A repeat customer [fM] [Mast] [second person].

(Part two of My previous post)
All that week you can’t stop thinking about the experience you had with Zach. The thought of those powerful hands caressing your body popping into your mind at random times. Making you wet with anticipation and soiling yet another pair of fresh panties. It’s been the focal point of every orgasm you’ve had since you came, lying on his table, your honey soaking through the sheets.

Each new orgasm seems slightly less vibrant than the last though. Like a heroin addict chasing the dragon you crave something more potent. Something to bring you that high like the first. Your own hands just aren’t the same. You want his.

You find yourself dialing the number of the clinic, almost without thinking, fingers trembling as you hear the low beep of the other end ringing. “Hello, Eternity health and wellness, can you hold please?” You hear the voice of the perky receptionist chirp into the line. Then before you can respond you’re listening to smooth jazz the kind intentionally produced just for phone systems and elevators.

A few minutes pass and you are almost ready to hang up when she finally returns to your call. “Hello, thank you for holding. How may I help you?” She chimes to you.

“Hi, I was in last week and saw Zach, my name is “……”. I was hoping I might be able to schedule another appointment with him if possible.” You respond back.

“Yes of course, is there a time that works best for you?”

“Anytime he’s available will do. I’ve been quite tense lately and really need a release.” You respond. It really doesn’t matter when to you as long as it is soon.

“Ok, umm, He’s available tomorrow at two pm for an hour session. Shall I book it for you?”

Tomorrow! At two! It seems like forever from now. “Are you sure there isn’t something sooner?” You ask sheepishly.

“No, I’m afraid not. If you would like to book with Rachel she has an opening later today at five.” The receptionist offers back.

“Oh, no, I want him.” You say hurriedly the thought of a womans hands on you just would not be the same. “I will wait until tomorrow. Please book the two o’clock session for me…”

“Ok, you are all set then, two tomorrow with Zach. Please do be on time or your session may be cut short to allow him to get to the next client. Click.” and the line goes dead.

You’re giddy with excitement and run to your room. Jumping under the covers you slide your hands down your pants and furiously masturbate to orgasm once again. Soiling yet another pair of panties.

The next day comes and you arrive at the massage clinic fifteen minutes early. You check in with the receptionist and have a seat in the waiting area.

It’s surprising you were early at all, after a dozen wardrobe changes. Finally settling on a light white t-shirt under a dark blue sweater with a plunging neckline, a black skirt that ends just above your knees and accentuates your hips just right. Topped off with a pair of thigh high, dark grey socks, and shiny black flats. Of course putting your long hair up, then back down again, opting to let it flow freely over your shoulders and down your back. And putting the final touches on a light application of makeup.

You are sitting, waiting, watching, idly twitching your shoe as it dangles in the air from your crossed legs when you see him. He’s got on a form fitting button down purple and white short sleeve shirt that shows off those wondrous arms, a pair of light khaki pants and running shoes. When he sees you sitting there he smiles at you and grabs your file from the receptionist. Waves for you to follow him, and turns back down the hallway to the doorway into his room. You spring up and rush after him the anticipation of his touch bubbling inside you.

The room is nearly unchanged, you notice a pink salt lamp that’s new but that is all. When Zach closes the door behind him you turn and look him in the eyes. They are a cool green and it feels as though they can see right through you, into your naughty little mind, and can see all the things you have been fantasizing about since your last encounter. You blush a bit and break his gaze lest he learn more.

“So nice to see you again. Here for the same thing, or do you have something else in mind?” He smirks a bit and smiles mischievously. “Deep tissue massage, shiatsu?”

“Oh, you remember me?” Your heart skips a beat, “the last session was wonderful, I had hoped to do that again.” You reply somewhat coyly and let out a soft giggle.

“How could I forget? I hope you don’t mind me saying but a beautiful young lady on my table is always a treat.” He responds, trailing off as though maybe he’s said too much. “You remember the drill? I will just step outside for a few moments while you get ready. Face down please.” He says as he slides out of the door and closes it behind him.

Your heart is pounding in your chest as you begin to disrobe. Shoes and socks first, tucked under the chair. Then your sweater, static crackling as it pulls over your head and past your hair. Your t-shirt after that. Then you unzip the back of your skirt and shimmy it over your bum and down your legs to the floor.

