[Bi] Twelve (Part 2/2) [long] [nc/reluc] (bdsm) (exh) (drugs) (buk) […]

*Note on tags:* See note on tags in part 1/2, link in comments.


## Sister Eva

Eva sat in the quiet hum and bright lights of the farm room, looking out over the large crop of blue flax flowers, barely even noticing as Sister Shannon snuck up on her.

“What’cha doin’?” Sister Shannon said with a smile as she planted herself on the bench next to her. “Watchin’ grass grow?”

“Flax, actually.” Eva corrected her. “And I guess, yeah.”

“Sounds excitin’, can I get in on that?” Sister Shannon asked with a grin.

“Well, it’s not really.” Eva admitted. “I was just taking a breather.”

“I know it’s not, stupid.” Sister Shannon laughed. “Farmin’ hard work then?”

Eva shook her head. “Not really. These fields are basically fully automated.”

“Really?” she said, looking out over the crops. “So what do you do all day?”

Eva shrugged.

“Sounds excitin’.” Sister Shannon suggested airily. “I got some cookies from Lexie and some toys from Zoe, want to get high and fuck instead?”

“What kind of toys?” Eva asked, finally turning to Sister Shannon to discover her naked, holding up a two-pronged strap-on and a pair of large cookies. “Oh my.”

“So I guess one of those prongs…” Eva began, and Sister Shannon nodded enthusiastically.

“Yup, ass.” she said with a grin.

With a frown, Eva accepted one of the cookies. “Well, I’ve got to admit, I’m not crazy about ass play.”

“‘s fine.” Shannon said, nodding into her lap. “I brought two.”

Eva looked down to see a sleek strap-on already on Sister Shannon, with only the one prong and a built in vibrator.

“I can fuck you with this, and you me with the monster.” she suggested. “And if you want to try a double header, the cookies make it easier.”

“Sounds good.” Eva said with a smile, taking a large bite out of her cookie. “How strong are these, by the way?”

Sister Shannon shrugged. “First time tryin’ them, so better eat the whole thing, I guess.”

Eva nodded, and munched down on her cookie.

“Is there a bed down here or somethin’?” Sister Shannon asked after a while, between bites of her cookie.

Eva shook her head as she licked the last crumbs from her fingertips. “Nope, but there’s something even better.”

Taking Sister Shannon by the hand, she led her down the hall and into a store room, where she showed off the even better: Large rolls of grass sod, ready for spreading. When she toppled over one, it brought her round ass to just the right height for her sister, who grinned eagerly.

“Oh yeah, this’ll do.” she said, squaring up behind Eva. “You don’t want to give this thing a lick or two first, tho’?”

“M~hnn…” Eva said, the effects of the cookie beginning to settle on her. “How bout you give my thing a lick or two, that should do the trick…”

Obediently, and a little wobbly, Sister Shannon got on her knees behind her, laying a few long, lingering kisses to her cunt to the sound of shivering moans, probing and feeling her readiness as she did. Before long she was back on her feet, and turned the strap-on to max.

“I think we’re good.” she said, taking Eva firmly by the hips.

“Shut up and fuck me alreadee~hn!” Eva said, words failing her as the wildly buzzing strap-on sunk in to the hilt.

With the finely sculpted balls buzzing against her clit and the rod stirring her entire insides, Eva descended immediately into incoherent gibbers, moaning and squealing as Sister Shannon lingered at the depth of the thrust. Finally she drew back and began fucking her in earnest, and with every heavy stroke Eva descended further into the depths of technicolor madness, screaming in pleasure every single step of the way, ever slap of Sister Shannon’s hips against her own feeling like it left her with an orgasm, at least until she came in earnest, the overwhelming, deafening, blinding roar of pleasure sending her mind fleeing, replaced by nothing but pure, unadulterated ecstasy.

An eternity later, it receded, and she slid artlessly to the floor at the base of the sod roll, panting heavily.

“These cookies…” she panted. “Fucking shit, these cookies…”

“Don’t go discountin’ the value of five minutes of good fuckin’, now.” Sister Shannon said with a grin.

“That… was five minutes?” Eva panted.

Sister Shannon shrugged. “I don’t have a watch, but somethin’ like that, yeah.”

“Fucking shit.” Eva panted.

“You want a go?” Sister Shannon asked, offering the two-headed monstrosity.

“Give me a minute…” Eva said breathlessly.

“No problem.” Sister Shannon said, turning of the buzzer. “In the mean time you can lick this clean.”

Eva nodded weakly, and gathering herself to her knees she set about sucking her juices off the pink vibrating strap-on, taking the chance to practice her deep throating. After a while, she pulled back, letting it go with a loud pop.

“Is spit really that much better than pussy juices?” she asked Sister Shannon skeptically.

“Nah.” she said with a shrug. “Just wanted to see if you’d do it.”

