XCOM: Droit du Serpent [MF, nc, sci-fi, alien]

Author’s Note: If you’re unfamiliar, XCOM is a strategy game that places you in control of XCOM, fighting against alien invaders. Lily Shen is from XCOM 2, at which point the aliens have already taken over, but a small band of resistance fighters, including Lily, continue to fight against them.

* * * * *

The Avenger slept. Beneath the moonlit night, it sat nestled within a canyon, deep enough to avoid Advent scanners, wide enough to allow for an emergency take-off in case it didn’t. Within its alien geometries and cavernous rooms, its massive power plant throbbed and hummed.

A few unlucky rookies on watch duty kept each other awake on the bridge with coffee and stories of missions both successful and failed. Everyone else was in bed, either sleeping or fucking. Everyone except for Lily Shen, Chief Engineer, that is, who was working alone in the Proving Ground, in sore need of both.

“Think this’ll do it, ROV-R,” she commented to the small robot hovering beside her, who whirred affirmatively. “Alright, test it out. Just a quick blast.”

ROV-R turned towards the articulated mannequin wearing a prototype E.X.O. Suit. The mannequin lifted its arm at a painted Viper target and pulled the trigger for the wrist-mounted flamethrower.

After Lily had put out the fire from the explosion, she sighed deeply. “We’ve got a problem, ROV-R… Any ideas?”

The Gremlin beeped and chirped. “You’re right! I forgot about those. I don’t think Dad ever got the chance to build one for real before… But I remember he had notes on powered armor that utilized flamethrower weaponry. With his notes, I bet I can get this thing working in time for that supply raid.

“Dad’s notes…where did I leave them?”

ROV-R whistled. “Great…” The Shadow Chamber… Central would give her an earful if he caught her in there without an armed escort. The last soldier who had dared had been reassigned to a New Arctic reconnaissance base indefinitely. It could probably wait until morning…

…But that would be half a day wasted. And that convoy could leave for Berlin any moment. Even a delay of a few hours could be the difference between the strike team having a new weapon or not.

“ROV-R, disable the security cameras outside and inside the Shadow Chamber,” she instructed, grabbing a pistol from its rack and her bag of tools. “Anyone asks, we’re there to fix the cameras. And if we get caught in the Shadow Chamber…well, I’ll come up with something.”

* * * * *

Lily opened the door to the Shadow Chamber. “Stay here, ROV-R. Keep guard. I’ll be right back,” she instructed the Gremlin. She walked inside. Unsleeping monitors bathed the room in an eldritch, amethyst glow. It was cold, far chillier than the rest of the Avenger. Even at the best of times, the room was unsettling. Alone, at night? It was downright creepy. Not even the mag pistol on her hip gave her much comfort.

Of course, Lily mused, had she actually been alone, it would have been far preferable. But the room contained one other occupant. Sealed within a reinforced-glass cylinder in the center of the room was Subject Gamma. His long, pallid body curled up within the container, his mazarine stripes and ebony spikes the only color on that ivory form.

Bradford has christened him the Viper King, but Lily personally disapproved of the name. She saw nothing kingly in that king’s behavior. It was a monster, plain and simple. It had killed Sergeant Liu when XCOM had first discovered his nest, and would have murdered Bradford, too, were it not for a lucky shot with an antiquated arc thrower that had stunned the monster long enough for it to be retrieved alive. As it was, it had broken two of Bradford’s ribs. Keeping something so dangerous on board the ship just to satisfy the doctor’s curiosity struck Lily as idiocy bordering on the suicidal, but the commander had assented to Tygan’s bold undertaking, and that was that.

At the very least, Lily had ensured that the Shadow Chamber was well-equipped to hold the serpent. Sometimes she thought that she should find some Schadenfreude in the doctor’s experiments on Gamma, but despite its monstrosity, she could derive no joy from its pain and imprisonment. It should be euthanized and dissected. But if the doctor could save a single human’s life or shorten the war by a single day through his studies, then it was for the greater good, she reasoned. Didn’t mean she liked it.

Lily crept past the fogged glass. Within, Gamma stirred lazily, its pallid body slithering over itself. Its black eyes watched Lily’s movements closely. She shuddered. The beast looked like an enormous python, with two thin, reptilian arms, and a spiked, cobra-like hood. Without its armor, it looked like nothing more than a cryptid, a beast forgotten by man and science. But she knew that its mind was as dangerous as any other alien’s, probably more so. If Doctor Vahlen’s recovered notes were correct, Gamma was more intelligent than any species yet encountered, including humanity.

