[Mf] Better Living Through Chemistry (pseudo-incest, dub-con, sleep play, age play)

It’s not my fault.

There’s just so much a man can resist. Only so much he can take before the pretense of civility shatters and a man is just a lusting beast.

I may not be the kind of guys you’d imagine to be over powered by physical needs. I work in the tech industry. I’m 41. I keep in decent shape but I’m not the kind of guy girls dream about at night. I’ve got a decent sense of humor and I’m pretty damn bright, but girls seem to want frat/jock assholes and I’ve never crushed a beer can on my forehead or raped a girl…

Fuck, that’s no longer true, is it?

I married Jen six years ago. I adore her and her daughter, Sheila. Jen’s my best friend and she was my best lover. Unfortunately she’s had some complications down there that have made sex painful for her. She still gives me handjobs and head, but we’re both busy with careers and a lot of the time I’m left to take care of business myself. It’s not so bad. I work remotely from home so it’s easy to throw on some porn and jack off during the day. Once Sheila’s out the door to school I have the house to myself until she gets back about 3.

She’s a good kid. Oh, fuck, she’s such a sweet kid. She’s 14, a freshman in high school, and she’s never given me or her mom any attitude. Most terms she makes the honor roll. She took to me right away. I think her dad leaving when she was 5 or 6 left a big hole in her life and I think she adopted me as her daddy even before me and Jen married. She was an adorable 8 year old back when Jen and I started dating.

I wish she had stayed adorable, but she didn’t. Last year she hit a bit of a late growth spurt. She looks… *amazing*. She’s slender, weighing maybe 100 pounds, about 5’4”. Her breasts have grown to B cups, but it’s more than that, they are insanely perky. As she dances around the house they bounce like trampolines in her shirt even when she’s not wearing a bra. I don’t think she knows she’s developed into a beautiful young woman. If she did she wouldn’t parade around sometimes in t-shirt and panties the way she does. Because of the growth spurt a lot of her favorite clothes are really too small for her now, but she keeps them to wear as jammies. It’s not infrequent that I’ll be watching a late night movie and she’ll come out on the couch to watch with me due to her insomnia. She’ll be sitting there in practically nothing. I’ll try to watch the movie but she’ll be sitting on the couch, legs splayed in that casual way kids have, her pussy outlined by panties that are too small, her too small shirt pulled tight across her beautiful breasts.

I’ve tried not to notice all that.

I really did try.

Sheila’s insomnia is a huge issue for her. Most nights she only gets 4 hours of sleep. We’ve talked to tons of doctors but the brain chemistry of sleep is super complicated and not well understood. Then they started her on Solanatol. It’s the next gen Ambien, I guess. It knocks you out for 3-4 hours of sleep and then keeps you awake for a similar period. Like Ambien, they warned us Solanatol could lead to some sleepwalking types of behavior. We experimented with how best to take it and finally settled on her taking a dose when she first got home from school. That way she could sleep until dinner time, have dinner, do homework, and then go to bed at the usual hour and get a total 6-8 hours sleep.

For me this was great. I had an additional 3-4 hours I could jerk off if I wanted now. That became much more handy when my boss made team lead on a big project that required I spend most of my work time in meetings. Everything was good until a few weeks ago.

Sheila had come home from school and taken her dose as usual. We spent 10 minutes chatting about her day. I have to admit my mind was firmly focused on the treat I was about to give myself. Work had been stressful and…frankly the top Sheila was wearing had just enough of a scoop to show some beautiful cleavage. I was getting hard, but I shifted how I was sitting to try and hide it. Anticipation made the minutes crawl but eventually started yawning hard and stumbled off to her bedroom to sleep.
As soon as her back had turned, my hand started squeezing my cock through my pants. I watched her walk to her bedroom and I know I was ogling her ass. It’d been so long since I had had a woman, and I don’t think I could fairly say I had ever been with a woman who had an ass like a 14 year old girl.

I made myself wait half an hour to make sure she was really down and then I put some porn on the TV. I’d found myself recently looking for starlets who reminded me of Sheila. I hate to admit it but I had. I’d found a girl, she didn’t look a whole lot like my step-daughter, but something about the way she moved, the expressions she got, they reminded me of the girl sleeping helplessly in the next room.

