Revenge Is A (Naked Cumsoaked) B*tch, Part 5 [MF] [blkmail] [huml] [reluc]

*Hiii asshole. Guess what I did last night? Told Bryce I cheated during my bachelorette. Literally every detail down to having my pussy eaten out on some guy’s desk. I even told him about a part you didn’t see. Long story short I licked like the biggest load of cum off my own tits. Are you imagining that now, virgin? Well hold on to that memory because guess what?*

*Bryce has cheated on me too. Guess what again? We don’t fucking care. We’re together because we happen to look and feel pretty fucking perfect together, so sorry your plan to ruin my life didn’t quite work. Anyway now that order has been restored in the universe you can take your blackmail material, shove it wayyy up your ass and go back to being a creepy loser.* :)

*Hope you remember how good my pussy felt because that’s as good as it’s ever gonna get for you or your fingers.*



Christ. Only Summer would continue to call someone a virgin after literally watching him fuck her friend on her own bed.

Out of pure boredom in his cubicle, Evan reread her email.

It had come to him a week ago and since then, Summer hadn’t visited the office once. In fact, Bryce mentioned her being on a trip somewhere and since Evan wasn’t a professional fucking stalker or some shit, he couldn’t exactly find her, pin her down and slam his cock into her perfect pussy. Which was maddening. As much as he didn’t want to admit it, Evan missed Summer. He missed the sound of her groaning over some sexual favor she didn’t want to perform for him. He missed the way her pouty lip curled with disdain when she so much as looked at Evan. But most of all, he missed the view of her full tits stretching the life out of her slutty little dresses.

God, his hands were practically going through withdrawal. They were dying to grab her breasts again and just jiggle and squeeze them harder and harder till she cried that she couldn’t take anymore. *Ahh, for Christ’s sake.* The image alone was getting him off. All Evan wanted now was to see his thick, white cum blasting all over Summer’s soft, tanned skin. He wanted to see her pushing her own beautiful tit into her mouth and sucking his seed off her pale, pink nipple. He wanted to hear her say, “That was *disgusting*,” after she did it but then smack her lips and lick them clean. He could just see her gorgeous, pissed off face as she went to get dressed but found that Evan had hidden her clothes.

Eyes shut for a moment, Evan imagined Summer topless and shoving him as she demanded to know where to find her top and shorts. He could practically feel her beautiful tits shaking and slapping against him.

“*Fuck,*” Evan groaned aloud.

Popping his head into Evan’s cubicle was John. “What’s up, my man? What’s got you down?”

Ugh. John was always trying to sound younger than he was and it only made him seem old as fuck. “Nothing,” Evan said. “Just… nothing. Hard to explain.”

“Aw, don’t I know it. You know what the solution to that kind of problem is though, right?”



“Ugh.” Evan couldn’t even hold this one in. John laughed.

“It’s true. Anytime you feel lost or confused, you go back to the place that will always love you the same. Home reminds you of who you are and always have been. Am I not right?”

Evan narrowed his eyes at John’s rambling but suddenly, a part of him was realizing where his bratty bombshell might have gone. Their small hometown of Warren *loved* Summer. Their eternal prom queen. It was a sick, never-ending kind of worship and Evan could only imagine that with the recent confusion in her life, Summer had gone back to the place that would never stop treating her like royalty.

Pushing his chair out from under his desk, Evan rose to his feet and made a beeline for Bryce’s office.

“Bryce, I’m taking off. Mark me for a sick day or something,” Evan said.

Bryce narrowed his eyes. “You don’t look sick.”

“I didn’t say I was,” Even returned. “I just said mark me for a sick day. I have something important to do.”


There were enough random workers milling about Summer’s enormous fucking home that no one questioned Evan waltzing up the lawn. In fact, some catering-looking guy asked him to put on a name tag and then grab the shrimp plate from the truck.

“Sure,” Evan said though instead, he waltzed right into the house behind two guys carrying a ridiculous four-tiered cake. *Oh, for fuck’s sake, of course.* It was the 16th of the month — Summer’s birthday. And apparently she was having a big, cheesy party to celebrate.

*Perfect,* Evan smirked as he made his way up the grand staircase in the foyer and down the hall. He wasn’t sure if Summer would be home. In fact, he didn’t expect it considering the day’s festivities. She was probably out getting her hair and nails done, or dropping five hundred dollars on a miniskirt she’d wear for two hours. That was the quintessential Summer thing to do.

But instead, Evan found her at the room at the end of the hall.

And to his surprise, she was laying fully naked in bed, phone in hand and legs spread wide as she fingered her pussy.

“Did you come, baby?”

It was Bryce’s breathless voice coming from the phone. *Oh, fuck,* Evan groaned inwardly, not remotely inclined to listen to his boss have phone sex with anyone, not even Summer. Thankfully, it sounded like the tail end of things.

