Lights, Camera, Action

“Hmmm, no, I need more,” I whimpered. He then took his cock and started running it up and down the sides of my bottom; softly smacking his prick against me,  while saying, “Not yet. Hmmm, I want to have some fun.” At this point I am in agony, feeling the head of his prick slowly move over me, I just want to feel him inside of me so bad. Shaun then placed the head of his dick onto my clit and started trailing it to my slit. Gradually placing his tip inside my pussy, then pulling it back out. In and out, back in and out again. This game he is playing is killing me, the suspense is too much for me to take. All the while he is praising me, “I love how wet you are. This feels so good, do you like it? Do you like how my cock feels?”
