[XP] 越媛温泉・Warm and Wet [FM]

Ken trudged through the snow up towards the small wooden building set into the mountain side, steam drifting up from behind tall, dense fences on each side of it, grumbling to himself as more snow still fell from the steel gray skies.

“Go to Japan, they said.” he muttered to herself. “It’ll be an _experience_, they said.”

In truth, his walking tour of Nagano hadn’t been all that bad, but with every step through the deep white he regretted going in winter.

“You’ll get in touch with your _roots_, they said.” he muttered sullenly.

In truth he had; his third cousin out of Ueda had been wonderfully accomodating, of course, even if he spent most of his time there pestering him about teaching him English, and visiting his great-grandparents’ graves had been no small thing to him.

Still, he could have done it all without the fucking snow. As soon as it landed on him, it melted, sticking his black fringe to his forehead and sending it brushing into his deep brown eyes, and with every step more cold water seeped into his woefully inadequate boots.

Finally his feet were planted on the broad wooden stairs of the onsen, and making his way up he stopped to take in the finely painted sign. His father had married Japanese, but what Ken’s parents had taught him left him at Japanese comma conversational _comma barely_, and reading slash writing comma _fuck all_, so as much as he could appreciate the finely painted lines of the text, any meaning that was to be had failed completely to settle on him.

Sliding the door open, he stepped into the lobby, greeted by a serene smile from the receptionist, an older woman with an air of perpetual calm about her.

“<Welcome.>” she said, gently beckoning him towards the tall cherry wood counter.

“<Ah, yes.>” Ken replied unsurely in his somewhat mangled Japanese. “<I’d like to buy a room, please.>”

The woman gave him a pleasant nod, moving gracefully over his errors and replying with an incomprehensible question regarding, perhaps, some special service.

Absently, Ken nodded, and the woman gave him a warm smile. “<Three man yen please.>”

Quickly working through some mental arithmetic Ken arrived at “expensive?”, before giving up and thrusting a bundle of notes at the woman, from which she carefully plucked three ten-thousand yen notes and waved the rest back at him.

“<Let me show you to your room.>” she said, leading him down a corridor and up a flight of stairs.

At the end of the upstairs hallway she stopped, and slid open a thick door to allow him entrance to his room, a tidy twelve-mat affair with a futon folded up in one corner and a bundle of towels topped with a short yukata in another.

“<You’ll want the bath on the left.>” the receptionist explained in very, perhaps needlessly, deliberate terms, and departed with a small bow.

After depositing his wet boots in the entryway, Ken stepped up into the room proper and walked over to the window. Sliding the heavy panel open to greet the cold air and snow outside, he reflected briefly on the priciness of the room, although the view was something else indeed, showing him, aside from his own miserable tracks through the deep snow, an enormous view of rolling peaks and valleys down towards Ueda. Standing for a while admiring the view, it wasn’t long before the receptionist returned with a broad board carrying a large bowl of ramen, generously spiced with seasonal and local flavours, and hungry from his walk, Ken devoured it with glee.

By the time he had slipped out of his wet clothes and into the yukata, the reception was closed, even though fading sunlight still streamed into the lobby through shimmering panels flanking the door. Taking the receptionist at her word, he wandered into the bath to the left, occasionally tugging at his yukata, easily two inches too short as it was.

After a long, thorough shower he stepped naked out into the cool air of the fenced in spring, carefully negotiating the rocky steps into the piping hot water. For a while he sat watching the still falling snowflakes as they made their final journey down towards the surface, their shapes mingling indistinctly into the mist around them by the time they melted at the still interface, his eyes finally landing on the other occupant of the rough-hewn tub.

Sharing his jet black hair, if longer, and his deep brown eyes, if somehow deeper, she was taller than him by a head, leaving her large breasts topped with dark, perky nipples well above the waterline where she sat, smiling gently at him.

With a furious blush, Ken looked away at once, muttering what he could by way of appology.

“<I’m so sorry!>” he ventured. “<The receptionist…>”

Sliding closer to him, she cut him off, with the same needlessly deliberate tone as the receptionist. “<Said the bath to the left.>”

“<This one.>” she added, as her pert nipple, slick from water warmed in mountainblood touched his arm.

Ken nodded furiously, his blush deepening.

With a gentle hand to the tip of his chin, the woman returned Ken’s gaze to her. “<Because you have the special service.>”

Ken nodded, more sedately, his attention focused intently on the bridge of her slender nose.

“<Was it not explained to you what special service entails?>” she asked with a sly smile, and he shook his head slowly.

“<Ah.>” she said with a shrug. “<I suppose I should explain, then.>”

Ken nodded again, but ignoring him the woman plunged her head into the warm water, her lips and fingertips finding Ken’s cock to kiss and fondle it into rapt attention as he sat, transfixed, staring at her rump bobbing up and down where it stuck out of the water. By the time she came up for air, he was well hard, and with a light kiss and an impish grin she headed back down, this time wrapping her lips around his cock and taking him in to the hilt on the first plunge.

Sinking back into his seat as she worked him over, her tongue playing over the tip of him on her way up for air and her way plunging back down, Ken sat staring up into the gray and snow above, soon moaning as she brought him to the edge. Just as he felt himself beginning to tip over, she disengaged and erupted from the water; her hair sending a glimmering myriad of droplets into the cool air and her hand still locked around his cock, stroking it slowly.

“<Why…?>” Ken panted, and she answered him quickly enough, letting go as she climbed up into his lap, the folds of her flower brushing against his achingly hard cock.

“<We have all night.>” she said with a grin, grinding against him. “<Why rush?>”

“<Well.>” Ken suggested, but before he could complete the thought she pushed off from the seat, burying his face in her ample bosom and her hands in his shaggy black hair.

“<Well what?>” she asked, grinding her body against him.

“<M~hmph.>” Ken suggested, blissfully.

With a slow nod, she sank back down, straight onto his rock hard cock, letting it sink deeply into her with a soft gasp. With slow, deliberate movements, she soon had Ken on the edge again, and with practiced ease she kept him there, as with each stroke she lifted herself enough to brush her breasts against his face.

“<Please…>” Ken moaned, and with a grin and a kiss she was quick to up her pace, bringing Ken to orgasm at long last, hot jets spurting deep into her.

For a while, the two of them sat panting, Ken’s softening cock still buried within her.

“<I suppose that’s worth three man…>” Ken sighed, and she nodded vaguely.

Suddenly, however, she leaned back, an eyebrow arched.

“<Three?>” she asked, her breasts still heaving against the water, and Ken nodded casually.

With a thoughtful look to her, she got up at last, and waded through the water towards the showers.

“<Enjoy the waters.>” she said with a smile as she climbed the stairs and slid the glass door open, wiggling her butt at him.

Ken very much did, and it was easily two hours before he dared try his legs again, wading the same way through the steaming water, dancing snow more heavy still melting before it even hit him. After another shower he made his way through the corridors and back to his room, to find another meal set on the tatami, and as he finished off his donburi, there was a light knock on the door.

“<Come in.>” he offered casually, pulling down his too-short yukata in a vain attempt at covering himself.

The young woman from the baths stepped naked into the entryway, followed closely by another who was just about identical to her; or possibly a woman identical to the one from the baths followed closely by her.

“<My appologies.>” one of them began with a smile. “<I did not realize you had the three man yen service.>”

“<Please>”, the other one continued, “<let me introduce you to my sister.>

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5ra72w/xp_越媛温泉warm_and_wet_fm

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