My cock was so hard and I spread out on the couch and started stroking myself, slowly, because I wanted this to build nicely. I watched the girl who reminded me of my step-daughter. I stroked my cock. The pleasure and pressure built. The need built. In my head Sheila was doing things- to me, to herself, to the girl on the screen. The sensations started to concentrate near the base of my cock. I was going to come soon.

And then I heard her door open.

I fumbled for the remote and switched off the porn as Sheila walked slowly into the room. Heart hammering painfully, I pulled my shirt down over my exposed cock and open pants. Sheila walked over to the couch and looked at me for just a second. I must have turned beet red but there was no recognition in her eyes. They seemed dead to the world.

“Honey, are you okay,” I asked softly.

She nodded and then sat down on the couch next to me. She stared at the TV, but blankly.

“Do you want to watch something?”

She nodded.

“What do you want to watch?”

She shrugged. The motion made her tits bob up and down and my cock pulsed in response.

“Do you know where you are?”

“Home,” she said- her voice faint and dreamy.

I couldn’t tear my eyes from her body. Those long legs leading up to the too tight panties that showed me her pussy lips in gorgeous detail. Her flat stomach, emerging from an old t-shirt that cascaded of the shelf of her breasts. My hand reached under my shirt to touch my head.

“Do you know who I am?”

She nodded slowly. “Daddy.”

God, my heart was pounding. She was so close, so vulnerable, I could do anything to her.

I could do *everything* to her.

I was stroking myself again. I couldn’t have stopped then.

“Why don’t you watch TV, honey.” She turned her head back to face the TV. Gilligan’s island, of all things, was playing on the station.

I looked at Sheila and for the first time fully masturbated thinking about her and nothing but her. My eyes devoured her. A thought occurred to me. I tried to resist it but…

“Can I put my hand on your leg, Honey?”

It took a second for the question to penetrate her altered consciousness and every instant of it I was wracked with guilt and desire. I wanted to push her down and mount her, take her like an animal, and I hated myself for it.

She nodded.

My left hand reached across my body and touched her left leg. First I rested it on the meaty middle part of her thigh. Then I began stroking my hand gently down to her knee and back up until I was almost grazing her mound through her panties. Braver, I started to knead the muscles as my hand moved.

She made a small ‘nngh’ noise of pleasure and I came harder than I had in years. While I shot my load into my right hand my left hand stopped moving. Sheila reached down after a minute and clumsily dragged my hand up her thigh.

Panting I asked, “Do you like my hand there?”

She nodded.

I resumed moving my hand on her thigh and massaging the muscles while my right milked the last of my orgasm from my dick.


In the aftermath of having masturbated while groping my step-daughter’s thigh and staring at her luscious body, I began to be able to think rationally again.

“Honey, why don’t you go back to bed and sleep,” I asked her.

She looked at me for a second with those empty eyes and then obediently got up and walked back to her room. She didn’t close her door though.

I stood and followed her. Through the slightly open door I looked in on her as she lay back down on her bed. She was on top of the covers and I had a very nice view of her ass. I reached out for the door handle thinking I would go in and cover her up…

But I knew if I set foot in her room I would not be able to stop myself from going further, much further. The orgasm on the couch had taken some of the edge off but that nubile tight little body was still driving me wild. If I went in her room right then I would have stripped her bare, tasted and touched her little pussy, and probably have fucked her brains out while she slept. It was so hard not to do it. Slowly I closed the door turning the handle so that the latch would not click and it shut.


The instant that door shut it hit me like a truck. Would she remember when she woke? Any of it? Would she remember the porn I had on when she first emerged? Would she remember me groping her? Me masturbating? Me cumming while touching her?

Had I just destroyed my marriage and her life?

God, would she hate me when she woke up?

I’m not sure *who* I prayed to then but I prayed that it would just seem a dream to her. I prayed that I would get away with it.

After the paranoia came the amazement. I had molested her, just a little to be sure, but I had actually done it. The taste of her thigh hung heavily in my sense memory. I sat on the couch and cupped my hand imagining her thigh against my palm. The sensation was strong. Suddenly I brought my hand to my face and sniffed. There was a soap odor and a slightly musky scent that made me shiver. I groped myself some more while sniffing Sheila’s scent on my molesting hand.

And then came the guilt.

Where the paranoia focused on whether she would remember my guilt ate at me regardless of whether or not I got away with it.

