horny you don’t care about the possible consequences, you just want it.

You grab his arms and stop him, smile mischievously, then pop him out of you. Your eyes never leaving his you reach back, grab ahold of him and pull the condom off.

“Whoa, are you sure about this?” He asks incredulously.

You don’t say a word and slowly settle back down on his cock, relishing every bit of it as it slides inside you and fills you with its warmth. Both of you letting out at satisfied “ooohh” when you come to rest in his lap. If with the condom was good, this was great, this was how you wanted it to feel.

You begin grinding on his cock again, and are soon bouncing up and down once more. His powerful arms helping you rise and fall. You start to feel yourself slipping away, succumbing to the sensations flooding your body, enveloping you just as you’ve enveloped his cock.

You can tell you are getting close to orgasm but this feels different than using your fingers, it’s a deeper, more powerful sensation. You can feel him increase his speed, and he gets even harder inside you, it pushes you over the edge and you start to cum. He slams you down on him and holds you there and lets out a low growl. You can feel the heat of his cum flooding inside of you filling you up completely. With each new pulse of his cock a new push of sperm injected inside you as your own orgasm grips his shaft and pulls it from him.

It is mind blowing. The feeling of your bodies bound together through a simultaneous orgasm is like nothing you have ever experienced before. The waves of ecstasy flooding over you long after his orgasm has finished. The final few lingering as he slips, deflated, from inside you. His cum flooding out behind it. As you prop yourself up on hands and knees another glob gets pushed out and lands on his belly.

You wipe it off him with your finger and put it in your mouth. It tastes salty, and earthy, mixed with the sweeter flavor of your own body. You climb off of the table, legs a bit shaky and stand there not knowing what to do next.

You aren’t on any birth control, but you can’t tell him that, you were the one who took the condom off. At the time you had planned to have him pull out but things just got away from you. So there you stand, naked, drooling cum from between your legs, and you don’t care it just feels right.

He climbs off the table and stands next to you, lifts your chin up and plants another kiss on you. “That was amazing,” he softly says “you have no idea how much I’ve wanted you since our first session. Would you care to join me in the shower?”

“Mmmhhmm,” is all you can say and he leads you out of the room and into the bath across the hall. You pull your hair up and tie it in a loose bun so it does not get wet and jump in behind him. You didn’t notice before but both of you are covered in sweat, mostly his, and the warm shower washes it all away.

He scrubs nearly every inch of you, paying special attention to your breasts and between your legs. Then you return the favor, scrubbing his broad shoulders, his back, and his cute ass. Reaching around from behind him and stroking his soft cock with some soap.

You both rinse off and he steps out and gets you a fresh towel, dripping water into the hall to get one from the linen closet. You dry yourself off, and go back to the other room to get dressed. You pick up your phone and notice it’s already eight thirty! Where did the time go? You’ll have to hurry home to get there before nine.

Quickly you put your clothes back on. He meets you at the bottom of the stairs and you explain that you’ve had a great time and hope to see him again, but you have to go or you’ll be late. He waits for you to put on your shoes, hands you your coat and kisses you goodnight on your way out the door.

You practically float home, reveling in your post sex bliss, feeling his cum leak out of you and into your white panties. When you arrive home and head up to your room you can’t help but think about your next encounter with him.

As always, I hope you enjoyed the read.

