[fM] Wild Roses pt. 11: Night Life [prost] [fsub] [Mdom]

A silver mark bought the sisters a small room at the back of the inn for the night, with little in the way of furniture, apart from a broad but hard bed and a small table with two chairs, one missing a leg and the other missing its back. As Willard had suggested, the silver had also covered board for the three of them, and for lunch the inn-keep had produced a small platter of bread, bacon and field fruits, alongside a pitcher of beer and a small jar of berry preserves. As they sat eating, the three sisters took to planning their way forwards.

“I think we need some more money.” Spring suggested. “Nine marks will last us no more than a week, and that hardly makes an adventure.”

Autumn nodded solemnly. “Agreed.”

“How are we to earn money, though?” Summer asked, worrying at her heel of bread. “None of us have a trade, at least not one in good repute.”

“Couldn’t you wow some people with your magics?” Autumn suggested.

Summer shook her head. “People are afraid of magic. It’d sooner get us run out of town than a full purse.”

Spring nodded, and looked to Autumn. “You could hunt, maybe?”

“Maybe.” she offered doubtfully. “But I didn’t see a lot of game in the market, just pork and beef.”

“And mutton.” Summer added.

“Yes, and mutton. And a few chickens.” Autumn conceded. “Still, it doesn’t seem like there’s much call for wild game.”

Spring nodded sagely.

“I overheard something in the baths…” Summer said with a frown. “The woman who was flitting around the two guardsmen was offering to take them into her bed for the night for a few marks.”

Autumn frowned. “Men will pay for that?”

“Oh, yeah.” Spring said, nodding. “I actually talked to a few girls like that at bath, when I was in town training. Pay is pretty good, apparently, if you’re young and cute, at least.”

Autumn nodded thoughtfully.

“So you know how that game works?” Autumn suggested, and Spring nodded casually.

“Good.” Summer said with a smile. “You can impress us both in the morning with your earnings tonight.”

“What, me?” Spring said, surprised. “Why me?”

“You know how it works.” Summer suggested.

“And between the three of us, you’re the sweetest tart.” Autumn added with a giggle.

“Fine.” Spring said with a shrug. “I’ll go out tonight. Could probably even find a traveller in the common room.”

“That’s the spirit.” Autumn offered with a grin, draining her tankard of beer.

“Actually…” Summer started unsurely, fidgeting with her bacon. “I might have a better idea.”

“Oh?” Spring said, pouring Autumn more beer.

“Why don’t we all go out tonight, and see who can bring in the most?” Summer offered with a smile.

“Oh”, Autumn said, “you’re so on.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Spring offered with a smile. “I’ll explain the tricks to you, as much as I know them.”


By the time Spring was satisfied her sisters knew what to do, the sun was hanging low in the sky, and the common room of the inn was filling up with wanderers and townies alike. The sisters found themselves a seat at the back of the room, and inconspicuously surveyed the crowd from their shadowy seats.

“The crowd is a bit too thin.” Spring mused after a while. “We’re going to have to split up.”

Summer nodded. “Where else would there be people at this hour?”

“The baths, to be sure.” Spring offered. “And the guard posts around the edge of the town are usually a safe bet as well.”

Autumn nodded in turn, as she stood up. “I’ll go see if there are anyone hard on their post, then.” she offered with a smile, and quickly slipped out.

Summer waved nonchalantly to her, before turning back to Spring. “I suppose it’s the baths for you, then.”

“For me?”

“Your hair looks better wet.” Summer said with a nod and a grin. “Mine just looks all flat and heavy.”

With a shrug, Spring got up as well. “Have fun, then.”

“Oh, I will.” Summer replied, eyeing a couple at the bar.

Outside, the air was cool and refreshing as Spring made her way to the baths. Save for the lanterns in the market square and outside what few businesses remained open, the night was dark and quiet, and when she stepped into the warm, heavy air of the bath house, she found that the baths were as well.

Still, she quickly slipped out of her tunic and, after a quick wash, made her way into the large stone tub that dominated the room. As she relaxed and patiently waited, the heavy air seeped into her body, filling her up and leaving her soft and pink.

Half an hour on, her waiting finally paid off, as a traveller came plodding in and sat down to wash. She had not seen him before, and he had an unusual look to him. He was tall and broad; darker in skin and hair than she was used to seeing. His short hair was coarse and tightly curled, and his skin coppery and smooth, and covered in a thick pelt of coarse black hair to match his head.

As he washed, she carefully watched him through half-closed eyes, and often saw him casting lingering glances over at her. When he was done washing, he stepped into the tub as well, and in spite of its size and desolation, he sat quite close.

“You like what you see?” Spring asked as he sat down, full well seeing the answer from the state of his cock.

He nodded abashedly, and Spring scooted a little closer. “Looking is free”, she offered, “but if you want more…”

“‘Ow much?” he inquired, with a thick, dancing accent.

“That depends on what you want, I suppose.” Spring shrugged as she moved closer still. “But three dollars should cover whatever you have in mind.”

“Tre?” the man asked with a frown.

Spring nodded, and scooting right up to him slipped her hand into the warm water and grabbed the base of his cock, where she began to slowly stroke it.

“Well worth it, I assure you.” she said with a grin, and he quickly relented.

“Wery well.” he said, leaning back. “Tre it is.”

“Good choice.” Spring said with a grin, upping her tempo slightly. “So what is it you want for your gold?”

“Your language tires me.” he said idly. “Put your lips to work on something else while I consider.”

With a grin, Spring manoeuvred herself into place in front of him, and with a deep breath she dove under the water, where with one hand working his cock and the other caressing his sack she began sucking him off as best she could in the warm water. When she forced her eyes open to see what she was doing, it stung momentarily, but she was soon used to it, and enthusiastically taking all of him in, coming up for quick breaths now and then.

Despite the starting and stopping, she could feel his excitement quickly building, and every time she came up for air she could hear his breath deepening. Finally, after four times up, he had figured out what he wanted.

“Enough.” he said simply as he stood, bringing Spring sharply to her feet in the thigh-deep water and turned her around.

He positioned her quickly, pushing her forwards to lean on the side of the tub, both hands planted firmly on the rough stone, and grabbing her hips firmly with both hands he plunged his cock deep into her and began fucking her in earnest. His hard thrusts were selfish and rough, the length of him filling Spring up on every stroke, and despite herself Spring soon found herself moaning and gasping, the intensity of it tweaking at something deep inside her.

Her every squeal and pant filled up the room, reverberating off of the thick stone walls, and every sound and movement seemed to inflame the stranger further, adding to his fervour and strength. It wasn’t long before a shattering orgasm sent Spring flailing as she filled the room with a primal scream of pleasure. As she did, her hand slipped from the edge of the tub, and she stumbled forwards, tripping over the edge and hung folded over it with her rear sticking up and her face pressed to the cool tile floor without, the man slipping out as she moved.

Swiftly he recovered, and stepping up to the tub he mounted her again where she hung, pounding her with redoubled effort, until finally he withdrew and with a groan sprayed her thighs, rump and back with his hot, sticky seed. Spent, he stood for a short while, leaning on the edge of the tub and panting, but he soon stepped out and made his way over to the entrance where his clothes lay.

After pulling on his breeches, he produced a small pouch, and with a quick flick of his wrist he tossed three golden coins to Spring, sending them clattering across the floor, coming to a rest in front of her exhausted face, and stepping into his boots as he slipped a tunic over himself, he stepped out into the cool night.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5oqd2c/fm_wild_roses_pt_11_night_life_prost_fsub_mdom


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