[MfM] Wild Roses pt. 13: Guard Post [prost] [dp]

From a distance, only the guttering light from a single torch showed Autumn that the guard post was active, but as she drew closer she could hear a pair of racouous northern voices from within, and as she drew up at the doorway, she saw what it was about.

The two guards were both tall and broad, with long red hair and bushy beards, and sat in the center of the guardroom with a small keg between them and a tankard in hand, throwing dice.

“Shouldn’t you be watching the road?” she asked with a smirk, where she stood leaning in the doorway.

“Och, li’l lass is scared brigands are goin’ to carry’er off into tha night!” the taller of the guards offered to what Autumn guessed to be his brother, who nodded roughly in assent.

“Aye, ‘t’would seem so.” he shrugged, and threw his dice. Briefly looking under his cup, he soon made an announcement. “Four threes.”

Between them they had several tall stacks of silver, which Autumn eyed greedily.

“Well”, she suggested airily, “if you’re not watching the road anyway, maybe I can join your game?”

“Ye have a wager, lass?” the taller guard asked, and after looking at his dice, he made an announcement of his own. “Four fours.”

Autumn sat down between them, pulling down the hem of the tunic idly. “No silver, but I expect my travel leathers are worth something?”

The shorter guard looked her over, and from the look in his eyes, Autumn knew she had them. “Aye, I expect so.” he offered. “Six fours.”

“Liar.” his brother retorted with a grin that soured as soon as the taller guard turned his cup over to reveal his hand. As he tossed the coins in the pot over to his brother, the guard got up and fetched a tankard, a cup, and dice for Autumn.

“Do ye know the game, lass?” he asked as he filled the tankard, and Autumn turned the gaming implements over in her hand.

“I’ve played a couple of times.” she said with a smile. “I’m afraid I’m not very good.”

“Och, ye’ll do fine.” the taller guard offered. “Me name’s Desmond, by the by, Des for short. This is me brother Ross.”

“Nice to meet you both.” Autumn offered with a smile, as she removed her chestguard. “How much for this?”

Desmond looked over at her, taking in her shape through the thin fabric of her tunic. “Four silvers from me.” he offered, and Ross nodded in assent.

With eight marks at her feet, Autumn joined the game. For a while she held her own, but realizing she wouldn’t be able to win the pot fairly, she soon had her chestguard joined by her bracers, then her boots, and then her belt, leaving her with nothing but her tunic, all while Autumn was making sure to let the brothers outpace her on the beer.

“Ten marks each for the tunic.” she offered the guardsmen. “But you’ll have to give me a chance to win something back before I’ll take it off.”

They were both quick to take it up on her offer, and Autumn did her best to lose the final wagers as quick as she could without seeming like she was trying, but not so slow that she didn’t keep the brothers’ attention.

“Liar!” she called triumphantly on her last two silvers, knowing full well that Desmonds bid was well expected, and with a grin he turned his cup over.

“Aye”, Ross mused, “ye aren’t so good at this, lass.”

“Fine, then.” Autumn said with a feigned sigh, and stripped off her tunic, consigning it to the pile of her leathers. “I guess I’m all out of things to bet.”

“Och”, Desmond suggested, looking her over, “I wouldn’t say that, now.”

“Oh, that’s a very different game, then.” Autumn suggested with a grin, draining her half-full tankard. “One that everyone wins?”

Ross nodded. “Aye, I think so.”

“Maybe even enough for me to win back my clothes, and that pile of silver?” Autumn suggested with a sly smile, and Desmond shrugged noncomittally.

“We’ll see, lass.” he offered, stripping off his own leather jerkin, revealing the muscled, hairy chest beneath.

Ross was quick to join him, and soon both of them had their breeches off as well. Their cocks were both on the large side, but not of any size Autumn hadn’t seen often enough before, and the excitment of the game had left them both growing. Both on their feet, they crowded around Autumn where she sat on the floor, and with practiced confidence she moved back and forth between them, kissing, carressing and lightly sucking to bring them both to full attention.

“Who goes first, then?” she asked with a grin, and Desmond was quick to pull her to her feet.

“That’d be me, lass.” he said, and with his hands firmly wrapped around her rear he lifted her up and lowered her onto his cock where he stood.

With a sigh and a gasp, Autumn took it all in, wrapping her arms around his broad shoulders where he stood grinding her against him.

“Although”, he said, nodding to Ross, “first is mayhaps not the best way of sayin’ it.”

