Addicted to Love Volume One (Chapters 1-4) [mf]


Usually the more quiet and shy type, there was just one person she could not contain herself around. One man. He made her body react like she never imagined possible. Being in the same room with him made her heart race, her skin tingle, her body tense and make her lightheaded. She trusted him, told him all of her secrets and fantasies. Even after sharing intimate details with him, the thought of how badly she wanted him made her blush like never before. She wanted him, needed him, and had to have him.
Amy and Brad met less than a year ago but their friendship blossomed pretty quickly. There were many all night conversations and several daily emails. He easily distracted her from her work but she loved that about him. It seemed as if they never ran out of things to talk about. There were times when they would share sultry details on fantasies they both had and even some erotic stories they enjoyed. As much as she loved getting to know Brad and about his life, these conversations were her favorite. It never failed she would get all hot and bothered by the things he told her. Many days she would get home as soon as she could just so she could think of what he told her, shared with her, and she would imagine him doing those things to her. His hands roaming across her smooth skin, his mouth and tongue teasing her until she couldn’t take any more. Yes…one day, she had to have him and that day would be soon.
Amy had been away on a business trip for a few days and because she had been so busy, her and Brad didn’t have much time to talk or email. She couldn’t believe how much she missed him. Once the plane landed, Amy was ecstatic to be back home. All she had was her purse and one carry-on bag so she quickly got a taxi back to her apartment about half an hour away. It was a beautiful Friday afternoon and the weekend weather would continue to be sunny but cool. The moment she made it home, she put her bag down, kicked off her heels and grabbed her phone to text Brad. She apologized for being so preoccupied over the past few days and asked if he would feel like meeting up later. To her surprise he mentioned a party one of their mutual friends was having and asked her to meet him there. Neither one of them were the party type but “What the hell..” she thought, as long as she was able to see him.

That was just the beginning, want to see more? I bet you will not be disappointed! I’m newly published on Kindle and have the full four chapters available for just $2.99! I would LOVE feedback and reviews, creative criticism welcome and appreciated. I would also love to hear feedback on what others would like to see in Volume Two, which I am in the process of writing. Here is the link for read Volume One in full:

Thank you in advance!