She was my sweet little darling. It wasn’t her fault she had grown so beautiful and didn’t know it. It wasn’t her fault she had a miserable lech of a step-dad. It wasn’t her fault she needed drugs to sleep that left her at my mercy.

That poor girl. She deserved better.

I wondered if it would happen again.

She deserved a real father who would treat her right.

Was it a one off thing or would she join me on the couch regularly?

If I was a good person I would make sure not to be home when she took the Solanatol.

Maybe if I turned up the TV loud during her nap she’d be more likely to come out?

I went out then, afraid to be in the house with her any longer. Out of guilt I picked up dinner makings easy enough even I could do it (my wife is the cook in the family, I’ve screwed up rice). I had it all ready by the time Jen got home. While trying to busy myself with cooking, I had startled every time I heard a noise, thinking either it was Sheila awake now and ready to accuse me of the crimes I had committed or Jen getting home somehow aware of what I had done. Neither case was true. Jen came home pleasantly surprised to find dinner made. Sheila woke up soon after and came out of her room ravenous for dinner.

Throughout the meal I watched Sheila for evidence she remembered anything. There was nothing. By the end I felt brave enough to ask her if she’d seen Gilligan’s Island recently, prodding to see if the memory might come loose like an avalanche.

“I don’t think so,” she said simply.

“Maybe we should watch some,” I said with a thrill of abandon. I *had* gotten away with it.

Later that night, in bed with Jen, she gave me a handjob while I thought about her daughter. She didn’t know of course, she had just noted that I seemed overly affectionate and wanted to thank me for dinner. It was nice, but I couldn’t wait until tomorrow after school.

As it turned out Thursday was a bust. Sheila didn’t come out of her room during her nap. I hadn’t jerked off at all because I kept hoping she’d emerge. That night Jen noticed I was a bit down.

“Just a little depressed, nothing specific,” I lied.

Friday afternoon though…

I was watching porn after she had gone in to nap and drawing out the experience of jerking off, still hoping that Wednesday hadn’t been a fluke. I know it is stupid but in a way I convinced myself that if she came out it was a sort of consent on her part to be touched sexually. I was really hoping she’d come out again. My hand didn’t smell like her anymore.

Her door opened.

This time I didn’t turn off the porn. I didn’t cover myself. I sat there, cock out, porn playing, as my 14 year old barely clothed step-daughter sat down next to me on the couch.

“Hi, honey,” I said softly. She didn’t respond.

She watched the TV with the same blank stare as before. Would she absorb the porn on some subconscious level? Would it become part of her fantasies? Would I? A sudden thought occurred to me. In this state wouldn’t she answer honestly any question?

“Can I ask you a question, sweetheart?”

She nodded.

“Have you watched porn?”

She nodded.


“Lots of times.”

“What was the first time?”

“Jessica showed me on her phone.”

“When was this?”

“When I was 11.”

I was stroking myself again. My voice came out husky, “Do you play with yourself, Sheila?”

She nodded.

My cock throbbed hard in my hands. “How often?”

“When I can’t sleep.”

“So, most nights you play with yourself?”

She nodded and fidgeted her hips a little.

“How do you play with yourself?”

Her brow furrowed.

“I mean, do you use your fingers to play with yourself?”


“What else?”

“Stuffed animals.”

“Do you cum when you play with yourself?”

She nodded. “Now I do.”

I was getting close.

“Can I kiss you,” I blurted out. I had always loved kissing while cumming.

She nodded and leaned towards me.

I cocked my head and leaned in close as well. Her lips were parted slightly and a delicate pink color. My lips brushed first the corner of her mouth and then planted firmly on hers. She didn’t move at first, but as I started kissing her, her mouth started to move as well. I slid my tongue into her mouth and felt her tongue lick mine.

I came.

While my cock erupted she continued kissing me, which made my orgasm seem to stretch on forever.

“Thank you,” I whispered as I broke the kiss.

Her mouth continued to make kissing motions for a second and then she dreamily said, “You’re welcome, Daddy.”

I sat back, collecting my breath. She returned to looking at the TV.

“Honey, can you lift your shirt up?”

Her hands slowly drew up her body, fingers hooked under the bottom edge. Her stomach, taut with just a hint of abs emerged. The bottom of her sternum. One rib after another appeared until the bottom of her breasts hung below the edge of her shirt. The bottom lip of her shirt caught on her hardened nipples for just a moment and then snapped free to sail up revealing her breasts entirely. I stopped her from pulling the shirt entirely off of her head.

