[MFF] Little red riding hood

Biking back to the dorm felt as if she was in the spotlight and everyone knew she was a freshman. The campus had such older people than when she was in high school. It was chilly for this time of year and she pulled the red fleece hood over her head to hide from the world. Her mother had given her the hoodie for Christmas when she was 12. She got a bicycle that year and always wore the red hoodie when she rode the bike. She stopped at the dorm and hopped off the bike. She hated how tall bikes were to her. Another curse of being barely 5ft tall. At least she’ll never grow out of the red hoodie. As if the older students weren’t enough, her petite body made her stand out even more.

On the outside, she smiled at the other students she recognized as she walked up the stairs to her dorm. On the inside, she just wanted to get away. She opened the dorm door and like a poorly written sitcom, there was her roommate, Alicia. Alicia is everything Kim isn’t. She’s all legs. Long, smooth, legs. Her blonde hair has the volume of one of those cheesy shampoo commercials and it bounces. “How the fuck does your hair bounce like that?”

“Well hello to you too.” Alicia said as she turned back to the books.

“I’m sorry. I’ve had a bad day and I really don’t think I fit in here.”

Alicia looked her over and with those perfectly plump lips, gave her a pouty face. “How so?”

“Everyone here is larger than life. The boys in my class… Men, in my class,” Kim corrected herself, “fucking adults, work at Abercrombie and Fitch. Literally, Chris from my communications class told me today.” Alicia knew who Chris was. He’s a southern boy from her home state. Gorgeous male specimen if she ever saw one. They had a Lit class together her freshman year. “They’ve got stubble and sparkly eyes and crisp white teeth and… Even you look like a goddamn Victoria Secret model. Then there’s me.” Kim said as she looked at herself in the wall sized mirror as she removed her backpack and hoodie.

Alicia thought how to respond as she watched Kim remove her clothes. “Wait! Stop where you are!” Kim was down to her bra and panties. Alicia got up from the bed and Kim noticed that even though Alicia was tall, she somehow found loose fitting pajama pants to go all the way to the floor. Kim rolled her eyes as Alicia walked over to her. Alicia grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her to face the mirror. “Look at you. You’re an adult too, but a small one” Alicia said. “You are every mans dream!”

Kim smirked, “You’re too sweet. I hate that I love you. I am so jealous of you.” Kim compared the two of them standing in front of the mirror.

“Look at your boobs, they’re big for someone so small. Larger than mine. And my skinny ass doesn’t have anything on this,” as she smacked Kims ass with a smile. “And how are you always so fucking tan?! I can’t go in the sun for 2 minutes without my porcelain skin turning koolaid red!”

Kim laughed, “whatever! I’m going to take a shower, then I need to do laundry, I don’t have anything to wear” as she closed the bathroom door.

“Even though you hate me, I’ll throw your clothes in with mine!” Alicia said, as she took the clothes hamper to the laundry room and loaded the washer.

The only way Alicia learned how to swim because her dad threw her in the pool. That’s what she was going to have to do. “Hey Chris, it’s Alicia!… Doing well, yourself?!… Well, since you ask, I was wondering if you could help me with some homework… No, I thought it’d be a good idea to sign up for the advanced class… Uh, now? Sure! Now’s perfect!… Okay, see you soon!” Alicia hung up the phone.

Kim dried off and stared at herself. Alicia was just being sweet because that’s who she is. She wrapped the towel around her and plugged in the hair drier. She let the towel fall to the floor and grabbed her neatly folded thongs from the sink counter. She should have planned her laundry better. Kim wished she had some nice cotton panties to relax in but she through the red hoodie on and zipped it over her bare breast. “At least the hoodie covers my ass.” She thought.

Kim opened the door and saw Alicia at the desk continuing her homework. “Do we still have wine?” Kim asked, as she walked towards the kitchen.

Alicia glanced up and noticed Kim, pantless “Shit, wait!” but it was too late, Kim screamed!

Oh shit! I’m sorry! Uh, damnit.” Chris said as he put his hands over his eyes. Kim ran to the bathroom and slammed the door. Her face was hot, her underarms itchy. What the fuck is Chris doing here!?

Alicia ran to the door, “Kim, I’m so sorry. You can come out!”

“Bring me some clothes!” Kim yelled.

“You don’t have any! I put them in the washer!

“Then bring me some of yours, I don’t care!”