“Ah.” Eva said with a nod, and returned to fellating her, eagerly swallowing the plastic cock as deep as she could, completely losing herself in the act of it.

After a while, she staggered to her feet and stepped into the other strap-on as Sister Shannon stepped out of hers.

“This one _will_ need some warming up.” she said with a grin, gesturing for her sister to get on her knees, and obediently she obliged, setting about slicking up the beast with great vigor.

When she was satisfied, she clambered up on the sod roll, and Eva stepped up behind her, grabbing her hips with both hands.

“Feeling confident about the lubrication?” she asked with a grin, and Sister Shannon nodded.

“What was that thing you said earlier?” she asked. “Shut up and fuck me alreadeee~hn!”

## Sister Holly

Holly nervously knocked on the door, and waited patiently for a response from within.

“Come in.” came a muffled voice, and slowly Holly pushed the door open.

“Sister Lily?” she asked, and Lily sat up in bed with a grin.

“That’s me!” she said eagerly. “What can I do for you, Sister Holly?”

“Well, Sister Phoebe felt I should take more of an interest in my sisters…” Holly said weakly.

“Ouch.” Lily offered sympathetically. “Are you all right?”

“Yeah, I am, just… you know.” Holly said, finding it hard to look at Lily’s naked form. “She felt you could help me learn… how to give, you know, _attention_?”

“How to show interest, you mean?” Lily suggested. “How to display affection?”

“Yeah, yeah”, Holly said with a nod as she closed the door behind her, “how to, um, express friendship.”

“How to properly eat a cunt, basically.” Lily said flatly.

Holly coughed violently.

“Well”, Lily said, vaulting out of bed, “first you have to be able to look at one.”

She took Holly’s head and gently turned it towards herself.

“Being able to hear the word without collapsing into a fit also helps.” she added with a grin.

“Vagina, you mean?” Holly tried experimentally, forcing herself to look at Lily.

“Vagina, sure. Cunt, pussy, twinkle cave are also all good.” Lily said with a friendly smile. “And all the other stuff. Tits, ass, that kind of thing.”

Holly nodded meekly.

“I also notice”, Lily said, leading Holly over to the bed, “that at this point you’re the only one who consistently wears clothes to do, well, anything.”

“Well, I just…” Holly protested as Lily pulled off her tank top.

“At this point that makes you appear more naked than walking around in the nude, I think.” Lily said, sitting down to straddle Holly’s lap.

“That’s deep.” Holly said flatly.

“Nah.” Lily said with a shrug. “We’ll work our way up to deep.”

“No, I meant…” Holly began, but Lily only gave her a cheesy grin.

“Most importantly, you need to learn to be comfortable around your sisters.” Lily continued. “Not just sex stuff, but also just being comfortable with _them_ doing sex stuff while you’re in the room.”

“Or other stuff?” Holly suggested.

“I don’t know that it’s something that comes up a lot, but sure.” Lily said with a shrug.

“And how do I do that?” Holly asked, looking firmly into Lily’s eyes.

“You can start with looking down right now.” Lily suggested, and slowly Holly let her gaze wander downwards, blushing furiously by the time she could see the top of Lily’s breasts.

“Keep going.” Lily urged her gently. “Almost there.”

Finally Holly found herself staring directly at Lily’s breasts, rising and falling with her breathing, pert nipples resting quietly and slowly hardening.

“Good start!” Lily said gleefully. “Do you know how to motorboat?”

“Well”, Holly said unsurely, “I understand the _theory_ of it, I guess.”

“Have you had it done to you?” Lily asked.

“Well, not so much…” Holly said with a shrug, and Lily leaned back and looked down.

“Yeah, no, that makes sense.” she said at length. “Like, logistically.”

Holly nodded darkly.

“Hey now.” Lily said with a smile, drawing her gaze back up with a fingertip under her chin. “Nothing wrong with small, kissable tits like that.”

Holly nodded quietly.

“But you’re a bit smaller than me, how about we switch.” Lily said, clambering off of Holly and sitting down on the bed. “And lose the skirt.”

Slipping it off carefully and folding it on Lily’s night stand, Holly got out of her skirt, and sat down straddling Lily’s lap.

“Much better.” Lily said with a smile, and gave Holly a light kiss, which bloomed into a deep red blush on her face.

“Now you try.” she said warmly.

Unsurely, Holly leaned forwards and returned Lily’s kiss, even allowing herself to linger a little.

“See?” Lily said with a smile. “That wasn’t so bad?”

Holly shook her head a little.

“Once more with some jazz to it?” Lily suggested, and obediently Holly tried again, this time lingering for more than a little.

“See?” Lily said when she drew back. “It’s getting easier already.”

“Why, though?” Holly said with a puzzled frown.

