[fff] Wild Roses pt. 20: Teachers [inc]

As dawn broke through the shutters, Autumn stirred awake, her head pounding from the night before. Looking over at her sister, she found her fast asleep, so she quietly slipped out of bed and into her tunic, before taking her leathers and steel downstairs to get dressed. After a quick breakfast on the bread and mushroom sauce left over from the night before, she headed out in front of the house to swing the brigand’s sword around, to get a feel for its weight and balance.

It was a fine enough sword, about as long as Spring’s fine steel, but a fair bit heavier and harder to swing. Nearly straight, it tapered only slightly until it came to the point, and a single deep fuller was carved into the metal along its length.

After half an hour she tired, and wrapped the blades back up the canvas she had been using to conceal them, placing the bundle neatly on the porch where she sat down to watch the sunrise. After a while, Summer came ambling out to join her, already in her tunic and leathers.

“Good morning.” she chirped happily as she sat down next to her sister, but Autumn could only grunt in reply; the fresh air and exercise had done her some good, but her head was still pounding, and the sunlight growing bright didn’t help matters.

“Oh, dear.” Summer said with a giggle. “A bit much to drink yesterday?”

Autumn shrugged weakly and leant back against the wall of the office. Summer gave her temple a light kiss, and at once the headache cleared up. With a wan smile Autumn gave her a light kiss on the lips in return, before settling back against the wall.

“If I keep doing that”, Summer said maternally, “how will you ever learn.”

“I’m sure you’d rather have me stupid than grouchy, no?” Autumn sallied with a light smile, and Summer nodded.

“Much rather.” she confirmed, and gave her sister another kiss. “What are you doing out here, anyway?”

“Getting some practice swings with the sword I took off the brigands.” Autumn explained, gesturing to the canvas bundle leaning against the wall. “You should try your hand at it as well.”

“I think”, Summer said, eyeing the package suspiciously, “that if we get to the point where we’d need to use that, we’re already in so much trouble that my skill isn’t going to matter.”

“I suppose.” Autumn admitted with a nod. “Maybe it’d be better to throw that sword off of a cliff, anyway. Getting caught with a brigand’s sword is no good thing.”

Summer nodded, and leant up against her sister, joining her in enjoying the unfolding morning.

Soon, Sara stepped out into the morning as well, dressed simply in a light woolen shirt and a pair of linen breeches through which Autumn was surprised to spot the bulge of her new cock.

“Och, lasses.” she said with a broad smile as she stretched her broad arms against the morning sun. “Enjoyin’ the bonnie mornin’?”

“Very much so.” Summer replied with a warm smile. “You as well?”

Sara nodded, and turned to the south road and gazed down it. “Aye. And it seems yer ride is arrivin’.”

Autumn stood up and looked after her. “I don’t see anything.”

“Aye, ye dinnae, i’s hard to spot.” Sara said, pointing at a small fleck of gray on the horizon. “But if ye look real close…”

Autumn looked real close, and after a while realised that the small gray fleck was a cloud of dust, trailing a wagon.

“Oh!” she said. “I think I see it.”

“Aye.” Sara confirmed. “It’ll be an hour and a half until they arrive, I wager, but they’re arrivin’.”

“Did ye get some breakfast?” she asked, looking at the sisters.

“I had some bread and sauce.” Autumn said, but Summer shook her head.

“Och.” Sara lamented. “Go inside and get yerself some food, lass.”

“I’d have m’luv cook fer ye, but he’s upstairs recovering from the mornin’ constitutional.” she added with a grin. “But there’d be somethin’ in the kitchen.”

Summer nodded with a smile, and swiftly made her way inside to grab something to eat.

“Constitutional?” Autumn asked, her gaze falling to Sara’s cock.

“Fancy word fer fuckin’.” Sara said with a grin, grabbing her groin. “Yer sister witched up a sweet li’l cunny for m’luv, to go with this.”

“Traders always tryin’ to impress me, teachin’ me fancy words, m’luv too, time to time.” Sara said, with a spit to the ground. “What good are they if’n’ye cannae use them, I always ask, still no good answer for that.”