Alicia started to doubt her plan of introducing Chris and Kim was going to work. She knew she wasn’t the brightest but she didn’t know how the laundry slipped her mind. “I, uh put our clothes in the washer together, I’m sorry I was just trying to help!”

“What the fuck?!”

Chris looked around for a fix, 2 beds in the main room, a bathroom, a closet and a small kitchen area with another small closet for the stackable washer and drier. That’s it, these dorms are so small. He knew there was no privacy and this girl in the bathroom did to. He decided to chime in, “Hey, it’s okay, we’re all adults here. My roommate won’t be back to pick me up for another 4-5 hours and it’d be rude for me to make you stay in there all night!”

Kim was silent. Alicia, leaning on the door, whispered to him “adults?!” she knew Kim was thinking the same thing, they’re adults and she feels like a child.

Kim didn’t say anything, silence from the bathroom. Chris said, “Hey, you know what, it’s okay. I won’t be rude I can wait outside for him. I’m sorry.”

Kim heard Alicia say say “wait” and then the door shut. “Is he gone?! Kim said.

“Yup, he’s gone.” Alicia said with a sigh. Kim cracked the bathroom door and looked around. Relieved she didn’t see him, she ran to the door and peeked through the peephole. Chris was sitting on the steps. “You know it’s freezing out there and it’s just going to get colder.” Alicia said.

“Fuck.” Kim definitely needed a drink now. Alicia, being an ‘adult’ knew where to hide the alcohol from the RAs. Kim grabbed a bottle of wine and poured a glass. She gulped the entire glass of wine and filled it again. “I’m not an asshole but what the fuck am I supposed to do?!”

Alicia didn’t say anything as she watched Kim down the second glass and pour a third. “What are you doing? You know you’re a light weight.”

“I’m trying to be a fucking adult.” With that she downed the third glass and paused to look at Alicia. Even concerned, she was a gorgeous… sexy… adult. Kim opened the cabinet and grabbed another wine glass and filled them both up.

“I’m okay girl, I think I need to be sober for you.”

“It’s not for you,” Kim said as she stormed past Alicia “it’s for him” and opened the front door, just a crack. “Stand up please.” She said to Chris. The air gushed through the crack and she could feel the cold run up her bare thighs and under the sweater to just under her breast.

“Listen, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to-”

“This hoodie is short and if you sit, you can see everything so I need you to stand up so I can open the door to let you in.”

“Uh, okay.” Chris stood up and watched her slowly open the door. She extended a glass of wine to him.

“I’m sorry I scared you. Please come in.” Chris took the wine from her hand and stepped in. He was tall too. She tried to stand tall but she didn’t even come up to his shoulders. She shut the door.

The three of them stood in silence. Alicia finally chirped up, “well, I don’t want to be the only one without a glass” as she walked into the kitchen.

“Kim… right? From communications?”


“So listen I’m sorry I-”

“Fresh start please. What are you doing here?”

“I’m just helping Alicia with some homework. We used to be part of the same study group and, well I don’t know how she’d pass without me” as he laughed.

He’s so confident. Kim studied him as she tugged the hoodie down a bit. He’s got a plain grey teeshirt on. He looks stronger when he’s right in front of her. His biceps stretched the shirt sleeves and his chest left hills in the front. He had relax fit jeans on with some sort of loafers.

“Well, I’ve never officially met you so I’m Kim”. She stuck out her hand and he shook it gently. His hand consumed hers. She felt her insides warm and knew she was blushing.

Alicia returned with a glass of wine and time passed by unnoticed as the three of them talked about the professors and classes and even home towns.

“So you mean to tell me, a horse… bit you.” Kim said with a laugh.

“Well, he wasn’t broken and he kind of head butted me but his teeth hit me, not like a bite.”

“I’m gonna need another drink for this” she laughed. She stood up. Her foot went forward but her body went left and she felt gravity take over. Kim twisted and felt the air breeze by her face as she went down when suddenly she was shoved. Or was it pulled. All Kim knew is she was now floating about the ground while Chris was inches from her face.

Chris, in a hushed and slow voice said, “Alicia was right, you are a light weight.” As he lifted her from his arms to her feet.

“MISTER Chris, are you making fun of my drinking or my size?” Kim said as she watched Chris sit back down on the bed.

“I suppose it could be either, you’re the size of a 13 year old.” He laughed.

