I want to play a game – Part III: Abduction

“He slowly walks behind you, grabs you by the shoulders and ties a dark cloth around your eyes and with his lips next to your ear he whispers
“I am kidnapping you tonight”.

He then grabs you by the arm and leads you to an undisclosed location.
He removes your shoes, shirt and again puts his lips next to your ear and now whispers,
“Tonight I will abscond with your inhibitions”.

You feel something cold slide up your spine then sprinkle down your neck, your back and softly carresses your tail bone. It moves under your chin, glides between your breast and then slowly falls onto your nipples inside your bra.

You feel your bra being pulled against your chest and then quickly cut away from body. Your hands are restrained above your head and then a hand slowly traces your ribs, your hips and as his hand creeps into your now unbuttoned pants you feel lips next to your ear whispering “Tonight you belong to me.”

You feel your hair pulled and a tongue run along the nape of your neck lobe of your ear bitten and as your pants are being unzipped you feel lips next to your ear and he whispers
“I will steal your weariness from you.”

You feel your pants being removed then your panties pulled against your body and being cut from you. You are now bent over and your arms stretched in front of you. You feel slight warmth against your face, through your blindfold you can see the room flickering. That warmth transfered across your spine shoulders and lower back, a gasp is forced from your body.

You feel hands trace southward on your back then slight pinch on your ass before the wind carries the breeze of the his hand smacks your ass as if he was clapping in adulation of your beauty. Each swat a litter harder than the last as he listens for pants and moans.

Legs spread you feel his tongue trace your lips, then his fingertips gingerly entering you. Kisses walk a path back to your neck all the while massaging inside of you. Restraints removed he guides you to lie on your back lips receive gentle kisses before he again whispers,
“Tonight I hold your body for ransom until you release to me all of its pleasures”.

You feel his lips caress your neck, chest, nipples, stomach, and hips till you feel his teeth gently pull your thighs. Hands grip the back of his neck as he first slowly flicks his tongue across your lips then tongue enters as you cling even tighter. You rock hips as grip tightens leaving fingerprints on bald head while his tongue mimics the flickering of candlelight in room.

Body comes closer to closure pleasure sensory deprivation is over as you now have an overload of clitoral titillation vocal chords vibrate to release exhilarated screams with means to scare away boring boogeymen.

Now possessed body begins to contort he kisses deeper till you finally release past demons….take a moment, revel in it. Breath.

Teases just to make you twitch for a bit then you feel his body in between your legs hovering over you as he removes your blindfold. He kisses your lips and whispers in your ear “I told you all of your pleasures…”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/5ojvnf/i_want_to_play_a_game_part_iii_abduction