And then I just stared for a long time at those perfect B cup breasts. I had never seen breasts that compared, not even in porn. There was something so wholesome and so lurid about them. This was a girl about to be a woman. Innocent, and yet so incredibly fuckable.

“You have beautiful breasts.”

“Thank you, Daddy.”

I looked a little longer.

“You’ve made Daddy very happy. Why don’t you put your shirt back down and go back to bed, Honey.”

She nodded and did as she was told.

One thing was for certain- I was no longer going to be satisfied with just her scent.


My time with Sheila during her naps became the focus of my life. I woke up each day wondering if she’d join me on the couch that day, or else cursing the weekend for disrupting the schedule. I went to bed thinking about the last time I sat with her. Every time, *every* time I touched myself she was either beside me on the couch or in my thoughts. I found excuses to take more pictures of her. The nice ones I put into digital albums for Jen, saying it was to make up for the time she missed out when at work. The naughtier ones, times that I caught her bending over, or her nipples poking out through a shirt or sweater, those went on to my phone to look at on those days Sheila stayed in her bedroom.

The next several times she sat with me I kissed her while masturbating. After that I felt compelled to escalate things.
I broke our kiss and asked, “Are you aroused, honey?” I had noticed more and more often that she would fidget while we kissed.

“A little.”

“Would you like to play with yourself?”

She nodded.

“You can go ahead and play with yourself, baby.”

Her brow furrowed.

“I play in bed. On my stomach”

“You can touch yourself here, its okay.”

She seemed confused. I decided to try a different tack.

“Sweetie, can you show me how you touch yourself in bed?”

She paused and then nodded. Leaning back on the couch her legs extended out in front of her. Her hands slowly moved over her stomach and between her legs. Her hands cupped her upper thighs, her index fingers lying along her outer labia, which were clearly visible through her panties. Her hands pressed inward, sort of smushing her lips together. Then she pulled her hands away from each other, spreading herself again. She pressed her lips together again. She alternated this opening and closing for a while and then began moving her hands in circular patterns causing her lips to rub alongside each other lengthwise. She whimpered a little.

“Does that feel good?”

She nodded. The way she was touching herself was sexy but didn’t seem to involve a lot of clitoral stimulation.

“Does it feel good on your clit?”

Furrowed brows again.

“Do you know what a clit is, honey?”

She shook her head.

I swallowed hard. “Can I show you?”

She nodded.

I gently pulled her hands away from her crotch. She mewled slightly in a way that suggested she was feeling a real *need* for sexual stimulation. I slid my right hand over her stomach. It felt so smooth and tight and sexy. My fingers grazed her panties and I gasped. I was touching her panties. I was touching Sheila’s tight little panties. And I was about to slip my hand into them.

Except I couldn’t, her panties were too tight to let me get a hand in.

“Honey, I need you to take off your panties.”

She didn’t question or object, just hooked her thumbs in her panties at the hips and quickly slid them down to her ankles. I reached over and spread her legs again. As they spread she opened, her pussy lips visible for the first time spread slightly for me letting me see her pinkness. I drew my hand up her thigh, up past her hip and waist, and then slid slowly back between her thighs. She fidgeted again as my fingers grazed her labia for the first time.

I’m touching her teenage pussy. It had been decades since I had last touched a teen pussy. She’s my daughter. This time the thought was accompanied more by lust than guilt.

My index finger edged between her lips, exploring gently. She mewled again. With my other hand I spread her outer lips so I could see easier.


The tiny little hooded button that was about to be the center of her pleasure.

Slowly and lightly I drew my finger tip over her clitoris. She inhaled deeply.

“Does that feel good?”

She nodded.

“Very good?”

She nodded.

I started circling her bud with my finger. She began sitting up very straight and moaned.

“Do you want to orgasm?”

She nodded.

“Can Daddy get you off?”

She nodded, and then, dreamily, “Please…”

I started kissing her again while I fingered her little virgin pussy.
Shit, will cumming wake her up? How deeply asleep is she? Oh fuck. But I knew I couldn’t stop. I’d made her feel good with my touches. I wanted, I *needed*, to be the first man to make my baby girl cum. I had to be the first to give her that kind of pleasure.

