My Unfaithful Love Bite

**Chapter 1**

There’s nothing fun about being a real estate agent, not really. Most of my days are spent behind a desk, processing paperwork and speaking to potential customers, I say potential because that’s all we seem to get these days. When I do get to go it isn’t particularly much fun either, at least not anymore. I used to love giving wealthy people a tour around various beautiful homes, places that I could never afford. However, after a while these gorgeous homes became reminders of what I could never have, unless of course I won the lottery or something. That being said, I’m pretty happy with the way that my life has turned out, I don’t have any kids, I’ve never really been family orientated like that, but I do have a husband that loves me dearly. He always tells me how beautiful I am and how lucky he is to have me, and I do appreciate him, I really do, but sometimes, I feel as though I’m stuck in a rut. Every day is the same, and sometimes it’s near impossible to tell one week apart from the next, I feel like a hamster on a wheel, stuck in a world in which there is no escape.

Though most of my days were pretty lame, there were some that weren’t, and last Tuesday was definitely one of those days. I’d turned up to work as usual and found that I had a few showings deliver that day, ‘great, more houses that I’ll never be able to buy,’ I thought to myself. First on the list was DeAngelo Stone, I mean, what kind of name’s that? It sounded like the kind of a name a pornstar from the 80’s would’ve used. I can’t lie though, DeAngelo appeared to be a pretty handsome fella, he was young, sexy and loaded what girl wouldn’t want him. He had quite an exotic look to him, and from his picture I could tell that he was a bit of a playboy, but what the hell, how bad could he be right?

I was the first to arrive at the house, but it wasn’t long before DeAngelo turned up. I could tell it was him from a mile away, he was driving a jet black BMW that looked as though it had just left the showroom. If I didn’t know any better I would’ve said that he brought this car just to impress me. The windows were tinted black and the rims glistened like diamonds, almost blinding to the eye, the sound system caused the air to vibrate violently as they pumped out the baselines of what I could only guess was modern day hip hop. The car crept up the driveway at a snail’s pace until it finally came to a stop. DeAngelo slowly stepped out of the car, scouting his surroundings, ‘Mrs Penny, is it?’ He asked.

‘Yes, that’s me,’ I replied as I reached out to greet him.

He gripped my hand firmly whilst staring deep into my eyes, it was a pretty nerve racking experience, I could already see the deep lust in his eyes towards me, ‘Shall we?’ I said whilst gesturing to DeAngelo to enter the house.

‘Of course, no time like the present right Mrs Penny?’


**Chapter 2**

I entered the house behind DeAngelo. We stood in an open spaced area with a spiralling staircase directly in front of us, the ceiling as high as the heavens, littered in diamonds; it was one of the most beautiful sights I’d ever seen. ‘Wow, this place rocks!’ DeAngelo said excitingly. He unexpectedly grabbed my hand and spun me into his arms causing me to drop my paperwork.

‘What the hell are you doing?’ I yelled whilst breaking myself free from his hold.

‘Woah, calm down, I was just having a little fun. Can’t you tell just how excited I am right now?’

‘That’s fine, but please, I’d rather you keep your hands to yourself.’

‘Fine, fine,’ he replied whilst wondering off into the nearby kitchen.

The heated, white marble flooring was a sight to behold, its well polished finished reflected the light across the room perfectly. The counter surfaces were coloured grey, complementing the rest of the decor. The living space typically resembled that of which you’d expect an individual who’d acquired great wealth to make their home. However, DeAngelo seemed to be at a loss for words as he stood perfectly still, mesmerised by his surroundings.

‘Mrs Penny…’


‘Would you move in here with me?’

‘What on Earth are you going on about?’ I asked frustratingly ‘Did you come here to look at the house, or to hit on the estate agent?’

‘Well, originally, I just wanted to find something beautiful I could call my own you know, and I guess, I guess I did.’

‘Great, so you like the place then?’ I replied enthusiastically.

‘The place is fine, but I was actually hinting at your beauty Mrs Penny.’

He walked over to me and placed his hand upon my cheek, stroking my face gently from top to bottom. I don’t know why, but I couldn’t move, it was as if I’d been frozen in time. I wasn’t scared, I suppose, I suppose I was beginning to like all of the attention he was giving me.

‘Wait, stop,’ I slapped his hand away and took a step back, ‘I’m flattered, but I’ m a married woman,’ I said whilst flashing my ring at him.

DeAngelo looked me dead in the eye with a warm, loving gaze, ‘Are you telling me that? Or are you just reminding yourself?’

I didn’t answer. He stepped in towards my body and placed his hands upon my waist, ‘At any moment you can tell me to stop Mrs Penny, and I will,’ he said seductively.

We both stood in silent. He then moved in towards me, stopping just a few centimetres away from my lips. ‘So, are you gonna tell me to stop?’ He asked daringly.

I was beginning to sweat, I wanted to pull away, but he was so captivating, I just couldn’t bring myself to back off. Our lips were now lightly connected to one another, as I slowly moved my head away, you could see a string of saliva that bound our lips together. Suddenly, he withdrew himself and spun me around, grabbing me by my arms and pulling me into him so that my ass was now pressing against his crotch. He held my arms in place, I could barely move, but, it’s not like I wanted to. I could feel his cock growing, jabbing me in the backside, I tilted my head back as he stroked my neck with his right hand before gently grabbing a hold of it, and kissing it softly. ‘Do you like that Mrs Penny?’ He asked whilst slowly massaging my ass with his now rock hard cock.

‘Mmm, i-it feels good… b-but we should stop?’

‘Why? Don’t we deserve to feel good?’

‘I-I’m married, I shouldn’t be doing this.’