“Get in, grab the notes, get out,” Lily whispered to herself. She didn’t want to spend a moment longer near that thing than necessary. She spied the datapad on the shelf where she had left it, its contents more valuable than anyone or anything on the Avenger, besides the Commander himself: the research notes of her late father, Raymond Shen.

It had been he who had resurrected the Avenger, turned an abandoned wreck into a mobile resistance base. It had been he, with the help of Bradford, who had turned XCOM from a pitiful bunch of vandals and vigilantes into an actual rebellion against the Elders. Ever since his passing, the Avenger had felt…empty. Like its soul was missing, as unscientific as that sounded. It was a heavy burden to succeed her father, but a necessary one. She would complete what he had started and restore humanity’s freedom, or she would die trying.

She grabbed the datapad and turned towards the door. A sudden creak froze her in her steps. The glass cylinder was now entirely opaque with frost. A loud, thunderous thwump shook the room as Gamma’s tail struck the glass, sending the room’s assortment of display screens shivering. Again, the beast struck, and this time, as his tail vanished into the mist, it left behind a crack that slowly crawled across the glass, the tiny clinkling of its passage seeming to echo through the otherwise silent room.

Lily ran, but the final blow smashed through the weakened glass, and a chunk of Gamma’s former cage struck her leg, knocking her to the ground. The datapad clattered to the floor and slid under one of the tables.

With a speed that seemed impossible for his size, Gamma slithered out of the chamber. It looked at Lily, then the door. It darted towards it.

“I hope this is worth it,” Lily thought. She slammed her hand onto the nearby emergency door lock. Eight inches of door slammed down, trapping Gamma inside. With her. Perfect…

Gamma tried to break through the door as it had the glass, but it was no use. Even it, with his hideous strength, couldn’t so much as dent it. It turned back towards Lily with fury in his eyes. It approached slowly. Her leg was still bleeding. She tried to scrabble backwards, but she bumped up against a workbench. There was nowhere to hide from the monster.

Gamma leaned towards her, his fangs bared, ready to strike. “Just wish I had done more,” Lily thought, preparing herself for death. Would it hurt, as his teeth sank into her? Would it make it quick? Gamma suddenly darted forward, wrapping its long, serpentine body around Lily’s small frame, constricting her, pinning her arms to her body and crushing the air from her lungs as she gasped. It squeezed, but Lily didn’t even have the air left to scream. It felt like it was going to turn her bones into powder.

She opened her eyes and looked into the monster’s face. She wasn’t going to die a coward. She spat.

The creature hissed, but loosened its constriction. His face approached Lily’s, but instead of a bite, Gamma delivered a lick instead, its tongue caressing her cheek. She shuddered. Was it tasting her? Was she going to end her life inside this beast’s stomach? How long would she remain alive? Would she suffocate first, or would she feel the stomach acid dissolving her?

From beneath, Gamma’s tail wriggled its way under her shirt and vest. She gasped as its cold, muscular flesh slithered across her stomach, up between her breasts, too small to justify wearing a bra. Lily’s eyes widened as, with one single, forceful movement, Gamma used its tail to snap through her top like it was nothing. The tip of its tail curled around one of her exposed, petite breasts, gripping it softly. The creature’s gaze fixated on Lily’s bare chest as she struggled, helplessly trying to cover herself up, as she finally realized the monster’s true desire.

It made sense in a way, she reasoned, retreating into logic as she tried to escape reality. It was a common joke—albeit one based in fact—that even XCOM soldiers found the aliens known as Vipers attractive. It made sense that the attraction went both ways. Why wouldn’t Vipers find humans attractive? There were certainly a number of human and Viper couples. The Elders encouraged that sort of thing.

And Gamma had been discovered with a harem of Vipers. How often had it rutted with them? And now they were all dead, their corpses sitting in a morgue awaiting the doctor’s scalpel, and it had gone several weeks without a mate. It was understandable that it might have…urges…

Gamma’s tail retreated from her chest, but her body was still exposed. And soon she felt its chilly musculature sliding up her leg, up her thigh. “No,” she mewled. Its body unraveled just enough to allow its tail to slither up, but it kept its hold as strong as steel around her wrists. She kicked at the beast, but accomplished nothing. She felt his coldness slip into her panties, brushing against her delicate, unshorn pussy, sending a humiliating shudder of pleasure through her body.