Once all your things are placed neatly on the chair you climb onto the table, pull the waiting sheet over you and place your face in the ring at the head of the bed. Shortly thereafter there is a knock on the door and you can hear Zach asking if you are ready. “Yes, please come in.” You reply, and the door opens to let him in.

He moves over to the side of the table after lowering the lights, lifts off the sheet and folds it down so half of your bum is showing and tucks it in on either side of you. “The oil was ok last time?” He asks as you hear the cap click open.

“Yes.” You reply eager to feel his touch on your skin.

When his fingers touch down on your shoulders it is euphoric. Your body uncontrollably breaks out in goose pimples, as you jump a bit and let out a tiny squeak. You hear him let out a low sigh. like a man who is about to do something he really wants to but shouldn’t. He lingers there, hands on your shoulders, the demons battling in his mind. Then slides his hands down your spine with gentle pressure, all the way past the small of your back and ending with his palms firmly on your ass. Instinctively you arch your back and push your bum up into them while you let out a low moan.

When he finally releases his firm grasp on your buttocks and lightly glides his finger tips back up to your shoulders you relax and settle back down on the table. You can feel the heat growing inside you as the blood rushes to your private region. When he starts his next pass down your back he stops at the base of your hips and slowly does circles with his thumbs on the small of your back.

Then he retreats back to your shoulders, thumbs kneading along your spine as his hands wrap around your tummy, then your rib cage finally stopping where they began. It feels wonderful having his fingers on you and the wetness begins to build inside of you while your hard nipples press into the table below.

Once again he moves down your back, pressing firmly, rolling his powerful fingers over each rib as he squeezes you between his hands. Over your hips, catching the sheet on the way and once again grabbing big handfuls of your now exposed behind. Your hips rising once again to meet them as the first drops of your sweet nectar begin to moisten your pink lips.

He lets out another slow breath, removes his hands and moves to the side of the table to work on your arms. As he brushes by your hand you feel the hard lump of his member through his pants. Your fingers reach out, searching for him, but he’s gone up to the side of the bed and begins to work his fingers into your shoulder and lower bicep. He kneads and pulls and wraps his fingers around your slender arm. Pulling the tension down and out through your fingers, one at a time. You revel in the feeling of those strong fingers, able to apply such powerful pressure when necessary, or the lightest touch when not. Once he’s finished with your hand he moves to the other side of the bed and begins the same process for the other arm. It feels just as good as the first one and you wiggle a bit to get more comfortable.

When he’s finished with the second arm you can hear the castors of the little stool rattle as he pulls it under him at the end of the table next to your head. He applies a bit more oil, then places his thumbs at the base of your skull and begins to work them in small circles, down your neck, and out across the tendons in your shoulders. Then he works his way back up to where he started and works out towards your ears and gently along the sides of your neck. It feels awesome, you’re fully turned on now, the wetness between your legs fast turning into a flood. You let out another low moan and a bit of drool leaks from your mouth and lands on the floor below.

When he stops massaging your neck and stands up you almost ask him to continue. But if this session is like the last you know he’s about to start on your legs, and that is equally as satisfying. Sure enough, he folds the sheet back over top of your body, then moves down the side of the table to your right leg. When he brushes by the bulge in his pants slides down the side of your arm and over your hand. He’s really hard, but it’s difficult for you to tell how big he is, and he does not linger long enough for you to find out more. He folds the sheet across you to expose your leg, but it’s a little higher this time and exposes your entire cheek. He tucks it loosely under the other leg and begins to massage your hip and buttock. HIs fingers sliding across your skin, one hand working large circles on the outside of your quad while the other squeezes your inner thigh. HIs thumb working into the centre of your leg all the way up to the middle of your bum, the index finger coming to rest gently touching your outer labia.

This surprises you and you squirm a little. He stops what he’s doing and retracts his fingers a bit. “No, continue.” You mumble pleadingly. With that he continues his massage down to your knee and then back up to your hip. HIs index finger again coming to rest directly on your lips. There’s no way that he’s not aware of the wetness saturating the region but neither of you say a thing. After a while of massaging your cheek and sliding his finger up and down your crevasse he works his way down, past your knee and onto your calf. He pulls and kneads the muscle a few times then moves to your feet and massages your ankles, soles and toes in much the same way he did your hands. Then he covers up your leg and moves to the other side. He folds the sheet over in the same manner as before and repeats the same process on your left leg. Working his way up between your thighs and gently rubbing the edges of your pussy with his finger as his thumb continues to probe your glutes. You can hear the wetness sucking and sticking to his fingers as he goes. Then down your leg to finish at your toes like before.

