My first attempt at erotica

Trigger Warning: non-consensual sex

A drop of water clung to the skin stretched taut on her spine. As she stood up, a few other drops from her hair combined into a transient stream that ran down her back.

The stationary drop from earlier joined them on the journey towards her bottom, navigating the curves.
They finally pooled on the rug below her feet for a split second before they disappeared into the patterned texture.

She felt a warm chill rise through her spine. Her nipples hardened instantly. And then relaxed slightly to a rigidity that would last longer.

Shivering, she reached for a towel to dry her hair. The shiver spread to her stomach.

And lower.

Her breasts wobbled slightly as gravity took over. Her arms had grabbed onto the piece of cloth. Her frame straightened to regain balance. As she towelled her hair, the cloth brushed her scalp occasionally, through the growing tangle of thick, matted hair. She then ran the towel once over each of her arms, traversed her stomach upwards to her breasts. Then she unclenched her fists and let the full length of the towel fall, one end still scrunched up lightly under her chest.

She picked up the blowdryer and pointed the pouty end at her hair. As the soft buzz of hot air filled the space around her, her eyes darted to the glass pane behind her where a shadow passed quickly.

Her reaction was instantaneous. Her gut lurched up into her chest and her sphincter tightened reflexively.
The buzz stopped.

She called out “Who is there?” without any thought.
She lived alone.

There was a moment of silence.

No one answered.

She perked up, hoping to hear any answer that might comfort her.

Her brain was flipping through all possible situations in the meantime and her body knew before her brain did that she had to panic.

The door burst open and a masked guy rushed in. She was still half-facing the mirror when he came in, and his put his rough palms on her mouth while his body crushed into her back. His other palm slid onto her stomach from the other side and tightened into a vise grip.

She hadn’t struggled much — she had half forgotten to.

He hadn’t spoken a word as he carried her into the bedroom, a mere 6 feet from the bathroom door.
She couldn’t have spoken a word even if he hadn’t palmed her mouth shut the whole time.
Her brain was still processing the whole incident.
He gagged her mouth with a rag she used to clean the window sill. She kept trying to remember when she washed it last.

He pinned her arms as he lay her down face down on the nude mattress. She made a mental note to bring the sheets back from the laundry as soon as she could.

Then it hit her. She was hoping that whatever he was about to do to her would be over soon so that she could put some sheets on the mattress. The terror of what she was about to go through struck hard for an instant. She lay face first on the bed and shivered as the sound of his zipper broke the silence momentarily.

He rubbed his cock on her cheeks for a few second as it hardened slowly. He slapped her ass hard. The sound tore through the silence and the pain tore into her brain, pulling her out of the haze.

She groaned into the rag, the sound muffled quite effectively. He pulled her up and held her throat from behind in the nook of his arms. His other hand sought her out her left breast and clamped down on it hard.

Her continuous screams paused for a second as the pain and the humiliation engulfed her.

His hands snaked down to her pussy and brushed over the hair for a second. His hands left her skin. She wondered, as she resumed groaning, what that meant.

The hands returned, glistening with his spit, and rubbed over the slit of her vagina.
(to be continued :) )

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