The Virgin Orc’s First Kiss: Spying on human/orc sex [fantasy, mf, oral, vaginal, voyeur, masturbation]

Obsidian returned to the newly-discovered pool on her own the next day, intent on luxuriating in the waters once again. Her Orc doctrine of embracing adversity did allow for occasional harmless indulgences. One vice she had really enjoyed back in Zhaka was frequent baths, and if she could recreate that at least in part here, she intended to.

She had left Glaive and Ishen back at the camp, while she took a circuitous route to check the snares she had set up. She wanted to see what, if any, creatures this island held besides snakes and birds. Nothing had turned up yet, but that might change as time went on. Catching a migrating wyvern or a turtle could make for a tasty meal.

She was just making her way to the pool when the soft sounds of giggling made her pause. Glaive?

It was joined by a more masculine laugh. Ishen as well.
Obsidian held still, listening. The two must have snuck off here as soon as she left camp to have some illicit fun. The warrior reasoned she should turn around and head back to give them privacy.
Yet she hesitated as their laughter resounded, along with splashing. Glaive’s embrace and nibbling of her neck the day before was still fresh in her mind, and made her heart quicken every time she thought of it.

Slowly, quietly, admonishing herself the whole way, Obsidian stealthed her way up to the pool’s edge through the greenery. Crouching behind a thick outcropping of underbrush, she peered through a gap in the leaves.

The big green curvy form of Glaive was easy to spot in the middle of the pool. She eclipsed most of Ishen just beyond her. Glaive was almost half a foot taller than the human, and her naturally robust Orc build could easily overshadow his smaller human body. He was a bit on the thin side, but he still boasted a solid physique with well-defined, wiry muscles.

When Glaive shifted to the side, Obsidian blushed brightly as she saw Ishen sucking away on one of Glaive’s jade-colored breasts. His hands curved around the Orc’s broad hips and squeezed the plump rear beyond.

Glaive murred. “You are always so enthusiastic.”

The apprentice wizard let her rubbery nipple slip from his lips with an audible pop. “I like a woman who actually enjoys being with me.”

The former slave blinked in surprise, even as her big hands caressed over his shoulders and flank. “What do you mean?” she asked.

“I slept around in Linlea, but mostly with prostitutes.”

“But why? You’re so handsome and nice, and from a rich family.”

“I got talked down a lot by the rest of my family. Most of the other prominent nobles in the province didn’t want their daughters to have anything to do with me. And I didn’t want to start an affair with a common woman and make her a target for my father.”

Glaive smirked. “You should have had an affair with an Orc. Someone like Obsidian would have scared your family off.”

“I don’t know. Obsidian is nice to look at, but hard and cold as a scimitar.”

The hidden warrior frowned. That didn’t sound like an insult to her, but from his tone he must have meant it that way.

“Aw, Obsidian’s not bad,” Glaive said. “You just have to get to know her better.”

Ishen laughed, giving her rear a lusty squeeze. “Maybe. But you’re right. I should have been seducing Orc women back in Linlea. You’ve showed me just how much fun they can be.”

“Hehe. Then let me show you again…” Glaive landed a kiss on his forehead. Hot little nibbles and licks followed down his neck to his nearly-hairless chest, and then even lower, her eventual destination obvious. Ishen stepped back toward the shallows near the bank, allowing his fleshy pole to bob up above the surface as it hardened.

Obsidian’s breath caught. She had seen his member flaccid a number of times, but her fellow castaways had mostly fooled around at night or out of sight of her. Even that first day it had mostly been engulfed by Glaive’s mouth so it had been hidden from her sight.

This was her first really good look at it erect. It was no immense specimen, and in fact looked average and proportional to his size. But Obsidian found herself fascinated nonetheless, noting its pleasant reddish color, slight curve to the side, and even its faint but steady throbbing. As Glaive licked her lips regarding it, Obsidian unconsciously did the same.

Glaive fingers encircled Ishen’s manhood, gently stroking. The male moaned. His hands shifted up her body, hefting her heavy olive tits before pulling at her hard nipples. She joined her moaning to his.

The plump Orcess slipped further down, submerging most of herself in the water and taking his pole fully into her mouth. She nestled him expertly between the two small tusks protruding from her lips. Ishen gripped tightly the grassy overhang on either side of him, shuddering in ecstasy as the large woman swirled her tongue along the underside of his sensitive shaft.