“Well, there are two main things.” Lily said with a warm smile. “I’ve been turning straight girls since I started middle school, so that helps.”

“And?” Holly asked, biting her lip.

“I’m really hot.” Lily said with a grin. “Really take a run at me now.”

This time Holly barely hesitated, and as their lips locked Lily pulled her in tight, allowing their nipples to kiss as their mouths did. With Holly grasped tight, she fell backwards into bed, bringing her down with her, and for a while they lay frantically making out, Holly growing more sure with it for every passing moment.

“Ha~h.” Holly gasped as she finally broke away, panting softly, both at the exertion and the excitement.

“Not bad, right?” Lily said with a grin, and Holly shook her head weakly.

“Good.” Lily continued. “Are you ready to try your hand… well, mouth, at eating me out, or do you want to make out some more first?”

“I’m not very good at it…” Holly said with a frown.

“Well, you can’t listen to Phoebe about things like that, she requires some particular tricks.” Lily said. “And besides, I can teach you.”

Holly nodded, and made to slide down to the floor.

“No.” Lily said. “Stay in the bed, just turn around.”

“Hm?” Holly said in puzzlement.

“I’ll do you while you do me, and you can try to imitate what I’m doing, yeah?” Lily said. “And I’ll try and communicate what you’re doing right and not, too.”

Nodding, Holly turned around, and gently sat herself down on Lily’s face, and leaning forwards she soon had her face buried in Lily’s crotch as well.

“Don’t worry.” Lily said, giggling.

“I’ll start you off with the easy stuff.” she lied.

## Sister Tia

As the door swung open, Tia stepped in Father’s Sanctum to find him already naked. Most everyone was most everywhere by now anyway, but for Father it seemed somehow unusual all the same.

“What’s the occasion?” she asked pleasantly as she stepped past him and sat down onto the bed.

“Does there need to be an occasion?” Father asked, looking her over.

“No.” she said, shaking her head. “There usually is, though.”

“I suppose.” he admitted with a shrug. “This time, however, there is not.”

Tia looked over the sanctum. It was a large round room painted black with a domed ceiling, and the bed was large as well, and round, covered with black satin over white sheets.

“Are all the girls healthy?” he asked, bringing her out of her reverie.

“Oh, very much so.” she said with a proud smile. “And very horny.”

“Oh?” Father asked.

“Yeah.” Tia said, leaning back. “It’s like all the time with all of them.”

“Good.” Father said plainly. “That will serve us well in time.”

“And everyone is getting along?” he continued, stepping over to the bed. “No niggling conflicts?”

“Well”, Tia said, recognizing the cue for her to start stroking his cock, “there was a thing with Holly and Phoebe, but they’ve made up, I think.”

“Ah~n.” Father grunted as she jacked him slowly. “Good.”

“There was another thing.” Tia said, slipping her hand in to massage his balls.

“An urgent thing?” he inquired, and Tia shook her head.

“Then you have better uses than talking for that mouth of yours.” he said flatly, and with a nod Tia wrapped her lips around his cock and started sucking him off.

“All fours, dear.” he said, and obediently Tia rearranged herself.

With forceful hands, he grabbed her hair tight, and with practiced confidence held her fast as he fucked her face. As his cock shot down her throat, Tia used all her skills to support him, tightening about him and darting her tongue around his tip whenever she had play, but mostly focusing on giving him access, until, with a groan, he pulled her back and blew his load all over her face, hair and tits.

Panting and gasping, Tia fell backwards onto the bed, and with ease Father grabbed her legs and lifted her up, and began vigorously to pound her cunt in turn. This time he lasted quite a while longer, and in a rare turn of events, Tia found herself writhing in orgasm under his attentions before he finished. When he did come, it was again for him to withdraw and decorate her belly and mound with his hot jizz, rather than filling her up as he usually did.

As he let her go, she lay in bed panting, looking up at him to find his cock still hard.

“Uh~n…” Tia moaned, still reeling after the orgasm. “About that other thing…”

Father stopped her with a gesture. “I will let you know when we are done.”

Tia nodded, and again Father grabbed her and lifted her up, fucking her again with renewed vigor. Again she came before he did, and when he did he finally filled her up, spilling himself within her with a loud, savage grunt.

“Now…” he panted. “What did you want to say?”

“Well.” Tia said when she had taken a moment to collect herself. “I had a question about the medication me and my sisters are on.”

“Yes?” Father said, stepping into his silk trousers.

“Well, if we are all that is left, why are we using contraceptives?” she said, leaning up on her arms. “Shouldn’t we be making as many babies as possible?”

“No.” Father said simply. “We don’t know when the surface will be livable again, and below our resources are limited.”

“My surface sensors are constantly monitored mind you.” Father said, gesturing to his work station. “Rest assured that when pollutants return to levels that permit beginning recolonization of the surface, I will let you know to stop the regimen.”