Then he folds the sheet back over you and lifts it up. “please roll over and slide down.” is all he says.

When you’re rolling over you decide to brush your hand over his crotch, you get a good feel this time, he’s still rock hard and quite thick. Your other hand slides down between your legs and confirms just how wet you thought you were. The sticky wetness stretching out into strings between your fingers. Then he places the sheet back on top of you and moves back to the head of the table. He folds it back so that it just covers your erect nipples, sits back down on the stool and begins to massage the front of your shoulders and your collar bone. He works his way down your chest, fingers wrapping around your ribcage, and glides his thumbs down your perky breasts barely evading your nipples then carries on to your belly under the sheet. When he pulls his hands back up to your shoulders the insides of his forearms drag across your nipples, then his palms and fingers. You can’t help but smile at the sensation, and he repeats the process again. After teasing your nipples he moves to your neck, working up your jaw and across your face to your ears. Fingers pressing and sliding across your skin. Finally he grabs your head with both hands and gently pulls your head to release any tension in your spine.

He pulls the sheet back over top of your exposed breasts, you didn’t even notice it had slid down below your belly button while he worked, stands and moves back across the table to your leg. As before he exposes your right leg and begins to work on the top of your leg, fingers swirling and probing, both hands wrapped around the muscle, pulling down, then sliding back up. The inner hands thumb working up to your pubic bone and slowly rolling across it to your belly, the fingers laid flat across your sopping mound. Then sliding back down, gently grazing your clit as they pass and carry on towards your knee. The sensation as his fingers move across your hood is truly phenomenal and you open your legs wider so that he can work more easily between your slick thighs. After working down your shin and over the top of your foot he covers your leg back up and folds the sheet over to gain access to the other. This time he doesn’t even try to tuck it beneath the other leg and leaves you fully exposed to your belly button.

Again he works at your outer hip and down your quad, fingers sliding up and down the muscle. The inner hand working the inner thigh up and cupping your pelvis while his thumb probed over the edge of your pubic bone. Then moving back down between your legs and carrying on down your leg. You long for him to slip a digit inside your sopping hole, but he never does. He just slides over top of it and smears your honey around as he works away. His breathing becoming heavier as he works. When at last he finishes at your toes you are so horny you feel like you’re going to explode.

He folds the sheet back over your leg, moves to the side of the bed, lowers his head down to your ear and whispers “I know what you did after our last session, you soaked those sheets so well, my room smelled like your pussy until I put them in the laundry. I hope you’ll do the same again for me. Take your time, I’ll be outside.” And he left the room.

Your head was swimming. You wanted him to come back and finish you off, but he just left you here, soaking wet, laying on his table, dying for an orgasm. There was only one thing to do about it. You slid your fingers between your legs, stuffed them inside your hole, then rubbed your engorged clit until you came. The orgasm was just as intense as the first time you’d pleasured yourself on his table, but this time you didn’t stifle yourself and moaned loudly as the waves of euphoria rushed over your body, radiating out from your centre. Engulfing your mind and pushing even more of your wetness out onto the sheets as you undulated uncontrollably.

After the orgasmic contractions had subsided you lazily pulled yourself up, spun sideways, caught your breath and stood up. You wiped yourself clean with a corner of the sheet and left it on the bed for him to see. You wriggled your skirt back on, pulled the t-shirt over your head, then the sweater. Pulled your hair free of the shirts and straightened it. Sat down on the chair and worked your way back into your long socks, popped your shoes on, took a deep breath and opened the door.

Zach was standing across the hall waiting, a giant smile on his face, the bulge in his pants still quite evident. He pursed his lips together and put a finger on them as if to say “shhh” then handed you his business card. Written on the back was “Private sessions available, just call the cell number on the front.” Then he winked and headed into the room to clean up. You could hear him sharply inhale as you walked back down to the reception area. Once you were done paying your bill you stepped back out on to the street, a cool breeze blowing up your skirt and fanning your exposed pussy as you mindlessly thumbed the card in your hand.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5xj08n/a_repeat_customer_fm_mast_second_person

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