Obsidian felt a familiar tingle between her legs as she watched. She hesitated at first to do anything about it, but when Glaive began bobbing her head up and down and Ishen groaned even louder than before, she inevitably slipped a hand under her makeshift skirt of interwoven fronds. She had to bite her lip to keep from gasping aloud as her fingers slid along her moistening slit.

Glaive pushed her head down until her nostrils were buried in his dark pubic hair. She held herself there for long seconds, swishing her head back and forth while pulling up only slightly, really pouring on the suction power. Ishen clenched tightly at twin handfuls of her golden hair in rising passion. Then she pulled up off of him, lathing over his balls with her tongue. Obsidian watching was especially enraptured at how Ishen’s solid chest rose and fell as he gasped for heated breath.

Glaive engulfed his tool once again. But after several more ecstasy-filled minutes of cock sucking, Ishen reluctantly pushed the Orcess off of him, claiming she was going to make him cum too soon. They rearranged themselves, with Glaive emerging from the water and laying back on the sun-dappled grassy bank, her spread legs and hanging over the edge into the water.

The male didn’t mount her immediately, as Obsidian expected. She thought males couldn’t resist putting their hard cocks to immediate use, but apparently that wasn’t the case here. The wiry wizard bent low and plied his tongue along the big female’s vaginal lips.

The warrior remembered the former sex slave saying she often had to fake her pleasure for Ishen’s sake, but Glaive seemed to genuinely enjoy his tongue on her slit. That was likely not something she got to partake in often as a slave.

Ishen tasted Glaive’s sex up and down, eventually pulling aside her dark jade lips to drill his tongue directly into the deeper pink within. Glaive rolled over on her side, hooking her upper leg over the male’s rounded shoulder. Ishen speared two of his fingers into her sopping cleft. He concentrated his tongue on her stiff little clitoris. The plump female’s soft wailing increased in frequency, as did Obsidian’s stirring of her own sex.

After many long heartbeats the Orc woman finally reached her peak. She pulled at fistfuls of grass and licked sweatily at her tusks as she rode out her intense body-quivering orgasm. The male kept his tongue pressed tight against her spasming clit through it all.

Ishen reared up out of the water after she calmed down, keeping Glaive on her side and the ankle of her upper leg hooked over his shoulder as he stood. He straddled her lower leg, heavy balls resting on her thick thigh. He slowly, almost teasingly inserted his prick into her drenched tunnel.

The rapturous look on Ishen’s face was unmistakable as he found himself cock-deep in a warm and willing pussy, but Obsidian noticed a subtle change come over Glaive. Obsidian had spent a lifetime learning to fight, and had become keen to even small changes in a person’s body language. The former slave was no longer as intensely excited as she had been before Ishen had mounted her.

Glaive was still very affectionate and welcoming to the human as he began thrusting his hips back and forth, but the motion clearly did not enthrall her the same way the licking had. She dutifully moaned and shuddered at all the right moments to excite the male, but it seemed more and more a performance to Obsidian.

Ishen, locked away in a world of his own building ecstasy, did not seem to catch on. He plowed away with wild abandon. Despite her sympathy for Glaive, his growing ardor quickly riveted Obsidian’s attention. The warrior became intensely fascinated with his masculine features contorting in pleasure, his heaving chest, and surprisingly, his cute pinkish-brown butt jackhammering away.

As Ishen’s thrusting waxed faster and faster, so too did Obsidian’s fingers stroking her cunt. When the human cried out and began spurting into the plump Orc, the big muscular female watching came as well. She cupped her hand tightly over her drenched sex as her clit spasmed. Her inner walls contracted involuntarily again and again as she fought hard not to utter a sound and give herself away.

When Obsidian recovered from her intense orgasm, she saw Ishen laying over Glaive’s prone form, kissing at her collarbone and chin while the former slave murred and sighed in contentment. Suddenly feeling very guilty, Obsidian quietly withdrew from her hiding place and headed back to camp.


1 comment

  1. Excerpted from **THE VIRGIN ORC’S FIRST KISS** by Paul Lucas

    *After a harrowing escape from cruel slavers, the female Orc warrior Obsidian finds herself stranded on a remote tropical island. She forms a desperate alliance for survival with her two fellow escapees: Ishen, a young human apprentice mage, and Glaive, a former pleasure slave and an Orcess like herself.*

    *Their relations are strained at first. But as they struggle to make a life for themselves in isolation, the naive Obsidian becomes far more intimately involved with her fellow castaways than she ever thought possible.*

    *A tale of one woman’s very steamy sensual awakening in an exotic land filled with magic, danger, and excitement!*



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