Tia nodded weakly and fell back into the bed.

“Now, off with you.” Father said. “I have work to do.”

Unsteadily, Tia got to her feet, and made her way outside, gently closing the door behind her.

“Hmm.” Kate said as she sidled up to Tia. “Such generous gifts from Father.”

“Should you be up here?” Tia asked in puzzlement.

“Not really.” Kate said with a shrug. “But Sister Emily wanted me to let you know she was looking for you, and she certainly doesn’t dare come up here.”

“Well, let’s both get downstairs, then.” Tia said.

“Hmm, yes…” Kate said, running two fingertips over Tia’s jizz-covered belly before licking them clean. “Although…”

“Although what?” Tia asked impatiently.

“There’s an ancillary bedroom up on four, and it’d be a shame to waste such generous gifts, no?” Kate said with a grin.

“Or we could go down to my room.” Tia suggested nervously, biting her lip.

“No…” Kate said with a slowly blooming grin. “I think four is better. That way I won’t risk having to share.”

“Fine.” Tia said, and quickly they scurried up a nearby stairwell and into the bedroom Kate had discovered.

“What’s with you and this stuff, anyway?” Tia asked as she toppled into the bed, but Kate just clambered on to of her and buried her face in her cum-spattered tits.

With frightfully eager lips, she set about chasing down every drop of jizz from Tia save for her hair, even madly darting into her cunt in the hunt for it, giving Tia another orgasm in the process, seemingly by accident.

“I have no idea.” Kate said at last, leaning back with an orgasmic sigh. “There is just – something…”

“You’re a weird cumslut, you mean?” Tia said, sitting up.

“Well, someone’s got to be, right?” Kate said with a smile and a shrug.

“Well, you _say_ that…” Tia mused. “I’m not sure that’s actually true, though.”

“Whatever.” Kate said with a smile. “You’re just jealous you can’t come from licking Father’s cum off of someone’s belly.”

“And you can?” Tia said doubtfully.

“I hide it well, but right now?” Kate said. “I came _twice_ just getting your cum soaked ass clean.”

“Anyway.” Kate said with a vacant smile. “You’re wanted in the infirmary, but you’ll want a shower first.”

## Sister Shannon

Shannon stood leaning against the wall of the toy room, waiting for Phoebe to come to.

Finally, her eyes fluttered open, first with awakening, then with disbelief at being tied to the bondage apparatus.

“What the fuck is going on?” Phoebe asked flatly.

“Good morning, sleepy head.” Shannon said with a wide grin. “It seems Lexie’s cookies were a tad stronger than I thought, sorry about that.”

“Stronger?” Phoebe parroted in disbelief.

“Oh, and also, some sedatives _maaay_ have gotten mixed in with the dough.” Shannon added. “Sorry about that too.”

“I see.” Phoebe said, straining against her restraints. “I’d like to restate my initial question then. What the fuck is going on?”

“Ah”, Shannon said, kneeling down in front of her and gesturing to Holly, “I am very glad you asked.”

“Aside from my cookie-related apologies”, Shannon continued as Holly knelt down besides her, “there is another apology that needs to be dealt with.”

“You want me to apologize to this timid little _mouse_!?” Phoebe spat.

“Oh, nononono.” Shannon said with a grin. “You were entirely in the right, of course.”

Holly nodded sagely. “Father’s authority and all that.”

“Exactly.” Shannon added. “No, this is about Sister Holly apologizing to you for not _recognizing_ that, and, relatedly, showing you how much better she’s gotten at relating to her sisters thanks to you.”

Holly nodded resolutely as Phoebe’s eyes widened.

“Ah, well then.” she stammered at last. “No harm, no foul. Apology accepted and all that.”

“Good!” Shannon said with a grin. “Then we can move on to the demonstration of her new-found intimacy with her sisters.”

“Yep.” Holly said, holding up her carefully selected strap-on, a massive purple one with otherwise quite realistic detailing.

“Well, there really won’t be any need…” Phoebe began, but Shannon cut her off.

“Oh, I think there will.” Shannon said with a smile, producing a ball gag.

“If you think I–ghfhl.” Phoebe began, but with expert timing Shannon gagged her with the ball and fastened the restraints around the back of her head.

“Now, you just let us know, loudly and clearly, whenever you feel properly apologized to.” Shannon said with a grin and a kiss to Phoebe’s cheek.

“Mh~phm!” Phoebe protested as Shannon and Holly took their places, Holly behind Phoebe and Shannon clambering up to straddle her.

“Should we really be doing this?” Holly asked nervously as she stepped into the strap-on she was actually using, a somewhat smaller one than the one she had used to scare Phoebe.

Shannon nodded resolutely and placed a firm slap on Phoebe’s ass that drew a stifled moan from her.

“Only if you want to, of course.” she said with a smile. “But if you want to, we should.”