Autumn held onto his shoulders as she leaned back slightly to look into his eyes.

“What do you mean?” she asked, her question soon answered by Ross’ hot breath on the back of her neck and his cock prodding against her ass.

“Oh…” she said with a nervous grin. “Just go slow, then.” she said, turning over her shoulder to offer Ross a smile.

Ross did, at least at first, but after carefully making his way into her and getting a feel for her experience, increased the tempo along with his brother, and between them the two guardsmen pounded her roughly, their fervour increasing as the volume of her delighted squeals and gasps did. Pressed between the two broad chests, getting fucked hard, Autumn’s ecstacy was quickly mounting, but before she reached her apex, the guardsmen did, blowing their load almost in unison, the hot sticky mess filling Autumn up front and back, and leaving them both staggering backwards as Desmond let her down to find her feet.

Stumbling slightly, partly from frustration and partly from exertion, Autumn made her way over to her pile of clothes, and quickly slipped into her tunic.

“Was that worth the silver along with my wager back?” she asked Desmond with a grin, and panting he gave her a dismissive wave she took to mean ‘Yes’.

Quickly she strapped on her leathers, and soon had the silver gathered up into her purse. Before she stepped out into the cool night, she gave each of the guardsmen a quick kiss on the cheek, and outside she ambled unsteadily to the baths.

Within the stone walls of the bathhouse, she found Spring reclining in the tub, the merest hint of a bruise beginning to bloom on her face.

“What happened to you?” Autumn asked as she washed herself in the cool, soapy water.

“Over-eagerness.” Spring said with a shrug, slouching deeper into the water.

“Are you all right?” Autumn asked with a concerned smile, and Spring nodded idly.

“I’ll be fine.” she said with a grin. “Three gold dollars will buy whatever salves I need.”

“Not bad.” Autumn said with a grin as she clambered into the tub and sat down next to her sister. “I haven’t even counted yet, but I think… fourty, fifty marks?”

“Big deal, you caught a richer guy than me.” Spring huffed, splashing some water at her sister.

Autumn shook her head. “Two guys.”

“A chance at two men, and you didn’t give it away for free?” Spring said with a grin as she sidled up to her sister. “I’m impressed.”

“Says the girl who will fuck anyone who tells her to in stern enough a voice.” Autumn sallied.

“Says the girl who can kick your ass.” Spring offered.

“What are we bickering about?” Summer said, as she stepped into the baths, the night’s offerings running down the inside of her thigh in thick rivulets.

“Who’s a bigger slut.” Spring said airily. “I say it’s Autumn, and of course it is.”

Summer giggled as she lowered herself onto a stool and began washing herself. “Says the girl who will fuck anyone who tells her in stern enough a voice.” she offered with a grin.

“That’s what I said!” Autumn grinned triumphantly.

“Whatever.” Spring fumed. “How did your night go?”

Summer tossed her a heavy golden coin. “You tell me.”

Snatching it deftly out of the air, Spring examined the coin closely.

“A crown?” she asked. “You have two guys too?”

Summer shook her head. “Only the one, and his wife.”

“This is worth eight dollars.” Spring said with a sage nod. “I think it’s fair to say you won tonights little outing.”

“And we’re set for a while, right?” Autumn chimed in.

“I’d say so.” Spring agreed, placing the coin on the edge of the tub and sinking back into the water.

“It’s amazing what a little magic will get you, isn’t it?” Summer said with a warm smile, but while Autumn answered with an eager nod, Spring frowned.

“Magic?” she said thoughtfully, and Summer nodded with a smile.

“That’s bad news.” Spring mused. “People fear magic.”

“Oh…” Summer began, “Should I not have…”

“It’ fine, but we should pack up and make our way out of town tomorrow.” Spring said, cutting her off. “There’s another little town about a day’s walk to the north, I’ve always wanted to go.”

“Sounds like a plan, then.” Autumn offered, and Summer nodded casually as she made her way into the tub.

“Is it really that bad?” she asked as she took a seat between her sisters.

Spring shrugged. “It’s not good.”

“How bad?” Autumn asked nervously.

“Really not good.” Spring affirmed, leaning back into the water.

After the sisters soaked for a while, they made their way back to the inn, and in the morning, after a light breakfast, they made their way up the road to the north, stopping only briefly at the market to dip into Autumn’s purse of silver for a rich and filling lunch for the road, and with the forest on the horizon they kept good pace.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5p69cg/mfm_wild_roses_pt_13_guard_post_prost_dp