Autumn nodded sagely, eyes absently fixed on Sara’s cock.

“Och!” Sara said, snapping her out of it, and sending her eyes back to her face, the grin on it framed in its wild red hair. “Me face is up here, lass. Ye’ve had breakfast, and m’luv is all I want for me cock.”

Autumn gave a nervous giggle as she sat back down on the porch bench and looked back to the east, and Sara vanished around the corner of the house.

“What are you thinking about?” Summer said suddenly; she had snuck up so quietly that Autumn hadn’t even noticed her arrival.

“Spring.” Autumn said, and Summer nodded sagely.

“We’ll find her.” she assured her sister. “We’ll find her, and get her out of there, and then we can all go home.”

“Together.” Autumn added with a resolute nod.

“Together.” Summer confirmed.

On the southern horizon, the cloud of dust was rapidly growing, and before long, two large carts rattled into the yard, as Percy, clad in simple black wool came out to greet them.

“Good morning, Kane, good morning Maura!” he halloed the cart drivers, and the two of them waved back in greeting; Maura from the front cart, a square pavillion cart pulled by two tall horses; Kane from the back cart, a heavy covered ware cart drafted by two jet black oxen.

“Can I interest you in some fine goods to take with you to the north on this fine day?” Percy offered pleasantly as he drew up to the carts, but Maura shook her head.

“We’re already running a little heavy when it comes to goods, but if you can match the prices we get up north, maybe we can talk.” she said, jumping down from her sill. “We’ve got some fine linens, and some silver trinkets like you like.”

“Ah.” Percy lamented. “As much as my love likes dressing me up in finery and silver, I don’t think now is the time for it.”

Maura nodded. “Some southern wine, perhaps?”

Percy shook his head. “No, but see that you bring some more of that ale on your way back.”

“That we can manage.” Kane confirmed from his perch above the oxen. “And I see you’ve finally settled down and had some children?”

“Aha, no.” Percy said with a light laugh, gesturing to the sisters. “These are not our children, as well you know. You were here two months past and found us alone, did you not?”

“Actually”, Summer chimed in, “we’re travellers seeking passage north.”

Maura nodded slowly. “I take it you’re travellers with coin, then?”

Percy gestured dismissively. “My dear Maura, let me give you my personal guarantee that you’ll find these girls a worthwhile pair of companions on your journey.”

Kane raised an eyebrow, and Maura looked the girls over again.

“I’m sure you’ve heard of The Sisters in your journey down into the south?” Percy said with a smile Autumn wasn’t at all sure she liked. “Well, dear Maura, you happen to be in the presence of two of the three of them, and I’m sure they can teach whoever you are carting much for their work.”

“Personal guarantee, you say?” Kane mused.

“If you are not completely satisfied with the choice, I will personally refund you the cost of their passage.” Percy said with a smile, before looking over at the girls again. “Twice, even.”

Maura stepped over to Kane’s cart, and the two of them joined in silent discussion, while Autumn waved Percy quietly over.

“The Sisters?” she whispered.

“Three sister whores that have been making a name for themselves up along the southern road.” Percy whispered quietly. “Just give the girl they are carting a romp or two and ask her to tell the Kents you taught her something new, you’ll be fine.”

“The girl?” Summer whispered.

Percy nodded. “The Kents make a business of carting young girls looking for easy money up north.”

Summer nodded, and Autumn as well. “So we pretend”, Summer suggested, nudging Autumn lightly in the side, “that we’re two of these ‘Sisters’, and everything is fine?”

Percy nodded with a smile. “And if they aren’t convinced, please do not worry about it. What you’re leaving me and my love with is well worth the cost of your passage.”

Summer nodded, and turned to Autumn. “We should manage that, right?”

“Yeah.” Autumn replied in a whisper, a cheeky grin plastered all over her face.

“Very well.” Maura said loudly, as she turned back to the three of them. “Your word is your bond, Percival.”

“My word is my bond.” Percy confirmed with a solemn bow, and Maura nodded, satisfied.