“I am an adult, damnit!” She half screamed. Alicia laughed and motioned to Kims red hoodie that was no longer covering her little thongs. “I don’t care, we’re all adults here, right?” Everyone laughed. Kim took in the moment and assessed herself. Her head was fuzzy but she wasn’t slurring. Her face was numb and she was definitely giggling and courageous so she knew she was at the courageous and not yet stupid part of her drunk phases. Hey, she knew how tipsy she was so she had to be okay.

Alicia broke her train of thought, “‘Adult’ is subjective. I mean, who is really an adult anyways? At what point or age does someone become and adult? I mean, how can you prove it?”

Kim knew she wasn’t thinking clearly but she knew what she wanted. “I can prove it easily.” She swayed her hips gently from side to side and slowly unzipped her red hoodie as she took steps towards Chris. Her hoodie now hung from her shoulders. Kims boobs stopping it from opening up.

Even sitting down, Chris was eye level with Kim. She reached up and spread her hoodie, grabbing her breast. “These are adult tits”, as she swung her leg over Chriss knee and straddled his lap. Kim slid her hands down his ribs to his stomach and lower. She felt his hard dick through his jeans and grabbed it, “This is an adult dick, I think”.

“You think?”

She pushed him onto his back and started unbuckling his belt. “Well, I haven’t seen it so how do I know we’re all adults?” She pulled his pants off until the belt slid off his feet and his boxers fell to the floor.

With Chris laying half naked on the bed and Kim standing on his pants in the middle of the room wearing nothing but her thong and a hoodie that was wide open, exposing her breast Alicia started to stand from the chair at the desk and said “Whoa, okay I think I’m going to step outside and maybe grab some more wine for-” but Kim jumped in front of her and interrupted her. She grabbed Alicia by the hips and planted her back in the chair.

“So you wanted wine because we had wine and now we’re both naked but you don’t think you’re adult enough?” Alicia smiled and was about to speak but Kim stopped her lips from moving with her own lips. Kim spread Alicias lips with her tongue and tasted the sweet white wine as she slid a hand down the front of Alicias pajamas. Alicias breath stopped for a moment and Kim felt the wetness. She removed her lips from Alicias and smile, “This is an adult pussy!”

Alicias porcelain skin did turn bright red, she wasn’t lying. “How do you know unless you’ve seen it?” Alicia said with a raised eyebrow and a cocky smirk.

“Touche” Chris said, drawing Kims attention back to the bed. He was leaning back on his elbows, completely nude now, on the bed. His chest was wide and his shoulders a lot broader than Kim remembered. His stomach looked like it was chiselled in stone.

Kim stood back up from the chair and looked him over. “Hush, I am the adultier adult tonight.” She straddled him again and he sat up, to kiss her but she put a finger to his lips. He sucked on it and she said, “does she taste like an adult to you?” Chris smiled and laid back. Kim, still straddling him stared at his dick. She reached for it and was instantly scared. She grabbed it and couldn’t even fit her hand half way around it. It was practically touching her pussy from the way she sat on him and it went up to her boobs. “What the fuck am I supposed to do with this, it’s as thick as my leg” she thought with this throbbing, giant dick in her hand. She stared at her tiny hand trying to hold it and said “Alicia, you want to… how am I supposed to-” she turned to look at Alicia who was now naked. “Oh my god, you’re fucking sexy!” Alicia was now towering above them on the bed.

“He’s gotta work for it.” Alicia said. Just at that time, Chris ripped her thongs off. In one flawless motion, he lifted her, spun her, and set her down right above his face. She was on her knees and before she knew what was going on, she felt a gentle breath on her vagina. Alicia crawled on top of him. She leaned forward and Kim met her halfway. The moment Alicias lips touched Kims, Chriss lips touched Kims vagina. It was now Kims breath who stopped. Alicia sat on the length of the massive dick and using her hips, started grinding it. Kim moaned into Alicias mouth as she felt his tongue penetrate her. Alica grabbed Kims boobs and squeezed gently as she continued sliding her wet pussy over what felt like his leg. Kim felt Chriss large hands wrap entirely around her body and somehow a a finger started caressing her asshole. She tensed and felt herself getting close to cumming.

Alicia noticed and said, “I got it nice and wet for you, switch me”.

Kim was lifted into the air and set next to Chris. Alicia moved to Chriss face and squatted above it.