“You can’t let something like this fester.” she continued with another slap to Phoebe’s ass. “Gotta clear the air.”

“All right then.” Holly said with a smile, and grabbed Phoebe’s hips.

“Come now, going in dry?” Shannon said with a grin and another slap to Phoebe’s ass that drew a muffled squeal. “We’ve got all night, there’s no need to rush.”

Leaning forwards, she took a firm hold on Phoebe’s ass and lowered herself down, placing her lips on Phoebe’s cunt and kissing it deeply, her tongue probing inside to feel for readiness.

“She’s not _super_ into this, but I think she’s getting there.” she said as she popped back up. “Come here with that.”

For a while longer, Shannon sucked and licked at the strap-on, making it good and slick, and finally she drew back and gave Holly a light kiss.

“Ready, Sister Phoebe?” she said.

“Mph!” Phoebe protested.

With a shrug, Shannon laid a loud slap across Phoebe’s ass.

“I didn’t quite catch that, sister.” she said with a cheeky grin.

“Mh. MPH!” Phoebe suggested.

“See.” Shannon said, laying another loud slap across her ass. “I would have thought you’d be more eager about seeing your task, your very _function_ come to fruition?”

After a muffled squeal, Phoebe sighed in assent.

“Much better when we all play nice, isn’t it?” Shannon asked, and Phoebe shrugged weakly.

“Go ahead, Sister Holly.” Shannon said finally. “Show your sister how you’ve learned to love her.”

With a resolute nod, Holly once again grabbed Phoebe’s hips, and thrust into her with all her might. Plowing her with hard, even thrusts, she was quickly caught up in the fervor, and as Phoebe’s muffled moans grew, so did Holly’s eager squeals. With a grin, Shannon turned herself around atop Phoebe, and lay down across her back to kiss and nip at her neck and ears.

“I hope you’re enjoying this just _half_ as much as she is.” she whispered quietly to Phoebe, and as if in answer, her tall sister shuddered in orgasm against her restraints.

“Oh my.” Shannon whispered. “Should I take that as a yes?”

Weakly, Phoebe nodded, and Shannon giggled softly.

“How cliché.” she whispered. “Big strong girl who just wants someone to dominate her…”

Again Phoebe nodded weakly.

“Should I tell Sister Holly to switch to the strap-on we showed you instead of the smaller one we’re actually using?” she whispered quietly. “I can do it without letting her know how much you’re loving this…”

Again Phoebe gave a weak nod, and Shannon gave her a quick peck on the cheek before sitting back up.

“You know?” Shannon said to Holly as she turned back around. “I don’t really think she’s appreciating how much better you’ve gotten with your sisters yet.”

“Oh?” Holly said, breaking momentarily out of her sexual trance.

“Now that she’s good and warmed up, I think it’s time we gave her the iron we showed her earlier.” she said with a wicked grin, laying another hard slap across Phoebe’s ass.

“Mph.” Phoebe protested, but Holly gave a resolute nod.

“I was thinking just the same.” she said, and pulled out of Phoebe.

In a flash she was into the bigger one, and offered it for Shannon to inspect.

“You want to slick this one up as well?” she asked, but Shannon shook her head.

“I don’t think I can get my mouth around it.” she said.

“Besides”, she added with another slap to Phoebe’s ass, “she’s a big girl. She can take it.”

## Sister Lily

“What are we doing up here, Lexie?” Lily asked impatiently. “Is there even anything on ten?”

“Yeah, like, wow.” Lexie said, staggering from door to door. “I was up here, right?”

“Why.” Lily asked flatly.

“I like, forgot the floor quarters were on or whatever, doesn’t matter.” Lexie said with a sheepish grin. “And I came across this room with a fucking, like, _monster_ in it.”

“Because you were high, Lex.” Lily said.

“Just because I’m, like, high, yeah?” Lexie said, nodding intently at Lily. “Yeah? Doesn’t mean I can’t tell fucking monster from imagination.”

“Sometimes it does.” Lily insisted.

“Yeah, like, okay. So that’s true.” Lexie said with a nod. “But I wasn’t actually high, I was just stoned.”

“Same thing, Lex.” Lily said wearily.

“Whatever.” Lexie said, darting over to another door. “You’ll see. In here!”

With the push of a button, Lexie opened the door, and ushered Lily inside.

“There!” she said, pointing at the back of the room. “What did I tell you?”

“Granted.” Lily said as the door swung shut behind them and the last few lights flickered on. “That’s a pretty good painting of what, yes, I would describe as a monster.”

After a few moments, she realized that some of the long, slender tentacles connected to the black octopus-like creature were moving.

“Holy shit.” she said. “That’s a monster.”

“I know, right?” Lexie said, rushing up to the control panel in front of the large vertical vat set into the lowered back half of the lab that held the monster in place.