“Will you be taking some food before you depart?” Percy asked with a smile, but Maura shook her head.

“We’re already a little behind where we had hoped to be today, so we’ll be on our way.” she explained, and gave the cart a gesture as she nodded to Summer and Autumn. “You’ll want to get aboard, if you’re going.”

Quickly, the sisters were on their feet, Autumn grabbing the canvas parcel on her way over to the cart, clambering in after Summer, through the thick wool and silk curtains that hung over the open side of the cart.

Inside, the cart was mostly bed, save for the girl in light, sheer silks reclining _on_ the bed.

“Hello.” she said simply as the sisters clambered in, an easy smile on her young face. She was of an age with the two of them; slim and willowy, her chestnut hair tied up in a long, well cared for ponytail, the shape of her body, and indeed her body, readily visible through the thin silks that completely failed to cover her.

Below dark brown eyes framed by chestnut eyebrows sat a tiny nose, and bellow it pillowy, pink lips, her white teeth gleaming between them even in the low light of the cart. Her small, pert nipples stood out clearly against her pale skin where they rested atop her small, pert breasts, and in her navel she wore a dangling piece of silver jewelry that drew the eye inescapably towards her soft, pink lips, nestled below her smooth mound.

“I’m Trina.” she continued, either not noticing or not caring that Summer was completely entranced by her body.

“I’m Autumn.” Autumn said as she toppled into the pillows and blankets that made up the floor of the wagon, stowing the canvas parcel securely against the edge of the frame before pulling off her boots and sticking them in a small compartment she found against the front of the cart. “This is my sister Summer.”

“Are you going north for work as well?” Trina said with a vacant smile, looking the sisters over.

“Boots, Summer.” Autumn admonished her dumbstruck sister. “No, we’re travelling to see our sister.”

Barely able to take her eyes of Trina, Summer nonetheless managed to get off her boots and put them in the compartment Autumn showed her, before undoing the rest of her leathers as well. By the time the cart rumbled into steady motions, both girls were down to their tunics, their gear secured behind the panel door.

“That’s nice.” Trina said. “I’ve always wanted a sister.”

“Oh?” Autumn said, leaning back against the wall.

“Yes.” Trina said with a nod. “I only had two brothers, growing up.”

Autumn nodded absently.

“And I mean”, Trina continued, “with just the three of us we had plenty of fun, of course, but some nights it would have been fun to have a sister to watch them fuck, instead of always being in the middle, you know?”

“You don’t like being in the middle?” Summer asked, sounding a little disappointed, but Trina quickly shook her head.

“I love it, but, you know, maybe not _every_ night?” she suggested, and Summer nodded in assent.

Autumn shrugged. “I wouldn’t mind it every night, if my sisters were up for it.”

“Is that so?” Summer said with an arched eyebrow, and Autumn nodded.

“Good to know.” she said with a grin. “Should we give her what she wants, Trina?”

Trina frowned in puzzlement. “I don’t see how.”

“Well”, Summer said, padding across the wagon on all fours to move up to Trina, “with a touch of magic, anything is possible, you know?”

“Oh!” Trina said. “Magic _is_ fun!”

With a grin, she raised her palm, and from it rose a small glimmering ball of bright light that rendered her already sheer garments entirely invisble, and shon straight through what Summer and Autumn was wearing as well, to reveal what was underneath. She blew lightly on it, and as she did, it turned into a brilliant butterfly-shaped hole in reality that flitted about the cart casting its light over the girls.

“You have magic?” Summer said, surprised.

“It’s fun.” Trina said with an eager nod. “My mother taught me.”

“Well, then.” Summer said. “Let me teach you a useful little spell I’ve been working on.”

Trina gasped in surprise and delight as Summer stuck her hand in under the light silks and pulled a finely wrought cock from nothing, stroking it a few times to let Trina feel how well it worked.

“Wow!” she exclaimed gleefully. “I would _never_ have thought of that!”

“Well”, Summer said with a grin, “my teacher had other aims than your mother, it seems.”