The top of its tail wrapped over the edge of her pants and tugged them down, stripping her completely except for the tattered remnants of her shirt hanging uselessly off of her. Gamma’s tail shifted, wrapping around her mouth, legs, and stomach. Lily couldn’t move, couldn’t scream, couldn’t cover herself as the alien’s gaze wandered across her golden peach skin, from her petite breasts and cocoa brown nipples, already hard from the beast’s chill, to her exposed pussy, its small lips barely showing beneath a tuft of black hair.

Lily could only stare in fear as a slit opened in Gamma’s body, and a long, thick appendage emerged, flavescent and moist. It, no, it was impossible to deny any longer, he forced Lily to bend, pushing her crotch forward for him. His tool was as alien as he. Pale yellow and long, it had to be at least ten inches in length, and four inches thick at the base. It was vaguely conical, thin and slender at the tip, thick and girthy at the base. It crooked in places along its length, with pale yellow veins bulging out from it. It might be alien, but it was undoubtedly a cock.

His tail shifted, positioning Lily onto the ground, facedown, wrapping around her body from her waist to her shoulders, his torso above her and between her parted legs. She could feel his strong, massive muscles moving beneath his scaly flesh as he slithered around her. Her arms were pinned, but Lily was free to scream desperately the Viper King’s long, thick cock pushed through the pathetic defenses of her soft lips and penetrated her pussy from behind. Her struggles were hopeless against his strength, but she struggled nonetheless.

He pushed himself into her roughly, his cock ramming against her cervix. He pounded her with what felt like the force of a jackhammer and a vigor she had never experienced before. The myriad, tiny scales covering his engorged snakehood functioned like tiny studs, rubbing against her most sensitive area. She was helpless, she was being fucked by a being that represented everything she hated, that had killed one of her friends, and yet she couldn’t deny that she was turned on by it.

What was wrong with her, that she found herself physically enjoying this? But how could she not? His girth, his virility, his power, his strength: it was like being fucked by a stallion. None of her lovers could have compared to him in any of those categories, and here was he, first in all of them. And those scales, the constant prickling of those innumerable studs, they were irresistible, driving her body wild. Already she could feel herself dripping as the Viper King thrusted into her prone, trapped body.

Lily’s heart was pounding as she tried to suppress the arousal flooding through her, but she couldn’t stop it. Her body was no longer her own, it was entirely under the control of the Viper King. He could snap her like a twig if he wanted to, crush her chest in an instant, and yet he had chosen to mate with her instead, to release his lust inside of her, to use her as he wanted.

Lily slowly felt herself overwhelmed with ecstasy. Her body quivered inside Gamma’s tight grasp as her orgasm earthquaked through her body, fissures of prurient pleasure coursing through her nerves, aftershocks of bliss washing over her, burying her mind beneath pure joy as her body melted into a warm puddle and she moaned loudly into the cold air.

But the king wasn’t finished with her yet. His grip tightened until she could barely breathe. His thrusting became faster, more urgent, almost desperate. He hissed loudly as he convulsed, cumming inside of her. She could feel him pulsating in her pussy, the forceful gush of his seed spilling into and out of her. She was far too small to contain his load. She felt almost disappointed at that fact, although she had to confess to a small tinge of pride that she had caused it in the first place before she remembered what exactly she was proud of.

Gamma’s thrusts slowed, then stopped. His grip loosened. He slowly fell to the floor, exhausted by his efforts. Lily waited for his breathing to slow as he fell asleep. She crawled to her feet, her entire body sore and aching. She could barely walk. She looked down at her tattered clothes. Those weren’t going to be much of a help… She shambled over to the datapad and grabbed it, then made her way to the door.

She glanced back at the sleeping Viper King. She had survived the night. She quickly used her code to open the door and crept out of the room, locking the door behind her. ROV-R was waiting for her, beeping rapidly at the sight of her bruised, naked body, dripping with alien juices. “Short answer: I’m fine,” she said, assuaging the little robot’s worries. “I’ll tell you the rest tomorrow. Right now, I need to sleep.”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5tsk2t/xcom_droit_du_serpent_mf_nc_scifi_alien


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