No Panties- No focus (Part One)

Life has been busy. Not that I am complaining. In between work, drinks, school, and sleep I haven’t been able to do my laundry. The choice came this morning, I could either re wear a pair of panties, which I can still smell myself on- I need to stop playing with myself at work- or I could go sans panties. So, I ran out of the house toast in my mouth, coffee and files in my hands all san panties.
I showed up for work thinking that everyone would notice. But as I continued no one glanced my way more than usual. Walking from desk to desk I could feel the seam of my pants rubbing my clit. I was determined to ignore the sweet rhythmic massage, I had things to do. But it was at the forefront of my mind all day. I thought about running to the restroom to relive myself of the tension but every time I thought I would have a few minutes I would get called to do this or that.
3:30 rolled around, only an hour and half left and maybe sooner because all I had left was the meeting. I strode over slowly, now enjoying teasing myself, letting it build up. I could feel my abs tensing, tingling where my legs meet my groin. I sit down on the far left in the front preparing for my boss’ usual spiel. But today was my lucky day. His son was presenting. He strode in with his fine tailored suit. I could see him flexing under his jacket and his ass in those pants when he turned to put his stuff on the desk. What I would do to be on that des- “Hello everyone” His voice resonates in my chest. I quickly forget to take notes as I listen to his voice imagining it was next to my ear. I feel myself adjusting so my pants can rub as I sit. But I am having a hard time focusing on much. I am getting so close. He comes over to me and asked to use me as an example. Shit what has he been talking about? Proper attire for the work place. Perfect. He asks me to walk up and down showing off my wonderfully tailored pants and top. Little does he know this is all I needed to push me so damn close. As I walked my pants rode up further and further putting more pressure on my wet clit and dripping pussy. He touched my arm to telling us that was it for the meeting and asked me to stay after. My heart skipped a beat. He knows. This turned me on even more.
To be continued…



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