“Have you told Father about this?” Lily asked, stepping up next to her.

“No way, Lil.” Lexie said. “No fucking way.”

“Why not?” Lily asked, looking the monster over.

“Look, I know, like, all of you think I’m some kind of paranoid weirdo sometimes, yeah?” Lexie said, and Lily nodded. “But something seriously screwy is going on, and like, Father is almost certainly part of it.”

Lily looked Lexie over skeptically.

“Something’s fucky, Lil.” Lexie said. “Something’s _real_ fucky.”

“The word is ‘horny’, Lex, and everyone is.” Lily said, gazing back up at the monster.

“That’s not what I mean!” Lexie said. “And besides, isn’t that, like, a _little_ weird?”

“What, that everyone is horny all the time?” Lily asked. “I don’t see how.”

“Get a bunch of 19 and 20 year-olds together with nothing to do all day, and once that fuck ball starts rolling…” she continued, gesturing vaguely.

“Yeah, but even _so_, yeah?” Lexie pressed on. “And that thing Sister Kate is doing?”

“So she’s a weird cumslut.” Lily said with a shrug. “I orgasm at the very notion of a straight girl turning, you have that thing with celery, everyone’s a little weird in one way or another.”

“Sure, yeah, whatever.” Lexie admitted. “But I knew Sister Kate before we got here. She didn’t use to be like that.”

“How so?” Lily said with a puzzled frown.

“She didn’t use to be a cumslut at all, wouldn’t even swallow way back when.” Lexie said. “It’s only after we got here, only after I had her lick some of Father’s spunk off me, she went that way.”

Lily nodded.

“And now she’s, like, cum crazed.” Lexie said, and Lily nodded again.

“Oh, and speaking of turning straight girls.” Lexie continued. “I know you’ve got magic fucking fingers or whatever, but even _so_. With a girl like that?”

“In two weeks she goes from, like, ‘total prude’ to ‘rage fucks a girl for, like, three hours straight’?” Lexie concluded. “That’s really fast.”

She returned her gaze to the monster.

“Okay.” she said. “But let’s say there’s something fucky going on.”

“Yeah?” Lexie said.

“We’re the last remnants of humanity, right, so if Father knew, wouldn’t he try to do something?” Lily mused. “Instead of jeopardizing all of that?”

“That.” Lexie said, thoughtfully. “Yeah, that’s the thing I can’t figure out.”

“So I think”, Lily said, “the best thing would be to tell Father about this, and let him deal with it, right?”

“I guess.” Lexie said with a nod.

“But we should at least get rid of the monster.”

“Sure.” Lily said. “That’s a good idea.”

“What is?” Lexie said.

“Jeez, Lex.” Lily sighed. “Getting rid of the monster.”

“Oh yeah.” she said with a nod. “So, like what button…”

“That one.”

“Ah, okay.” Lexie said, slapping the button.

“What?” Lily said, looking over at Lexie, and then the panel, and then the vat, seeing the water beginning to rush out of it. “What did you do?”

“I got rid of the monster like you said, with this button!” Lexie cried.

“What button?” Lily said, looking down at the panel, and seeing a small black button labeled ‘Release’ depressed.

The water rapidly draining, Lily frantically looked over the panel. “How do we stop it?”

“You don’t.”

“What did you say?” Lily said, looking up at Lexie, who shook her head in confusion.

The water gone, the walls of the vat slowly sank into the floor.

“Not her. Me.”

In unison, Lily and Lexie both turned to the monster now sprawling on the damp floor below, and as they did a dozen tentacles for each sprang out and lashed themselves around them, hand, foot and neck, pulling them down into the lowered half of the lab. Screaming and shouting, they struggled to free themselves of the grasping appendages, but it was to no avail.

“No, no, little things. Sweet things. Fragile things.”

To their horror, the world around Lexie and Lily went inky black as they were pulled into the the monster, leaving only the two of them and a vast abyss of glistening, shimmering warm and pulsing tentacles wrapped around them and around every part of the world.

“You mustn’t struggle, no, no. For freeing me, sweet things, I will not harm you, fragile things.”

Deaf to the voice, they both struggled frantically, but soon found themselves flailing against nothing but air as they hung motionless in the skittering morass.

“You will be free soon enough, little things. I will go, leave the fragile things in peace, their sisters too, for freeing me, you see. But first I must feed.”

“Feed?” Lily asked nervously.

“Your pleasure – sustains me, sweet things.”

Before she could inquire further, two new tentacles lashed out of the abyss and wrapped themselves around the pair of them, pushing Lexie and Lily close together, leaving them kissing lips to lips, nips to nips, tips to tips.

“Have each other now – as I have you – and all will be well.”