Her lips stopped kissing me and she began to make a quite but high pitched squeal into my mouth. I kept kissing her. Her body trembled, shook really,

“Oh…Daddy…” she moaned into my mouth as she came on my hand.

“Yes, baby, cum for Daddy.”

She did. And I kissed her lips and face through her convulsions and aftershocks.

“Baby,” I paused, “would you kiss Daddy’s cock?”

She nodded.


Despite how my cock was throbbing with need, and despite how incredibly naughty the idea of having her mouth on me was, I paused to smell and lick my index finger that had been lewdly rubbing my step-daughter’s clit. Musky. Salty. Delicious.

I kissed her long enough to get her mouth making kissing motions again. Gently I pulled her down towards my crotch. As her hair slid over my stomach and thigh I had to resist the urge to thrust up towards those sweet lips and tantalizing tongue.

“Kiss my cock now, baby,” I said forcefully. “Suck my cock, Sweetie.”

She was bent forward enough that my tip touched her cheek. I shifted my cock to line up with her mouth. Her mouth began kissing me, her lips and tongue working on me. I looked down at her, down at my sweet little girl, panties around her ankles, pussy wet with her recent orgasm, bent over me, my cock in her mouth. My hand pushed on her back to lower her head more and get more of myself into her mouth.

And I came. Not a huge orgasm but a sudden one. There’d been little build up but the sight of her taking me in her young teen mouth and kissing me…I couldn’t help but cum a little. Sheila froze as thick ropes of my cum spurted into her mouth. She didn’t cough but she also didn’t drink me. Most of my cum fell out of her mouth to smear on my pubes.

Once I stopped cumming she started kissing my, now gooey, cock again. God, that felt great. Her soft little lips were gently loving my cock right after cumming. It was *amazing*. Her gentle lipping and licking kept me hard (and felt incredible). I let her kiss and lick me for an hour before I had to make her stop because I was getting too sensitive. Her technique could use some refinement but I couldn’t fault her endurance or willingness.

In a strange way the latter reminded me of Jen, who had been very willing to give me head. We’d gotten off track the last few years due to all the time apart, but if I was honest for having been married 6 years I was still getting a lot of oral action.

I sat Sheila back up. I looked at her. Her mouth was splattered with my cum. I reached over and wiped my cum from her cheeks and chin and then pressed my finger to her mouth. After a moment she took my finger in her mouth and began giving it the same loving attention she had just given my cock.

“Does Daddy taste good, baby?”

She nodded, my finger still in her mouth. Her tongue felt soft and hot.

“Daddy loves you very much. Pull up your panties and go lay back down to sleep, honey.”

She stood up and bent forward to pull up her panties, giving me a perfect view of her adorable pussy. Would she like to have her Daddy eat her out? She looked so tasty.

I cleaned up. The extended gentle head had left me highly aroused, but more I just felt full of loving energy. Love for Sheila. Love for Jen. Love for everybody. It’s amazing what good oral can do for your outlook.

Jen got home and I gave her a warm hug and kiss. She seemed surprised but pleased. While she was preparing dinner I kept making excuses to give her little touches. This woman had been my loyal wife for 6 years, and was responsible for bringing Sheila into my life. As bizarre as it sounds molesting her daughter was making me feel closer to her. As much as my cock wanted Sheila I felt a great warmth, and no little desire for the woman who had made her.

After dinner I suggested we all watch a movie. Usually Jen begs off from movie night but she’d been a bit giddy from all the touches and attention and agreed. We all sat on the couch where, a few hours earlier I’d first fingered Sheila’s pussy and then cum in her mouth. The couch is a little tight for three people but we squeezed in, me in the middle. I put an arm around each of them and gently massaged their necks and shoulders while we watched some cheesy horror movie. During one jump scare Sheila buried her face in my shoulder and Jen grabbed my thigh, her hand accidentally ended up on top of my cock.
She squeezed me through my pants.

Maybe it wasn’t an accidental after all. I hugged both of them and then kissed each of them on the cheek.

I whispered in Jen’s ear, “I was thinking about your blowjobs earlier.”

She looked at me, smiled, and whet her lips before kissing me on the cheek.

The movie seemed interminable and went much later than I expected. By the time it was over Sheila was asleep against my arm.