It took Kim using two hands to lift his dick. She stood almost completely just to be able to get above it. Just the veins were nearly as large and her fingers. She wriggled it around her pussy, spreading her lips. She was dripping, that was good. She lowered her self but the head of his cock just stopped. It didn’t fit. As Chris licked circles around Alices clit, she leaned forward to grab his dick for Kim. Kim used her now free hands to spread herself until it burned. She squatted and let her pussy lips wrap around the tip of his cock. She sat slowly. She felt his dick pulsing in want of being inside of her. She forced herself lower until the entire head was inside of her. Alice jacked him off and wriggled the monster for her. Kim inched lower on the dick and felt stabs of pain, it hurt so good. She remembered how long it was and wondered how much she could take. She looked down and realized she barely even went past the tip. She bounced slightly, working in a little more at a time. Alice moaned when his finger went inside her ass and the sound drove Kim wild. She took another forceful inch of the dick and let out a moan of her own. Not only did she feel her fragile pussy lips stretching, she felt her insides stretching. It was hot. A pain and pleasure all in one. Finally, she felt Alices hands and knew she had a lot of dick in her and only a little left. With each thrust of sitting, she saw the outline of his dick pressing against her insides. Alice let go and her long torso allowed her hands to reach Kims ass. She squeezed it as Kim felt the dick pushing her organs to the side.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck fuck FUCK” Kim said as she finally felt the end of his dick. The pain was so good that she still tried to press more dick inside of her. She fit it all. It throbbed in her. She slowly slid up, then down. She moaned, ” fuck yes”.

Kim sped up, soon she was slamming her vagina down with a *smack* *smack* *smack*. Each time she landed, she could feel his dick deep inside her, filling her completely. “This dick is in my belly, shit maybe my ribs” she thought. She rolled her hips like a belly dancer then rocked them with violent thrust.

Suddenly, Chris stood up. Kim didn’t have time to react. Alice fell to the bed. Standing in the middle of he room, Kim realized she was being supported by nothing but Chriss dick. “Look Alice, no hands!” she said, out of breath. Chris slammed her down onto the bed. He hovered above her, as his hips pulled the dick out of her slowly. Her vagina was so tightly wrapped around his cock that she moved when he pulled back. Then an earth shattering thrust she could swear she felt in her throat. Then another thrust, more powerful than the last. Kim couldn’t breath. She closed her eyes and prepared for the next jab, it came and she felt his balls bouncing off her ass. When she opened her eyes, there was a dripping wet, porcelain pussy. There were hardly any lips as it lowered onto Kates face. She opened her mouth wide and shoved her tongue inside of Alice then sucked fiercely on Alices clit. Alice screamed. Kim stayed suctioned onto the clit as each thrust shook both girls. The dick impaled Kim, over and over. The bed slammed holes into the walls.

Kim grabbed Chriss ass and helped him shove his dick inside her even harder. Alice was squeezing Kims tits so hard Kim thought they may burst but the pain was all so… pleasurable. She felt the warmth rushing over her body and she was on the verge of cumming. “STOP!” She yelled, and instantly, everything stopped. “I’m the adultier adult tonight and I’M the one who will finish you both. Roll over!”

Alice laughed and Chris rolled over, his dick dragging her on top of him. Kim spun on the monster cock so her ass was facing Chris. She grabbed Alices ankle and through it over her neck. Alice scooted closer. She wrapped her legs around Kims neck and lifted her ass until that sweet pussy was right in Kims face. Kim started bouncing, slowly. Then sped up. She was almost jumping up and down on his shaft. She rolled her hips, then she rocked her hips. She had a finger in Alices pussy and a thumb in her ass as she sucked and licked. Alice screamed, “Kim, FUCK, KIM!” and Alices body trembled and shook.

“My turn.” Kim said as she spun around to face Chris. She drove his dick as far into her as she could until her clit was resting on his skin. She tore her nails into his skin and rode him from the gigantic head the the end of the long shaft, she rode him full speed. Faster, harder. The friction heating her insides up so much she thought she may catch fire. Chris started tensing and somehow it felt as if his dick was getting even harder. With every ounce of energy she had she slammed her body onto the dick and felt an explosion of warmth inside of her.

Kims body trembled and her pussy squeezed his dick tightly. She shook and lost control of her body as the rush of her orgasm sent her into violent convulsions. She screamed as her body continued to shake erratically. She finally collapsed and fell onto his body. Her little, red, riding hood falling over her face.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5vm4ws/mff_little_red_riding_hood