Lexie was already entranced, and desperately kissing at Lily’s closed mouth. Her resolve gone with the feel of Lexie’s hard nipples against her own, Lily gave in unthinkingly, and soon they were locked in a sloppy, hungry kiss, their arms wrapped around one another before another tentacle reached out and ensured that was where they would stay.

Panting and slobbering they twirled in the darkness, and soon could feel slippery tendrils move over their skin, twirling themselves around their breasts, their necks, delving in between them to flick at their clits and tying themselves in knots around their nipples. Lily’s mind soon fled under the onslaught of sensation, and before she knew she was joined with Lexie in a storm of pure lust.

Even the thick, strong tentacles burying themselves in her ass and pussy couldn’t pull Lily out of her trance, and for a wordless, thoughtless, sightless eternity she felt the tentacles fuck her raw, shuddering in constant orgasm passed in waves from Lexie to Lily, from Lily to Lexie, and finally enveloping them both as the monster filled them up time and time again, drenching them with its strange, sticky emanations, inside and out.

Finally, the darkness receded, and Lexie and Lily found themselves lying on the lab floor, nearly glued to it by sticky, silvery monster cum and utterly, totally exhausted. The last thing Lily saw before she blacked out was a black shadow vanishing into a pipe in the wall, and as her eyes drifted shut, it left behind it a thought hanging in the air.

“All – is not as it seems, sweet things.”

## Sister Kate

Kate peeked around the corner to see Sister Emily emerging from Father’s office, dressed only in his gifts.

“Hmm.” she said as she slinked up. “Such generous gifts from Father.”

“Yeah.” Sister Emily said, looking down at herself, covered from knees to brow in his sweet cum as she was. “Six times, plus one down my throat and one up my cunt.”

“Oh my.” Kate said with a hungry grin.

“I don’t think that’s supposed to be medically possible.” Sister Emily mused. “Anyway, are you supposed to be up here?”

“Oh, someone was looking for you.” Kate lied. “But that can wait.”

“Who?” Sister Emily asked, but Kate shook her head.

“Like I said, it can wait.” she said. “I know a little place up on four, how about we go and get you cleaned up a little?”

“Wouldn’t the showers be better for that?” Sister Emily asked, but Kate shook her head.

“Too much of a waste, isn’t it?” she said, running an eager pair of fingers through the hot mess of sweet cum on Emily’s belly, savoring the taste of it as she licked it from her fingertips. “My way’s much more fun.”

“Well…” Sister Emily demurred. “I suppose.”

A short flight of stairs up and through a door, Kate had her on her back on the bed in the ancillary bedroom on four, and soon was on all fours on top of her. As she suckled her ample breasts, she was rewarded with a much greater gift than simple milk, and every time she moved her mouth, a new well of it sprang up.

Showering her face with with hungry kisses, Father’s sweet taste was there. Running a tongue eagerly up her neck, Father’s sweet taste was there. Tongue dancing over her ear, Father. Kissing her deeply, Father. Every kiss to her shoulders and arms; Father again and again. Every flutter of the tongue over her belly; Father again and again.

By the feel of it, Kate shuddered in quiet orgasm.

Even as she turned around and lay sweet, lingering kisses up and down her thighs, Father was there every time, thick globules of his scent, his smell, his seed. Kate could smell it on Sister Emily’s sweet pussy as well, but she resolved to wait, turning around again instead to pick up anything she might have missed the first time around.

By the taste of it, Kate shuddered in quiet orgasm.

The second time over there was less to be found, but what was there was no less sweet, mingling now also more and more with the growing passion in Sister Emily, her scent mixing with his, not weakening it, but joining with it, adding to it, empowering it. On her lips in particular Kate lingered, drawing a little more of Father out on every heavy, panting kiss.

By the smell of it, Kate shuddered in quiet orgasm.

Finally, finally, at long last, she turned around once more and set her sights on the treasure, the greatest gift in the sweetest place. Not wanting to miss a single drop, she lay back herself, and brought Sister Emily up to sit on her face as with every flick of her tongue in her sweet, sweet pussy she drew forth more of Father’s gifts, dribbling out, mixed with Sister Emily.

By the weight of it, Kate shuddered in quiet orgasm.

As Kate’s tongue darted and flicked, searched and hunted, Sister Emily was not unmoved; but as much as she might like this, as she surely did, showing it with her moans, her squeals, her shivers, her hands roughly grasping Kate’s hair, this was not for her, no; as much as Sister Emily might like this, this was for Kate, and Kate alone. Sister’s pleasure was incidental. Helpful, but incidental.

As Sister Emily doubled over and heaved and gasped in orgasm, Kate shuddered in quiet orgasm.

Finally, there was nothing more of Father to find, or so little as made no difference, and Kate let Sister Emily topple back into bed.

“Wow.” she said, panting. “Weird or not, you’re good at that.”

“Thank you.” Kate said with a smile, giving Sister Emily a light kiss.