“I totally came, baby. Didn’t you hear me?” Summer purred. She was lying. Evan could hear it. He grinned as he ducked behind the door to prolong his view of her. Fuck, her tits looked so soft and suckable while she was lying down. He wet his lips as he watched her slip her fingers from her pussy to give her left tit a squeeze. “Get yourself cleaned up, Mr. Bossman,” she giggled.

“I will, baby. Fuck, you made me cum everywhere.”

*Ugh.* Evan wrinkled his nose, praying the call would just end already.

Summer seemed to feel similarly because as Bryce muttered about how he wished he’d jizzed all over her tits, she gave a rushed, unconvincing “mmm, yeah?” before saying, “Okay, baby. I gotta go now. I think I hear some of my friends arriving.”

“So early? I thought you said — ”

“Okay, baby! Text me later, I wish you were here!”

“Bye, baby, I love you. Love me?”

“Yes, duh, love you, baby, *byeee*,” she cooed, hanging up before making her classic *uck* sound. “Idiot,” she muttered under her breath while typing around on her phone. A smile spread Evan’s lips because before he knew it, he heard the sound of porn playing loudly, complete with heavy breathing and bad acting.

*”Mmm… I’m sorry I’m so bad at math. Think you can just do my homework for me if I say… show you my tits?”*

*”Uh, gee, I guess that’d be alright with me.”*

*”You don’t have much experience with girls, do you?”*

*”Uh, n-no, Cassandra. I don’t.”*

*”That’s okay, cutie. I can show you how it’s done.”*

Evan’s jaw dropped. Holy shit, she was watching tutor porn. Classic hot chick and nerdy tutor porn. He’d meant to keep his mouth shut for longer and hide till he got to watch her come — but the stupid porn made him rip a snort that had Summer instantly popping in bed.

“Oh my fucking God!”

Evan grinned at the sight of Summer’s tits bouncing as she sat up and stared.

“Evan, what the *fuck*?” In no time, she was at the door and shoving him, her beautiful breasts shaking as she struggled against his easy grip on her wrists.

“Shut the fuck up. What were you watching just now?” Evan teased, transferring his grip on Summer’s wrists to one hand so his free one could grope her breast. *Ohhh, fucking Christ that’s good.* The firmness. The way her nipples hardened against his palm. He’d missed it so goddamned much. “Talk to me, Summer,” Evan murmured as she stood there, lip curled at him silent defiance. “Goddamn, baby, did they get bigger?” Evan had to mutter, letting go of Summer’s wrists to use both hands on her heavy tits. He half-expected her to shove him or run off but instead, she simply stood there, giving him free use of her body as she looked at him in disgust.

“Surprise, girls watch porn too. Guess a fucking nerd like you wouldn’t know that though. Or anything about girls for that matter.”

“I know that I’ve fucked your friend on your bed and watched you lust after my affection like a little attention whore. I know that you call me a dork and a nerd and then touch your pussy to porn where the hot chick shows her tits to the loser. Kind of weird, right?” Evan cocked his head at her, eyes still pinned on her as he lowered his mouth to her nipple. Her lashes fluttered for the first second that he sucked. But then she returned to her icy expression.

“What are you trying to say? That I actually *want* you, Evan?” Summer asked with a bitter laugh.

“Well you’re not doing anything to get rid of me right now, are you?” Evan challenged, slapping her tit and watching it bounce. “You’re just standing here and watching me put my hands all over you like a little slut.”

Summer’s jaw tightened. “What do you want from me right now, Evan? It’s my fucking birthday.”

“Birthday sex comes to mind.”

“Yeah that’s for me to want and I already got it, so thanks.”

Evan lifted his eyebrows. “Cheated on Bryce again?”

“With my neighbor, Jake. I have a birthday pass. I even told Bryce about how Jake came all over my ass.”

“What the fuck kind of dysfunctional relationship are you two in?”

Summer’s jaw tightened. “I guess the kind where he got blowjobs from my little sister for a whole summer, so now I get to cheat on him five times before we’re even,” she retorted, clearly misplacing her anger as she finally shoved Evan off of her. Surprised by her admission, he watched in silence for a bit as Summer crossed her arms in a huff. *Good fucking God.* The position pushed her full tits up and together so that they rested delectably on her forearms. The image had Evan’s cock rock-hard and his tongue practically swelling with the need to lick her all over.

“Which sister?” It was the wrong question to ask but fuck it, he was curious.


Sexy Lexie. She was a freshman when Evan was a senior, and she was a mini-me of Summer with plumper lips and slightly darker hair. It was actually a honey color with streaks of caramel that even senior girls had gone to the salon to imitate. Summer hated it then. She resented her sister so much that after some vacation blowout they had over Spring Break, Summer banned her circle of friends from ever talking to Lexie. Of course being Summer’s blood, Lexie wound up retaliating by by texting her nudes to all of Summer’s male friends, and asking who they thought was hotter.