“That is so neat!” Trina exclaimed as she felt out her own cock, and after she had a feel for it, she stripped off her silks. “Get one on as well, and let’s fuck your sister!”

Summer pulled off her tunic to reveal her own cock, as Autumn eyed the two of them nervously. Quick as quick Summer was on her, and soon had her out of her tunic as well.

“Time to put your cunt where your mouth is, sweet sister.” Summer said with a grin.

“Also your mouth, I guess.” she added, pushing her sister forwards into a faceplant into Trina’s lap.

“Well”, Autumn said as Summer positioned herself behind her, “I didn’t mean _right now_.”

As Trina ran a light hand through Autumn’s hair, Summer slipped a pair of fingertips into Autumn’s cunt, feeling her out.

“Feels to me like you meant right now.” she said, giving Autumn a grin as she looked over her shoulder at her.

“But”, Summer said, stretching forwards over Autumn’s body, the tip of her cock slipping past her lips and tapping against her belly, “if you’re sure…”

With practiced ease, Summer shored up Autumn’s arms so she stood on all fours, her head hanging over Trina’s cock. Pulling her hair back lightly to bring her gaze up to meet Trina’s, she sat back and wrapped her hands around Autumn’s thighs.

“I’m guessing you’ll be able to resist wrapping your lips around her cock for another half a minute or so, but you go ahead and prove me wrong.” she said, lightly running her fingers up and down the insides of her sister’s thighs.

Not ten seconds later, Autumn’s arms buckled, and she grabbed an eager hold of Trina’s cock, kissing up and down the length of it as she stroked it, before wrapping her lips around it and going to work. The rhythm of her hungry bobbing up and down was hardly even disturbed with Summer grabbed her by the hips and thrust into her, and slowly riding Autumn she very much set the pace for her sucking and slurping.

Feeling out Trina’s twitches and moans, Autumn could sense her dangling on the edge, and she managed to withdraw at precisely the right moment to have Trina send her seed across the wagon and spattering across her back, but with the bulk of it hitting Summer straight in the face.

“Oh”, Summer coughed, “so that’s how you want to play it?”

“Yep!” Autumn said, turning around with a cheeky grin, getting a good look at her handiwork.

“Are you going to take that kind of cheek from your own sister?” Trina asked with a giggle, and Summer shook her head.

“No.” she said, the shaking of her head sending spatters of Trina’s cum all over the wagon. “Help me turn her around.”

With surprising strength and speed Trina and Summer soon had Autumn turned around. As Trina slammed her down into her lap and onto her cock, she gave a loud gasp as it went in to the hilt, and as Summer grabbed her hair tight and pulled her up to face her, she gave another.

“Would it help if I apologised?” Autumn asked with a nervous smile, and Summer gave her a deep, long, cum-flavoured kiss, grinding her body against Trina’s cock as she did.

“Not in the slightest.” she said with an easy smile as she pulled away.

“Well, fuck you then.” Autumn said, her smile rearranging into another cheeky grin. “I’d do it again in a heartbeat.”

Redoubling her hold on her sister’s hair, Summer pushed her down and shoved her cock deep into her throat, pushing Trina’s cock deeper as she did. Autumn could tell she had already been on the edge, and three brief, strong thrusts later, Trina and Summer came in unison, filling up Autumn’s cunt at one end and leaving her gagging and coughing at the other.

Summer pulled Autumn up again, and gave her another deep kiss, this time pressing herself against her and sitting her upright as she continued grinding her against Trina.

“You know, sweet sister”, she said as she pulled back from the kiss, letting the juices Autumn hadn’t been able to swallow flow from their lips and drop over their intertwined chests, “this is a complicated spell.”

“Ah~n?” Autumn inquired eloquently.

“I think we’ll have to practice all day.” Summer continued with a predatorial smile.

“Every day!” Trina added with a giggle, as Autumn lolled slightly against her sister, trying to catch her breath even as Trina continued fucking her.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5rvj7k/fff_wild_roses_pt_20_teachers_inc