Little Lion Romance [F/m]

*Slight Ageplay*

The freshman boy walked quietly down the hall, humming to a tune in his head. The young man was wearing a tshirt, inscribed with some 80s band, and a pair of jeans, a black belt looping through. His backpack was slung around his shoulders, an olive green color. The halls were rather empty, except for the few kids who had stayed for clubs like he had. Finally, he turned down the hall and smiled as he saw a young woman at the end, patiently waiting for him.

The woman had toffee colored skin, lithe and tall, her hair cascading down her back, but a few locks went over her eyes and collar bone. She was wearing a maroon sweater, and a pair of light blue jeans, a necklace around her neck. She had several books in her hands, holding them against her stomach, a tote bag around her shoulder.

“Hello Sam” She flashed a pearly white smile to the young man.

“Hi Priya!” He smiled at her before glancing behind him then around, before quickly giving her a hug, his arms around her waist. She obliged into the hug, holding the hooks with one hand so she could place her hand on his back, rubbing gently.

“And how was your day?”

“Well enough.” He gave a small shrug before turning to the row of lockers next to them, opening one of them. It was a shared locket, evident by the more colorful items, then the more drab ones, and the multitude of books. He slung his backpack off and set it down, putting a book in, taking one out. There were several pictures on the inside of the door, including one of Sam and Priya, her arms around his neck.

“Well enough?” She arched her black eyebrow.

“Yeah.” He said in a soft tone, face going a bit sullen as he shut the locker, but a smile returned when she gently touched his head. He found her hand and held it gently, letting her lead them out, letting go of it once they were on the sidewalk. Soon enough, they were in her car, a sleek baby blue convertible, driving off.

“Something you’d like to talk about?” She asked in a calm yet concerned voice.

He turned slightly to the side, looking out of the window, giving another shrug. “Mrs Rent was being mean again today.”

“Ah.” She sighed, giving his hand a small squeeze. She knew how he felt about the teacher and how hard she was on him, having gone through the same experience with the same teacher.

“Say, how about we go to your house, relax and watch some tv, and I’ll make some dinner, okay my cub?” She asked, her thumb rubbing against the back of his hand.

He looked over and nodded, his emerald eyes shining happily. “I’d like that…”

“Is it almost done?” He asked, peering around her ample hip to see the skillet she had in front of her.

“Almost, almost, I should ask the same about your homework.” She teased, bumping him with her hip playfully, causing him to stick out his tongue, but he returned to the dinner table to work on it.

The senior continued working on the food, before finally setting a plate of chicken on a bed of rice with a sauce drizzled over it in front of him, sitting a similar plate down next to him before she sat down.

After Sammy had gotten them both glasses of water, they ate quietly, the boy having finished his homework. Once the plates were finished off, Sam cleaned them as Priya went into his bedroom and made his bed, as well as turning on his tv. She went ahead and even slid into her own pajamas, which were hidden under the bed, just pulling on the bottoms when he walked in.

His room was boyish, in a green color, a shelf of books and knick knacks off to the sside, dresser of clothes with a tv on it, and a small fish tank to the side. He fed his fish before putting on his pajamas, slipping out of his clothes first until he was nude. He was a bit nubile but had hair here and there, a patch of matching brown hair above his boyhood.

“You may say it’s unfair, abuse even, but I say it’s a blessing that your father leaves you alone while he’s away…” She murmured, gently taking his hand after he pulled on his shirt, stilll pantsless.

He tilted his head when she began talking, before a splotchy blush came over his cheeks, letting her lead him to the bed, sitting on the edge once she kneeled. “Priya…” He mumbled softly as he soon grew to his length, of around five inches.

The woman wrapped her slender fingers around his cock, soon pumping away, watching his face as pleasure overtook it. “O-Oh, my…” He moaned, toes curling.

She was always one for feeling it rather than tasting it, so she only gave the occasional lick to his tip. Soon enough, his body tensed up and he groaned, before crying out. His eyes rolled back slightly, toes curled as he began shooting his cum over her honey colored skin, dotting her face and chest.

“There we go, my little lion…” She purred.

He sighed softly, letting out a sudden yawn. She quickly cleaned him and herself off, before wrapping him up in her arms, laying down with him. “Night my sweet…”

“Goodnight… I love you…” He mumbled softly, face against her lips.

“Love you too, my little cub.”