According to rumor, most responded by requesting to see her naked in person. According to additional rumor, Lexie was expelled for having sex with three of Summer’s friends in the locker room. If the stories were true, they were probably related.

“Goddamn,” Evan said aloud, remembering all those stories about Summer’s most notorious rival. “Wasn’t Lexie at your bachelorette party?”

“Yes, and she’ll be at my birthday party tonight so whoop-de-fucking-doo,” Summer muttered, shimmying into a pair of lace panties that made him want to fucking spank her perfect ass. She looked up just in time to catch his expression. “What the fuck are you doing here anyway? You’re not invited to my party, Evan,” she said. “You’re not cool. You don’t get to come. Got that? So why is your dumb ass in my house?”

“What do you think? I’m here to fuck that cumslut pussy of yours.”

“How did you even know I was here?”

“Where else would you be? You’ve been gone for a week and I miss watching those tits bounce around my office.”

She looked at him like she was both creeped out and flattered. “Well, you’re not going to fuck me,” she said, though in a surprisingly small voice. “I don’t want you, Evan. Get it through your fucking head. You idiot.”

He glared at her. They stood in silence for a moment, staring at each other in defiance. But when he moved, she didn’t and when he thrust his hand between her thighs, she let them open.

“You’re disgusting,” she whispered as he pushed two fingers inside her. Her tits shook and bounced as he thrust rapidly, harder and harder till he could see that perfect mouth of hers falling wide open. “You’re a perverted piece of shit, Evan.”

“I’m gonna put my cock inside you.”


“You’re so fucking wet for me.”

“I was wet for Bryce. Not you.”

The sound of his fingers in her juices filled the room. “Yeah. You sounded really loving on the phone just now,” Evan muttered, withdrawing his fingers and grabbing her waist to spin her around. In no time, he had her at her desk, his dick out and her tits pressed on the glass as he bent her right over.

“Don’t you dare,” she whispered as he peeled her panties down to expose her naked pussy. “You piece of shit!” she hissed as he nudged her with the head of my cock, using it to spread her sopping wet folds. “Whatever, I don’t even care. I bet I won’t even feel it,” she snarled, reaching down between her legs and rubbing her clit furiously. “Fuck me as hard as you can, Evan, ’cause I won’t feel a thing. You dickless loser. That was what we called you in high school. All of us,” she said, her voice guttural. “Dickless. Dickless Evan.”

He ground his teeth together. Like he didn’t remember.

“Go ahead, asshole. Give it to me already. It’s the best thing that’ll ever happen to your sad fucking life anyway, so fuck me. Fuck me now, Evan! Do it! Fuck me! Just fucking — ”

“*Shut up*,” Evan snarled as he gripped her neck, his palm encompassing her throat. His lips touched her ear as he bent over her. “I know you want it. I know you want me to fuck you right now, Summer. The thrill is gone with Bryce and you feel insecure about Lexie. You want my cock buried inside you, I know that for a fact. But guess what, sweetheart?” He jerked her upright, holding her back tight against his chest so he could fondle her beautiful tits. “You’re not getting what you want today.” He yanked her hand away from her clit so she couldn’t play with herself. “You don’t get to come,” he rasped, happy to toss her line right back in her face. “Got it?”

With that, he let her go, smiling as she immediately reached back for him.

“You’re so fucking mean, Evan!” she breathed out, clawing his chest as she tried to recapture his attention. “I fucking hate you. I *hate* you!”

“Feeling’s mutual,” he said, letting her drop to her knees and flip him off while voluntarily sucking his dick. God, she was good at it. God, she knew how to work that fucking tongue and get every inch of his shaft nice and wet like he liked. She was as gorgeous as she was talented, deep-throating Evan so hard that her saliva dripped down to her tit, then dribbling down to her nipple and dropping onto her thigh.

Fuck, she was truly perfect.

Still, Evan withdrew before she could finish him off. He wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of his cum. Not yet at least.

“What the fuck is your problem?” she hissed as she got back on her feet. She shoved the hell out of him but he absorbed her every blow as he got dressed again, eyes on her shaking, saliva-streaked breasts as she demanded to know what his goddamned deal was.

He didn’t tell her. Nor did he tell her that he’d be making an appearance at her party tonight. Normally, Evan would want nothing to do with a gathering that involved all his shitty classmates from high school who treated him like trash, but he had a feeling tonight would be a good one – especially with the shape he was leaving Summer in.

“Evan, wait.” She used both hands to pull him back into her room. “Fuck my tits, okay, asshole? You can fuck my tits and rub your cum all over them. But that’s it!”

He smirked. “No, thanks,” he said, reveling in her shock and fury as she stood there naked, arms crossed and pushing up those titties just the way he fucking adored. God, he wanted to fuck them. But he wanted even more to fuck with her. “Happy birthday though,” Evan offered halfheartedly.

And then he was gone.



  1. Nice! I really love the dynamic you’re building between the two characters. I’m sure it’ll only get better with the little sister introduced

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