Welcome to the Jungle Part 2 [Solo] [M/F]

After I found you, I was terrified. Your pussy and bud were raw, with a green ooze leaking out of you. Nearly your entire body was covered with a similar substance as you laid there unconscious.

I hurried to your side and began trying to pull the tentacle out of your mouth, eventually succeeding as you coughed your first breaths since the incident.

I carried you back to the camp, no real “civilization” near by to take you to, and prepared a hot, hot bath. I cleaned every inch of your body before laying you down in the tent to rest while I investigated the tentacle and substance I recovered from inside you. It didn’t take long for us to get approval to go back home, passing the project off to someone else.

We talked about what happened, but you couldn’t really remember much about what had happened. One thing was for sure, ever since we got back, you had been changed. Before, you used to be tired after a few minutes of sex, and often times would be alright with once every few days, if not a week.

Now, you found yourself constantly wanting me. Every day you waited for me to get home, and you’d proceed to jump my bones out. On average, we usually had sex two to three times a day, with you masturbating the entirety of the rest of it.

On a day just like any other, it all began to make sense. You were masturbating, as you were accustomed to any time I was away, with one of your favorite toys.

It was a long, slender alien-like dildo which let you plant balls or eggs of various sizes into yourself. You always preferred to lube it down with your own saliva, pushing it into your mouth and throat as much as possible before using it in your peach.

This time, you pushed three small eggs through the toy into your cunt. Once they were inside, you rubbed your clit furiously as you pushed them out, each exiting with a satisfying “plop… plop… plop… … plop.” You moaned as you felt a fourth egg leave your womb, before it dawned on you again that you were only using three.

You looked down to find one of the seeds from the plant that raped and used you several weeks ago. It had sprouted slightly, small roots and a single green stem visible.

At the same time, with the seed out of you for the first time, you began to feel normal. You didn’t feel the need to fuck yourself until I got home.

That’s when you realized you hated normal.

You began to remember everything that happened, and how great you felt shuddering with every orgasm. You looked around the house frantically and eventually found a flower pot, planting the seed and deciding to grow it.
It was hard to keep up appearances, but you managed for a few days while slowly weening out the sex back to normal levels. I passed it off as a sign you were finally feeling better, and that it was all out of your system.
Luckily for you, the plant was tropical, so you wouldn’t have to wait long before being back to your good old self. You checked it every day, watching it grow until it was a thick vine, not so dissimilar from the one that had taken over your mouth the first time. One day while I was away, you decided to test this.

You approached the phallic plant and kissed it slowly, using your hands to press it from the base to the tip. Though not nearly as much as you wanted, a small amount of the green substance that filled your body at one point oozed out of it’s tip. You licked it slowly into your mouth and found yourself in a heat, just like before. Your nipples felt ecstatic against your shirt as they rubbed softly, you panted heavily with every breath, your tongue bobbing lazily against the plant, and every crevice of your body felt empty.

You took the plant and laid it on the ground, riding it to get your fix. It never took long, but you would always cum on the thick vine, shuddering. You began to come at other times, harvesting the sap for when you needed it, trying to make sure you never had to go a minute without your euphoria.

Of course, that didn’t stop you from trying what was left on other people either. It was a gift, you thought, there wasn’t a better feeling in the world. Your first instinct, of course, was to use it on me.

You mixed it into our usual lube before saying that you wanted to give me a handjob. I sat at the edge of the bed, watching you as you knelt between my legs, coating my cock with your new concoction. You watched me intently as I began to moan much more than usual, my cock twitching from the moment you touched me. You watched in awe as it grew beyond it’s normal size, easily reaching seven inches now. You laughed and were about to take it into your mouth when I stood up and pushed my cock into your mouth, clearly becoming more aggressive as I held your head in place.

I began to push my cock deeper, into your throat, moving your head with me in a constant rhythm despite your protests, moaning as I fucked your face. My cock, still covered in the plant’s juices, began to make your throat tingle with every thrust. You tried pushing me off of you, but couldn’t manage until finally I let you breathe in a series of coughs, only to grab you by your hair and push you onto the bed face down. I took the lube you used earlier and put an excess on your ass.

You moaned quietly as you felt the familiar tingle across your skin and the primal desire to be fucked building up inside you. My hands worked across your skin, digging into your soft rump and sliding fingers into your ass. You felt yourself be exposed as I used my thumbs to spread your tight little bud, only to be followed by my cock. You moaned loudly as I filled your insides, “Oh god. Jay. Jay.” I gave you little respite, building a quick pace while reaching for one of your toys on the bed to use on your peach.

I fucked both of your holes mercilessly, with only the carnal desire to spread my seed driving me to drive into you. You pushed back with every thrust, eventually leading to a hand pushing your face into the bed, suffocating you as I came. You felt my cock pulse in your ass more than usual, feeling my cum fill you before I pulled myself and the toy out of you, collapsing onto the bed.

You mewled, under more of an effect from the nectar than I, and crawled on top of me and to begin riding my cock. When I came for the second time, and you felt me fill your second hole, you collapsed with me into a restful sleep.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5rxldo/welcome_to_the_jungle_part_2_solo_mf