“Want me to return the favor?” Sister Emily said with a sly grin. “I know where all the spots are.”

“Oh, don’t worry on my account.” Kate said with a smile. “You should probably get down to the infirmary.”

“Shower first, I think.” Sister Emily said as she got unsteadily to her feet.

“What was that?” she said suddenly, as her hand touched the door handle.

“What was what?” Kate said, and fell silent.

A quiet crackle drifted through the room.

“That.” Sister Emily said.

“Oh, that?” Kate said with a shrug. “Just some kind of audio glitch, from that.”

She pointed over at a speaker on the desk in the room, connected to a radio marked ‘COSATC’.

“Residual radiation or something, picked up on the antennae.” she suggested with a shrug. “It does that sometimes.”

“Just crackles?” Sister Emily asked, moving from the door to take a closer look at the radio.

“Yeah, of course just crackles.” Kate said impatiently.

“How often do you use this room?” Sister Emily asked, refusing to let the matter drop.

“This is like, my third time, I think?” Kate offered, looking over at the radio.

“Come in by three five romeo, say again, three five romeo.” the radio burbled quietly over the crackles.

## Father

Clark awoke in his sanctum to a scene of utter pandemonium.

Next to his bed, he spotted Lily, covered head to toe in some silvery goop, with Kate desperately eating it right off her skin; on the other side he could see Lexie, Emily and Alexandra crowded around his workstation, Lexie covered in the same goopy silver.

On his neck, back and shoulders, he could feel something heavy and forceful, and when she realized he was awake, Phoebe pressed down on his neck with her broad, strong hand and repeated herself.

“I said”, she said flatly, “what’s the password?”

“I… what’s going on?” Clark muttered, and Alexandra started typing.

“That’s a stupid password.” Phoebe grunted.

“Tried it.” Alexandra said. “Not the password, he’s just confused, I think.”

“What’s the password?” Phoebe reiterated, pushing down on his neck again.

“Girls!” Clark cried. “You don’t know what you’re doing. Step away from that, and let’s talk about this.”

“Holly, why don’t you give him some persuasion?” Phoebe said flatly.

“My absolute _pleasure_.” Holly replied coolly, and began clambering onto Clark’s legs.

“Here’s the deal, ‘Father’.” Phoebe said flatly. “In about thirty seconds, a girl that you personally ordered sexually assaulted is going to ram the biggest, nastiest strap-on we could find in your little dungeon up your pooper, so I’d say it’s in your best interest to give us that password, and fast.”

“Untergang!” Clark shrieked. “Capital ‘U’. Tell her to stop.”

Alexandra typed in the password and gave a thumbs up. “We’re in.”

“Good.” Phoebe said flatly. “Holly, you can go ahead now.”

“What?!” Clark yelped. “But I ga~hhnnn!”

“So you did.” Phoebe said, leaning down as Holly viciously pounded Clark. “But that sexual assault thing, she takes it personally. The two of us, we’ve dealt with it, moved past it as it were, but _you_? Not so much.”

“It’s all there.” Alexandra said. “Nothing is gone.”

“What do you mean nothing is gone?” Emily insisted.

“No trace of an attack on anything. The world is fine.” Alexandra said. “Well, I say ‘fine’… It’s no worse than when we went in.”

“You absolute sack of shit.” Phoebe whispered to Clark. “You knew all along, and you set up this entire… whatever the fuck, just so you could get your jollies?”

“Puh~lee~hzee…” Clark moaned.

“Make her stop?” Phoebe suggested, and Clark nodded weakly.

“Quick vote.” Phoebe said. “Who’s for letting Holly fuck this asshole to death?”

“Like, yeah.”

“And I vote yes as well.” Phoebe said, leaning back down. “The ayes have it.”

“What about the other girls?” Emily suggested, and Clark nodded as vigorously as he could.

“Two things about that.” Phoebe offered. “There’s seven of us, so we have a majority in any case.”

“Also”, she continued, “if you want to try and stop Holly, be my guest.”

Emily looked over behind Phoebe, and Clark could guess what she saw.

“Pass.” she said, turning back to the workstation.

Clark whimpered as he felt the blood draining from his extremities.

“What do we do now, though.” Alexandra asked.

“Well…” Emily ventured. “This place _is_ self-sufficient and well-stocked…”

“Yeah…” Lexie agreed.

“And automatic.” Holly added with a grunt.

“So stay here?” Phoebe ventured.

“Yeah.” Alexandra said. “But on our own terms.”

“Armed with the truth.” Emily added.

“Uh~n…” Lily moaned from the floor as Kate set about sucking the silvery goop from her cunt.

Whatever else was said escaped Clark, as he slipped into unconsciousness, and then oblivion.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5t3xlj/bi_twelve_part_22_long_ncreluc_bdsm_exh_drugs_buk