“Should I wake her,” I asked Jen who shook her head.

“Oh, don’t interrupt what little sleep she can get. I’m afraid you’re just going to have to sit there and *try* to be very, very quiet.” Her fingers tugged at my fly. “It was your idea.”

Jen’s head bobbed up and down on my cock, her mouth sucking me intensely so that when she came up too far she came off of me with an audible pop. She knew I loved that, although each time it happened I looked over to see if Sheila was still asleep. I’m still not sure if I was hoping she’d be asleep or awake. Jen’s continued hoovering my cock deliciously and before long I filled her mouth with my cum, just as I did her daughter’s. But she drank my seed with relish.

She looked up at me with a smirk of triumph and satisfaction.
“Oh, god, that was good, Jen. Um, could you…just kind of gently suck me and lick me for a little bit?”

Jen cocked an eyebrow at me but then slowly lowered her mouth back on to me, maintaining eye contact the whole time. She nursed all the cum remaining in my cock out of me. She went for maybe five minutes, not the long duration Sheila had, but it still was very nice. When she came off of me finally she carefully tucked me back into my pants and zipped me back up. We kissed.
“We should do this more often,” she said and giggled slightly.

I looked over at Sheila, still asleep. “You like to live dangerously,” I said.

But who was I to talk?


Jen went up to bed. I stayed on the couch so as not to disturb Sheila’s sleep. I watched TV, with the volume low and closed captioning on, for a while, eventually nodding off to sleep myself.

Around 4am Sheila woke up. Her moving around woke me, although I was pretty groggy.

“Sorry to wake you, you should go up to bed,” she said softly. She was standing near the couch.

“Urm, yeah. Did you sleep okay?” My brain was still half asleep.

“Yeah, I missed the end of the movie though.”

“You didn’t miss much, next time we’ll pick a better movie.”

I clumsily got to my feet and pulled her into a hug.

“Goodnight, honey.”

“Goodnight, Dad.”

I gave her a goodnight kiss…except it wasn’t. My lips brushed her and she started really kissing me, the way she did when asleep. And I, sleep addled, began really kissing her back. She stiffened and broke the embrace. Her cheeks were flushed. At the time I was still too groggy to really realize what had happened, so I toddled off to bed.

The next morning I woke up a bit late and the house was empty by the time I got up. The memory of what had happened early that morning started slowly coming back to me. She’d kissed me. Sheila had really kissed me while awake. She’d seemed embarrassed by doing so. Or was she embarrassed I kissed her back?

After a little breakfast I wandered into her room. I knew where she kept her diary. I needed to know what she was thinking.

>OMG. I basically just made out with my Dad.

>I can’t believe this. He tried to kiss me goodnight and I practically jammed my tongue down his throat. God, am I a slut? He’s my Dad. It just felt sooo natural to kiss him. I am a slut. It made me excited to kiss him. He was half asleep, I’m not sure he even knows it was me, or that it wasn’t a dream. If he does know, how can I face him? What if he does know and he liked it? What if he wants to kiss me again? Thinking about it now has me all antsy.

> I pulled out Mr. FuzzyLumps and rode him. I haven’t done that in a while, but I wanted something more than my fingers. With my fingers it’s just me, but with Fuzzy it feels like there is someone else. I kissed Lionel Leonine while I did it. I was thinking about how it felt kissing Dad. Why does that excite me so much? I haven’t put Fuzzy away yet…

> I’ve been riding FuzzyLumps for most of the last three hours. I’ve never been like this, not even when the sleep pills give me sex dreams. I’ve been trying using him in different ways. I lay on my back and spread my legs and pushed him hard against me and then rubbed him up and down me. I wish he had something that could go inside me. I keep imagining he has a hard little dick that I could rub inside me. I feel hollow, hungry down there. I wonder how big my Dad’s…

> I need to rub off again.

I rummaged in her closet and found the long stuffed alligator she called FuzzyLumps. It felt damp. I was stroking myself without realizing it as I sniffed her childhood toy turned teenage masturbation toy. It smelled like her pussy.

She was thinking about me sexually. Subconsciously she had absorbed some of our behavior during her naps. I could probably fuck her if I wanted to.

I could fuck her if I wanted.

I could.

And I wanted to so much.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5qfeec/mf_better_living_through_chemistry_pseudoincest

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